If you are a black guy and don't look like that ITS OVER

41  2018-03-30 by Parara_papapapaVeis


Said it twice so it must be right

That guy has a 3 incher


Yeah right,black men have it easier with women you are more likely to be tall,muscle body athlete looking dudes with big dicks.

That's a big load of bullshit. If your goal is being muscular then the only thing that matters is how hard you try. Btw dick size doesn't matter if you have an awesome body.

You are so insecure that you need to reaffirm that

No I just speak facts lol

Unless youre in white land somewhere

Except that white men are stronger and taller than black men on average, and does better with women.

Not where I'm from,and just look at who dominates sports. I'm white btw.

White men dominate sports lmao basketball and American football are not sports they are autism the only real sport is football (soccer).


White men dominate at weightlifting. Blacks can jump higher and run faster at short distances, but that's about it.

80% of the black guys I have seen at my university are chads. The rest are almost all decent looking normies.

Yeah most are born tall and athletic ,way more often then white guys. Of course there is ugly black guys but I think the ratio for ugly black guys is way lower then for white ugly.then the women will automatically assume he's got a bbc.

Looks like Doomfists older brother

Wrong. The black guys doing best are skinny, naturally cut, Soundcloud rappers who smoke lots of weed.


Giga nigga

You guys are delusional if you think blacks do better then whites