It's over. Even wifi networks have better personality than you. Girls want to connect to Chad and not to you.

67  2018-03-30 by UnfamiliarCaptain


(yes my carrier is virgin mobile)

Yeah, I'm waiting for Virgin Immobile to come out, I feel it suits my lifestyle better,

iWeebs leaving bluetooth on

Ugh. How do you not have battery %age on?? I couldn’t do it.

Google is your friend

Reread my comment :)

Stupid roastie. Settings>battery>battery percentage=off. If you don’t want to be “mansplained”, don’t make a parody of yourself.

Reading comprehension cel

For the second time.

REREAD my comment.

Fucking bandwidth-lets BTFO!

Even the network is virgin just ldar.

Just the virgin on the top left should be all incels phones. I would look at it for my daily attempt to cry.

What's the point all connections ain't open only Stacy has the Pass

it's over for wificels

I loled out loud. These shitposts are why I’m here
