
156  2018-03-30 by fightingthepirates


I love how cunts always manage to turn this situation around and blame men, but fail to realize they only have one thing any guy wants.

but fail to realize they only have one thing any guy wants.

Which is personality obviously

It's not hard to feel good about yourself when society validates you every single day simply for having a vagina.

Yet somehow women are still massively more mentally ill than men. Women are so subhuman that their brains still break despite being coddled by society for their entire lives.

if women are subhuman and incels are subhuman and i'm a female incel, am i extremely subhuman?

No you're just looking for attention.

GTFO LARPER you are male

Women are subhuman? This is the reason you all can't get laid.

hahahahha this one is new

In what way would society coddle me? You live in such an ignorant bubble.

In what way would society coddle me?


typical woman doesn't know all the privileges she has just for having a pussy.

here's a little slice of all the things women get to enjoy in society:


But more blackpill related: Women don't have to bring anything to the table other than looks. A man has to have looks, finances, a personality, an interesting lifestyle and excellent conversation skills.

Don't feed the trolls bruh. She lives off attention.

Some of these may hold true, but have a logical reasoning behind them. Some of these are simply extreme, and are not true. And some of these may hold true, and it's wrong that they do.

Being a man and being a woman simply both has its own privileges and disadvantages, though. Although I don't think one gender is being held down extremely, and suffering very seriously more than the other. And if you think that is the case, I'm not saying anyone's opinion is wrong, but generally someone having a warped reality is possible, and would definitely not be foreign at all on this sub. The accusations some people on here make such as saying that all women are the same, and that all women want the same thing, is obviously overly ridiculous, short-sighted, and delusional, and does make me seriously question your critical thinking ability.

Women don't have to bring anything to the table other than looks. A man has to have looks, finances, a personality, an interesting lifestyle and excellent conversation skills.

So you're basically saying that men value looks more than women do. Which is the truth, but you're literally denying it, or even turning it around. Men desire an attractive woman more than women desire an attractive men. It's probably in the nature of men. An attractive women gets a man going more than an attractive man does to a woman. You can't deny that. Women generally want to be with a high status man, this is just an example, a rich but conventionally unattractive man could get a decent amount of women. And men generally want to be with an attractive woman, because (sadly) that's seen as high status for a woman.

And it's not wrong to have preferences for your partner, or even possibly requirements, such as that the partner has to have an education and a job. But in practice no one has a checklist of what their futute parnter has to hold up to, and if they do, they're only getting themselves with that. You're talking as if women are instinctive animals who "select" a partner based on all the things you mentioned. But you're forgetting some key points that are even more important: emotional connection, love. Those things don't care about how rich, how confident, or how good looking someone is. That means in practice, a man doesn't "have to has" anything you mentioned, because you actually like him, love him, and care for him. I hope you understand the actual, practical meaning of this. He actually means something to you as a person. You would do anything for someone you love, and you would not leave them for anything, or no matter what. And no money, attractiveness, or skills, can achieve that emotional aspect.

But I agree that what you said may hold true for some people nowadays, if women and men get together with each other, or even marry each other, based on their "external value", then marriages are gonna fail, and people are going to cheat once they find someone with better "value". Because their partner doesn't actually means something to them.

And I get that "love", and loving someone might be a vague thing, and hard to describe, but I believe that it might mean that you are emotionally connected to them, you actually like them, you care about them, and they mean a lot to you. And all this simply because of who they are. Nothing else can "achieve" this way of feeling, and this bond. I don't think you can choose who you fall in love with, at least I definitely don't.

I hope I could explain myself a little.

Women also cannot be incel unless they are literal downies or disfigured. A woman can find a relationship ANY time she wants. Ugly men have to wait for years and years while hoping to get lucky because women are all hypergamous.

Why do you think women can not be incel, and can find a relationship any time they want?

And I don't agree that all women are hypergamous. Because I'm the living proof, but I'm sure you won't believe it, and you don't have to. But my opinion might not even matter because no guy would want me anyway lol.

And of course shallow women exist, but those are the only women you focus on. There are also women who don't care about looks as much. If that's not the majority of them. The thought that women are exploiting, evil, and shallow humans, only looking for "Chads", is so ingrained into you, that you can't see that there are also women who only care about personality. I think generally shallow women might be more out there and more noticeable, whereas women who don't care about looks might not be as well.

And shallow men exist just as much. I personally can not believe that a man would genuinely want to date someone who he isn't sexually attracted to, because of how important sexual attraction is to men. And because of this, there's a big chance that he would leave her for a more attractive woman who he is sexually attracted to, if he would get the chance. And if you're gonna say he will never get that chance, then he is only settling for her, dating her just to at least not be alone. Not because she actually means something to him, and he actually wants to be with her for who she is a person, and he actually loves her.

I saw a guy on here saying that if he would get with his looksmatch, they both would be wishing to date a more attractive person for the rest of their lives. That made my stomach turn lmao, cause I personally want to be with someone who wants to be with me for who I am, because he actually loves me and I actually mean a lot to him.

i did not read a word of this

It is really long, I'm sorry haha, I usually am like that.

Brevity is the sister of Wit.


I read all of it. Good post, hopefully you find a guy willing to love you.

Thank you. But a guy has to be "willing to love me". And I don't even believe anyone is even "willing" to do that haha

This entire post is just about you and your problems. Literally has nothing to do with the facts; that women are only want chads and that femoids can't be incel.

You yourself admitted you can't be incel, but you used your retarded femoid reasoning to pretend it doesn't count:

women might be able to get into a relationship, although I don't even believe that to be possible for me in the slightest, but a conventionally unattractive woman is only able to get into a relationship, literally only because the convenientally unattractive guy can't find anyone else. Not because he would actually want to be with her.

You typed all that bullshit and you still were wrong in the end. Femoid logic lmao. You are a volcel like all femoids.

Yeah I didn't want to make it about me, and tried not to.

I don't care about looks in the slightest.

And sometimes you say that if a guy pays a hooker to have sex with him, he still is an incel. And sometimes you say that women will eventually "settle" for an incel, but he still is an incel. So why would it be any different for a woman when a man would only "settle" for her.

What's the point when you're repulsive, and therefore unlovable? Even if I'm not an incel according to you, that doesn't mean that I'm not "suffering" because of this. Anyone would (mentally) suffer from this.

Will you be my gf?

Oh look, somebody already offered.

Now watch as this retarded femoid will say no and come up with some excuse lmao

And sometimes you say that women will eventually "settle" for an incel

Nobody says this. You're thinking about betabux, someone who a woman only gets with so he can provide for her financially. If you aren't a betabux then there's nothing wrong. See what I mean? You don't even know what you're talking about. You're just a dumb femoid trying to fit in and pretend like nobody would go out with you. There are dozens of guys in this sub right now who would willingly go out with you. Gtfo you normie scum.

Then is an incel according to you someone who could literally never find anyone, just because of the way he looks?

There are dozens of guys in this sub right now who would willingly go out with you.

Even IF, that's because they don't know what I look like.

And I'm not seeking for attention, if you think I do, then don't give any please.

Then is an incel according to you someone who could literally never find anyone, just because of the way he looks?

What do you think INVOLUNTARY celibate means?

Even IF, that's because they don't know what I look like.

if you aren't 500 lbs or disfigured in the face then someone here will find you attractive, because men are biologically wired to find most women attractive. Now fuck off you fucking dipshit normie.

And no, I'll keep responding to you and tearing down your retarded femoid arguments.

Then why are you saying I can't be an incel, I'm involuntary celibate as well.

What I mean is that I would date/go out with any guy, but only if I like him. Like him as a person, on an emotional level. With any guy, I only mean any regarding looks.

So do you think I'm not allowed to have any personality standards?

But no guy would want to date me, because it's impossible for a guy to be physically attracted to me.

but only if I like him. Like him as a person, on an emotional level. With any guy, I only mean any regarding looks.

You are a volcel. You are actively CHOOSING beause you know that you have the choice. Incels have no choice.

Stop larping you dumb bitch

Lmao choosing from what? I don't have anything to "choose" from. And wanting at least a decent person as a partner isn't something you can bash me abou. Even an incel wouldn't want an agressive, mean, dishonest person.

An incel would take anyone. You are a pretender.

Jesus either you're an elaborate troll or you're seriously starved for attention.

If I just wanted attention I certainly wouldn't take so much effort for it

For a good typist it wouldn't take very long or much effort to type what you did.

Well I'm not a good typist

All we have is your word.

I don't really have an end goal. I guess I basically just wanted to share my view on it.

It's possible to be neither a misogynist nor a self-effacing white knight.

It's also possible to communicate your trivial opinions without making a wall of text no one will read.

I never said that wasn't possible. And I suck at keeping it short

i just know you never met a woman in your whole life

neither have you kpopfag xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

except i am one xDDDD

a female kpop fan? sure and i'm vladimir putin



"I got dumped twice and my mom beat my ass as a child so i use that to shit on other women on reddit"


you're an autist


no. I've known hundreds of women

It's funny how men and women hurl stereotypes at each other.

spurt or vomit rly.

She's right though... We do only want one thing and she is disgusted by it. That thing we want is actual romantic affection.

It’s a meme.

I get that, I am allowed to post my own jokes damn it!

Females literally only want one thingChad, and it's fucking disgusting.

Women only want to feel Chad inside themselves.

She was projecting

Except not? Lol

You see, we come from r/all looking at posts like this one thinking maybe it’s better now. And assholes like you reminds us that this sub is just r/incels 2.0

You are ruining the lives of others by dragging them down with you to the shithole you call ‘community’ with your toxic behavior and delusions. You say girls (femoids ree) only like looks and don’t care about personality but you never stopped to think that maybe you have a shitty personality yourself

''you have a shitty personality yourself'' really? XD is that your conclusion?

I mean you just judged 50% of humanity... I feel like you're either ignorant or an asshole is you think every girl wants a chad. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that what you describe as a chad is appealing to probably a majority of women, but saying that they're all the same is just excusing yourself from having to think and definitely makes you at least LOOK like an asshole, y'know?

He might have a shitty personality but girls mostly care about the looks.

It's not self-exclusionary.

we come from /r/all

Lmao not a great start there bud

why you think it's n all. cuz highly upvoted due to being true. fuck off.

100 upvotes is not much

You’re talking about the post I’m talking about the comment

So sad you actually believe it’s true.. sad how they take advantage of your pain and brainwash you with hate

maybe you have a shitty personality yourself,

  • Personality is just the sum of past experiences, not an innate part of who we are. It’s plastic is molded over time.

  • Perceived personality scales with attractiveness.

It’s not innate, you are a product of what you think about.

Thinking bitter angry thoughts, will make you a bitter angry person.

You can change. It’s not “over”. A perspective shift would be valuable.

I’d recommend downloading audible and using your free token to get “how to stop worrying and start living” and use it as a tool.

Everytime you catch yourself in a negative feedback loop, put your headphones in and start listening.

It won’t cure you on its own (the same way cleaning your apartment won’t cure depression on its own) but it will help.

You you you you your you yourself your you you

I’m not an incel, nor am I depressed, nor do I have a negative outlook on life or a bad personality. I also live in a house, which I own, and it an apartment.

Good for you man, I’m glad you’re not depressed.

I was sort of generally talking to the whole sub

So appearance and generic averages imply generalizations?

Um what?

I was sort of generally talking to the whole sub


You really have a very easy life and a very limited understanding of suffering and of human relationships if you think personality loops back into one's own thoughts and that thoughts and feelings can be changed by listening to a tape. Your advice might be sound for someone spoiled and pampered like you, but the incels here much harder lives.

What makes you're life so difficult, if you don't mind me asking?

I do mind you asking because you're clearly not asking in good faith. The difficulties incels face in life are plain to see as presented here on this sub. If you cared to educate yourself, you'd educate yourself, but you're too spoiled and self-centered to do even that.

I just don’t believe being ugly is the end all be all that you think it is.

I mean, I know it isn’t.

There are some ugly dudes at my dnd games and two of them have girlfriends.

My dad isn’t that attractive. He’s divorced and plays darts with his friends twice a week and helps deliver mattresses to the needy. Has hobby’s and we talk all the time. He’s happier than I am.

You appear to make Sense.

It's funny how you just instantly gave up on finding about those difficulties and just proceeded to your argument as to why they don't matter. You probably don't even realize how that exposes exactly the bad faith that I was talking about previously.

Imagine believing this unironically. Fucking lol @ normies.

Please leave, faggot.

You are ruining the lives of others by dragging them down with you to the shithole you call ‘community’ with your toxic behavior and delusions.

No we don't, r/all retard. If you come from r/all, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Lurk more.

Lmao “you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about”

Do you think r/Incels was banned for no reason? You’re a cult! You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys and brainwash them with lies, you tell them they worth nothing just so you won’t feel like a complete loser. You somehow think that if you convince others that they are worthless you won’t be alone.

You’re scum, and this sub should be buried just like the last time

Damn, blue haired fat feminists at reddit banned r/incels. You got me, that must mean that the sub is bad.

You’re a cult!

lol no. We have more diversity of thought here than there should be. Literally everyone posts here. Communists, incel communists, socialists, alt-righters, none of the above, normies, incels, red pillers, men, women...I can go on.

You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys and brainwash them with lies

No, that's literally what society does. Society is the one who damaged and hurt the young boys too.

you tell them they worth nothing

Nope, society has. If they felt worthy of something at all, they wouldn't be on this sub. This sub wouldn't need to exist.

just so you won’t feel like a complete loser.

Wtf? Nobody pushes anybody down here. We already realize that we're all losers. We're just being losers together.

You somehow think that if you convince others that they are worthless you won’t be alone.

What? Nobody here is recruiting anybody. We are simply LDARing in peace with each other.

You’re scum

hmmmmm let's see here...what did you just say?

You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys


You’re scum

You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys

You’re scum

You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys

GTFO hypocrite.

See, this is why your sorry ass is all alone. It’s not the way you look.

Why females are so mean to me omg it’s so unfair I’m so nice! I bet they only want Chad.

dis is y ur incel

how do you know I'm an incel? I could be a blackpilled normie, or even chad.


fucking cunt i could fuck you and i'm sexist

I love it. Doesn't have a response back so uses the classic "dis is y ur incel".

Are you actually a human being or some sort of retarded rebot programmed to spew absurdities at a 6th grade level.

blah blah blah here's why I'm justified in harassing people for fun. I'm totally doing it for great justice and not because I'm sick piece of shit that derives pleasure from hurting others.

I would feel bad for you, but honestly I don’t really care

You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys

I'll take a saying out of your book:

You're scum.

I understand that you're incapable of empathy. You don't need to specifically tell me.

Hayte thpeetch

Very low iq comment.

Being normal would be great


Dead meme

Tinder profile requirements:

6ft , 100K salary, must have athletic build.

Check, soon check, kind of check

Dw im just taking the piss here

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Then why are you saying I can't be an incel, I'm involuntary celibate as well.

What I mean is that I would date/go out with any guy, but only if I like him. Like him as a person, on an emotional level. With any guy, I only mean any regarding looks.

So do you think I'm not allowed to have any personality standards?

But no guy would want to date me, because it's impossible for a guy to be physically attracted to me.

100 upvotes is not much

You’re talking about the post I’m talking about the comment

So sad you actually believe it’s true.. sad how they take advantage of your pain and brainwash you with hate

Lmao “you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about”

Do you think r/Incels was banned for no reason? You’re a cult! You take advantage of damages, hurt young boys and brainwash them with lies, you tell them they worth nothing just so you won’t feel like a complete loser. You somehow think that if you convince others that they are worthless you won’t be alone.

You’re scum, and this sub should be buried just like the last time

dis is y ur incel

how do you know I'm an incel? I could be a blackpilled normie, or even chad.


fucking cunt i could fuck you and i'm sexist

I love it. Doesn't have a response back so uses the classic "dis is y ur incel".


Are you actually a human being or some sort of retarded rebot programmed to spew absurdities at a 6th grade level.