Of course it's not alpha Chad jocks bullying you, girls mocking you, your parents and teachers not giving a fuck about you. IT'S TEH INCEL BOARDS!!!111one~1111

104  2018-03-30 by geneticSubhumanTrash


The one place incels have refuge

tfw you get mistaken as a refugee irl

Nah, they get better treatment, where is my government aid for my crippling loneliness?

Mom's basement?

The white knight so triggered an account had to be made

whats wrong with living with my mom?

Didn't say there was, I just assumed it is where you feel safest.

safe? from what?

The outside world. It's ok dude, we don't hate you.

he said, as he was mocking the incel.

They just want us to be alone when we die instead of alone sharing memes with brothers in our safe place

Femoids outwardly wish us well, and in their hearts, wish us painful death.

When I see your username I can't help but think of the car brand

i wish this sub existed when i was in high school. wouldve saved me 5 years of being a blue pilled retard

Couldn't even dream of having a computer or Internet at home when I was in high school, lol. High school life itself blackpilled me enough.

I started reading redpill when I was 12. Then I moved on to r9k for several years up through high school and when I got sick of the traps I went to OG r/incels. And here I am today. Basically, growing up on it makes you feel completely OK and content with being detached from regular society. My mental health would probably be completely fucked without it because I’d probably be even more of a giant pussy and a hell of a lot more lonely.

Adversity makes you tougher. Don't knock it.

Reading TRP at 12, what a world. I'm going to show my nephew this type of shit when he hits his teens but tbh TRP knowledge for teens will probably be normalised by then.

No offense but i really doubt it. Women will have to be much worse of a deal than they already are cfor that to happen.

Hahaha you were browsing redpill when you were youdidntknowdatdoe?? Wtf

I had no friends, days of browsing the internet aimlessly led me there.

Got friends now?


If you say "____pilled" I have a really hard time believing you're even halfway through high school.

you want to suck my dick, is that it?

Are you having a seizure?

werd. i wish i had known that women see 80% of men as below average in highschool. that would have changed everything.

dont worry that will only cement your location in the black pill

The blackpill is not for the weak.

It certainly doesn't help.

It really does help by trying to looksmax in their early years before giving up.

I think it behaves more like a cancer... slowly making it's way into every part oh you.

To be honest, the only positive thing that comes from subs like this is the occasional laugh outsiders get from the garbage that gets posted.

No, this place actually made me realize I could have a chance as a chadlite if I lost some weight and got in shape if my facial structure is good, then the only problem is finding women.

High school is the worse thing for highschooler's self esteem. Compulsory education in America is fucked.

Yup. 100%.

Inceltears retards should be working on getting rid of the problem. Not remove incel boards and pretend incels don’t exist anymore. Incels always have and always will exist. But at least try to make our lives more livable.

I been reading redpill shit since 15. I am a puahate OG

If women put out for betas in high school, they wouldn't be attracted to all this shit.

It is pretty bad. Maybe not the worst thing, but certainly not good. It just breeds and reinforces terrible mindsets. Doesn't really help anyone.

Fakecel culture here does feed right in to a teenager's attention whoring complex. I really think it would be best for both sides to put an age limit on who is allowed to post here.

sorry but kids shouldnt be on here. this is the raw truthful influential stuff they try to keep under wraps. dont wanna be a boy you wanna be a man, tho can you handle it

If you are going to an incel board and start relating to what we say, your life has bigger problems that your self esteem.

You are right, I kinda relate to what you all are saying.

Is it over?

Redpill and Incels didn't exist when I was a bullied kid :D

Yeah. So you only felt bullied, by actual bullies

Not the Internet saying the world is completely against you too!!!!! It is less bad. I found out about the whole incel thing, after I got over the fact of being bullied. And stopped giving a fuck. (Took 10 years,I stopped giving a fuck at age 14.)

Actually I felt multiple black eyes and bruises and a broken tooth.

And the same of being saved by girls. Who obviously dated the bullies.

Still, could've been worse so I won't complain too much.

Dude. I know what it is like. At least some people were nice enough to help you.

I've had black eyes too, glasses smashed. Typed up in volleyball nets and foil balls stuffed in my face, so I could do absolutely nothing.

Luckily most people grow over the physical abuse side of bullying.😂

Well the physical wounds healed. But the mental stress remains.

Being a literal salve for 12 years: fine

Incel boards: completely horrible for self esteem


What? I pointed out the typo that cuck made and then he went ahead and edited his post. lmao

Salves are for Chads, incels use tangoes and magic stick to heal all game

Are you saying school is slavery. Try having a low skilled labor job, then maybe you’ll appreciate school some more.

No I won't

I go to a difficult high school and have a relationship part time job any fucking day I would choose school over work.

Maybe you could look up the definition of the word "literal." Then also maybe "slave" too for good measure.

Try not being a typical reddit moron trying to argue about definitions he hasn't looked up/understood in his entire life

Words matter bud. You used the word "literal", that's the problem. It's not "Definition Fallacy" if you're just flat out using a word incorrectly. Then it just made you an asshole when you applied it to the concept of slavery, claiming you were a "literal slave" because you go to school.

I encourage the younglings to attempt to swallow the red pill before swallowing the black.

They really are though. Negative spaces like this will bring you down further than you already were and keep you there.

Life keeps me down. This board doesn’t lol

So, you don't see how being on a board where people are constantly saying things like "it's over," talking about suicide, and talking about how genetically inferior they are could be bad for one's self-esteem?

To me it feels like a bunch of people that have experienced the same kind of life I have. It's like i'm finally normal.

No? It's just a reality for me. You're absolutely delusional if you think this sub is doing anything.

You have cause and effect absolutely screwed up, but that's expect-able from normies.

My life is shit -> I look for a place of people who understand how I feel.

Not "Hurr durr this sub makes me feel bad" lmao

What else do you believe? Do you believe that if you put on a pair of blindfolds, the rest of the world no longer exists? Because that's essentially what you're doing here.

And no, this sub doesn't hurt my self-esteem. My LIFE hurts my self-esteem. People IRL hurt my self esteem. Again, you confused the cause and effect.

My life is shit -> I look for a place of people who understand how I feel.

Sounds more like "confirmation bias."

You're looking for people to confirm the beliefs you have about yourself and your life.

It usually goes more like this

I'm depressed > I talk to other people who are depressed about being depressed > I get more depressed > I continue talking to other depressed people about being depressed > I never stop being depressed

Thanks, reddit psychologist.

You're looking for people who understand how you feel so that you don't feel so alone

There, fixed that for you.

Again, this sub isn't making me depressed. This sub could disappear right now. I would still hate myself and society. I would still hate my physical illnesses. I would still hate my physical appearance. My problem isn't mental. If Chad woke up in my life position, he would become much more depressed than I could ever be. If I woke up in Chad's life, I would be euphoric. My only problems are physical.

I never said the sub was making you depressed. I said it was keeping you depressed. Because rather than work on the depression, you're sitting here and wallowing in it. It's safer that way. That way, you don't have to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, not all of your problems are physical.

Again, no. My physical situation is keeping me upset.

Wallowing in it lmfao. I am sharing my emotions with others, having fun with others, and what not. Go fuck yourself if you think you have any authority to deny me that.

That way, you don't have to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, not all of your problems are physical.

Thanks, reddit psychologist. I'm sure you know more than I do about myself. Now gtfo.

Now gtfo.

It's a public board. I'll comment here any time I feel like it.

Wallowing in it

That's exactly what goes on here. Every day. Take off the blinders and you'll see it.

Thanks, Mr. Badass, now gtfo.

now gtfo.


You have a very bad personality.

Lol k

Somebody seems insecure

Crab Bucket theory. If you put a bunch of crabs into a bucket, and one tries to get out, the others will drag it back in.

According sheltered ledditors incel boards are the worst thing in humanity lul

tfw you get mistaken as a refugee irl

Mom's basement?


Thanks, reddit psychologist.

You're looking for people who understand how you feel so that you don't feel so alone

There, fixed that for you.

Again, this sub isn't making me depressed. This sub could disappear right now. I would still hate myself and society. I would still hate my physical illnesses. I would still hate my physical appearance. My problem isn't mental. If Chad woke up in my life position, he would become much more depressed than I could ever be. If I woke up in Chad's life, I would be euphoric. My only problems are physical.