Minimum looks for a man to utter, "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best." without getting crucified in 2018

46  2018-03-29 by superman1145


Minimum looks to not be crucified in general in 2018

Anyone who says that unironically deserves to get shit on, regardless of looks/gender

If Chadriguez over here said it he would be considered deep and philosophical

Maybe so but he'd still be a piece of shit

Not to roasties tho

Yeah but they'd be wrong, so fuck em

his worst obliterates my best, neverbegantm

It's funny how I played with PS with his pic and if u change one feature (negative central tilt, weak jaw) he is still Chad.

Too much chad in this guy's face for anything to work

That is so sad.

Is this GigaChad made real? Has the prophecy come true?

Mario Rodriguez.

how tall is he

Not sure, he's fucking massive though, look up Mario Rodriguez

just found him. 184 cm, basically 6 foot. he's lucky, if he were 5'7 it would be over for him

With this face? Jfl

look at orb from lookism. dude's 5'7 or 5'8 iirc

He was larping, orbs no incel

he is legit mental cel. worse than dontcomplain or me

He's not actually an incel he's just a troll

you're deluded, he would slay all the way down until 5'5, you're just an ugly coper i've seen your pics tbh

pretty sure you mog my high cheeks, positive canthal tilt and square jaw. subhuman trash like you are the first who i'll make sure die on the front when the war begins


minimum looks required in 2024

The future is chad

You guys glorify and post photos of male models more than any girl i've ever seen.

I'm not one of these people who say "you're all just closed gays", but it's either that or your reality view is severely warped by media.

Honey it’s a meme. And it’s natural to be envious of people who live better lives than you because of something you can’t control lol

That includes a lot of people, and they're not all incels. Some people, despite being relatively poor, uneducated, and considered unattractive by a lot of people, have healthy relationships, even with other poor, uneducated, and considered-unattractive people. If they can do it, so can you. I've seen living proof. Now, are you going whine about life's unfairness while life laughs at you, or get in life's face and stare it down, defying the cards it dealt you? Which seems more empowering?

Ugly person dating ugly person is defying the card dealt to you. JFL

It's just something that happens bro. You can defy that in many ways. I said if they can do it, so can you. If unattractive people can have relationships, you can too. Don't put yourself down because of your appearance. It's never over till you think it's over. When you play a game and just can't beat a level, you can give up and stop, then whine about how hard it is. Then it's over, and it does happen sometimes, but there are other games to play too. If you keep at that level though, maybe you'll beat it eventually, then you'll look back and think "Wow, I could have just given up, but I didn't. And so I was rewarded with unexpected gifts. Things I would have missed if I just stopped and gave up."

I think the view of an average roastie who spends her whole day on social media is warped. That’s probably why femoids see 80% of men as below average looking.

Aren’t you reinforcing toxic and homophobic views of masculinity when you posit that objectively assessing the sexual desirability of appeal of other men implies that we’re homosexual?

Aren’t you reinforcing toxic and homophobic views of masculinity when you posit that objectively assessing the sexual desirability of other men implies that we’re homosexual?

I don't know? I'm just saying that women don't lust all over this mythical chad as much you guys do. This sub could be easily be r/ladyboners2 at this point.

The closet gay theory is among the most bizarre. If we were actually gay, we’d be fucking each other out of desperation instead of complaining about foids.

Not really. Closed gay people still do exist, specially when in their whole lives they all see glorification of 10/10 hetero couples in media (which i think it's part of the warped mindset in this sub). The whole inclusion thing is a very recent trend and still the large majority of couples are hetero.

Mythical chad? Wtf lmao

The "mythical chad" shit is how you guys think that every girl wants a guy with a gorilla frame and perfect square chin whose appearance would looks uncanny and has all those chad fantasies you guys talk about... It's hilarious

Also, most of the guys you post here are MODELS. 0,0001% of the population are like them, that's why they're models (not to mention they have a full team of people to make them look good). Why do you guys compare yourself to them and then say "IT'S OVER"? It's like a guy who started jogging comparing himself to Usain Bolt.

FFS get some reality check.

I see people more handsome than the models posted here everyday. Chad just means handsome man, you can have a big chin and huge frame and still be ugly

Maybe you feel shitty about your appearance, adopt a defeatist attitude, and then compare yourself to others unfavorably? Not the other way around. I feel shitty about my appearance too, sometimes, but I accept it and embrace it. I try to better myself in other ways. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't constantly whine about it on the Internet like a lot of the incels do (not all of them do that, I know, but a lot of them do).

Some incels even make threats of violence against women. What? You expect women to like you when you go around expecting everyone of them to want to have sex with you because it's "fair", then rage when they don't? Sorry, they're not going to like you/want to have sex with you if you do that. Just accept that we all have choices and preferences, and there's no fairness in choosing a partner, but it's a choice everyone makes. Just make yourself an attractive person they'd want to be with and try. If it fails, try again.

Life's too short to be spent complaining about this stuff. Just go out there and do it, and also other stuff as well, because life is about much more than having sex. If getting laid is your biggest focus in life, you either find a nymphomaniac, or accept that building attraction/any sort of relationship is all give-and-take, a compromise, never a one way street. People will reject you. You just have to learn from it, not get stuck in the hole of the rejection and dig yourself deeper by focusing on the fact that you failed and others succeeded. They must have failed at some point too. And if they did it, you can do it too. Some people just need to work harder for it than others. It's not fair, but never give up. Sulk and life will crush you. Smile in the face of life's hardships, and life may surprise you in the most unexpected of times.

Don’t have time to read all that shit, I will simply did inform you that I was bullied from age 5-18 for my physical appearance, I know it’s because my physical appearance because I was called ugly 3-4 times on a good day. Also beat the fuck out of multiple times throughout school. I did not inflict these beliefs on myself. They were forced upon me.

You didn't even read it? It will make you feel better about where you're at in life.

I was bullied in school too, also because of my appearance, sort of. Those are really bad memories.So, I feel you. The assholes who beat you should fuck off and go to hell. I just shrugged off their bullying even though it did affect my self-esteem, just by telling myself: "Are you going to stay here blaming them for making you feel bad about yourself, or are you going to prove them wrong, that you are better than they think you are?" You should try that sometime. It's about whether you let the issues and the bullying stay with you, or turn it into fuel to make yourself better and prove them wrong. Still, bullies are the fucking worst.

Would have been easier if majority of the bullies weren’t female

How'd they bully you, if you don't mind me asking?

Calling me ugly, pointing and laughing, making faces at each other whenever I accidentally make eye contact with them, rolling their eyes whenever I was forced to talk to them for whatever reason like a group project for something. My high school oneitis was very unattractive objectively speaking but she treated be like a human, so I developed crazy feelings for her. She had the same boyfriend all 4 years though, I knew I never had a chance, it just felt good being treated like a person by a girl.

Those bullies are assholes. That girl seems nice though. Use those good feelings you got from that, remember them, and keep trying. Make other people feel good, and eventually someone will develop feelings for you. I know it's hard, but don't give up. If you need to talk about your life and its troubles, I'm here to listen and help any way I can.

Doesn't work like that for women. I'm sure if I had a ton of options I would only care about looks just like every other chad. Since women have a ton of options they can be pickier, they can afford to pick the handsome guy + good personality. The guy she dated was handsome even though objectively she wasn't attractive

You do have options: find someone with a great personality and good looks. She's out there. Why resign to failure? Also, the guy must have been a "chad", right? So why did he get with the objectively unattractive girl if he only cared about looks?

Nigga, in school people get picked on for everything. It could have been your eye color for fuck sakes, kids and teenagers are fucking assholes.

Maybe by boys. But how many people do you know that got called ugly by girls, had girls point and laugh at them all the time, and made every girl clearly uncomfortable just by being in their presence?

Man, girls are the worst, male bullies will beat you up and call you names, but girls will strike deep and has hard as they can with words. How many people do I know got called ugly by girls? Everyone that the popular girls and guy didn't like.

It honestly doesn't matter how you look, they will see a crack in you and hit there. They see you're self conscious? They'll say you're an ugly piece of shit, see you are wearing value village clothes? Call you're family poor and worthless, see you interested in trucks and hunting? Redneck hillbilly. They'll say anything to hurt you.

Honestly, kids in school are the fucking worst. Mature people might honestly say you're unattractive if you aren't to their tastes, but kids will straight up TRY to hurt you by saying anything they can.

So yeah, kids are assholes, female bullies are worse.

Pretty sure I’m just ugly as fuck

uhh tl;dr?

Sorry, was trying to give some advice, got carried away.

women are the biggest supporters and enforcers of toxic masculinity


You do not belong to us, normcuck.

Is it gay to say I would happily kill myself if it meant I could live as Chad for just one week?

You may never look like this guy, but you’d be amazed how much you change your appearance based purely on good exercise, a healthy diet, and an overall healthy emotional state.

Of course, I have no idea who you are or what you look like, so this isn’t necessarily directed at you, just some advice I hope can be helpful to some of the members of this subreddit.

Unless you know how to change skin color women will always see me as inferior

Why is that? May I ask what race you are?

I'm Indian, the one race women hate the most lul.

Women do not hate a race. There are billions of women out there and they are all different and have different tastes. Some may be attracted to Indians, some may not be. That is entirely up to them. There is no “hate” involved. Of course there are exceptions just as there are in any situation. Some may be racist towards Indians but this is such a minority I doubt you’ll ever run into one of those women.

The important thing to understand that just because a women is not interested in being in a romantic relationship with an Indian, does not mean she hates Indians. You do yourself a disservice when you make such a generalization.

Have you not seen plenty of Indian males in relationships?

Yeah you're right, hate is the wrong word. Women are more disgusted by Indian men than hateful. They believe I am lesser than white men.

I don’t think the problem is you being Indian.

The strongest woman repellent is a lack of confidence and self-loathing. If you can’t respect yourself, why would any woman?

I do respect myself. I gymcel daily and have massive confidence because of it, but it doesn't blind me from the reality that women do not like Indian men.

Lol, a good looking guy could fucking hate his appearance, he would still fuck femoids.

You're joking, right? Indian men are considered to be very attractive from what I know. Just wait and see... Life has many surprises, but you'll still need to work for it. But if you have a defeatist attitude, you're not going to recognize when life surprises you, and you'll miss it. Just be positive and forge on ahead! Most importantly, smile!

Are you fucking with me?

Year after year Indian men are rated the least attractive by every race of woman. Woman see Indian men as subhuman.

Uh, are you sure all women do? Or are you pulling data from a survey and claiming that the results are universal. There are exceptions to everything, and with that many people on the planet, there'll be loads of exceptions when it comes to dating. Just be patient, my friend.

No not all women around the world, but most women in the United States don't like Indian men. Being patient is just feel good bullshit, if I've been ugly for 20 years being patient won't make me attractive.

Attractiveness is also about how you present yourself, among other things, and if you have a lot of positive energy, people will like you more. I want to see people succeed, so please take this stranger's advice and try. I don't know you, but I want you to be happy. Keep trying, and don't be a defeatist.

You may never look like this guy, but you’d be amazed how much you change your appearance based purely on good exercise, a healthy diet, and an overall healthy emotional state.


I don’t understand what is so funny. That statement is absolutely true

That was really funny. "No dad I'm not gay I just have a folder full of half naked male models so I can post them on the internet IMNOTGAY"

Like when cucked gets his chad folder found

That is one gorgeous man.

How can such a creature even been allowed to walk this earth with mere mortal incels

Don’t worry, the genetic cleansing is soon

Everyone who says that quote, male or female, always turns out to be crazy.

Unless they look like this of course

No I would still steer clear. Never met a mentally stable person who has that quote on their profile

Honestly, do you think a man who looks like this would give a fuck if an inceltears landwhale “steered clear”?

Ahh the go to insult. You guys need to get more creative.

Sorry. Let's assume you're literally the most beautiful woman on the planet. Still, do you think he would he would give a fuck if you "steered clear"?

I don't know if he would or not. I don't really care since I'm not interested. What's your point?

Funny how no woman wants any of these model men

I'm a lesbian. So is much of the female population.


He has a flaccid cock. Penis pumps and viagra don't work on him. Because he's a homo.

He fucked your oneitis as you were typing that out

and came in you face bitch ass cunt!

You guys sure do post a lot of pictures of guys...

Almost obsessively. Seems like a lot of effort to go through to make yourselves feel worse.

Nah we're just gay tbh

Yeah but they'd be wrong, so fuck em

pretty sure you mog my high cheeks, positive canthal tilt and square jaw. subhuman trash like you are the first who i'll make sure die on the front when the war begins

Mythical chad? Wtf lmao

Yeah you're right, hate is the wrong word. Women are more disgusted by Indian men than hateful. They believe I am lesser than white men.

Don’t have time to read all that shit, I will simply did inform you that I was bullied from age 5-18 for my physical appearance, I know it’s because my physical appearance because I was called ugly 3-4 times on a good day. Also beat the fuck out of multiple times throughout school. I did not inflict these beliefs on myself. They were forced upon me.

I do respect myself. I gymcel daily and have massive confidence because of it, but it doesn't blind me from the reality that women do not like Indian men.

Ugly person dating ugly person is defying the card dealt to you. JFL

Would have been easier if majority of the bullies weren’t female

Lol, a good looking guy could fucking hate his appearance, he would still fuck femoids.

uhh tl;dr?

Maybe by boys. But how many people do you know that got called ugly by girls, had girls point and laugh at them all the time, and made every girl clearly uncomfortable just by being in their presence?