Chronic lack of affection is comparable in psychological effect to chronic hunger, lack of shelter

47  2018-03-29 by AnathematicAnarchist


There's a really simple and powerful economic argument for incel rights from these sorts of findings. As the findings on the long-term health effects of >no gf become more and more grim, we can reasonably see that subsidizing gfs for the relatively small incel population is much cheaper for society in the long run than footing the bill for the severe strain that we would otherwise place on the physical and mental health systems.

Or people could just hug each other more. The article isn't actually talking about romantic relationships.

Then we need to recruit thousands of CUTE GIRLS to form a national hugging task force on behalf of the incel community

I'd be down for that.

I'll do it. But I don't understand why they all have to be cute. If ugly girls aren't ok too, then that's part of the problem.

i notice the normies are quiet in this thread. how peculiar

b-but you can live your life without a relationship!

Yeah, just like you can live your life without your legs, won't be very pleasant though.

A lot of posters in places like IT are coping normies and incels in denial. I found out about /r/incels originally from this guy who kept sharing stuff from inceltears off reddit in an another online community. At first I had a similar response as him and I just said stuff like lol yeah they're fucked up. After a few minutes of looking through /r/incels though I thought "holy fuck...this is my life."

A month or 2 later, the guy that was sharing those posts had swallowed the blackpill. He never acknowledged that he had started out as an IT type of person. I don't really think he realized it himself since for most people it's not something that happens all of a sudden. Blackpills can take time. I stopped talking to him a long time ago because of other reasons so I don't know what his thoughts are now. When people swallow the blackpill, most of them don't go back.

At one point, the normies and incels in denial on IT will have to face reality. Do you remember IT the day /r/incels was banned? It was full of posts like "sometimes I feel like I relate to incels, but I don't hate women or blame them for it" and "I am a virgin but not a toxic incel, how do I change and avoid that".

The fact is, IT is filled with normies and incels in denial who are in self-denial. Making fun of incels is their way of feeling better about themselves and putting themselves above us. Some of them will eventually swallow the blackpill. It's hard to deny reality forever.

Normies there with gfs/wives, and that's probably not too many, do the same thing, make fun of others to make themselves feel superior.

The femoids there are a different story. They like to continuously make fun of some of the most miserable people on Earth to satisfy their sadistic pleasures. They don't need to make themselves feel superior to us. Our problems don't even apply to them. They can't relate to us yet they feel the need to continously look at us and go "oh my god! they're so horrible!" when no one is forcing them.

Sorry for any typos or mistakes. I'm sleepy and not feeling good right now.

A lot of posters in places like IT are coping normies and incels in denial. I found out about /r/incels originally from this guy who kept sharing stuff from inceltears off reddit in an another online community.

i first heard about r/incels because a guy i knew on a video game was making fun of them on discord. this guy is subscribed to all the cringe/neckbeard/bullying subreddits while himself being a NEET, pill addicted, 26 year old virgin with a literal neckbeard. a giant percentage of them are definitely incels in denial.

this guy is subscribed to all the cringe/neckbeard/bullying subreddits while himself being a NEET, pill addicted, 26 year old virgin with a literal neckbeard. a giant percentage of them are definitely incels in denial.

The memes write themselves goddamn.

lol it’s how i imagine all IT members now

Definitely easier to think that way.

I don't really interact with them much here anymore, because I legit don't know how to interact with mentally disturbed people.

Oh I definitely believe it.

All those effects are okay if you're ugly. Only good looking people deserve affection. tee hee.

Fortunately, skin hunger doesn’t have to be a permanent condition. Each of us has the capacity to get more affection in our lives. In the meantime, put down your cell phone and share an affectionate moment with someone in person. For those with skin hunger, human contact—not the technologically mediated variety—is the cure for what ails.

Three out of every four adults agree with the statement, “Americans suffer from skin hunger.”

One in four Americans reports not having not a single person to talk to about important issues.

I knew that IT were just a bunch of pre-pubescent cucks who don't have grasp on anything in life yet, especially not the emotional ramifications of chronic loneliness. Literally every guy I've talked to in real life is very aware of their (disadvantaged) role, and many other blackpill truths are nothing but obviousness. I've been talking about this shit for nearly a decade with people and never met any resistance from men on the topic, not even relatively attractive men. Literally the last guy I brought up the difficulty of dating as a male, he instantly replied, "Oh, yeah, women are the gatekeepers..."

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IT is just feminist propaganda. used to control culture

Anyone not exposed to their bullshit and has life experiences isn't susceptible to it

I wonder if cucktears will screenshot this.

They don't screenshot the truth

By not offering the sex woman are raising their own personal kill counts.

Affection doesn’t just mean romantic relationships. You should also be able to feel fulfilled through intimacy with family member and friends. So if you are receiving it from those other places, you aren’t lacking it. You just hold romantic relationships above the others... which isn’t healthy. But I’m sure people know that already.

Lol all the friends in the the world won't fulfill the need for intimacy. It's literally impossible to not be depressed if you live life without ever having sex.

Well, as someone who has never had sex, I’d disagree. Now, I’m aware it isn’t quite the same, but still... no sex, not depressed. You don’t have the same intimacy level with every friend. But yes, friends can fulfill the need for intimacy. Just as a family member can. It does not, however, fulfill your want of sex. Affection and intimacy, are not the same as sex. You can have one without the other.

Haha friendship does not fulfill the need for romantic intimacy. Lol do you cuddle with your friends and family? The Netherlands provides disabled men funds for escorts for a reason. prolonged loneliness leads to mental illness and general unhealthiness

Actually, I have cuddled with friends. I wasn’t saying friends fulfill romantic intimacy. But they do fulfill affection and intimacy. If you can’t have those kinds of relationships with people in your life already, how can you have one with a girl?

Because I don't cuddle with my mates I can't get a gf? Wat

No, dude. Not even close to what I said. Lol You asked if I did, I said yes. That was besides the point.

Intimacy doesn’t require cuddling. You can have intimacy with friends and family.

K well I have good friends and I'm close with my siblings but I still feel crushingly lonely a lot of the time

I’m sorry to hear that.

Actually, I have cuddled with friends.

Well look at you living my wildest fantasy... friendzone cuddles are about as wild as my fantasies get, even more wild than my fantasies about going on a date with a girl before she ghosts me... I want to keep it mid-fantasy level no magic catgirls or me having a girlfriend in my fantasies!

Now, I’m aware it isn’t quite the same, but still... no sex, not depressed.

Just give it 20 years, then you’ll come around.

So when I’m 42, I’ll understand?

It isn’t just a few weeks without getting laid, or a few months or years. The negative effects come from a lifetime of living with getting your needs met.

I’m 22. So far, no sex. It may not be an entire lifetime yet, but I feel as if I’m doing ok. I’m happy. I’m in school and I’m working towards my goals. I have a job and a car. I have amazing friends and a family that loves me. That’s all I need for now. But it seems that people take those things for granted. No one is happy with that anymore.

You’re 22. Kind of proves my point.

How old are you?

Mid 30s

Fair enough. I will concede if only because of your age.

no you'll concede because you're a soyboy. dont misunderstand - "friends" and "family" will tolerate you due to the nature of tribal dynamics (instinctually, an extra body in a fight is better than nothing)

they dont actually care for you - if they did wouldnt they attempt to set you up with a quality woman? logically speaking :2

you care for them - not the other way around. -_-

I’m a woman. My friends and family actually do care about me. They don’t just tolerate me.

Most people’s friends and family don’t set boys and men up with females anymore because in this society, it’s not really needed anymore. There are no arranged dates or marriages made by the families of two people.

you shouldve made it clear that you're a woman - it goes without saying that by default you'll have an endless amount of support and love thrown in your direction :2

regardless, earlier your point was that its possible to be "sexless" without being "depressed" ... given that you've just admitted you're female your logic is starting to reveal itself :2

of course a woman who has chosen to be sexless can still live a happy life - you're not shamed for it. it increases your sexual value if anything.-_-

Ok, you don’t get romantic relationships, just family and friends. Are you seriously saying you’d be just as happy?

I think that I would be happy, yes. I’m used to it. That’s been my whole life.

Ok, well not everyone cares so little about sex and relationships.

In fact, most people don’t care so little about it. But perhaps, that’s half the problem. It’s put on a pedestal, like it could cure cancer.

You’re not going to get very far telling people the want the wrong things.

I didn’t say it was wrong to want romantic relationships. I’m saying that perhaps they put them on a pedestal and that is a problem.

Ohh, you’re saying it is wrong to want it too much. Yup, that’s totally different from saying it is wrong to want it.


You’re always going to find fault with whatever I say.

I’m definitely not saying it’s wrong to want it. 🙄

Is it wrong to want candy? Is it wrong to want a slice of cake? Now, Is it wrong to eat 3 pizzas and a liter of coke with 10 chocolate bars? Are you starting to get the analogy? Wanting a romantic relationship is a very natural desire. Being obsessive or wanting to much of anything is a problem. That's kind of how addictions are formed.

Being obsessive or wanting to much of anything is a problem.

I don't have to worry about wanting too much sex. Something more than none seems like a pretty reasonable desire.

So if you had sex once, and were only allowed one time, you'd be okay?


Is it wrong to want candy? Is it wrong to want a slice of cake? Now, Is it wrong to eat 3 pizzas and a liter of coke with 10 chocolate bars? Are you starting to get the analogy?

Except we are the homeless guy eating out a bag of ramen noodles every day and breaking into peoples yards drinking out of their hoses for water just wishing we could know what it would be like to eat at a restaurant and have their food instead just to know what it's like.

See...I wouldn't go that far

How are we not? in terms of affection we are just getting the most basic things but still definitely lacking in some areas and very bland, and even that we don't get much.

Okay so now take away the friends, replace it with a single bitch who wants to watch you suffer, and have minimal intimacy with family, tell me how you feel then.

What single bitch wants to watch you suffer? And why is there minimal intimacy with family?

Some families just aren't close to each other, like mine.

I know. I’m sorry to hear that.

Normies hate thinking. Plenty of incels and even just baseline rational people have been telling them this for fucking years and it doesn't stick in their brains.

Even the people who supposedly learn this shit go to the mentality of "you need to be happy with yourself before interacting with anybody" Admittedly it keeps them in business so it's understandable but I think a lot of them are so diluted they believe the bullshit they say.

Exactly. However, What I'm more focused on is a baseline establishment of facts so that we can at least move to a more productive conversation about possible solutions or it's just something that is an intrinsic problem with a solution that is more damaging overall than useful. People at IT don't even agree with intimacy being necessary. Like to them, It's complaining about not having the newest smartphone, they don't even see it as a NEED.

I think Maslows hierarchy of needs is generally correct and we should move from there. But post it on IT, and you'll have an awful conversation unfold in the comments and more shit slinging.

I think Maslows hierarchy of needs is generally correct and we should move from there. But post it on IT, and you'll have an awful conversation unfold in the comments and more shit slinging.

And they are going to fling the same shit here when we post studies from the places that supposedly teach those therapists we supposedly need to go see and who totally know(/s) what they are doing because they were trained and supposedly took those lessons to heart.

Maslow's hierarchy is outdated and oversimplified to the point of, well, not really being correct.

Social acceptance and affection are not required for bodily survival, but they are required for developing and maintaining a healthy psyche. Humans are naturally social creatures.

Maslow's hierarchy is outdated and oversimplified to the point of, well, not really being correct.

Social acceptance and affection are not required for bodily survival, but they are required for developing and maintaining a healthy psyche. Humans are naturally social creatures.

Don't confuse the losers who browse IncelTears with normies.

This fucking depresses me. Since I am like 200+ miles from anyone I know outside work and I live alone I am at high risk of health disorders. I am literally dying because I'm a loner.

Remember though! you aren't entitled to companionship no matter how much you pay and that is okay! Just like it's okay to refuse to give a starving person food after they have already paid 2000% markup on it... Oh wait, no I think there is a word for that... it's called theft and it's illigal if there was any legally binding agreement but you can't get a legally binding agreement for a wife...

I mean, this is definitely true. But I also don't know anyone who literally has no one in their life? Even if it's just coworkers or peers to casually chat with?

gib attention teehee

piss off

Gib attention? Where in my post did I say that?

Are other relationships substitutes for a romantic one? Are you personally willing to forego romantic relationships?

You can get affection from other types of relationships. I'm not saying someone who has trouble finding a romantic partner cannot feel depressed or sad, all I'm saying is that it's not the same as being deprived of affection.

And I'm single right now by choice and have no issues with it. But I understand not everyone is in the same place as me.

Why won’t you answer my simple question?

all I'm saying is that it's not the same as being deprived of affection.

Not all affection is the same. The problem is being deprived of a certain kind of affection, and substituting other kinds of affection don’t reduce the negative effects from being deprived of that certain kind of affection. That’s why I asked if other relationships were a substitute.

And I'm single right now by choice and have no issues with it.

For how long? What is your relationship history? Do you have casual sex? Could you get it if the mood strikes you? How about you continue choosing to be single for the next 50 years, and let us know how that goes.

Well, what sort of affection do you hope to get from a relationship that you feel deprived of? I'm not arguing against your point, but I think I need more of an idea of what you mean.

Those are some personal questions.

Well, what sort of affection do you hope to get from a relationship that you feel deprived of?

I’m not going to write a book. I want the same kind that we all know goes along with a romantic relationship.

I'm just trying to see where you are coming from. I don't want to assume you look for the same things as I do in a romantic relationship.

You want the same kind of affection that goes with romantic relationships..aka sex correct? I'm curious. What is it about sex that you want it so badly?

You're asking me why I like sex? Are you a robot? Use your human brain and the generally accepted meaning of English words.

You didn't answer my question. All behavior serves a purpose. Why do we eat? Because food tastes good, because we need nutrients etc. Why do YOU want to have sex? There is a reason specific to you

Why do YOU want to have sex?

For the same reasons most people want to have sex.

I didn't ask why other people wanted to have sex. I asked why you as your own individual being wanted to have sex. Could it be that you don't even know the answer?

You aren't a mindless individual. You have full autonomy. It can't be that you desire to engage in an activity simply because the assumption is everyone else wants to or does? So..why do you want to have sex? What's the take away? What's the reason, what purpose does it serve YOU specifically. (Please, do not give a generic answer. Think about what it is I am asking)

Because sex is a biological desire like eating and I can't even get affection in my own damn dreams

So that is your reason? Because it is a biologically based desire. Nothing else? Then biologically speaking, you are simply out of luck and would be edited out of the gene pool thanks to natural selection. Is this the theory you subscribe to? What if I told you that despite having certain innate biological desires, humans have modernized and developed past the basic desire to screw anything that moves...

I want to fuck pretty much any girl I see that isn't a inherently unattractive to me, I am a big guy with a lot of weight a lot of muscle, and a big car. In nature a guy like me would take a woman by force when she's alone and kill her.

In nature. You mean animals who have no conscious awareness of themselves and no sense of morality. You want to be like that? Surely you are better than that. You can take a woman by force. Sure you can. Anyone can do anything with brute force. However doesn't that reinforce the fact that you are so unlovable that the only way you can be with someone is if you forced them. Is that really what you want. Do you believe you are at that stage? Because I don't. You want to have sex? Or you want attraction. I can promise you that you can have sex with anyone (and anything). But that isn't the same as a meaningful relationship. Also, you want a girl that is attractive to you. So you won't go for someone even remotely unattractive? Why not? You can have physical intercourse with someone you are not attracted to. Why must it be someone you find attractive?

In nature. You mean animals who have no conscious awareness of themselves and no sense of morality.

No, I mean anywhere that doesn't have a robust legal system and law enforcement.

You want to be like that

No, but women want me to be like that, they want something to reinforce their victim complex and show them what a strong man does to a woman.

You can take a woman by force. Sure you can. Anyone can do anything with brute force.

I'm just saying I'm better in terms of brute force than a lot of guys so it would make since if women were attracted to me. it would make sense for women to be into desperate and aggressive guys just for the sake of self preservation.

However doesn't that reinforce the fact that you are so unlovable that the only way you can be with someone is if you forced them

I never said that did reinforce it, just that I would be able to reproduce via rape due to my build.

Is that really what you want. Do you believe you are at that stage?

Far from my first choice but I know a girl wouldn't want to be with me if she had any say so in it.

Also, you want a girl that is attractive to you. So you won't go for someone even remotely unattractive? Why not?

for me I consider a girl to be attractive based on if I want to fuck her or not, generally speaking the answer is yes or "yes but I'd want her to fast for about a month first and hope she looses some weight."

you can have physical intercourse with someone you are not attracted to. Why must it be someone you find attractive?

I could fuck my dog too, it has a vagina, but I don't want to. Same concept with excessively ugly women.

So scratch that. A human being wants you to take something from them by force. I need you to get something. No human being was born for you. You don't owe anyone anything, and other people don't owe you anything. Now, a decent human being may provide for you, make sure you have food to eat and clothes on your back. But sex is not owed to you. That's like a gay guy who has a crush on you saying you owe him sex because he is attracted to you. You just said you consider someone attractive based on whether you want them or not. And that's FINE. But a women should be able to decide the same thing. She owes you nothing. You owe her nothing. Women didn't make you do anything. Cause if they did, then you just forfeit any sort of autonomy you have.

No human being was born for you

I kinda view every woman as being born for me

Now, a decent human being may provide for you, make sure you have food to eat and clothes on your back.

I mean I don't consider the most basic parts of parenting to be enough for someone to be considered decent especially considering in the early years the mom is going to be producing food herself that she needs to get rid of... But in the non-metaphorical sense it's very different because women can deprive someone of sex and twist it into a way of making herself look good the same way I make myself feel good by not giving anybody handouts and taking any I can get.

You just said you consider someone attractive based on whether you want them or not. And that's FINE. But a women should be able to decide the same thing.

Do you have no problem with women having total control of the dating market and being whores? Women tend to be unable to make choices that are good for them, that's why they go for abusers and fawn over serial killers, they need someone to lead them. men and women are very different.

Women didn't make you do anything. Cause if they did, then you just forfeit any sort of autonomy you have.

Women deprive me of affection

I honestly can't take you seriously after that first line. No one was asked to be born. No one asked to be here. You think women are entitled whores? Yet you demand one belong to you? Who are you that a person should be born for you? This Is why you don't have luck with women. Not because you are ugly, or because you have a crap personality. It's because to your very core you are deluded. Is that not hypocrisy in its purest form? Women do not have 'control' over the dating market. Know why? Because plenty of men have dates, plenty of men reproduce without having such entitled beliefs. Because if 'ugly' people as you call it didn't have access to the dating scene..would incels exist?

I just look at all women as potentially being mine. I know I'm a hypocrite but that doesn't change that I'm right. I demand that one woman belong to me, I'm not asking for an entire harem to choose from each day like women do.

Because plenty of men have dates, plenty of men reproduce without having such entitled beliefs

Plenty of men are chads and the dating scene has changed a lot in the last 40 to 70 years, back then women needed men for support and being a whore was looked down on. Now women get jobs they aren't qualified for and being a whore is "empowering". Women still have control

So you prefer a child basically. Someone who is not their own person. Someone who can't think for themselves. Someone dependent on you. You want someone to rely on you. Yes you are EXTREMELY hypocritical. How can you live with yourself? Get a pet. Not a human being. Not that I agree with having multiple partner..but seriously? If you want someone to follow you around, get a golden retriever. Let me tell you in case you weren't aware. You are narcissistic. And I'm not saying this to insult you. I'm saying this because I genuinely believe this. This is what abusers do. Is that what you want to be? Idk what you have been through as a child, to have your self worth be so absorbed in another being so much so that you are willing to limit their potential just for your benefit. I hope you come to a point in your life where you don't need to limit the success or happiness of others for your benefit or desires. Desires that you can live without.

So you prefer Someone who is not their own person. Someone who can't think for themselves. Someone dependent on you. You want someone to rely on you.

I'm not even going to say that I don't, because that sounds pretty good.

Yes you are EXTREMELY hypocritical. How can you live with yourself?

But I don't really thing being hypocritical is bad if you have high demands of others, I think it is good to push high standards.

Get a pet. Not a human being. Not that I agree with having multiple partner..but seriously? If you want someone to follow you around, get a golden retriever.

I want a girl for intimacy, I do not want a pet for intimacy... and I want woman to actually care about me.

Let me tell you in case you weren't aware. You are narcissistic. And I'm not saying this to insult you. I'm saying this because I genuinely believe this. This is what abusers do. Is that what you want to be?

Yes, I am a bit narcissistic but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be a great catch for a woman or change my opinion on the decision making in regards to dating with women. There is a fine line between an abuser and a loving partner who controls his woman's life for mutual benefit

dk what you have been through as a child, to have your self worth be so absorbed in another being so much so that you are willing to limit their potential just for your benefit.

Not sure what you even mean my self worth absorbed in another being, I crave a women just like I crave plenty of other things. I wouldn't be limiting her potential I'd be improving her life for mutual benefit and my desires.

Desires that you can live without.

people can live without seeing and hearing but that doesn't make it a life worth living or anywhere near as good with it.

Women aren't things.

But the point is still the same.

Back then men had control, now women have control. How is that not fair?

Because men are the ones who are supposed to have control, it brought monogamy and more dudes had a woman.

My family avoids me and I have no friends, this article applies about as much to me as it possibly can for someone living with their parents.

I get that, my parents were also really emotionally cold. How soon are you able to move out?

I plan on staying with them until they kick me out, hopefully I'd be making enough money to rent a room, but it would be awkward being in the same house as someone else, I'd be worried about just my keyboard making too much noise.

How old are you? If you're already over 18, then I would just focus on saving up and moving out. That's what I did.

need to focus on a job first.

Yeah that would be a good first step

I had "friends," but I was more of a hanger-on in a college group. When I had to move away for work, they stopped being willing to talk to me. Like others, my family mostly avoids me, especially now that I don't live close. Major holidays, and maybe one phone call every month or two. Making new friends in your 30s is already tough, but it's close to impossible as an introverted, unattractive male. Coworkers will mostly only talk to me about work things; if I try to start a conversation, they get really "busy."

I would try to get to know coworkers by making causal conversation(start small, like a comment on the weather, or asking how are you? Etc and then work up to longer convos), make efforts to reach out to family members (If you want a stronger relationship with them), and maybe consider volunteering or joining a club of some sort. It is harder to meet people the older you get, but it's not impossible. I know where I live there's a few meetup groups, a running group that meets outside my apartment every sat morning, and an animal shelter where you can volunteer to walk the dogs. All of those things help put me outside the house and get me some social interaction. When things are slow at work, I'll start causal conversations. Whenever my school or work hosts an event, I go.

I'm sure you mean well. These are probably good tips for incels in their 20s. But these are low-hanging fruit type things that I've tried, several times each. When you call your family twice a week for six months, and they only pick up or call back three times, you get the picture.

There has to be some way for you to meet people.

While this can be seen as an essential to happiness, it's not something that is guaranteed to you.

It requires skills in social interaction... not via internet but face to face.

You have to earn affection and social acceptance.

What if you’re so impaired by the lack of affection you’re getting that you’re unable to “earn” any?

Honestly, and this is me speaking in an untrolling manner and as a natural introvert, there is no line to cross in this situation that would prevent anyone from coming back. Social interaction is a skill, it takes practice and trial and error. It's not something you're born with, I've had friends who were male model level in looks but so afraid of women it was crippling... and friends who were the exact opposite. Getting caught up with the past just causes one to spin their wheels. Move forward and try to find something about yourself to be confident in, your self image can be seen by others.

Honestly, and this is me speaking in an untrolling manner and as a natural introvert, there is no line to cross in this situation that would prevent anyone from coming back.

You’re begging the question (assuming the conclusion you want to make).

Move forward and try to find something about yourself to be confident in, your self image can be seen by others.

I have many things I’m confident about with myself. I still have to pay women to get any kind of sexual touch.

Eh, break down my comment as you will. If you're still only able to get a woman to touch you by paying them you have a lot of work to do on yourself.

... you have a lot of work to do on yourself.

... ok? You do know this is a sub for people who can’t get sex, right? I’m saying, it doesn’t matter what “work” I do on myself, they’ll never choose me. You’re welcome to tell me exactly what “work” will guarantee me a girlfriend, or even just casual sex that I don’t have to pay for.

With regards to work on yourself: stay away from subs like this for anything serious and stop trying to sound like you're in a hopeless situation.

And as I have said, adult romantic relationships are far more complex than looks. That shouldn't be a mystery to anyone. Generalizing makes you look like an idiot to anyone looking in.

With regards to work on yourself: stay away from subs like this for anything serious and stop trying to sound like you're in a hopeless situation.

So, just do that and I’ll be swimming in pussy? But seriously, there was a time before this sub and seeing my situation as mostly hopeless, and I wasn’t having sex then either.

See that there is the problem. 'Swimming in pussy'. Is the vag all you want? Because there are pretty advanced fleshlights that can deliver the same stimulation as a vagina. The first step to getting sex, is understanding that there is a living breathing human attached to that body part, with thoughts and ideas and emotions. Once you understand that, the rest my friend will be quite simple.

See that there is the problem. 'Swimming in pussy'. Is the vag all you want?

No, I was just using colorful language to be playful.

The first step to getting sex, is understanding that there is a living breathing human attached to that body part, with thoughts and ideas and emotions.

I definitely understand that. It's really the problem: they are a real, living, breathing human people, and they have agency. They make choices. They aren't some kind of vending machine that will dispense sex if I would just deposit the correct amount of self improvement / attitude / social skills / personal hygiene coins. I could do all the "right" things, and they could still choose not-me. In my actual life they have all chosen not-me. They are literally the problem, again, because

there is a living breathing human attached to that body part

and I don't control their choices, they do.

You have to earn affection and social acceptance.


Can we ban this fucktard already? Sick of seeing their retarded shit.

Yeah food and shelter aren't guaranteed either. Now fuck off.

Nope and why should they be?

In the wild nothing survives by sitting on it's ass. No one is obligated to give you affection not even your parents.

It really boils down to survival of the fittest. Inferior traits being bred out over a few generations superior ones reinforced. Kinda fun to see it in action.

I agree.

Just as lack of food, water, and rest have their detrimental effects, so too does the lack of affection.

  • From the article

Chronic lack of affection is comparable in psychological effect to chronic hunger, lack of shelter

  • Title of the post

These two statements don't mean the same thing.

Do you even know what comparable means?

Having detrimental effects is the widest standard for "comparable". In that case it's also comparable to a cut on your finger.

The person writing the article wouldn't have used the word "like", or even brought up the comparison, if he didn't think the conditions were comparable in effect.

I could say "Like a gunshot wound to the abdomen, a paper cut hurts the person involved", but that would be an inane statement that nobody would make.

The person writing the article wouldn't have used the words "just as", or even brought up the comparison, if he didn't think the conditions were comparable in effect.

Yes, yes he would have. You're arguing he meant something else than what he wrote verbatim there.

This isn't an obscure, choke-full-of-jargon sentence, this is just a sentence that says that the same way lacking physical "commodities" can hurt you, lacking affection can.

Stop making mental gymnastics where none are needed, this sentence is straightforward and very clear, stop bending it to fit your narrative.

I could say "Just like a gunshot wound to the abdomen, a paper cut hurts the person involved", but that would be an inane statement that nobody would make.

Yeah but see, your argument is no one would make such a statement, but the author of the article did. There is no other interpretation of the sentence that doesn't involve twisted mental gymnastics, there is no unexplained passage or word, this is very straightforward, you just refuse to see it because of your confirmation bias.

It's even funny that you think the sentence in the article has to have a deeper meaning, when you completely agree that the sentence you made up doesn't, despite sharing the exact same principle.

This is like me claiming your sentence means that a paper cut can kill you from hemorrhage because, hey, what else could this sentence mean ? What this sentence means is what it says verbatim, nothing more. There is no hidden meaning to this sentence, there is no need to add any to it because its verbatim meaning is both straightforward and true.

Are you literally autistic?

The intended meaning of the sentence is very clear, because only someone who is literally incapable of abstract thought would think "Just as lack of food, water, and rest have their detrimental effect, so too does the lack of affection" could mean anything other than "the effects of lack of affection are comparable to the effects of lack of food, water, and rest".

The intended meaning of the sentence is very clear

Yes, the intended meaning is the verbatim meaning. No need to go beyond that just because said meaning doesn't fit your agenda.

Especially when the sentence follows this:

"We normally associate hunger with food, of course—but we don’t feel hunger simply because we want food. We feel hunger because we need food, just as we feel thirsty because we need water, and tired because we need sleep. Our bodies know what they require to function properly, and research suggests that affection belongs on that list, right behind food, water, and rest."

The sentence fits right in with this, explaining that just as more physical and biological needs, this psychological one has adverse effects motivated by our body. The reality of psychological deprivation isn't something everyone agrees with, as with psychology itself, in fact, and it's no surprise the article has to affirm these things.

only someone who is literally incapable of abstract thought would think "Just as lack of food, water, and rest have their detrimental effect, so too does the lack of affection" could mean anything other than "the effects of lack of affection are comparable to the effects of lack of food, water, and rest".

Isn't it magic the gymnastics you need in order to think that this sentence means something different from its literal, verbatim meaning ?

There is nothing in the whole article to support your claim, even, it's just baseless wishful thinking of someone who desperately want science to support their agenda when it just doesn't, at best, and at worse, actual manipulation. But if it's the way you want it, sure.

yes, she is legit autistic xD

i blew her the fuck out the other day. she tried to be a pedant with me but i shut all her bullshit down.

my advice, don't feed the autist attention! let her starve

"Fortunately, skin hunger doesn’t have to be a permanent condition. Each of us has the capacity to get more affection in our lives."

They don't screenshot the truth

Because I don't cuddle with my mates I can't get a gf? Wat

Actually, I have cuddled with friends.

Well look at you living my wildest fantasy... friendzone cuddles are about as wild as my fantasies get, even more wild than my fantasies about going on a date with a girl before she ghosts me... I want to keep it mid-fantasy level no magic catgirls or me having a girlfriend in my fantasies!

this guy is subscribed to all the cringe/neckbeard/bullying subreddits while himself being a NEET, pill addicted, 26 year old virgin with a literal neckbeard. a giant percentage of them are definitely incels in denial.

The memes write themselves goddamn.

lol it’s how i imagine all IT members now