Virgin shaming by women is one of the biggest reason for incels to be hateful

104  2018-03-29 by SaltShaker8383

Every time a woman or normie says something to the effect of "HAHA, virgin loser! You will never get to have sex!" They are reinforcing the idea that being a male virgin is a problem. They cause us to hate ourselves and feel like we are defective humans.

When the first insult thrown at us is insulting our virginity (and I'm not even talking about here on braincels, I'm talking about the internet in general, and even in real life, even if they have no way of knowing you are a virgin) all it does is make us more hateful because we know that being a virgin is a problem that's a big part of the reason of why having sex is so important to us and we dwell on it, because we are constantly reminded by society that you aren't a real man if you can't have sex.


Has anyone ever said anything like that to you after high school, or outside the context of an online argument?

Its a societal implication that isnt always explicitly stated. I haven't personally experienced that but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. People tend not to just harass strangers. If a black person has never been called a nigger outside of highschool or an online argument does that mean racism doesn't exist?

We can all point to countless examples of adults in real life using racist slurs. I want to know what adult in real life is saying "ha ha you virgin loser you'll never get to have sex," as you claim.

None are, they just see that people find them off-putting and imagine they must be saying these things in private.

Ask a woman what she thinks about adult male virgins and see what they say

I can guarantee she won't say "HAHA YOU VIRGIN LOSER YOU'LL NEVER HAVE SEX!"

Not to you atleast

Not to anyone.

The only people telling incels that they'll
never have sex is other incels. Its all you ever say to each other. "Reminders" like that are 95% of the content here.

We're trying to tell you the exact opposite, and you rage at us for it.

So what is it that you're talking about? That society views being a virgin undesirably (true), or that women try to convince virgins that they'll never have sex (false)?

or that women try to convince virgins that they'll never have sex (false)?

Disingenious weasel, nobody is claming this

Maybe check the attitude until you learn to read? Very first line of OP's post:

Every time a woman or normie says something to the effect of "HAHA, virgin loser! You will never get to have sex!"

what is hyperbole

But I guess if you take everything literally it's good since you can argue just for the sake of it

Even easier when you call everything "hyperbole" to create your own version of an argument to get outraged by.

I'm sorry your autism makes you take everything literally

No, she'll say "Well I would never have sex or be in a relationship with a virgin but I'm sure most other women don't mind at all and would actually like it." That is what pretty much all would say if they were trying to be halfway honest.

It seemed like it wasn't a big deal in my high school since a lot of people weren't even interested in dating until junior/senior year, but in college there was definitely a strong stigma towards being a virgin. Knew quite a few guys and girls in college who were pretty much peer pressured into sub-optimal hookups just to get it out of the way.

General peer pressure, sure. But I want to know who above the age of 17 has laughed and yelled in his face about being a "loser virgin."

it doesnt have to come to that explicit stage for it to count. Like if ppl dont shout "hey nigger!!" at blacks doesnt mean theres no prejudice or racism.

That was me. Wasn’t a great experience. But I was young and impressionable, I wish I didn’t care what people thought.

Casual hookups are trash, sex with a loving partner is wonderful. Unfortunately I was so brainwashed by mainstream media normalising casual sex that I failed to realise it sooner.

I mean unfortunately women don't even want to be in a relationship with a guy who hasn't had plenty of sex and hookups...

It happened to me twice, one time was visceral and brutal by some girl trying to be "one of the guys"

It actually ended up backfiring on her, but it still happened.

Not OP, but it happened more than a few times. Mostly at uni, parties, and at work in a few cases.

You sound like a white surburban kid shocked to hear from his black friends that cops harass them and that people are rascists towards them.

You sound like someone desperate to borrow credibility from other issues.

Honestly these guys entire view of the world is based off of a high school inferiority complex and online arguments

They try to deny they do it, but just go browse IT for even a minute and I'm sure you'll find something. They want to believe they're sweet angels. Deranged hypocrisy.

Sex is fundment ain your mental and physcial development

they literally think you're weak losers

Because being a virgin in advanced age signals a lot about you. I don't think we will live in an age (unless technology intervenes enough) that it won't be a common joke. Same reason why people make fat jokes. on surface level it seems trivial but if you delve into the reasons someone is obese (It's rarely medical) it signals a lot about them.

Fuck you.

Ya know, I've never really seen virgin shaming happen much at all; and some of my closest friends are virgins.

Because it’s mostly just internalized self loathing. The world owes the incel sex, so he is angry that he isn’t getting what he deserves.

I think it's also mistaking women not dating dudes due to being virgins with actual virgin shaming. And, I know it sucks, but, personally, as a dude that's dated and slept with girls, I don't know that I could date someone with no experience because we'd probably move at a different pace.

Go fuck yourself. People like you are the scum of the Earth.

100% this. It happens among immature people and in shitty movies.

Seriously, I've only known one person to virgin shame, and he's a dude, and a smug was that constantly brags about how much he's slept around. Only time anyone even made fun of my virginity in high school was when I tried convincing some girls that I had totally gotten laid at that point, and they just laughed because they knew I was lying to impress them.

Right... I've never seen any women talking about how they wouldn't date a guy if they knew he was a virgin... especially not in this specific thread...

Ya know, I've never really seen racism happen much at all; and some of my closest friends are black.

Being a virgin and being black aren't comparable

Being a virgin is worse

No it isn't you fucking dumbass. First off, no one knows you're a virgin unless you tell them. People know you're black at a glance. Secondly, there has never been any institutional oppression against virgins. If you have psychological problems over your virginity, then it's up to you what you do with it, it's not comparable to actual oppression.

so to be clear, being black according to you is 'worse' than being a virgin?

dude you need to stop patronizing the fuck out of black people. go up to a black person and ask if theyd rather be a virgin than black. goddamn you are insufferable and retarded. being black is dope outside of the racism here and there and the ultra liberal retards going way over the top like you. cringey ass cucks

I am a black person, you dumb fuck

I am a black person, you dumb fuck

oh im dumb as fuck for not realizing the anonymous poster on incels isnt a black dude.

i dont know a single black person who would choose white and incel over being themselves. maybe i needa ask, but i guess it depends where you live.

there is no 'was incel'. its all in the genes. youre probably a normie. or maybe its time we have an intersectional understanding of inceldom.

Secondly, there has never been any institutional oppression against virgins

And there isn't institutionalized oppression against blacks in the US nowadays either so you can stop using that as an excuse, there is however non-institutionalized oppression against virgins and it is completely accepted while those who are vocal about the fact they are virgins have a group that actively ridicules them and nobody cares about it. Unlike with being black as an incel there is technically a possibility of escaping looming constantly out of reach with the benefits getting lower and the amount of time you spend looking back on your wasted youth increases.

Try being a black virgin.

Of course, just avoid his point so you can pretend to be outraged

I've seen it happen irl just not said directly to a person. Usually a behind the back insult. Its widely implied that a male virgin, especially beyond his teenage years, must be messed up in some way.

Yeah, society doesn't look favorably upon virgins, that's true, but if you think people sit around talking about your virginity, you're wrong, most people do not care, especially if they don't even know you.

I am not a virgin, I am somewhat of a normie but I've heard people say "lol virgin" if they see some weird guy on the street or something

I don't believe you. Like, I live in a city of 8 million people and have never seen this happen. People usually completely ignore the weirdos.

I think it's something far more common among high schoolers and very young adults.

Get fucked.

They are reinforcing the idea that being a male virgin is a problem.

Which comes from the same ideas of "toxic masculinity" and traditional gender roles these people say they hate.

It's sad how liberal feminists constantly reinforce "toxic masculinity" by shaming virgins and men deemed less masculine (nerds) while simultaneously thinking they are destroying the traditional ideas of gender.

Their own vision is a world where women have no gender expectations ("caring about the amount of men a woman is so outdated granpa..") but men are still supposed to be breadwinning alpha males ("I want real men with experience").

What do you expect. They are liberals. If they were more critical on stuff they wouldn’t be supporting the status quo + more women bosses.

And if they were more critical they would also be a hell of a lot less liberal when it comes to throwing around the word "free".

Yeah, I'm begining to despise liberals. They genuinely think gender balance and other identity politics bullshit is more important than class struggle/wealth disparity.

I’d say that some idpol is okay. Look at the black panthers.

This new "liberal" couldn't be further from classic liberalism.

Both forms of liberals are shit though.

The left is hypocritical? Who would have thought!!

This attitude stems from right wing capitalist individualism, where the weak must be crushed by the successful. There's no right/left wing thing here.

but men are still supposed to be breadwinning alpha males

That isn't true! some liberals are okay with low level betas as long as they go gay or at least asexual... Okay with them existing I mean, not liking them.

It's only a problem if you are male.

Female virgin - cute, "she's saving herself for THE one" Male virgin - creep, loser

Obviously. Men and women are different. Men want a high quantity of partners (sperm is plentiful) and women want a high quality of partners (eggs are scarce).

I would be fine with only 1 - "low quality" partner tbh.

I was speaking in the biological sense. For reproduction, men succeed by spreading their seed as far and wide as they can.

But I agree, I'm fine with monogamy.

hole in wall > low quality partner

V O L C E L .

That is complete and utter bullshit.

Nah he’s right. Basic genetics.

How? Or do you just not like this fact?

Nah. Women eventually hit menopause, men can impregnate women till death. Men can have sex any time of the month. Women can't (sure they can, but it's not really appealing).

If you are still letting the opinions of females factor even one iota into your appraisal of your self-worth, you're not spending enough time here.

I see guys virgin shame other guys ALL the time. Most girls don’t unless if they’re really immature.

Lol. It's different when it's coming from the gender who holds the power in whether you remain a virgin or not.

I disagree. Not with what you said about men but what you said about women. I've heard girls both mature and immature make remarks about guys being virgins countless times. They even said it around the virgins best friends including me when he wasn't around. It was always behind his back. Really good dude too but a total orbiter. Typical.

no. guys joke about virginity. women, however, use it as a shaming tactic to bring you down.

sex not impotant just have hobbie 😝

they literally will not stop virtue shaming until they start seeing virgin men as attractive, so don't bet on it anytime son

When has someone ever walked up to you and laughed at you for being a virgin/why did you tell someone that?

It was not even a year ago... We've re just chillin' in the dorm's kitchen and a dude starts: "Hey cannaman, wouldn't be nice to have a gf and put a dick in somethin other than your hand?" The same dude sends me a video on fb messenger a few months ago. It was about valentines of 2 people: one with a girl and one with a hand. We were smokin a doobie on the balcony (4 males) and a dude who i thought was my friend starts talking about his aquintance how he is 25 having a scolarships studying abroad on one of the top universities and that hes really really smart, but hes a virgin, so it doesnt matter...

I agree. One of my good friends who I went to high school with was a virgin( I think he still is at age 23) haven't talked to him for about a year though. He was tall and not that bad in the face, his teeth were not great though. But he was a pretty outgoing guy, rides dirtbikes and went to parties a lot. Holy shit did girls avoid him like the plague when it came to getting sexual with him. He had 2 girls who he would hang out with but was in absolute total friend zone. Some of our friends were dicks and word got around that he was virgin and I believe that's what caused it. So if you are virgin do everything you can to keep that under the lid. It was sad to witness.

I feel like that kind of person is far and few inbetween. I would never say something hurtful to a man who hasn't had sex. That's ridiculous and no ones business to comment on. I don't really know any women who would act like that, maybe it's an age thing? I'm 27

you wouldnt say it but would still think it (other people too)

No I wouldn't lol. I don't give a shit about sexual experience. I have friends who have only been with 1 person and theyre middle aged. I have a friend who lost his virginity to a prostitute because he wasn't having luck. He's one of my favorite people.

Would you want to be with someone who hasn't had much experience/is a virgin?

No. Not because I wouldn't find him appealing, but because I would be afraid the guy would want to explore more once he's had sex. I wouldn't be enough for him. I find a lot of guys (people actually) who have been with one person (I know them) tend to want to wander sexually. I'm a very monogamous and anxious person so I would be constantly worried.


Lol that doesn't say anything for hookups though. Just being with someone sexually, I'm sure that can't be a turnoff. What's usually a turnoff is the person's attitude first and foremost, at least for me. A virgin just for a hookup, sure!

I'm pretty much the opposite way, if I by some miracle had a virgin girl coming onto me I'd want to turn it longer term specifically because she is a virgin.

I think we're on the same page romantically lol. You want your partner to have no one to compare you to, so you don't feel as insecure

I wouldn't want her to have anyone to compare me to for sure but I'd also just want to see her as somewhat innocent and loyal rather than just a slut who wanted a hookup and happened to be a virgin.


If what you believe is any indication, I'm wonering if I should conceal this fact in the future. :|

Nah, honesty is always best. I think the best route would be to have a hook up first or a few once you get the hang of it, then settle down when you feel like you can handle being with one person (if you're looking for monogamy)

And what if we for example wanted to wait until marriage for sex or at least be in a loving relationship or sex?

Someone who wants to wait before marriage is obviously looking to be with one person only and I think that's sweet. Wouldn't deter me either.

"Just get a hookup bro! XD"

I wasn't saying just get a hookup like it's that easy. I was saying for the sake of a smoother relationship, he could give thought to his first experience or few being casual encounters.

"honesty is best"

notice how women always say this when it comes to some trait that is universally despised by women - they dont want the genetically unfit to cheat their way into the gene pool by pretending to be something they're not. :2

I think you're fishing for conflict here

due to the halo effect, you perceive attractive people as "cool" and unattractive people negatively. :2

dont get me wrong, i believe you when you say that you believe that you're seeking out cool people - it simply isnt the nature of human sexuality -_-

Nope, you should see my friends lol. I play dungeons and dragons, good luck finding a bunch of hotties who are genuine nerds (Not the "quirky" folks who enjoy a marvel movie). My fiance got a lot of crap when we dated. People would tell him, "she's way too pretty for you. She's gonna cheat on you or leave." I had no problem reassuring him because I know people are annoying when it comes to looks. Society thinks attractive people have to be with attractive people. That's just never been me. I've never been into "hot" guys because they're boring af. Give me a fat, bearded guy anyday! Sooooo much more fun lol.

But if for some reason, I knew for sure he would only want me, then hell yes lol. I wish my fiance had never had sex with people before me, I would feel more confident with him in the bedroom.

I knew for sure he would only want me

The thing is most of us don't have options it isn't a matter of who we want but who wants us. That doesn't mean we wouldn't have any loyalty but we would most likely be settling unless you had at least average looks and weren't too much of a bitch. But we wouldn't be able to cheat even if we wanted to.

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm objectively attractive, but I wouldn't want someone to settle for me regardless 😔 no woman would. So you're saying if the chick is hot enough, you wouldn't want to wander? (Not being combative, just genuinely curious)

So you're saying if the chick is hot enough, you wouldn't want to wander? (Not being combative, just genuinely curious)

Like I said personality plays a big part as well, in that she can't be someone I hate. If I find a girl attractive at all I wouldn't want to wander any further than just having female friends for when she inevitably breaks up with me, I have a wide variety of physical traits that I'm attracted to for example I am attracted to all sizes of breasts, small ones are cute medium sized ones look "just the right size" and large ones are attractive to me as well. I honestly am attracted to any girl I'm not actively unattracted to as in there isn't very much middle ground between being repulsed and attracted and if I'm not attracted to a girl I'm going after I think it's fairly obvious. So any girl I'd approach that I'm not just approaching out of desperation is one I'd be attracted enough not to wander from. Even if i was with a girl I wasn't too attracted to if it was because of her weight I'd give her time to loose the weight with a quota she has to meet and if I cheated on her it would just be to get into another relationship before leaving my current one rather than actually wandering.

would you have sex with a virgin? :2


have you had sex with a virgin? :2

2 in highschool, but not as an adult

Very true. Don't forget that men do it too, though.

What makes this so twisted is that even if a girl genuinely doesn't make fun of you for it, she will still think or saw "awwww". And the second a women makes that sound it's over.

Wait what kind of "awww" disappointment or thinking you're adorable? if it's the latter at least you might have a chance as a cuddle buddy... if she didn't already have a side chad she cuddles with.

It's nothing but pure pity.

I mean there are a bit worse ways for it to be over... at least you get a bit of pity.

Their pity is meaningless unless they are going to use it to fuck me

virgin = subhuman

Women making fun of men for being virgins is akin to men making fun of women for not being able to bench press as much as they do.


Women are inherently sexually fuckable (at least the vast majority of them) just like men are inherently stronger than women.

Yeah but a woman would have brigaders telling you that "she could bench press as much as you if she worked out enough!". The best a vrgin dude would get would be "look man, just hire a prostitute it isn't a big deal".


We should finally admit that incels are nothing more than genetic trash to most women. Women want to breed with the most desired males because this will higher their chances for healthier offspring. If you are still a virgin at later age, it signals them that no other women ever wanted to be with you. Therefore you are not worth to sleep with her, let alone to become the father of her child. We are not needed in this society. Only thing we are good for, is wageslaving to pay taxes for all the welfare programs to support those poor single mothers, who were left by chad after he had his fun with her.

And keep in mind that women don't even want genetic trash like us to wagecel and have somewhat of a good life even then. This is why they are fighting for less men in STEM jobs.

They also hate bachelor men

They cause us to hate ourselves and feel like we are defective humans.

Nope, you do that ALL by yourself like the big boy you are!


u mad

Yeah. Methinks your yeast infection has spread to your brain. r/TwoXChromosomes is that way -------->

Aw, this overemotional reaction all from telling someone to take personal responsibility! Must be nice being the victim.

How do you take responsibility over your genetics and circumstances?

It's your responsibility to figure out how to get the most out of the cards you've been dealt. Besides no incel is as ugly as they claim, you're all normal looking dudes who are afraid to talk to women.

Do normal looking guys get told that 'no offense, but you are the ugliest guy in here'? Do normal looking guys get told that 'look at all the drunk chicks in here, use your chance to get laid'? And so on throughout your life.

'no offense, but you are the ugliest guy in here'?

Yup! Some women say shit they don't mean all the time. Just like incels are bitter, some women are extremely bitter and will try to hurt others or get a jab in any chance they get.

Just because you've internalized the comments, doesn't make them true.

I bet you've gotten a few compliments here or there that you totally ignored.

Woman are fucking parasites what else is new. I'd be nice to one if they were nice to me tho i SWARE

You'll always be a virgin if you devote this much time to this sub.

The guys that aren't trolling... which is close to 75% of the people here... Need a positive nudge, inceldom is a self-defeating ideology. Basically, you buy this shit you get shit. If you contribute to this nonsense your suffering is earned.

Buddy, you're never gonna believe who set up that mentality in the first place.


It doesn't matter. What matters is that right now it's women who are promoting it, and it's women who are actively opposing any attempt to dismantle those structures.

Even your girlfriend?

What do you think?

I think not.

You're correct. So what was the point of the question?

The point is that it’s an example that contradicts the generalization you made.

No, it doesn't. It's just that you're too unintelligent and driven by emotions to actually understand the (actually very simple) thing I said.

I’d argue that resorting to unnecessary ad hominems is the emotionally-driven, intellectually lazy thing to do instead of having the confidence that your arguments stand on their own.

Anyway, I didn’t misunderstand your ‘simple statement’, I got you to admit that not all women are guilty of your assertion. So now would you hazard an estimate at how many are culpable? 99.9%, 90%, 50%, 10%, 1%, 0.0001%?

And why even blame only women? The pride of sexual conquest (and implicit shame or invalidation in lack thereof) is a characteristically male mentality, which I agree is a problematic attitude ingrained in society. It just strikes me as an example of how this subreddit’s sexual frustrations have calcified into irrational hatred of women. I wonder if you ever discuss incel ideas with your girlfriend.

I’d argue that resorting to unnecessary ad hominems is the emotionally-driven, intellectually lazy

It is. I'm not engaging you in any debate any longer - I'm just insulting you because you're either too unintelligent to keep up, too hateful, or both.

I didn’t misunderstand

Yes, you did.

It wasn't us.

I conflate the western notion of a male losing his virginity to his cherry being popped by a big dick in the butt.

Maybe it's different in the east, but here only bitches can lose their virginity, be they women or little faggots. Men are meant to do the taking.

So what do you call a guy who has never had sex?

A loser faggot.

So I'm automatically gay because no chicks want a part of me?

this is possibly one of the most retarded comments i've read here

braincels = brainlets

If people want to hurt you, they are going to hit you where it hurts. If you belong to r/braincels, people know right away you are a virgin who is self-concious about it, so that's probably going to be their go-to insult for you.

On the other hand, if you don't care that you're a virigin, then if they says you're a virgin loser, you can shrug and go "whatever".

Blacks should never complain about being called nigger, because they can just shrug it off

Virgin isn't a slur. The N word is.

My point is, if you pretend it doesn't bother you, people leave you alone. If you give them a reaction, it reinforces the behavior.

It doesn't matter if it's a slur or not, both are words that can be used to offend someone. Black people should just pretend nigger doesn't offend them, yes or no?

There's different nuances to those two situations though. And it depends on context. If someone is calling you a racial slur, you should probably do whatever causes you the least amount of harm. So that would probably entail going to HR or reporting them if it's a work/school situation. If it's a random stranger on the street, it would probably be best to just duck into the nearest public store to avoid any violence.

As for being teased or insulted online, just ignore them. If you're being bullied in real life, you can also report the bully.

I'm not saying you can't feel upset. There's a difference between EMOTIONS and ACTIONS. You can feel however you want, but lashing back out at someone who offends you is hardly ever an effective action. It usually just escalates the situation rather than diffusing it.

Be quiet. You do not belong here.

The internet belongs to everyone, that's kinda the point

It does not mean that you belong here.

I mean I'm not an incel, but I'm offering another perspective.

Your perspective is completely based on notions that people instantly pick up IRL that I browse /r/braincels. This is false.

You expect someone to just shrug off an emotionally targeted attack, but as long as it isn't a slur, you have no problem just going "whatever." Suddenly, if it's the n word, or some form of slur, all reaction is just.

Lesbian is not a slur (you are not straight); so fuck off stupid goddamn lesbian.

What? I never said you can't feel upset about being insulted, all I'm saying is that if you act like it's not a big deal, the person who's insulting you will usually just walk away because they're not getting the reaction they want. If someone's trying to pick a fight with you by hurling insults at you, you can just not give them what they want by refusing yo engage. It's a real tactic called "gray rocking" and it's often used to deal with abusive or toxic people.

Trust me, I know everything about gray rocking there is.

Grey rocking works on narcissists - NOT femoids or bullies who want to ostracize you and get under your skin (and will).

I'm saying is that if you act like it's not a big deal, the person who's insulting you will usually just walk away

Okay, so what? I just gave an example and you said that you are allowed to feel upset if insulted. We are. We do not act like it is a big deal in public.

You know, your new "perspective" really sucks.

protip: it doesn't work

It works on all people who are trying to suck you into drama or incite you to engage in a fight.

It works for me.

Suddenly the answer to not being able to get anyone to love you is to not care about bullies?

I never said it was a solution to that, I just meant that in a situation where someone is Insulting you either online or in real life, if you use gray rock, that's one method of shutting them down. It's just a tactic, that's all. If people find it useful they can try it, if not then whatever.

I never said it was a solution to that

This is why you are not welcome.

I just meant that in a situation where someone is Insulting you either online or in real life

Neither were relevant. This is why you don't belong.

I'm not welcome because I offered a tactic to deal with bullies?

why do you think lashing out is ineffective when you have a "beta face" compared to someone who has a strong jaw :2

in other words, why is one person able to invoke fear and not the other ones. they both have hands :2?

replace fear with any other component of existance and you'll understand the nature of human interaction. sex, love, work - all interactions are judged via the context of what you look like. :2

That's just so not true. Do an experiment and go around picking fights and get back to us all about how that's works for you

i'd have to have an attractive face first :2

:2 << there it is again!

What the actual fuck.

It's called logic, look it up

You're fucking retarded lmao

Virgin shaming is universally used against males because It's an assumed insecurity of all males. It's not specific to some. They are all in a battle to be selected sexually

Fair enough. Women are universally called sluts because it's also an assumed insecurity. There's always going to be mean people, unfortunately.

Fair enough. Somewhere there's thread about slut shaming where someone deflects by bringing up virgin shaming. So it all equals out in the end

Yeah, some people are just mean, unfortunately

It's also funny that when someone doesn't like you they insult you by saying nobody loves you or that nobody will ever love you.

It's pathetic but it's what you men have to deal with on a dialy basis.

Women hate virgins because, to them, virginity donates either of these two undesirable traits: inability (incel) or deviance (volcel).

No one will insult you for being a virgin. You will be insulted for being a dick, which this sub is full off. Don't expect respect nor love when you trash talk "femoids" and "normies" all day long. A large bunch of you are indeed sore losers.

Yeah we lose at life we should just take it like a man huh

You will be insulted for being a dick

more like you will be insulted for being inarticulate in your justified anger

No one will insult you for being a virgin.

Well, that's a lie.

That's a huge lie. Huuuuge lie.

I don't suppose you rating women like meat, calling them whores, sluts, intellectually inferior, money grubbers (bc women don't have jobs now, I guess), and saying they should be raped and murdered has anything to do with it?

Your anger at not getting laid does not justify you treating women that way. Deal with it.


Holy shit dude, you don't deserve sex. It's not an issue. It's not a necessity. Fuck dude, get over yourself. go to if you're ganna bitch

This post never said I deserve sex, I'm just asking not to be shamed for being a virgin. Are you blind?

Then don't talk about it. woopdie fucking doo, we found a solution

People know I'm a virgin just by looking at me

Damn u sound annoying af.

U prolly ugly as aids tho

I'll remember that as my girl calls me handsome, then I'll think of you and your involuntary celibacy

No it isn't you fucking dumbass. First off, no one knows you're a virgin unless you tell them. People know you're black at a glance. Secondly, there has never been any institutional oppression against virgins. If you have psychological problems over your virginity, then it's up to you what you do with it, it's not comparable to actual oppression.

None are, they just see that people find them off-putting and imagine they must be saying these things in private.

I am a black person, you dumb fuck

Ask a woman what she thinks about adult male virgins and see what they say

Lol that doesn't say anything for hookups though. Just being with someone sexually, I'm sure that can't be a turnoff. What's usually a turnoff is the person's attitude first and foremost, at least for me. A virgin just for a hookup, sure!


Wait what kind of "awww" disappointment or thinking you're adorable? if it's the latter at least you might have a chance as a cuddle buddy... if she didn't already have a side chad she cuddles with.

I think it's something far more common among high schoolers and very young adults.

You sound like someone desperate to borrow credibility from other issues.

'no offense, but you are the ugliest guy in here'?

Yup! Some women say shit they don't mean all the time. Just like incels are bitter, some women are extremely bitter and will try to hurt others or get a jab in any chance they get.

Just because you've internalized the comments, doesn't make them true.

I bet you've gotten a few compliments here or there that you totally ignored.

Try being a black virgin.

I'll remember that as my girl calls me handsome, then I'll think of you and your involuntary celibacy

Get fucked.