Out, normfags.

63  2018-03-29 by rottingsubhumantrash


I agree with this, especially the blue-pilled normies. Black-pilled normies can stay.

Thank you.




Why do i need to be incel to browse this sub?

Because you might get doxxed if you’re not.

Cause if you don't leave we will hunt you down and kill you.

You don't of course not. Literally everyone who roams these parts is subject to being called a retard.

I love this image. Their lives are so fucking easy.

If it makes you feel any better I’m 6’3, conventionally attractive, have a hot girlfriend, am on track to graduate from college with honors, and think about killing myself just about every day.

You should do it

Knowing how much better my life is than yours gives me the will to live.

See normies I am a good person. I just saved this man’s life

Well it’s a lot easier when you aren’t socially inept, take care of your body, know how to treat women (and other human beings for that matter) and don’t project your insecurities in an echo chamber.

Incels are their own worst enemy.

You’ll do well to leave this subreddit...unless of course you prefer to never share a life with a woman.

Cope. Its all based on looks.

Looks definitely help. They’ll help women notice you, however, looks alone absolutely will not keep a woman around (well not the ones worth keeping around)

Have you never seen an overweight and unattractive man with a wife? Take a stroll to your nearest Walmart

nop, but I've seen the opposite https://imgur.com/a/6ol1D

Then you are lying to yourself. You have most certainly seen an unattractive man with a significant other.

Like BlackOps2cel? never with any kind of femoid

"My life is so hard because I can't get my dick wet"

Its much more than that. The fact that you think its only that proof how easy is your life.

Well since you're literally posting this on r/braincels, not like I don't have a reason

Right, having no real affection or intimacy doesn't make your life hard at all...

This looks like satire. I can't tell if this is serious or not

Just lol if you think ppl who browse reddit are normies. They are rejects and outcasts just like we are but are in denial.

People who browse reddit once in a while (like I do) are normies those who regular r/niceguys or stuff like that.... Well idk about them

there's some truth to this. this is pretty much the only sub i won't get banned in because i'm such an asshole. so in that respect, i'm definitely a reject.