This awaits all incel wagecucks.

116  2018-03-29 by xtsv


Oh look it's GlitterBambina


Nope, it's MRAGGGAN.

When you marry the woman of your dreams

“Get the fuck out of my house.”

Or, if you wanted to be more descriptive. “I’m going to be married to a healthy weight woman who helps keep the house clean. It’s either going to be you or someone else.” She’ll scream for a few days then either change or leave.

If someone is home all day, they should at least contribute by doing all the chores. Marriage should be an equal partnership.

Should. But 99% of times it isn't.

Like you would know.

You don't have to be in a marriage to observe. ;)

You observe ninety-nine percent of marriages?

im not sure about 99% but those marriages that arent are pretty doomed. someone breaks eventually

Half of the marriages in the United States end in divorce.

yeah my parents are divorced so I know the life but I have seen some parents of friends that are literally straight out of pleasantville, its crazy how some people make it work for so long, ive never known that first hand.

but I have seen some parents of friends that are literally straight out of pleasantville

You just might see the surface of it all.

sure, but I also only saw the surface of the divorced parents too, so who knows how much darker that could get

It's not that high actually because it counts all those fuckwits who go through three or four marriages three or four times.

how does that change anything. he didn't say half of all people. he said half of all marriages.

Because the idea is that half of all people get divorced unless it is specified that people who remarry multiple times skew the data.

no the idea is that half of marriages end in divorce

jesus you incels are fucking annoying

Shes probably a tragic femoid obsessed with moderating an internet board about virgin adult men, what a champion

oh fuck

Because being home all day and doing the chores is equal to working. lol. Chores take about 30mins per day.

30 minutes? Really?

  • Preparing meals
  • Taking out the garbage and recycling
  • Vacuuming
  • General picking up of things
  • Washing the dishes and counters
  • Cleaning the stove/oven and fridge
  • Periodically cleaning the cabinets
  • Washing the floors
  • Cleaning the windows
  • Periodically washing the curtains
  • Dusting ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Changing light bulbs
  • Changing the furnace filter
  • Washing the mirrors
  • Cleaning the sinks and toilets
  • Cleaning the bathtub
  • Scooping the litter boxes
  • Feeding the cats, giving them fresh water
  • Grocery shopping
  • Getting gas in the car and oil changes
  • Laundry, putting away clothes
  • Washing the sheets and making the bed
  • Mowing the grass
  • Raking leaves
  • Shoveling snow
  • Checking the mail

This sounds like a good amount of work to me.

I'll condense it for a normal person:

Vacuuming and wiping down surfaces once per week. Doing the laundry. Loading the dishwasher. Emptying bins. Changing beds once every week or so. Cooking. Ordering groceries online. Yep, that's 30mins per day. Single people with full time jobs do all this with ease. It doesn't come anywhere close to warranting even a part time job in and of itself.

Seriously all that shit can be done as an afterthought or doesn't need to be done everyday. No wonder bbwgaming can't lose weight she thinks changing lightbulbs is a full time job.

No wonder bbwgaming can't lose weight she thinks changing lightbulbs is a full time job.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck. Her list is now a meme.

You only wipe down your stove and counter tops once a week? That needs to be done daily, the same as dishes. I don't order groceries online, I go to two different grocery stores to get the best deals.

You only wipe down your stove and counter tops once a week?

Yes. And wipe up after you use it.

That needs to be done daily, the same as dishes.

Dishes go in a dishwasher. Which takes 5 minutes to fill and empty. And if you're just two people, you aren't filling it every day.

I go to two different grocery stores to get the best deals.

I go to two different websites to get the best deals.

Retarded whore entilitment mentality no wonder you can't get a bf if though you are a woman

You don't have to do all of those things in a single day bru. Most people just take out the trash, wash the dishes and tidy up the living room which takes 45 minutes at most

When do all the other things get done? Litter boxes and feeding/giving water to the cats needs to be done daily. Even if some things need to be done weekly, you would do them on a rotating schedule so you're not putting in 16 hours one day and 4 the next.

lol bro I have two cats and it takes me exactly 30 seconds to feed them. How many cats do you have where it takes longer?

I have 3 cats. But that's not the point. Do you see how long the list is that I made? A single task doesn't take that long but when you add them all up, yes, it can take 4 hours a day (on average).

4 hours a day if you do everything on the list, every day, which you won't. Chores are not supposed to take that long and they are not supposed to be hard brah simple as that.

I only work part time so I wouldn't expect a significant other to work full time.

When do all the other things get done?

Can you not split tasks on to different days, depending on the priority level?

Jesus Christ. No wonder they make fun of you.

Lol, this is literally every woman complaining about how there is just sooo much housework to do in the day, a bunch of things that are bi-weekly or even bi-monthly appended to a list of things that are very easy and simple and take ~30 minutes a day which most men have had to do for most of their lives and realize it's not hard to do

It depends on how often you do things. There are daily tasks, weekly tasks, etc. The cleaner you keep your house, the more time it takes. I like a really clean house.

Who the fuck does all this in one day? Have you ver actually needed to accomplish all of this within one 24 hour period, and then suddenly needed to do it gain the next day? Unless it involves food most of these things you do once every 1-2 weeks.

Example 1

Changing light bulbs

I do this once every couple of months. It takes 5 minutes tops.

Example 2

Shoveling snow

Where do you live, Nome Alaska?

I never said all this gets done every single day. But you have to account for it over the course of the year. And there's probably stuff I'm forgetting to list.

Changing light bulbs

How many board_gamings does it take to change a light bulb?

One, because apparently she takes all day.

I hate wymyn who won't do house work. Gotta whip their asses into shape. I once yelled at my ex for sitting around doing nothing and made her make me some breakfast. You're goddamn right.

You sound mentally regarded

I may be retarded but I got my fucking breakfast, finally.

That is literally something most retards are capable of.

Getting hate for keeping my foid in line lol. What are ya? An incelqueer?

No, incels who larp as abusive husbands on the internet to seem cool get the rope though

I'm a norman, dumbass. Fuck yeah I yell at a bitch that don't act right. Maybe you should start too, put some hair on those bawls.

You should tell that to the women you date, that you “yell at a bitch who don’t act right”. There’s nothing distinguishing between you and a nog on how you treat women, have some class, you make whites look bad.

So I'm white now? Hint: I'm not. Don't you tell me how to treat these hoes lol.

Lol no wonder you’re a piece of shit

Oh I see you're just a cuck that lost his way. Let me help you. r/IncelTears Go back home, I'm sure they miss you.



Islam is the best. (unironically)

Atheist normies downvoting you.

I can’t understand people that don’t keep a tidy home. My place is impeccable. It’s not hard.

It’s like being obese - it’s a dealbreaker for me, because it shows that you just don’t give a shit.

Depresion. I clean my place but not always 😞

cleaning my place/car makes me feel pretty damn good afterwards though, shit I even make my bed sometimes.

I usually make bed sweepfloor do dishes but that it 😞

hate sweeping the floor but thats because I have pets so I have to do it often

Clean your room bucko


Why clean when you can play more videa games?

Wow ppl here seem to hate femoids so much that they give the ghost by the laundry a pass. I’d be more pushed about that

This is why we need traditionalism. This is what feminism gets you.

No, this is what laziness gets you.

I'm lazy and I never got even close to being fat. Fat "people" like yourself are disgusting.

people who eat when they're bored

Is this your dream relationship?

If we had traditionalism this kind of behaviour would have been unacceptable. But after women's liberation this is suddenly okay.

I don't think it's okay.

Many women think it's okay to demand that the man works while they stay at home, because of the way it was back in the old days, while they still claim feminism makes it okay for them to demand the man also helps out at home. Aka does 100% of the work.

I’ve never met a single woman in my 31 years who wants to stay home and be provided for. Every woman I know works.

I know more stay-at-home dads than moms.

Stay at home moms are statistically a hundred times more common. This is isn't up for debate.

Yes, they are more common. I simply gave anecdotal evidence.

Your claim is that many women WANT to stay home and not work. That’s simply not the case.

Can you back up that claim? Or is it just an easy, “women are lazy, beta cucks, Chad,” argument?

Would you estimate that the percentage of women who would exhibit characteristic of depression have gone up or down in the past hundred years?

I have no idea. I haven’t read any research about it.

What does that have to do with blaming feminism for the erroneous claim that women want to stay home?

It's not a stretch to hypothesize that a leading cause for the depression epidemic that women currently experience is that they don't enjoy working full time.

Nah. That’s definitely a stretch.

But good luck trying to make that claim hold any water. I suppose an incel community is the best place to run with it.

Any other guesses as to why 1 in 8 women are expected to experience clinical depression in their lifetimes? Workplace stress is a commonly stated cause within the academic community, not just the incel community.


And women are generally treated more poorly in the workplace. They’re subject to harassment, they’re paid less, they’re underrepresented in many fields.

I wonder why that may correlate...

women are generally treated more poorly in the workplace. They’re subject to harassment

Harassment in the workplace is experienced with almost identical frequency for both sexes, at least in Sweden.

they’re paid less

Because they work less, they don't like working as much as men.

they’re underrepresented in many fields

Because they don't enjoy working in those fields. This is not due to socialization, preferences based on sex manifest before we have the ability to be socialized.

Women also will likely be not intelligent or driven enough to perform in these stressful fields. I hope I don't have to find you a source for the fact that men make up almost every single instance of an exceptional IQ and exceptionally high conscientiousness.

Gender differences in psychological traits are also a good argument for women preferring not to work full time, look up the sex differences for the Big 5.

Welp. Looks like you have women pegged.

Luckily you don’t have to worry about being a cuck and orbiting one. I’m glad you have it figured out.

Next time learn to concede with humility.

Concede what?

Incel from a group of incels posts links to articles that further the narrative that women are lesser, continues to be incel.


Where did I say lesser? My position is that women don't enjoy working full time. Instead of having an emotional investment in the new wave of propaganda you've been indoctrinated with that states men and women are identical, just observe facts.

And where did I say they were identical?

You’re posting in an incel forum, where the general feelings towards woman is poor. Then you made claims that women are depressed because they don’t like working. That sounds like lessening women based on as assumption of the work ethic of women as a whole.

Also, someone from incels suggesting someone got indoctrinated with propaganda. JFL.

I am bringing to attention a problem women experience, and a solution. I don't care what you assume of me, look at what I say instead.

Also, someone from incels suggesting someone got indoctrinated with propaganda. JFL.

Yes, very funny, and yet I'm able to support my views and you insult me instead.

Your solution for women with depression is to stay home and not work? That’s a crap view. The same could then be said of incels. If it’s lack of sex that’s causing depression, go have sex. That’s what’s sex workers are for.

The thing is, you don’t know what women experience. Depression isn’t caused by working full time or remedied by having a job or staying home more.

That’s a crap view

Yet, once again, you have nothing to support this statement. As I said, it's clear you come from an emotional standpoint, not one based on knowledge. Women are happier when they have a purpose outside themselves to dedicate their lives to. Their husband their children, their household. When they focus on career instead their desires are not satisfied. Being a cog in an economic machine is not as fulfilling as motherhood.

The same could then be said of incels. If it’s lack of sex that’s causing depression, go have sex.

The reason incels are sad is because nobody actually wants them, both physically and for romance. Prostitutes don't fix this, they want the money, not them.

And who wouldn’t wanna be with someone who advocates for women staying home, popping out kids, and taking care of the house??

It’s not the 1950s, dude.

And who wouldn’t wanna be with someone who advocates for women staying home, popping out kids, and taking care of the house??

Were you listening? I'm arguing that that's exactly what women want. Your sarcasm doesn't actually refute what I've said. I'm not an Incel either, by the way.

Except it’s not what women want. If they did, why are there so many women working or continuing education?

Again, it’s not the 1950s. Yes, there are women who want to get married, have kids, buy homes. In fact, I’d say most women want that. But that doesn’t mean they want to be completely supported and only stay home all the time. That’s not a realistic family model. Many homes need more than one income.

I understand why you peddle this argument in an incel community though. Good luck recruiting more garbage to stay stuck in the past!

why are there so many women working or continuing education

Because they are actively shamed for pursuing what they actually desire, by people like you who assume I am insulting women when I say I think they are happier working at home. There's also obviously a big push to have women work full time from the big movers because it drives down the cost of labour. The career woman exists because of the desires of political ideologues and exploitative business owners, not because of her own desire.

Many people don't understand how much money is saved by having someone stay at home, I'd wager unless your wife makes a six figure salary, it would be financially wiser to have her stay home. And that's without considering the fact that children raised by daycares and nannies exhibit characteristics of suffering from abandonment. I don't think people can afford not to raise their own children.

I understand why you peddle this argument in an incel community though. Good luck recruiting more garbage to stay stuck in the past!

Why do you call it garbage when you just admitted you think most women want to "get married, have kids, buy homes"?

And please, stop calling it "1950s", it's the way we functioned for our entire existence, up until the last 40 or so years, less for the country I'm in. In fact, I resent the 50s Americana because the culture of having women do nothing but cook and clean was part of a very wasteful culture that created the garbage dump world we live in now.

Because getting married, having kids and buying homes isn’t the entirety of women’s identities. Much like going to work and providing isn’t all of men’s identities.

And assuming that women don’t actually want to do the things they’re doing is kind of insulting. “Hey, women, you’re only pursuing an education because you feel pressured to repress your real desire to stay home, cook, and clean. Your dreams and goals aren’t real.”

And what about women who don’t want kids? That’s a population that’s increasing in size. What’s their deal? Do they simply wanna stay home and LDAR but they feel pressured to go to work?

Because getting married, having kids and buying homes isn’t the entirety of women’s identities. Much like going to work and providing isn’t all of men’s identities.

It's a rather substantial portion.

And assuming that women don’t actually want to do the things they’re doing is kind of insulting. “Hey, women, you’re only pursuing an education because you feel pressured to repress your real desire to stay home, cook, and clean. Your dreams and goals aren’t real.”

All behaviour will be internally justified, that doesn't assign to it an immediate value or truthfulness.

And what about women who don’t want kids? That’s a population that’s increasing in size.

The amount of people not wanting to have kids increasing should worry you as much as learning that the percentage of people that are depressed is increasing. It shows us that we aren't in a healthy society if we're cutting off our own genes.

Career women and childless women are the same issue from a different angle.

Much like going to work and providing isn’t all of men’s identities.

Except it pretty much is, that is all that really matters.

That sounds like a sad existence.

Yeah, it's even more sad when you don't even have the typical expected stuff to go along with it. Not having any aspirations beyond survival is a sad existence as well but people live it.

Do you feel like your only use is to be a provider for someone else? Do you want to have other aspirations?

Do you feel like your only use is to be a provider for someone else?

My only hope in life is to provide myself enough for survival with the common things most people have like a room to live in, a car and maybe have an outdoor cat to prevent an infestation in my car.

Do you want to have other aspirations?

Ehh, all my potential seems wasted because I just can't get a girlfriend and it ruins my motivation for anything.

Any decent woman would want to be with that kind of guy, all others are just disgusting degenerates.

There are too many women working in the first place, they are bad for productivity.

After maternity leave with my last child we switched and I’m a stay at home Dad now. It’s the best and on most days I’d take it over a wage slave job or even a desk job. At least when I’m home my kids love me even if nobody else does.

I wouldn't want a woman who "works" she could take a vacation day to cheat on me far too easily like the fucking whore she would be.

You also think being a virtue signaling piece of garbage is okay.

You mean we need Islam. (unironically)

At least I can take some solace in the fact that I'm incapable of getting a job good enough to live the betabuxx life.

Is she posting on incel tears lol

she IS the mod

Wouldn't be surprised tbh.

Looks like the kind of life that IT users are living.


a-atleast he gets sex you fucking virgins!!!

As a non incel getting out of a long term relationship, I'm not even sure he does.

Jesus Christ. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't even think it would be worth it. I'd rather be a virgin.

Then that's why you're a virgin, can't blame anyone but yourself now, volcel.

Fuck off. Expressing disgusting toward gross, misshapen, semiliterate, ungrateful females does not make me volcel.

Hell, even the truecels could almost certainly get a gay guy to fuck them in the ass.

JFL if you think betabux gets sex after the first few months

I doubt he even remembers what a vagina looks like. He's just her walking ATM like most beta husbands.

Are we just going to ignore the ghost by the laundry?

This is one of the few comments without a reply so I guess so

delete this

Rather die a virgin.... well that’s going to happen anyway

Fortunately marital rape is legal in some places.

The term 'marital rape' is retarded. If she's a fucking useless housewife, then the very least thing she could do is keep his dick moisturized

FUCK. My mother has done exactly this! I feel so bad for my fucking step dad.

I bet your step dad only ever had sex with her once or twice until she reeled him into marriage.

They met online and have been together since I was about 4-5 years old, so I really doubt it.

no chance boyos no FUKIN CHANCE!

It’s missing Tyrone in the background.

she's texting him/messaging him on tinder in the photo

Please keep coping.

Yeah she's messaging Tyrone

Is that the ghost boys name? Look by the door, see the 👻

This is proof why no man should marry

I sure she has some excuse like fibromyalgia or arthritis which is why she "can't" work or do house work. I know the type all too well.

He can just leave.

No other woman would want him doe

Then don't bitch.

o ok


Staying in an relationship is a choice. Either stay and figure out how to be happy, or leave.

I think I'd be happy if she was fucking working and I was starving her.

Better stay single your whole life than reduce yourself to this disgusting landwhalde

I would literally kill myself before living in a dirty house like that, I hate when people are so untidy

Or you could enter in to an equal partnership where you both work and share household duties...

But that doesn't exist, right?

Not in this day an age it wont

You’re still here? I thought you got a life and left. What happened man, wanna talk about it?

Well, since you landwhale girlfriend left me for Tyrone and I got back on Tinder and got zero matches...I got one date on OkCupid, but she just ordered the most expensive thing on the menu and then ghosted me.

So now I'm sitting alone in my empty apartment (because my ex wanted all the furniture and I'm too beta to say no) and crying while jerking off to hentai.

Nah man. No memes. I’m being serious. Are you alright?

That kind of thing shouldn't exist, it isn't right imo.

This man works 12 hours a day. I think he might be a little exhausted.

I agree. Seems like a pretty shitty partnership. When I'm not working I cook and clean. When my partner isn't working she cooks and cleans. We don't split things perfectly evenly, but we agree on what feels equitable and do that.

If you're working 12hrs a day and your partner isn't doing jack shit, kick him or her to the curb.

what the fuck stacy

Board_gaming isn't single anymore?!

Wagecels are doomed to be haunted by laundry ghosts?

desire to move to another country intensifies

Oh yes all white American women are like this! Let’s blame all white American women!

Probably not far off that though, since America is the source of most if not all societal problems in the west.

Yeah but not me but of course men will all dump that onto me.

who are you trying to convince? Seem to have struck a nerve there fatty

I’m not fat tho so...

just ugly?

No. Just sub 8 which may as well be dead to men.

sub 8 doesn't matter if your a girl dumbo

most american men and women are like this, I don't like it and want to move to Finland

Given how obsessed the left is with claiming all white men are privileged, stupid, and racist I don't see why we can't judge and stereotype the women.

All white America women hate ethnic men. Scratch that, all women in America hate Asian and Indian men.

This but unironically

you're all either this or BBC whores. accept your reputation white american roasties

White women are evil

There are good and bad relationships. This is an example of a bad one

Brought to you by incels who lurk and post on the mgtow sub.

Jesus Christ! Is dat really the ghost of her son who died of starvation. Or mb he simply became gleam from hunger...

Jesus Christ! Is dat really the ghost of her son who died of starvation - he's on the right in the middle line. Or mb he simply became gleam from hunger...

When you see it you will shit brix.

being a homemaker is so hard

Hating others wont turn off the screaming inside ur soul bro

They both seem like losers lol they should probably just break up

How does the guy sound like a los-



Oh, of course. Fuck off roastie.

He's posting relationship drama on Facebook lol

So would I if that disgusting roastie is what I had to come home to everyday lul

Real mature

You kind of do have a point though. The man who posted that pic is a betabux. I would never have allowed it to get to that point anyway. She would have been kicked out of my place long ago.

Right, mature adults break up when a relationship isn't working. They don't post and whine about it on fb.

Oh no I still would have embarrassed that roastie on facebook after breaking up with her. Everyone deserves to know what kind of person she is.

Feels like I'm back in middle school lol

i don't understand why you're worried. if you aren't a slob then this won't happen to you, femoid.

I cringe for anyone who posts relationship drama on fb. But it makes for good r/trashy material

You were defending a slut in that other thread and you're also here defending a lazy slob

I think I'm getting a picture of the kind of woman you are 🤔

What slut? The hypothetical woman who was hooking up with guys in college?

If you don't want to date women who have hooked up, then don't. The hookup culture isn't for everyone. But calling women whores for having casual sex seems a bit extreme.

People who have lots of sex partners have unstable lives and have diseases. Not extreme at all.

Casual sex doesn't mean fucking half of campus.

Why do you care what they're doing? You're not going to date them, so whatever.

I'm obviously speaking about any potential future women I date.

The past does matter regardless of what women like to tell themselves.

For you, not for every guy though.

For the vast majority of men. If the past truly didn't matter women wouldn't be hiding it from men.

Casual sex doesn't mean fucking half of campus.

Casual sex is fucked up regardless.

Hookup culture is RUINING women, it's fucked up and should be punishable, there should have to be like some kind of bond type thing that needs to reach maturity before the sex is legal, that way it would prevent women from bitching about being "raped" and it would kill hookup culture.

Interesting proposal. How exactly would that be enforced though? Please elaborate

Ban tinder.

Okay, but people are still going to have casual sex?

Banning casual hook up sites like tinder would do an enormous amount of damage to the hookup scene as it currently is. No, it wouldn't stop all casual sex, but it would do a lot of good for men in general.

People had causal sex before dating apps, you know that right?

People will less after tinder is gone. And the casual sex they have will be with men who vary more in their looks.

Interesting theory, but unfortunately there's no way to test it!

Yup, we ban tinder.

Good luck getting that to happen lol

If people cared about lower tier men it would happen.

Hell if I know but it isn't a bad idea. There isn't a way to know if someone has been sexually active so that complicates things, for the actual sex it could be performed in a government facility where it will be on camera and monitored and the cost could be covered by the cost of the original sex bond, I'm sure people would be happy to higher than average prostitute rates to have sex with someone they love or who actually has some attraction towards them so there would be profit in it. Maybe people could ust be given fines for conspiracy to commit an unlicensed act of sex and if fined for it they should be forced to have that crime labeled on them forever wherever they go for nearly all types of applications health insurance costs should be raised for them due to uncalculableable risk of STDs and STIs along, there should be extra taxes for those found guilty to minimize their crimes by making them less desirable, car insurance costs should have a mandatory increase for those found guilty due to increased risks of phone usage while driving, and if they are in schools they should be isolated and prevented from interacting with anyone.

Enforcing it would rely on the penalty being small enough for most people to not waste the money fighting it(and if they try their court case should just be denied on the spot) and being able to apply the charge without solid proof.

I can't tell if you're real or a troll with way too much time on their hands

I just hate how slutty women these days are, it's disgusting and something needs to be done about it, I thought that dating site kickstarter where the parents hook their kids up was a great idea in theory because that is how dating should be, monogamous and with someone acceptable and most importantly a one time thing.

What if you get stuck with someone you hate?

Then do your best to like them, and if worst comes to worst just move out with your own money and live a life alone still knowing what a relationship was like.

That sounds like a miserable existence for everyone involved

Living these days and wanting a girl who has never been in a relationship is a miserable existence for all involved but I'm stuck with it anyway and I'm pretty sure the majority of the population is.

I'm pretty sure most of the population is able to find dates without much of an issue, actually

I'm pretty sure most of the population is able to find dates without much of an issue, actually

That is part of the problem, there isn't a reason for a girl to want to settle down with pretty much the first guy she gets together with.

Living these days and wanting a girl who has never been in a relationship is a miserable existence

Notice the bold part of what I wrote.

Oh god the horror! Women get to actually choose a partner they'll be happy with instead of being forced to marry the man with the most pigs and pop out a million children!!!

So your solution is to change the entire world to fit the needs of a relatively small internet group (incels?) Seriously how narcissistic can you be?!

Men have to suffer from women beign able to make their own choices and create terrorists and mass murderers.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

And you’re the same type of dude who cries over how women only care about looks.

The lack of self awareness is truly remarkable.

The beast in the OP is not my looksmatch. I encourage all women to date their looksmatch :)

I thought that most incels think that they’re as ugly as humanly possible, no?

Yeah but I'm not fat. No fat woman is my looksmatch.

Eh, there are some fat women who are only slightly below average imo. Hell, some guys even like fat women.

What would your looksmatch be then?

I'm not asking for much my dude. I like chubby women and I'd be completely fine dating one. But the woman in the OP is massive.

My looksmatch would be someone who isn't deformed in the face and who takes even a little care of their body (hence why i'm fine with chubby women)

Okay I know you’ve probably heard this 1000 times by now so this won’t mean shit to you but with an attitude adjustment you could find what you’re looking for. I’ve seen PLENTY of really ugly couples. It’s doable. But when you tell yourself it’s over and you’re never gonna get a girl no matter what, then of course you won’t

He just needs to add hashtag blesssed and it’s all fixed

Nah then it would end up on r/trashy

Shut the fuck up

You're a charmer

And you'd all be lucky to have a woman twice that size twice as sloppy.

God in heaven no.

But that's what a real woman looks like!

Feminism has you guys all turned around!

No lol

But you still jerk off to the thought. You're the real hero. Incels can't even attract a straight land monster but you sir... you keep your celibacy for your principles on an aspect of humanity you don't even come close to understanding... you'll truly be recognized as a martyr by future generations but now you die as a virgin because women are oppressing you. You sir are a hero. I'm glad... No proud, that you are not getting laid for the rest of us.

Stop. You've already proven that you're my superior.


It's ok man. You do you.

god i hate when people leave dirty plates out it's disgusting and the ultimate laziness

God damn if i ever got married and my 'wife' just larded out and got lazy Insta divorce bitch better sign that prenup she ain't getting shit.

Granted "I just fell in love with a bad bitch told me that she loved me too, baby I'm not having it"

But she lives 3 hours away :(

Like you would know.

cleaning my place/car makes me feel pretty damn good afterwards though, shit I even make my bed sometimes.

im not sure about 99% but those marriages that arent are pretty doomed. someone breaks eventually

Many women think it's okay to demand that the man works while they stay at home, because of the way it was back in the old days, while they still claim feminism makes it okay for them to demand the man also helps out at home. Aka does 100% of the work.

Because the idea is that half of all people get divorced unless it is specified that people who remarry multiple times skew the data.

Clean your room bucko

Not in this day an age it wont

Then don't bitch.

lol bro I have two cats and it takes me exactly 30 seconds to feed them. How many cats do you have where it takes longer?

Better stay single your whole life than reduce yourself to this disgusting landwhalde

Welp. Looks like you have women pegged.

Luckily you don’t have to worry about being a cuck and orbiting one. I’m glad you have it figured out.

Lol no wonder you’re a piece of shit

You also think being a virtue signaling piece of garbage is okay.

When do all the other things get done?

Can you not split tasks on to different days, depending on the priority level?

Jesus Christ. No wonder they make fun of you.

You’re still here? I thought you got a life and left. What happened man, wanna talk about it?

i don't understand why you're worried. if you aren't a slob then this won't happen to you, femoid.

That kind of thing shouldn't exist, it isn't right imo.

This man works 12 hours a day. I think he might be a little exhausted.

Interesting theory, but unfortunately there's no way to test it!