I know I keep saying this, but inceltears users are legit fucking losers.

33  2018-03-29 by Picopeso

Spent 5 minutes clicking on the users profiles on that sub and I saw:

A full on depressed goth roastie

A beckie who needs validation by posting on gonewild

A complete nutjob who makes 12+ posts a day on us

A cuck who has relationship problems

A roastie who is insecure about her face and asking for makeup advice

I still have some humanity in me sadly, so I won't post their profiles, not yet anyway.

I mean JFL, seriously. These guys are legit bottom tier normies at best, more likely incels-in-denial.


I thought it was holy writ that women can't be incels?

Correct. I was referring to the male posters in my list.


Really? I was chronically lonely when I was younger and had sex for the first time at 28 but my experience means nothing here because 'femoids can always get sex'.


Females cant be incel, Feel free to argue with me.

No point. I doubt you've allowed a new idea or opinion in your head for five years.

I mean I'll be open minded but try to convince me. Any man would fuck a woman who claims to be incel.

Any man would fuck a woman who claims to be incel.

Why do you think that? Like literally any man would fuck any woman who was a virgin? Not in my experience.

What was your experience?

I've shared enough here, look it up. I'm not going to write up a whole load of stuff just for you to pick it apart and call me a liar or a whore.

Why would I call you a whore or a liar!

Because that's what normally happens here if I say something incels don't agree with. I'm either wrong about what I'm describing or making it up.

Pls be my gf

Where did that come from?

I'm searching for a mommy gf

No thanks.

Females cannot be incel

I have a partner and I don't want to be anyone's 'mommy'.

You have a partner, Huge surprise. OUT NOW

Said with all the authority of a man with a 3 day posting history.

lol I've been on braincels since a week after it was made. Nice try at discrediting me.

Right, right, so you have to keep changing accounts? Do you get bored, or get banned?

Mostly bored, Also why does it concern you. This isn't even a subreddit for you. You're another female living life on easy mode. Your presence here is an insult.

I came to this sub in the first place because I can relate to the loneliness and despair you feel, whatever you think about the truth of that, and also that there are certain beliefs incels hold about women that are a) untrue and b) really holding some of you back finding a girlfriend. I've had enough productive conversations on PM for it to just about be worth putting up with the abuse.

If you want an incel-only forum go and join one.

No thanks, This is my home and I'm not leaving. You have a bf stop insulting us.

If one of the incels here got a girlfriend, would you dismess his earlier experiences, never talk to him again?

I would be happy for him. Being an incel is absolute hell.

I'm not looking for 'incel' as a label, then or now. But you should acknowledge that some women don't and can't live the easy-mode, different chad every day life you describe.

What ever I'm drunk and suicidal leave me alone pls.

Grow up. That sort of ditching out of an argument is something you mock women for.

Leave me alone bully

Just calling someone a bully doesn't make it true. Is this your tactic in real life?

Stop harassing me.

Stop responding to me.


If this is what you call bullying then you must have had a really easy time in school.

I got beaten up all the time in school. You're still a bully.

Because I disagree with you and won't do what you say?

Keep harrassing me and I'll report you.

Go for it.


If you feel I'm bullying you, contact a mod.

Stop responding to me you sick fuck.

What a hair-trigger nightmare you must be in real life.

You're literally harassing me and don't realise It .

I realise this is just a play so you can feel righteous anger at how oppressed you are, but you're just coming across like the special snowflakes incels claim to hate so much.

No need to get those beef curtains in a knot sweetheart.

Stop bullying me, you're hurting my feelings.

Good, I hope you get breast cancer.

$100% badass points, well done.

tick tock, it's only a matter of time. Breast cancer yes!

I doubt it, heart disease will probably get me first.

Let's hope so. 😏

And let's hope none of the women in your family ever work out what utter contempt you have for them.

I don't hate the women In my family you filthy fat slob.

Oh no! My feelings! Someone on the internet is being rude because he had to abandon his fatuous arguments.

You know it hurts deep down fatty. Lose some weight. I hate fat people so much. Especially fat women. They are beyond entitled.

Yeah yeah. Go and find someone else to mither, I'm an adult with a life and stuff to do. You've had your money's worth, now fuck off.

You're worthless fat trash. Kill yourself whore.


both of you disgust me, don't make stupid reports

Literally all women live life on easy mode because of their role in sexual reproduction being scarce. The only time a woman can feel like she has a rough time in the sexual market is when she's too ugly for Chad to settle down with her, and she just ignores men of equivalent appearance to her, because they are too ugly for her inflated standards. This is the experience of every self identified "female "incel"".

How are women 'scarce'? There are more women than men. It's just you excusing your own failure, and failing at it.


Scarcity doesn't refer to the amount of women, but to the innate value a woman has based on her role not being replaceable like that of a male. All women can easily find both sexual and romantic partners, but low value women are not desirable enough to lock down the high value men that will have sex with them, but not date them seriously. They are not satisfied dating low value men, such as actual Incels. This precludes them from actually identifying as Incels, or having any legitimate grievance with the sexual market, as the suffering is entirely self imposed, unlike for that of a legitimate male incel.

Again, you've created a system that benefits your own world view. Perhaps it is true that any woman can get a drunken fuck, but if you're desperate for a relationship that doesn't help. I've seen again and again here that women are too picky, and I've been directly told that I should have given my virginity to the first grubby chancer that asked for it. Would you do that? Sleep with the first woman who asked, no matter what she looked like, no matter where she'd been?

I've observed reality, you deny it and choose to live in a fantasy realm. The point is not that any woman can get a drunken fuck, it's that they can get a drunken fuck from Chad, but not a relationship, they can only have a relationship with a lower value man, that pisses them off. That is their own fault. And no, I'm not interested in sex at all, I don't call myself an Incel or complain about how lonely I am like these delusional women.

You mean coitus?

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You're wrong, but I appreciate you'll never believe it.

What a bullshit cop-out. I'm here trying to have a discussion with you and you shut me out while pretending I'm the one who isn't open to discussion.

There is no point to a discussion. You've stated your belief that women can never have a hard time dating. I've told you, from direct personal experience, that isn't true. You say I'm living 'in a fantasy realm'. We're never going to reconcile our points of view.

I've already explained that was your own fault. You don't seem to bee keen on explaining why is wasn't, so I'll continue thinking it was.

You're assuming that all women have a tight shopping list of qualities she's looking for in a man. In my case, I wanted someone who I could love, and who would love me, and who shared similar moral values and interests. Not too much to ask. I wasn't bothered about looks particularly (although I do like long hair on a man) or how much he earned. Again, I'm prepared for the fact you'll find this hard to believe. I find the notion of 'Chad'- the vain athlete bro who's only interested in his partner count- totally off-putting.

That's not what Chad is, first of all. He's just the representation of the desirable male. How did you struggle to find a partner for a long time despite having low standards?

I would say my physical standards are low but I'm fairly rigid on certain other things. I would not date a religious person- not because I have any problem with someone having a faith, but because I'm an atheist and I think the clash between attitudes would cause problems. The same applies to someone with wildly different political or social beliefs. I didn't want a heavy drinker- I'm teetotal and I grew up in a house without alcohol so I've never really learned to be comfortable around drunk people.

What really held me back is that I've always been slightly out of step with my peers. At the age most girls were playing with dolls, I was on my C64. Later, when everyone else was into clubs and drinking, I enjoyed reading and going to concerts. My closest friends have always been men, and the only women I know are like myself. I was never bullied, I've always had people to hang around with and I'm generally a wise head that people come to for advice, but my slight 'otherness', my lack of interest in pop culture, stopped me from connecting romantically with people my own age. Also I'm fat and have a vague resemblance to the fucked up picture of Christ that was doing the rounds a year or so ago.

I think I took my time because I didn't want to just get rid of my virginity, I wanted to give it to someone I loved as part of an ongoing relationship. So I suppose in that regard you could say I was picky, but there was no way I wanted a random for my first time. Although he was a fair bit older than me my first lover was a virgin too, so we stumbled through together.

You had no problems making male friends but no male romantic interests. You know what that tells me? There were plenty of men through your life that could have dated you earlier, but you didn't even register them as sexual beings, because they weren't attractive enough.

In fact, all the problems you describe yourself having with the opposite sex were within your control anyways. You didn't know how to dress well enough and you were fat? Well guess what sweetie, that's the first thing a male incel fixes, and it doesn't do shit. But you didn't have to change anything.

Despite being a fat ugly shut in, you had constant attention from the opposite sex, and did end up having what sounds like multiple sexual partners. Meanwhile a man who put in ten times your effort posts here, he'll never get anything close to what you did, because you're on easy mode.


I can't overemphasise how little I understood attraction/flirting/dating at that time. I've been told since by friends that they saw people trying to chat me up but I had no awareness of it. Could have been anyone, I just wasn't receptive because I didn't think for a second anyone would be interested in me in the first place.

I'm 36 and I have been on 4 dates in my whole life. I got all of them online, and I had to approach every single one of them. I've had 2 sexual partners. Hardly whore territory.

You've got an identikit image of the women you hate and you're applying it to me. I notice your tone has been getting more and more hostile, when you claimed you simply wanted a discussion. Where did I say I was a shut-in?

Men and women face slightly different challenges in life, I don't think anyone but the super rich gets 'easy mode'.

The fact is that if everything in your life was them same, except you were born male, you'd be a permanent Incel, whereas because you are a woman you are not. How you can be so intent on denying that you are better off I cannot understand.

Because your worldview depends on it. You can't accept that women have trouble in their lives because then you wouldn't be able to claim victim status so easily. You know nothing about my life bar what I've told you, but some of the things that have happened in my life... Easy mode? Ha.

You're just being very stupid now. Men and women but in the same situation, the woman has it easier. The end.

If your mum died, would you feel better about it if you female?


Feeling doesn't matter. What are the circumstances you are placed in and how does your ability to react to them differ depending on your sex? Women will always have it easier in this sense.

You're moving the goal posts now- a sure sign your argument is failing.

I repeat. If both of our mothers​ died tomorrow, how would I have an easier time of it than you?

This has been my point since the argument started. You are the one desperately trying to change it to something it's not because you know that I'm right. My point is that if you were in the exact same situation in your life except you were male, you'd have it way harder getting a sexual or romantic partner, and have an easier life in general.

Even in regards to a close family member dying, women have support networks that men don't, purely because people care more about women than they care about men, tying back to one of my earlier points. You are given a default value because your role in reproduction is more valuable.

I can agree that getting casual sex is easier for a woman. Very few of us couldn't get some drunk guy to fuck us. I don't think relationships are any easier though. When the drunk guy wakes up sober and regrets ever meeting you, you're no further forward.

If you don't have a support network, that's your lookout. There aren't any bands of women stopping you from forming deep bonds of affection with other men. That's your responsibility.

men who are higher value than you will fuck you but not settle down. It is not harder for you to get a relationship if you don't try for above your value. As every incel here has said, they'd date any girl, but no girl will date them. You, despite being low value, still got to be picky, because you have it easier.

I'm not talking about personal relationships, I'm talking about institutions.

That argument only works if you're willing to accept any offer when it comes to a relationship. Everyone should have standards, no matter how low. No, you can't blame your lack of friends on vague 'institutions'. If you want to connect with other men and get support when life's hard you need to do it yourself.

You admit to being able to be picky. You've had multiple relationships despite this, whereas a male of similar value to you can have literally no standard and still be alone.

Get this one through your head, I have friends. That isn't what I'm talking about. Men are replaceable, society doesn't care as much. That's my point.

But I see posts here often about how women make no contribution to society... make your mind up. Are we useless, or much more valuable than men? Or do you argue whichever side is convenient?

it's not about contribution, it's about pure biology. look up "men disposable" to see what I mean. women and children first and the children first and the children.

We're not slaves to biology.

yes we are yes it is. biology exists because of logical progression in evolution. if we didn't care about women and children first more than men we'd be replaced by people that did.

If you take that to its logical extension you would be killed for not letting a woman off the bus before you. Seriously, life doesn't work like that.

I think there's a case for saying very attractive women have certain things easier- a friend of mine is stunning and gets free stuff all the time- but that still doesn't insulate you from death or illness.

I know your life's hard and I can see your frustration but there's no sense in comparing your life to that of women you don't even know. Any woman you see might be tackling any amount of truly horrible shit and having a vagina won't be helping her at all.

if i were to misinterpret this established fact then it sure would sound silly

Nice work.

there's no sense in comparing your life to that of women

If that's the case why are you adamant about comparing yourself as equal in difficulty to an incel?

Any woman you see might be tackling any amount of truly horrible shit and having a vagina won't be helping her at all

it literally does. That's what I've been showing you for the past while. Your problems were easier to deal with because you are female.

'Your problems were easier to deal with because you are female.'

Prove that to me. Prove how dealing with the death of a loved one is easier for women. And let's say it's a woman with very few friends and family, so she's got no one to talk to. How does the physical fact of her having a female body make that experience easier?

listen I'm sure your mom dying sucked, but on average you'll have an easier time dealing with it because more institutions exist to take care of you, and because as a woman you don't have value ascribed to you based on how in control of your emotions you are. Note that I don't mean I have a problem with men being stoic, that's also biologically logical, it's just that it's harder for a lot of men.

Also I appreciate you not even trying with the relationships angel anymore, though I'd wish you'd officially concede that women can't be incels, and therefore have it far easier there.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Really, you're very ill informed on how women experience the world. Also my mum isn't dead, I was illustrating a point, which you missed.

Let me ask you something. I'm assuming you're a virgin. Would you let literally any woman be your first lover? 600lb, full moustache and beard, boring, stinky... whatever you find most unattractive. Your first time... would you give it away so cheaply? Because if you would, that's the only real difference between you and me. I had very very few offers, but I don't think I would have ever been desperate enough to accept them.

I can't speak for all incels since I'm volcel (as I think I said a couple days ago when this started, but that could've been someone else I was talking to), but I think they would take any woman who would love them.

No, I'm not talking about love, I mean their first time. Does it matter at all what the woman is like, do you think?

For me yes, especially since I can't separate a first time from marriage, but I don't think an incel would care.

Then I don't think just the act of having sex would cure their problems.

It wouldn't. It's why prostitution isn't a solution. They can't have women desire them for a short term fling, or a relationship. A woman can have both easily. You being the example, despite being low value are still able to have many suitors and multiple relationships.

Do you call a slobbery drunk pawing at you a suitor? That's a strange way to think. And I'm 'low value' if you only count what I look like.

Incels never have anyone to make them feel desired at all. The fact that you are able to be disgusted by someone showing interest should be a wake up call in comparison to what men experience. Unfortunately looks are what enable women to even perceive you as having any value.

Look I've got work in the morning. I don't think we're getting anywhere but it's been interesting to talk to you. Women really aren't as terrible as you think.

They're exactly as "terrible" as I think, which is to say they aren't as nice as the fairy tales promised. I really don't hate women that much, I just don't like them enough to enter romantic relationships. My point has never been about hating women, it has been that they have is easy.

Well I think we've exhausted the 'easy life' thing. Night night.


So what would your opinion of me be if I cheated on my partner with this guy?

Be my mommy gf.

Your claim is false cause I wouldn't


They can be but you have to remember to check your female privilege here.

Inceltears is your average redditor karma whoring loser making low effort post. I have been on reddit for 3 years. But for various reasons I keep deleting and making new one because I don’t care about karma.

Regular IT posters are those who need to make fun of others to feel better about themselves.


How is that possible?

She wants to be queen of the incels and this is her strategy.

It's not. She's just mocking us, like women do.

Mentalcel, like all "female "incels"", the mental problem being that she only wants Chad, but is too low value for him to marry her.

I'm sorry but projection OP projection through and through.

They shouldn't bully incels but you're still projecting I can feel it

I dont think you know what projecting is

Cucks gonna cuck. Losers gonna lose. Soy boys gonna soy. Feel me dawg?

I talked to some guy the other day who made an account specifically for shitting all over you guys hahhaha

The freaks of the freaks

It takes a special type of loser to harp on a harmless community on the damn internet so much simply because they may have offended m'lady.

Yes because harmless is how you describe a community that promotes the enslavement of women, spread of stds, and advocates rape

Total number of deaths caused by incels: If you use the word "incel" loosely, maybe a few dozen.

Total number of deaths caused by normies: Billions and billions.

Incels are entirely harmless compared to the normie scourge.

wow hero

Lmao what? I don't have a pussy

Yes because harmless is how you describe a community that promotes the enslavement of women, spread of stds, and advocates rape

Found the Islamophobe.

Good try though

Good try though

Trying to downplay wouldn't resolve the internal contradictions of Leftism, wherein you're here spending your time and energy against a tiny sub, but ignore the rapidly growing and encroaching religion of billion plus members that literally enslaves women and advocates "rape" (by feminist standards), because Islam is the religion of peace and a wonderful enrichment to Western society, sometimes even Sharia law is spun as pro-woman.

I never said im pro Islam or for any of those practices. Im against most of them in fact. But it was a good try to deflect from you being an asshole by bringing up a religion.

I like how all of yall like to call us future rapist and women abusers when we literally cant get women. Why not hate on CURRENT and ACTUAL rapists and women abusers?

lmfao fucking losers always trying to find an excuse to hate on us

We do. We just hate on the future one's as well

No you don't, fucking cowards

You think i don't hate actual rapists as well?

I think you spend all your time attacking incels and ignoring actual rapists, so, no, I think you hardly care.

I think you spend all your time attacking incels and ignoring actual rapists, so, no, I think you hardly care.

You think wrong then

Yeah, IT users aren't the best of society

only thing worse than being at the bottom of the social hierarchy is being close to the bottom and screaming at what you are afraid you'll be someday

I wonder what a side by side comparison with y’all would look like...🤔

Ooh ooh do me next! I wanna be roasted too!


This thread is great for weeding out these asshats.

Can't get lower than IncelTears. The ones that are obsessed with abuse.

Really? I was chronically lonely when I was younger and had sex for the first time at 28 but my experience means nothing here because 'femoids can always get sex'.

No thanks, This is my home and I'm not leaving. You have a bf stop insulting us.

I would be happy for him. Being an incel is absolute hell.

Lmao what? I don't have a pussy


Scarcity doesn't refer to the amount of women, but to the innate value a woman has based on her role not being replaceable like that of a male. All women can easily find both sexual and romantic partners, but low value women are not desirable enough to lock down the high value men that will have sex with them, but not date them seriously. They are not satisfied dating low value men, such as actual Incels. This precludes them from actually identifying as Incels, or having any legitimate grievance with the sexual market, as the suffering is entirely self imposed, unlike for that of a legitimate male incel.

Go for it.