Woman here

58  2018-03-29 by hopelessnothelpless

Hey guys, I just wanted to start out by establishing that I have a vagina, so I recommend that you listen up. I get that you guys are frustrated, but you need to remember that even ugly guys can get girls. Some women are shallow, but girls like me are willing to go for any guy that can make them laugh. My shortest boyfriend was 5'11( I believe this qualifies as a "manlet"?), so I clearly am willing to branch out and date short guys(I'm 5'2" btw). I also once dated a guy who was balding. I've dated an Indian man, and he was actually kinda cute so I only cheated on him a few times. You know what all my boyfriends had in common? They treated me nice and made me laugh. Don't forget to keep up with your hygeine and style your hair right! Good luck fellas, I'm sure you can find someone like me if you look hard enough.


What about little dicks. Do you like little dicks?

You bet 😍

Do you have big boobies? I want some milkies mommy.



Lol wtf?

You give me hope roastie.

Glad to hear it! I'm sure there's a girl out there for you. Just don't bother me.

Damn. I just swallowed the bitterest bluepill.

Just be prepared to love her fat folds

All my boyfriends have loved my body


This is what you thoties sound like so you have no right to say that as if you did not partake in this disgusting behaviour.

I don’t partake in that disgusting behavior.

Gtfo whoree

I’m not a whoree.

Yeah...u are.

Female here, our views are important when it comes to making a balanced viewpoint and sub that attracts so many people. Especially when it comes to contrasting these kinds of echo chambers. I think if more women posted here they could make a change in some borderline incels lives (teetering the line between just a young virgin and a so called incel). There's a stark amount of young guys here that are under 16 and if they heard our voices maybe they'd not become bitter men. They'd read that we aren't all fucking harpies. Stopping the formation of such hatred is a vital part of our job as citizens of the world. We need to sterilize or atleast balance these pools of hatred that create the primordial ooze of future school shooters and vitriolic men.

Femoid here* What sort of thing would you have to say to change one of these 16y/o views that they could actually believe.

Keep on showering and cutting your hair ;).also womin can be incel:(

17 year old here and I'm not changing my views for a cunt

Okay sweetie, it’s why you’re single.

I'm single because I'm ugly

You only cheated on him a few times? Yeesh.

He wasn't fulfilling my needs

Like, I am not even a regular poster here alright, but you arent becoming a good example when you casually say ’I only cheated on him a few times’ if your loyality is that low. You could have just broken up with him and then go find someone else. They are people too, and they dont like finding out that someone has been cheating with them.

"Female here" a classic femiod response

Women have it so much easier in so many ways. :(

I have a hard life too! Once a guy actually accepted my offer to split the bill. I had to fake a panic attack and pretend to go to the bathroom so he would cover it for me.

TFW not Mr. Clean. It's over.

Okay but as a real girl that lurks and occasionally comments, this post was fucking hysterical. This sounds so much like my comments, and here I was thinking I was so original, teehee.

Honestly, I never would have read this if you didn't mention you have a vagina. Good job on establishing upfront that your opinion is not only superior to mine but that you also a provide special insight into this topic because you pee sitting down.

No problem! I know a lot of you menfolk are lacking in mental ability so I figured I'd go ahead and make everything crystal clear.

he was actually kinda cute so I only cheated on him a few times

My troll senses are tingling.


lmao. what a troll

so ... 'woman here' how does it feel to know you going to get herpes from all those unprotected rendezvous you have and that none of the cucks that you mess with will ever give you 1 thin dime? At the end of the day you're a stupid whore. Of course you'll HAVE to reply with some ignorant and vulgar response because you're a typical ignoramous. you keyboard moron.

You sound like the woman of my dreams 😂