evolutionary psych is incredibly interesting to read and research. It's one of my favorite things to learn about and discuss. I know this is a watered down version of some of it's ideas, but man it has some great points when you actually delve into the research and it's application in modern society.
1 gannon22 2018-03-28
1 fatchancebud 2018-03-28
some are evolved
1 GingeCel 2018-03-28
Wailmer into Wailord?
1 timeout400 2018-03-28
I've literally been told all these things.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-28
1 Mr-5-5 2018-03-28
Women by whom they breed with are responsible for all the worlds problems.
1 CMXV 2018-03-28
evolutionary psych is incredibly interesting to read and research. It's one of my favorite things to learn about and discuss. I know this is a watered down version of some of it's ideas, but man it has some great points when you actually delve into the research and it's application in modern society.
1 Mental_Cell 2018-03-28
Evolutionary psych explains everything, from sexuality to social relations and politics. The more you read and think about it the more you understand.
1 TropicalStormJim 2018-03-28
Women are literally outdated, lmao.
1 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-28
Literal human evolution
1 FluffyGalaxy 2018-03-28
This meme sucks