Are you guys seriously helping anyone with the it’s over bullshit. This sub is just a cycle of depression that traps young males.

188  2018-03-28 by Imacuckfromitears

It’s not over. All these stupid posts saying it’s over, that shit helps no one and just makes your lives worse. Women are not superficial and they do not go for looks. At my uni there was a girl named Stacy that told everyone whoever could take the most showers in a week would get to date her. After a week of 24/7 non stop showering I made it. I was so clean and fresh that Stacy rushed to me and held my hand, as I went in for my first kiss however, I felt an intense pressure as my knees went weak. Then all I heard was a gasp and looked around, before my eyes the max level you could reach showermaxing walked in. I watched in awe, as the balding, obese 5’2 Indian male walked in. Stacy instantly let go of my hands and rushed towards him. While it hurt, this has motivated me like nothing before, IT IS NOT OVER. I will reach bald Indian male status. I will keep working hard. It is not over.


I was about to downvote you due to the sheer stupidity normies say. Then I read the rest of the post and I shall say: What a quality shitpost you've written, OP. You indeed deserve an upvote.

its over for me

It’s only over if you can’t get women as a 5’2 bald Indian male.

its over in a sense you can't understand. Sure most can get women, but the women WON"T LOVE THEM. They will settle, resent the husband and themselves for settling which will result in divorce and theguy losing half his shit.

It really is over when you're not a 5'2" obese bald Indian janitor. If I self improve enough, I will get there one day.


Lol y'all are hilarious today



It is over though

10/10 shitpost

Traps... Young males...? Surely, if you're fem enough, why not just give up on tryna get girls, and become the girl? :thinking:

Why do you have to be young? Caitlyn Jenner did it when Bruce was an old athlete.


It never began.

t nev beg

How does this shit get upvoted when real incel blackpilled shit gets downvoted into oblivion? It goes to show how cycled and fake this subreddit is.

it's over my brother

After I read the title and saw the upvotes I nearly went into a rage.

Good job sir.

Thank god that I'm a curry.Now I shall reach my 5'2 bald janitor level goal.

I would love to help anyone who is having problems rn, I really don’t care and would love it help to support you Ok!

It really isn't over, and you actually hit the nail on the head that places like this do trap people though not just young people. Just gives people a bad mindset on reality only making them more bitter towards the world.

Then again, this place sometimes seems to be one big joke, kind of unbelievable. I hope you eventually are able to be with a woman. This stuff doesn't help though lol

If you graduate college as a virgin it's O V E R.

I dropped out college then went back and redid. Was virgin, not anymore.

Were you a virgin when you graduated after you went back?

Yeah. I was having panic attacks at the time and was super anti social. It was after college I was really starting to change myself. I literally had zero friends before, during and after college.

Wow, are you white?

Eh, Pacific islander. Hawaiian

What a time to be alive

Did you even read the fucking post? ITS A JOKE

I did read it, yup. It's a joke just like every other post here but I figured I would reply as if it were real, at least the first few sentences lol.

No more cope.


You had me up until you wrote "Women are not superficial and they do not go for looks." You are dead wrong. Femoids are the most self centered, vapid pieces of shit on the planet. That story was bullshit. I'm calling shenanigans on that post.

Dude what?

He’s wrong about “femoids” but your story is indeed bullshit.

No shit it’s bullshit smartass. And no he’s right about femoids

I think the person writing the bullshit story would be the smartass. What did your little thought experiment prove?

It’s not supposed to prove anything. A lot of fellow incels live tough lives, and hopefully a shitpost like this gives them a nice laugh. If you don’t understand anything about this community just gtfo normcunt.

Okay, honestly I would love to help you people because if I was 10-15 years younger I might be one of you.

The defeatist attitude is a self fulfilling prophecy. The fact is that women are like men. Some are nerds, some are dumb stereotypes, some are athletes, some are philosophers. Some are attractive and some are ugly. Some are rich and some are poor. Some are funny and some have no sense of humor whatsoever.

So to anyone who thinks they are doomed to be an incel here’s my suggestion: work on things about yourself that you can control. Looks are mostly genetic but being well kept helps some. Having money helps, so work hard at your job. Learning and being smart and knowledgeable helps quite a bit so read and know about the world. And being funny definitely helps so watch some funny TV and just see the humor in life.

There’s plenty of girls who would take a funny, smart, rich guy who is not attractive over an dumb, humorless, poor dude who looks nice.

rich guy

Yeah, let's give some advice on how to get gold diggers...

rich guy


Lmao what the fuck are you on? Experiment? It was a shit post you fucking failure.

Obviously it was bullshit. It was a made up story. Faggot


burn in hell you fucking jackass

thank... its just ovr if you want it to be.

Keeping up the fight when it's so clearly over is retarded but respectable.

Lol at OPs post history. Top tier baits

It depends. If youre a normie and youre fine with becoming a slave it's not over.

it's over for normans and incels

It's over. Why hope when there's rope.

I've been trying to get these retards in here to not give up. But I feel like one fish going against the current.

Women are definitely.... stupid. I don't deny it. And the white knights make it worse.

I am not a feminist anymore but, to think that you have zero chance? Get real.

People in here are mistaking sleeping around for loyalty. And yes, people are entitled to want to sleep around in our age. Nobody has the right to say you do not.

And that's where it comes from. Women will cheat on guys with Chads and its so easy for them. And incels can't get loyalty.

..What was I arguing?

Women are stupid because they aren't encouraged to get an education. The women in my family were made to get an education. My sister is a physicist and I am a counselor. The men are mechanics or cashiers or security guards. It's society that's shit. We should encourage men and women to get a degree and be independent.

I can’t agree with that. The way I see it, we are all living in obligation to one another. The thing that’s pulling us apart at the seams is this idea of marrying “the one.”

The institute of marriage changed from being one of necessity to one of luxury. And as long as we look to each othe for luxury we won’t know appreciation or peace.

As for the women getting education, I doubt even if women went far with their degrees they’d end up using em like men do. I’m saying this for most women.

Most women just drop off the face of the earth after racking up student loans to raise children or work part time somewhere. You can argue that’s patriarchy, but you’d be wrong.

Equality now is a misguided attempt to put women above men. When these feminists think of strong women they think of overcoming oppressions. When they think of strong men they think oppressors and tyrants.

I’m not one for a black and white world but it seems to me women don’t take their own advice.

Modern feminists are a joke at best. Any hard working, intelligent woman should be able to tell you that. Modern society in the western world is breeding entitled, amoral, humans who are statistically dumber than they should be. Women and men are both at fault and incels are some of the few groups that get shit on daily by not fitting in. (They then shoot themselves in the foot by venting in public places and showing their ignorance- but that isn't the argument here.) Imo, we all suck, we are fucking up our future and will likely die as a species in 100 years.

I agree with both of us, really. Is that possible?

this back and forth, I’ve had this discussion with so many people. It’s an exercise in futility at this point.

It’s like we just want things to blame but never try to change. I understand, it’s impossible to change society today when everyone feels entitled to their opinion and sees themselves equally as valid as Einstein, for example.

Are you one of the people hoping for a Muslim take over?

Well, no. If it becomes as popular as Christianity in my country (USA), fine, but I don't want to be forced to cover my head when I go outside.

Women hate manlets. There's no point in trying, since everything I do will be in vein.

inb4 hurr being short makes it harder but it's not impossible!!

Stupidest things female does is the more you hate them , the more rhey like you, so i dunno, i think incels are into something . Stop being a blue pilled cuck IT

You guys must have dog shit tier personalities. If it was me I would have gone to Walmart and bought several more shower-heads, connected them all at the same time and then multiplied the number of showers I was taking at any given point in time.

How do you expect to get women with such a shitty personality? One shower at a time? Seriously?

I know a guy who sounds just like you described. Was he a janitor?

Let us shitpost you dweeb

Self help is charlatan bullshit. This is not a self-help sub, fuck off.

ledditors shlwing how braindead they are yet again with their upvotes

beautiful !

you made me go so high and then so diwn.

If it’s not over for you then you are a tourist please go post to r/inceltears instead and leave us alone

Did you even read the post???

I read half then stoped in disgust

Its a joke poat, read it to the end

I remember when the Normie’s got some good laughs when cels were posting their suicide notes before the bann

Nice b8 m8

Stupid post

Thats the point.

delete trolls admins or something

Why so many hateful comments?? Shit was hilarious

we should all just kill ourselves now.

We could find joy and self esteem in other things like creativity or friendship.

Holy shit man. Lurker here

I'm "conventially" attractive and girls aren't all. Priorities out of wack.

If you think pussy is everything study hard get tf off Reddit and get a high paying job

We need to be honest with ourselves, because nobody else will.

Oh man its almost as if we started out this way you fuckin idiot.


Read the post idiot.

Fuck u retard

Stfu inceltear alt faggot butch.

You are retarded

Says the one that can’t even read a post.

I did read it. It was fuckin retarded. Like all your unoriginal fake shitposts

Alts out.

Your so retarded. I honestly feel bad for you. Fuckin inceltear alt faggot.

And after reading it, how retarded does someone have to be to say “it’s almost as if we started it that way”. Only a fuckin idiot that didn’t read the post would type that response dumb fuck.

Double post idiot. Nice job being a no skill fakecel shit head. You have like 4 posts and your account is new.

Fuckin dumfuck you think I am an idiot. Fuck off.

One month old account, and 90% posts about killing yourself. And we both know you didn’t read the post the first time dumb shit. And I wish I was a fakecel. And check my comments faggot, those aren’t shitposts.

Nice try inceltears. Go fuck yourself.

What a typical retard response.

What a typical fake. Try harder dumbshit


Every time I see such a title with so many likes I think this sub is dead. Then, bamboozle.

For some of these people it is truly over, and I don't think the saying is intended to be depressive but rather engouraging in a way. Because once you accept that it is indeed over, you can shift focus onto other things. You can "move on" from women. They no longer have any power over you. And I think that is a mindset that needs to be adopted by the vast majority of men.