List of Things Females Should Never Do

35  2018-03-28 by HomoheroBishii

  • Lecture or insult men about getting laid. Women get sex automatically so what do you know? At least incels read studies before discussing mating. Women talk out the ass, trying to give dating advice and shit. More importantly, how dare you insult men about attaining sex? That'd be like a man born rich mocking somebody from the slums.
  • Claim to be lonely, incel, or forever alone. See above. Also try dating your looksmatch instead of pining for Chad 24/7. Whatever you do, don't tell us to hire a prostitute while claiming your Tinder hookup is the same unfulfilling experience. The hooker isn't genuinely aroused for us like the (free) guy you found online. Try feeling like an asexual leper for life. There is also no reason why an ugly male would ever pump and dump a woman, because then he’d go back to being lonely and struggling to find a date. No, a woman is lonely because she rejects said ugly men, plain and simple.
  • Complain about strict beauty standards. If you're obese you're a BBW. If you're short you're cute and petite. If you're tall you're an amazon goddess. If you're a ginger you're a hot redhead. Meanwhile none of you women would prefer a 5'0 man over his identical but taller twin. There are guys who prefer small breasts but how many women prefer small dicks? Men need a six-pack to be mainstream ideal, women just need to be skinny. Stfu and be grateful the male gender is so thirsty, lax, and desperate.
  • Cry about cheaters and abusive partners. You all apparently date based on personality (which is why incels are single), so how'd you end up dating a bad dude? Use that personality detector everyone claims you use on incels. All fake and gay.
  • Virtue signal about how evil, privileged, and oppressive white men are. I ain't white but you ladies need to stop giving shit to your most common preference of men.
  • Bitch about male privilege in general. For every one of your white knights (which us men don't have) I'll trade you one male suicide. Maybe once your successful suicide rates catch up, I'll believe female suffering is an epidemic. Until then, try using a gun or jumping off a building instead of drinking cola and mentos. The only support a male ever gets is the kind he pays for (therapy). Women get free support before even asking it.
  • Telling men to work out. Most women's idea of exercise is putting on yoga pants then jogging slowly on a treadmill, or maybe walking to the fridge to put back the ice cream. At most you squat 95 lbs to get a better ass for Chad. Go lift seriously before lecturing us gymcels. Don't worry, you'll be judged by female strength standards (which is an oxymoron).
  • Pretending makeup isn't meant to hide your ugliness. Google image search "makeup before and after" then make that claim again with a straight face, a face coincidentally caked in fakeup no doubt… Or perhaps not, because despite claiming you wear makeup for yourselves, you wear less of it in private and more of it in public.
  • Telling undesirable men to behave, or else people will hate us even more. Maybe you whores should practice what you preach and be nicer to men nowadays, or else the number of angry incels, redpillers, and MGTOW will continue to increase.
  • Telling us to stop thinking about sex. If we did that to you, the slut shaming alarm goes off. We'd be "oppressing your sexuality." Don't worry though, we know ugly men are creepy perverts unless fully castrated.

damn son

I agree strongly with every point, top post.

No one cares

... and guess what? No femoid alive will EVER abide by that list!! LoL

Rules are for chums.

Women can be FA. There are some women that have a tough time dating and some that are virgins. Just look on the FA sub. There are more on the ForeverAloneWomen sub.

The Forever Alone Women sub that requires permission to enter because guys kept flooding it to ask for dates? Are you really this stupid?

she's really that stupid

I try to be nice to her but with the month I've had I feel like taking it out on someone who doesn't deserve it. She'll do nicely.

It's private so the women don't get harassed. Women on the FA sub already get harassed sometimes. Even I get harassed on this sub.

You bring that on yourself. Cry me a River.

That's what I said, it's so convenient to remain a mod on this sub for convenient sympathy points.

ForeverWithoutChad :’(


I'll date any of them

Then get to know a nice girl on the sub and ask her out if you like her.

One of the best, if not the best, post here.

Normies won't post here

Sure I will. My idea of a workout is slowly jogging on a treadmill.

this is the kind of post that makes me ashamed to be incel

indeed! what the hell is this!

Lecture or insult men about getting laid. Women get sex automatically so what do you know? At least incels read studies before discussing mating. Women talk out the ass, trying to give dating advice and shit. More importantly, how dare you insult men about attaining sex? That'd be like a man born rich mocking somebody from the slums.

there are lots of women with horrible personalities that mock people. don't lump us all in with that.

Complain about strict beauty standards. If you're obese you're a BBW. If you're short you're cute and petite. If you're tall you're an amazon goddess. If you're a ginger you're a hot redhead. Meanwhile none of you women would prefer a 5'0 man over his identical but taller twin. There are guys who prefer small breasts but how many women prefer small dicks? Men need a six-pack to be mainstream ideal, women just need to be skinny. Stfu and be grateful the male gender is so thirsty, lax, and desperate.

you're confusing fetishes and porn descriptions with societal pressures from real life. look at actresses, look at models, look at TV presenters and compare the men and women. look at every TV show with a nerdy scientist but a hot and smart female lead that "just needs to take off her glasses." you make one comedy with 4 women and the world goes nuts and half the people are abusing melissa's looks. this is pure nonsense.

Cry about cheaters and abusive partners. You all apparently date based on personality (which is why incels are single), so how'd you end up dating a bad dude? Use that personality detector everyone claims you use on incels. All fake and gay.

this is fucked up. people make mistakes. abuse victims often end up into the same cycles of helplessness that incels seem to. and worse, women being typically weaker than men have so much more to be scared of.

Bitch about male privilege in general. For every one of your white knights (which us men don't have) I'll trade you one male suicide. Maybe once your successful suicide rates catch up, I'll believe female suffering is an epidemic. Until then, try using a gun or jumping off a building instead of drinking cola and mentos. The only support a male ever gets is the kind he pays for (therapy). Women get free support before even asking it.

jesus effin' christ. so guys suffer more mental health issues and therefore women should just stop striving to be treated as equals in the workplace? fuck off with this false dichotomy and why can't men and women work together to make things better. you know, i come to these threads with an open mind of sorts, but these things make me lose all hope. keep up this attitude and you will not get women in your life, guaranteed!

Telling men to work out. Most women's idea of exercise is putting on yoga pants then jogging slowly on a treadmill, or maybe walking to the fridge to put back the ice cream. At most you squat 95 lbs to get a better ass for Chad. Go lift seriously before lecturing us gymcels. Don't worry, you'll be judged by female strength standards (which is an oxymoron).

you have no idea!

Pretending makeup isn't meant to hide your ugliness. Google image search "makeup before and after" then make that claim again with a straight face, a face coincidentally caked in fakeup no doubt… Or perhaps not, because despite claiming you wear makeup for yourselves, you wear less of it in private and more of it in public. Telling undesirable men to behave, or else people will hate us even more. Maybe you whores should practice what you preach and be nicer to men nowadays, or else the number of angry incels, redpillers, and MGTOW will continue to increase.

what's the difference between make up and a well tailored and pressed shirt to highlight the male form? or a nice clean shave and a crisp pomade?

Telling us to stop thinking about sex. If we did that to you, the slut shaming alarm goes off. We'd be "oppressing your sexuality." Don't worry though, we know ugly men are creepy perverts unless fully castrated.

stop thinking only about sex. sheesh, is it that hard to go five minutes without being bitter about not getting sex?

Okay, I'll stop thinking about sex. I'll think about constant bullying, lack of friends, weak relationship with parents, constant reassurance that I am disposable and lack valuable, constant reassurance that I'm ugly, constant reassurance that I'm unlovable. I stopped thinking about sex, now my life is pleasant asf. Thank you roast

"Don't lump us all in that way." claims all incels are average looking guys with bad personalities

"You're confusing fetishes and porn addiction from societal pressures from real life." Just lmao If you consider not eating like a vacuum cleaner societal pressure.

"This is fucked up. People make mistakes." If personality mattered to women why would they mistake a good looking guy as nice when that isn't the case? halo effect

"Women shouldn't strive to be treated as equals in the workforce?" Do some research honey, if you are a girl you will be preferred by colleges and get picked over a more qualified man. As for averages the amount of stay at home moms is going to heavily impact how much men make compared to women.

"What's the difference between makeup and a clean shave?"

"Don't think only about sex." Okay, time to think about the fact I've been bullied (mainly verbally like being called ugly but also physical) all my life, never had friends, parents don't love me, never experienced love with anyone, never listened to or cared for, never given attention outside of anon internet friends. Now that I'm done thinking about sex, all my issues are solved for sure

Stupid fucking slut, stick to making sandwiches for chat you ugly fat bitch

there are lots of women with horrible personalities that mock people. don't lump us all in with that.

All women have horrible personalities that mock ugly guys. AWALT.

you're confusing fetishes and porn descriptions with societal pressures from real life. look at actresses, look at models, look at TV presenters and compare the men and women. look at every TV show with a nerdy scientist but a hot and smart female lead that "just needs to take off her glasses." you make one comedy with 4 women and the world goes nuts and half the people are abusing melissa's looks. this is pure nonsense.

The only thing consistent among them is that they're not fat. Which is not asking too much at all. And that argument goes the other way, too: look at all the Chads in media.

this is fucked up. people make mistakes. abuse victims often end up into the same cycles of helplessness that incels seem to. and worse, women being typically weaker than men have so much more to be scared of.

Women choose those men, and therefore, choose to be in those situations. They also choose to remain in those situations, and return to those situations even after escaping. Incels do not choose our fate. Not to mention, you completely missed the point: you normies always argue that women have this magical personality radar that let's them know we write "horrible, misogynistic" stuff about them anonymously online, and yet, they can't tell a wife beater from a chill dude.

jesus effin' christ. so guys suffer more mental health issues and therefore women should just stop striving to be treated as equals in the workplace? fuck off with this false dichotomy and why can't men and women work together to make things better. you know, i come to these threads with an open mind of sorts, but these things make me lose all hope. keep up this attitude and you will not get women in your life, guaranteed!

Muh wage gap! Seriously, the wage gap has been disproven to the point of redundancy; if you're still clueless about it, then you're clearly to intellectually lazy to be arguing anything with anyone. And what false dichotomy? I see no false dichotomy; I see double standards, and men being treated like disposable shit, while women skate by with all the privileges. And what attitude is going to keep us from getting women? Our faces is what keeps us single; though maybe you're right. Maybe we just haven't beaten up enough teenagers for their lunch money to be appealing to women. Gotta be like boytoy Jeremy Meeks, he has such a respectable attitude, you can see it clearly written in his face!

you have no idea!

Nice argument.

what's the difference between make up and a well tailored and pressed shirt to highlight the male form? or a nice clean shave and a crisp pomade?

A suit doesn't cover the face.

stop thinking only about sex. sheesh, is it that hard to go five minutes without being bitter about not getting sex?

Clearly you're not incel and have never had to unwillingly go long periods of time without sex, or you'd understand just how difficult it is as a sexual creature to be deprived of sex and not have it creeping into your thoughts all the time. We're not asexual, and our sexual needs aren't being met. What the hell else are we going to think about, you dumb cunt?


What's the actual definition of a cuckold? Do you really know or are you just running your mouth?

I don't even wear make-up... when other girls my age were learning how to do that stuff, I was learning how to change my own oil and tires...

Well then, leave.

All very good points. I think most women have a hard time comprehending or relating to any of these since they haven't been put through the experience. I really do wish they would stop wearing makeup in general, or at the very least light touch-up, since this deceptive concealment amplifies their narcissism to an intense degree. They can finally walk around like us in their true forms.



Excellent post, filled with black pilled truth. It also highlights a lot of the double standards and female privilege that women, especially feminists, and white knights will deny, but anyone with a minimally functioning brain can look around at modern society and see that it is true.

Smh, it's over. No, it never began. Feminists have made sure of that.

It's beginning to feel a lot like incels

Soon the bells will start

And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing

Right within your heart

Holy fuck

How do you live life hating all women? It must be really tough. Can you tell me why you believe ALL women are like this as opposed to a loud minority?

Try living life as an ugly male and you will see why we uggos KNOW all women are like this.

OK so you feel that due to your looks you won't be treated well?


OK so what does this mean for you?

That an ugly guy will never be treated well and thus should off himself as soon as possible.

Do you mind telling me about an experience that confirmed this belief? If not that is alright How do you think your view in life would be different if this wasn't true?

I always get treated worse than my good looking friends. Girls give more attention. They've more friends. They enjoy their lives.

From your words I'm hearing that due to your looks you think that people do not give you the same amount of attention as your better looking friends. Is that correct?


It sounds to me like you just want to feel accepted. How do you think you could find acceptance?

Yes. Accepted by girls.

OK even before moving to other people how do you think you could find an acceptance of yourself?

I have accepted myself. I'm who I am. It's the girls who don't.

Do you believe that all girls should accept you?

No. Just one.

Stop replying to this troll. They are trying to make you feel worse about yourself.

That's not the aim at all dude

Is it a specific girl? Btw if I am offending you or making you feel bad feel free to stop responding or tell me. I'm not trying to make you feel worse. I just want to understand where you are coming from

No. It's not a specific girl.

OK so far I've heard that you accept yourself as you are and you want to feel accepted by at least one girl. Is that right?

I don't feel it. I know it.

I get along with other men. They actually respect me and want to hang out with me even tho I'm ugly. They appreciate me for hobbies I have, instruments I can play, sports I do...

Women on the other hand only care what you look like, and if you are hideous like many of us here, they don't even acknowledge you.

I sometimes wish I was a fucking faggot.

So you've had experiences where you felt diacrimated against by women due to your experience. Is that correct? If you don't mind me asking, what actually happened? What actions did they take to make you feel marginalized?

How do we live life being treated like shit by all Women? Idk but we do,that's why we are here to talk about it before we explode

Well it's good to have a place to vent and feel supported. I'm just trying to understand the reasons behind this belief. When you say all women are you including family or just women outside the family? I know it's different for everyone so just speak on your views

It can be family too,mine hates me

What do you think caused that reaction?

They just don't like me or love me just for who I am.

Why do you keep using the words "men" and "us" interchangeably? Look dude, irregardless whether some of the points you make are actual issues for real men, they are of no concern to you guys.

No woman will complain to you personally about being out of shape or promiscious or having high standards. They don't care enough about you

I’ve never seen or heard a woman lecture or insult a man about getting or not getting laid. (Apart from maybe high school, but that definitely goes both ways) Women aren’t automatically given sex. I do agree that it is easier to get laid as a woman than a man, but that doesn’t mean that any woman can have any man.

I don’t think most women pine over a “Chad.” Especially those that are considered average or less than average, looks wise. This goes both ways. In saying that though, people like to look at attractive people. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they only want to date/fuck someone who is a perfect 10.

Strict beauty standards go both ways, and are bullshit, quite frankly. Normal, every day people don’t look like celebrities. It saddens me that young girls and boys feel pressured to fit that perfect image.

However, everybody has a different view on what is “perfect” and people are allowed to have preferences. Again, that goes both ways. Some women like taller men. Some men like skinnier women. I do acknowledge that the general public, especially the mainstream leftist media, seem to cater more towards pressuring men to accept women regardless of how they look. What with fat shaming and other nonsense.

Being abused is never the victim’s fault. Being in an abusive relationship is difficult to get out of. I hope you’re aware that men get abused as well. It’s not talked about as much, but it definitely happens.

Male privilege is a myth. In fact, I believe that most forms of “privilege” are myths. Some people may be more privileged than others, but I haven’t seen any sufficient evidence to prove that it’s specific to a gender/race/orientation etc.

Male suicide rates are disturbingly high. It is an epidemic that needs to be talked about. Mental health issues are rampant in our society among both men and women. Though I don’t believe that “women get free support without asking for it” - would you mind elaborating? Men often suffer silently because of sexist stereotypes and I believe that there are far less shelters and resources for men who are victims of domestic violence than women (at least in the USA.) This is a problem that needs to be taken seriously.

I don’t know of anyone who has ever told anyone else to work out. Apart from maybe a doctor for health reasons of course. Are you trying to compare exercise and fitness routines? Because that’s like comparing apples and oranges. Every body is different and thus, people work out differently. There’s no superior exercise in my opinion.

Makeup is for hiding ugliness, essentially. However, not JUST for that reason. It is used to enhance different features, thus improving the overall appearance of the person using it. Some people wear a little, some wear a lot. I don’t see the harm in it. Some people wear it to feel better about themselves. Others wear it for others. Different strokes for different folks.

Once again, I have never heard of women (or men) telling undesirable men to behave. Although, if you go around calling women “whores,” I don’t blame them.

I have heard people tell other people, especially men, to “stop thinking about sex.” However, context matters. In most instances I’ve heard this, it is often because sex is the sole focus of somebody’s life. Sex is awesome, no doubt, but there are more important things in life. It’s ironic, a few years ago, women were often attacked for sleeping around, yet it seems the roles have reversed now. I think both extremes are illogical, as sex is a normal, natural, thing. As long as those involved are consenting adults, I don’t really care what or who people do. I genuinely don’t understand the mentality of those who do care.

(I expect to be down-voted, and I’m okay with that. But I am genuinely interested in discussing these points further with anyone who wishes to have a calm and civil conversation.)

I couldn't read all of yours but are you really that old and out of touch? Have you been on dating sites or any social media sites? It's all about looks,money,status. The lie that someone will love you for you needs to stop. No ,no woman will love you for your insides.thats a fairy tale,and so is everyone finds love,no they do not. I have been searching for the girl for me for ten years she doesn't exist. I look on fb through tons of girls ,in my area they either like black guys,muscled big white guys with tats (they all look similar, or.. if he's dorky he gots a bad ass career. It's over for you if your ugly to average with a shit job.

If you had read it all, you’d notice that I agreed a lot with what OP said. I’m not old or out of touch. I’m aware that the loudest people on social media often only care about looks and money and bullshit like that. I like to think it’s the minority. Maybe I’m wrong. Even if it is the majority, that’s still not every single person.

It’s not a lie that someone will love you for you. It saddens me that you believe this. No, not all women will love you for your insides. Not all men will either. It may be harder to find someone if you’re not overly attractive, I realise this. We’re a superficial society. But it’s not impossible.

If you describe your job as shit, then perhaps you should find another. Also, have you considered that your looks might not be the issue? I don’t know what you look like, but you sound hateful and bitter. I don’t know many women who would be interested in getting to know someone like that.

Hateful and bitter. Well I'm bitter yeah but I'm not hateful all day long only when something gets to me. And to prove your theory wrong. Do you know Eminem? Or heard his music,he was hateful and bitter and women loved him and still do. It has nothing to do with personality. I am very smart and I'm not a nerd ,I'm cool . I got alot of good qualities about myself. But no woman wants med because they aren't attracted and I'm broke.


"Or perhaps not, because despite claiming you wear makeup for yourselves, you wear less of it in private and more of it in public"

good point :2 i'll add that to my list of "good points regarding the truth"

High iq post

takes notes so I can do all of these things as often as possible

You bring that on yourself. Cry me a River.

Try living life as an ugly male and you will see why we uggos KNOW all women are like this.

OK so you feel that due to your looks you won't be treated well?


That an ugly guy will never be treated well and thus should off himself as soon as possible.

I don't feel it. I know it.

I get along with other men. They actually respect me and want to hang out with me even tho I'm ugly. They appreciate me for hobbies I have, instruments I can play, sports I do...

Women on the other hand only care what you look like, and if you are hideous like many of us here, they don't even acknowledge you.

I sometimes wish I was a fucking faggot.

That's what I said, it's so convenient to remain a mod on this sub for convenient sympathy points.

How do we live life being treated like shit by all Women? Idk but we do,that's why we are here to talk about it before we explode

No. It's not a specific girl.