is this roastie for real?

51  2018-03-28 by SerialEL


Tits-- i mean shes dumb as fuck

da fuq. lol so if a guy cheats thats just cheating, but if a girl cheats its ok cuz shes not getting something out of her current boyfriend... k den. why she acting all pompous and shit too? lol

all these chicks think because older guys want to fuck them, that they are some how valuable

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one common thing you will realize more and more as you get older is that women are inherently averse to taking responsibility for any of their actions

it's always the mans fault

They have no agency. She falls in love with abusive Chad but ooohh hes muh muh muhnipulative. But incels try every advice in the book to get relationships and fails hes the one that needs to work on himself some more.


don't ever be monogamous with someone that doesn't believe in monogamy. women are the ones that have temptation everywhere. not men.

This is brilliant. I’ve been saying the same thing. Women are the ones who have the temptation. Average Men, unless they are chad, in many cases can’t even cheat even if they wanted to.

Maybe if theres something wrong with a relationship they should learn to communicate rather than resort to cheating. Nice fckin excuse.

Translation: "something wrong" with the relationship means the guy is not Chad.

Women will always feel something is "wrong" if they think grass is greener.

Even if she’s dating a Chad and he’s objectively 100% perfect in every way possible, the grass is always greener on the other side like you said. Women are never satisfied with what they have, they are always looking to upgrade to a chaddier Chad. Make one tiny mistake in your relationship and she will forget and outright deny all the happiness you’ve provided her with in the past.

I'll also add this: the onus is on the guy to do all the work, keep her happy, fuck her how she wants, be rich, be handsome, have friends, social life, ambition, etc.

All of that plays into her 'happiness' - and if any of those things falter a bit, now there is 'something wrong'

Her job is to simply show up with a pair of tits.

“Her job is to show up with a pair of tits”

Not even that tbh

hamster wheel speed: faster than the speed of light

tfw she’s a millionaire for playing video games badly with her tits out

Funny because she probably wouldn't date a gamer nerd either. Her boyfriends probably a chad lite too.

chadlite? why stop there? Retire with a male instagram model with you beta bux from twitch donos

Thats not true at all, I live in Miami Beach and interact with women in relationships who travel here for bachelorette parties and I have yet to meet a single one that would not cheat, including the bride

Are you an incel? If you are, then I have a few questions:

  1. Why live in a place that's such suifuel for an incel as Miami?
  2. If you're an incel, how are these women even interacting with you?

And to be fair, grooms do the same thing at their bachelor parties.

Not incel, just someone who is eager for the end of this age and who likes to monitor the symptoms of kali yuga as they manifest and the growing inequality in the sexual marketplace is a very serious symptom of kali yuga

I would happily rape this slut

Legit ragefuel. Why so so many cucks throw money at this bitch?

the world is unfair. the hard working people get less reward, than the people who have it easy. you gotta cope.

The only thing that’s more pathetic than that bitch are the beta enablers that watch her streams. If you watch a female streamer unironically you are the biggest cuck.


Women are perfect. They cannot EVER be the cause of any problem.


Every single clip of this bitch is with her tits out. Most of these guys in chat are incels in denial seeking the only feminine interaction they can and she gets rich off of them.

Is that alinity?

the hell would i know.

what does MarieAntoinettesyndromece means?

look it up

white hair and balding as a result of stress and anxiety.

ah I see, how old are you btw?

just turned 18

happy belated birthday! sorry about the hair though

yeah um...thanks.

Worst argumentation ever

Something wrong with the relationship = the guy being sub8

betabuxx eternally btfo

inceltears in tears

I've heard this theory before but can't say anything about it because I haven't studied it (or any psychology in general), but what I can say is that if it is true, then it makes perfect sense why the guy from this post got cheated on. What was he doing wrong? Being a pathetic beta cuck who agreed to wear a chastity cage lmao.

there is no theory. you either love or not, their is no ''he is not giving me enough attention'' or something like that. have a problem, disscus it. if it didn't work, then brake up, SIMPLE

if you want to cheat, at least break up with the dude, don't fuck him up any further.

And if a guy cheats, it means that he can spread his seed to more women. It's all biology.

yeah, that's the kind of argument i come up with when women try to justify their hypergamy using biology. equality, AM I RIGHT?!

Most things can be justified by biology in my opinion. And females are not unique in their hypergamy, men would be hypergamists and sleep with the hottest girls too if they could. The difference is mostly that women can, and men can't.

Unless there’s a chad Tyrone or chang. Or all of em 😁

This bitch is a complete waste of 'human' skin.

Roastie liepill: “If a woman cheats, it’s not wrong, it’s becuase she isn’t getting something from the relationship”

Black truthpill: “yes bitch, that something is good looks.”

Man even as someone who laughs at the pathetic existence of incels, this woman is just an absolute baboon.

keep your friends close and enemies closer lmfao

I agree with her. When a guy cheats it's because he can't control his high sex drive. Women naturally can bond to and love their partners and there is no benefit for them from cheating, so when they want to cheat, it's something serious that's going on.

Also because we all know that it's never a woman's fault no matter what. Somewhere along the line it's always the guy's fault, every time.

yeah, when a woman robs a bank, its something serious that's going on...

Your strawman argument is irrelevant

its called an analogy. btw, a lot of cases are like this. they always pin it on the man.

How does robbing a bank have anything to do with not making your woman happy? Just lol at your mental gymnastics.

analogy: a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

i didn't bring up the bank to compare them, but its what you are basically saying. that we shouldn't blame the women for cheating because of the man is not doing enough.

do you approve of the female parasitic behavior? drain the man out of his money, while fucking another dude behind his back?

No shit retard. I know what an analogy is. Take it further than that and you're saying that "women think they shouldn't be held responsible for any of their actions", which isn't true.

There are no reasons for women to cheat for their benefit. A woman is best when she stays loyal to one man. If that one specific man isn't satisfying her needs, and look, they're usually financial and emotional needs, then she has the right to seek it elsewhere.

If that one specific man isn't satisfying her needs, and look, they're usually financial or emotional needs, then she has the right to seek it elsewhere.

So this justifies cheating?

If sex is offered to them, they'll take it without question like the primitive animals they are

Talk about generalizing LMAO

You're obviously trolling, no one is this stupid.

Fuck you. If a woman cheats she is a piece of shit. She should talk it out or fucking leave. Because in my last relationship, we had sex, and I didn’t try other women. Whenever issues arose, she didn’t want to talk it out, I did though. And she cheated. Quit your stupid fucking generalizations. And when someone makes an analogy it isn’t a strawman just because you say something stupid.

Instead of cheating.....just leave.

Why try to justify cheating?

Just. Fucking. Leave.

Because humans are not guided by either reason or "free will". We get accustomed to certain habits and behaviours, and though we may tell ourselves that it's because we "chose" to do it, it is really because we are lazy and dumb and don't know what we want.

Thats stupid.

As are humans.

lol what is even the point of dating as a sub 8 normie Male? You will just get cucked, dumped and cheated the moment chad appears and return to inceldom all over again.

As soon as she mentions woman cheating i start my screech

Listen to her carefully. Men are objects to women. It is scary how many women think exactly like her.

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That only applies to men who get sex, the complete opposite of you incel losers.

You upset about something cunt?

She's completely right. Men don't need a reason to cheat or see others, that's just what we do. Women need a reason to cheat, they cheat as a result of something else. Men just cheat cos we want to.

Not always friendo, that's a huuuge generalization.

thanks for that absolutely amazing post. keep them coming. really insightful.

Because your shitty post is something special, lolk

The girl OP itself is talking about generalized rules, so that sets the context for the whole thread. the entire fucking thread is generalizing. Then all you can think to say is "well actually you're generalizing" NO SHIT RETARD WE ALL KNOW WE'RE DOING THIS

Just because someone is being an idiot doesn't mean you have to sink to their level retard.

generlizations arent necessarily idiotic. When someone says men are stronger than women do you sperg out like this too?

I react like a sensible human being, the world isn't 95% black and white because there's this magical thing called nuance.

another post devoid of substance. stop venting your emotions and make a point

Youre the one getting mad over me saying the world isnt black and white lol. Ive already made my point, pretending it isn't there doesnt make it stop existing because thats not how the real world works, you can pretend it does all you want in your shitty little echo chamber here but ill call you out on it. ❤

i didn't generalize tho

Not you , the video

Of course she is showing her tits. Twitch is dead. Females as always succeed at invading and ultimately killing male spaces.

What she said literally applies to guys, the 'something' they aren't getting is love or validation from their girlfriend. Is she trying to imply guys cheat just for the lulz ?

"playing IRL"

She said that because she knew retards like you and me would watch it and give her free publicity, stop posting this shit here please

the hell would i know.

look it up

white hair and balding as a result of stress and anxiety.