Is it over for me?

33  2018-03-28 by BICHIAMUP



Yes: balding.

go get educated ffs.

Yes. You should probably give up on ever having a romantic relationship.

Perfectish hairline
Perfect Beard genetics
Perfect upperthird-midthird-lowerthird ratio
Above average eye area
Above average eyebrows
Above average jawline/chin area
Looks Jacked as far as traps/shoulders go
Tanned but white
Perfect skin

Just Lol


What's wrong with his hairline? Don't mean that in a rhetorical way, I genuinely can't tell what's wrong with that hairline but I know it's fucked up.

It isn't a square hairline, there's some slight receding on either sides.

How do you have square hairline? Most people have slight receded hairline on the sides.

Yup, most people do indeed develop slightly receded temples from 16-21.

But Chad isn't a mere mortal. He is God.


Exactly, and that's where the distinction comes in. Look at any male model below the age of 30; 99% of them have perfect square hairlines.

Iirc he's Persian, not white.

it's over bro

it's over

You remind me of my friend Gigachad

Everyone reminds you of gigachad.


who is this? Must be the only terachad

Whats terachad

A step up from a gigachad.

Sort of looks like Mario Rodriguez but it most likely isn't him

Depends on your personality, really.

If you didn't enjoy The Shape of Water, then it's over.

Also, if you don't text back one-word responses with lots of emojis, then it's definitely over.

If you're a Tumblr feminist, and have ever said anything hateful about men, then it's going to be impossible for you to lose your virginity.

I didnt really like the shape of water tbh

I felt like it really spoke to me and gave me hope. A submissive and loving woman that can fall in love with a gross fish monster. That's pretty much the woman I need.

It's over

Naah its not over atleast for me


Depends, did you watch Alien yet?

that's just by talking to his mother

A lifter friend of mine said that you can tell someone takes roids by how large the muscle connecting shoulders and neck are, since those don't get large from normal workouts. I'm just guna be on the safe side and guess people wouldn't like this guy when he's angry, which is probably often. (Sorry if picture is actually of OP, just figured a genuinely attractive dude wouldn't be posting selfies here)

Or maybe he does trap exercises you retard.

To get that large? My lifter friend made it sound like it was basically impossible to get like that without some help

The things to look for with steroids are: (1) large deltoids (e.g. shoulder muscles); (2) extreme vascularity; (3) low fat along with high muscle content; and (4) extreme recovery time. If all of those are present, you have a safe bet someone is using. In the picture above, we have literally no idea about any of these, so you really can't tell.

Also, there are some side effects like acne, premature balding, or irritability, but those are inconsistent across people and across types of steroids, so they aren't necessarily great indicators unless some of the above effects are also noted.

TIL! Thanks yo

This guy is aware

Think that’s calf’s you’re talking about

Coulda been! It's all secondhand for me. I'm like 140lbs 6'4 so I have no knowledge when it comes to lifting

Lmao why would you ask for validation from guys who have never gotten their dick wet?

Nice herpetic sore

negative canthal tilt on his right eye



kys faggot

How tall are you?


Too short, sorry it's over for you

Fuck. Well, I guess I'm an incel now.


Only if you follow blue pill advice. Then yes, it will be over.

Sorry I mog you

your post history makes me seriously doubt this is you

Lmao he's too handsome to play video games?

This is Britney Spears boyfriend

go get educated ffs.

Yup, most people do indeed develop slightly receded temples from 16-21.

But Chad isn't a mere mortal. He is God.


Exactly, and that's where the distinction comes in. Look at any male model below the age of 30; 99% of them have perfect square hairlines.