Just watch Alien bro

49  2018-03-28 by Zyzz123


Just talk to your mother bro

literally laughed out aloud even after going through this thread thrice.

lmfao this is giga cope

We're starting to attain new levels of cope that are illegal.

Who the fuck wrote this I'm dying?!

lmao post the rest of the steps

I mean really, can you imagine it being so over that the advice people give you consists of "watch moives bro"? that's when you KNOW it's over. roasties only want chad dick.

you dont have social interaction

have less, watch movies

alien sucks ass

My dude what are you talking about effects wise it was revolutionary! Such good effects for the decade it was produced in, maybe the plot seems contrived now but you have to appreciate the aesthetic creativity.

so what? akira was a revolitionary anime, which also introduced a whole new genre, but it was a very good movie. alien, however, was boring, just like how the original star wars is.

i do recognize the effects, but the over all movie was not fun to watch.

nah man. That was a well made movie. Had the right pace, and well directed. The other ones were not as good, that's right.

Chad and Stact just needs to exist, we need to showermaxx, haircutmaxx, moviemaxx, limit consumption of sexist mediamaxx, get of incelsmaxx, heightmaxx, fashionmaxx, hobbymaxx, workmaxx, educationmaxx, gymmaxx, nofapmaxx, bluepillmaxx, feministmaxx etc.

Hmm... is this fair? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

no trannymaxx though??

Movie max lol

watch female documentaries

just ignore men bro

This is some shitty advice so I assume it's from cucktears

No foid cares if you're watching movies with strong female roles lol. This is some grade a retarded advice.


Honestly that's just embarrassing

I gotta agree with you all here. Watching movies like that isn’t gonna do shit for you. That advice is stupid as shit.

That's how easy femoids think dating is. Wouldn't be surprised if whoever this is has recommended showering as well.

"Hey bro just shower and watch some popular mainstream films and you'll be getting laid in no time."

If you look at he actual thread this quote is from, the advice given was not about dating.

That is, OP didn't post asking for dating advice, but asked for advice on how to be less resentful of women.

It also says "talk to your mother", which is equally ridiculous.

How is that ridiculous?

For dating? Yes. But the quoted poster was not giving dating advice, she was giving "how do I become less resentful of women advice". Suggesting that one talk to women in your family isn't exactly terrible advice with that.

But if you have a mother and you're close to her why wouldn't you be talking to her?

Horrible advice

lmao what the fuck is this.

Hahahahahaha taking skinhead as an example when their racism get them women. Just fucking laughing.

Incels just need to get tatoo's to cover their face

Fucking lmao

shape of water

lmao, she's comparing us to a hideos sea monster lololol

i saw this comment under that inceltears post and lolled. their response to "i'm starting to hate women" is "watch movies with strong female leads." i guess i forgot what a great job movies do of immersing us in the real world!

this was the funniest shit i've ever read

gravity is just sandra bullock screaming for two hours while a man tells her what to do

And that man is dead the whole movie. Show how crazy females are.

no trannymaxx though??

Movie max lol