If Shrek can get a girl then it's over.

50  2018-03-28 by SaladTactileMembers


Or, as I've been saying, perfect evidence that you don't need to be attractive.

Look at that man's face, since face is everything that matters. If he can do it, you can do it. Now stop with your fucking victim mindset and excuses because you've been rejected 5 times in your entire life.

Here's a more complete bio than his Wikipedia, but still no mention of a wife ever, only that he had a friend, and that friend had a wife, and the three of them purchased a house. All the indications are that his friend, Karl, was his only "family," because he was too ugly to marry.


"Or, as I've been saying,** perfect evidence that you don't need to be attractive.** Look at that man's face, since face is everything that matters. If he can do it, you can do it. Now stop with your fucking victim mindset and excuses because you've been rejected 5 times in your entire life."

More like perfect evidence that you don't put the slightest effort into fact checking claims that conform to your established prejudiced beliefs.

He had several girlfriends and was even picky, saying that a woman who chose him would have to be picky so he should be as well.

Seriously, do a Google search. You're embarrassing yourself, you stopped after the first article you found validated your shitty false beliefs.

More like perfect evidence that you don't put the slightest effort into fact checking claims that conform to your established prejudiced beliefs

He had several girlfriends and was even picky, saying that a woman who chose him would have to be picky so he should be as well.

Girlfriends not equal to "wife." Heck, "girlfriends" could be euphemism for prostitutes, or dude could just doing the normal man thingly of greatly expanding upon success with women.

Right, only wives count now. Jesus incels, at some point even you have to realize that the mental gymnastics are a massive lie you keep telling yourself.

You spelled presence wrong.

Right, only wives count now. Jesus incels, at some point even you have to realize that the mental gymnastics are a massive lie you keep telling yourself.

The errant text in the picture mentions a "wife," which another poster even attempted to defend with sources after I called them out on it, only to have those sources debunked as well (mentions of "wife" were to the wife of his friend, Karl). Now, if you're going to move the goal posts to "girlfriends," then hypocritically accuse me of mental gymnastics, then you should provide your source(s), after all you supposedly found it, paraphrased from it, made a post about, would have required two to three extra seconds to provide said source.

Just be acromegalic in the 1900s bro

Incels, your mental gymnastics has been weak lately. Do better

Ctrl F wife

Firefox: The owner of www.fightingology.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

You make a good point for the first source. :)

For the second one, it says this: Death of Maurice He lived with his wife Olga in a mansion at 726 W. Garfield Blvd in Chicago. Karl Pojello was diagnosed with lung cancer and died on the 4th of September 1954. After the news had got to Maurice who was just coming out of pneumonia and anenlarged heart, he fell sick and died thirteen hours later after Karl’s died.

Ah never mind, you're completely right on this one too. Read too quickly. ;p

He lived with his wife Olga in a mansion at 726 W. Garfield Blvd in Chicago. Karl Pojello was diagnosed with lung cancer and died on the 4th of September 1954. After the news had got to Maurice who was just coming out of pneumonia and anenlarged heart, he fell sick and died thirteen hours later after Karl’s died.

Ok, now, show that "he" isn't referring to Karl, please.

Look at the reaction I already posted

Also, this: http://deathmaskofmauricetillet-theangel.blogspot.nl/p/blog-page_24.html

"Maurice, at the age of 19, fell in love with a beautiful Russian girl. They married. He was ardently devoted to his wife, worshiped her. They traveled the world on their honeymoon. His wife, too, was athletic and a lover of the open country. She loved hunting, and one of the most intriguing parts of their honeymoon was an expedition in the African jungle."

Nice, so just be a tall strong famous wrestler.

No, but pretty pathetic attempt at mental gymnastics. Come on, you can do much better than that. That was so weak.

You just arent making a strong argument. Any famous guy can get s relationship. A short cringy ugly man cannot.

So....women care about more than looks then. If shirt cringey ugly man was famous he could get a woman.

Jep, but not everyone can comoensate for their uglyness like that. That is the point

Not in the exact same way, but there was TONS of others ways. Until you've maximized all those, no point in complaining about looks

Haha, you are that faggot trying to make easy money.

I'm not charging any money for anything, actually. Free coaching mate. Ask the people I've helped. Message me if interested.

Get a real job loser

Message me you need help

Can you program?

I'm neither a wrestler nor famous though. I'm also not tall. Or French.

So this kind of means nothing.

Oh so looks isn't the only factor anymore?

Are you fucking new here or something? You must be to be this fucking dense and stupid. Lurk moar faggot

So you admit there are factors outside of looks that count.

LMS, Looks Money Status

And how does one display status?

Stop pretending to be retarded.

I love when people can't answer my questions, so they attack me. Answer the question.

That list is a load of shit lmao, you just trying to scam money off lonely idiots and you should be ashamed

Yeah it's just looks right? Just the face? That's how shrek got the girl LMAO


So you admit there are factors outside of looks that count.

Looks count when fenales are fucking Chad's at their prime, then they gknfind a betabuxx with fame, cash, status, or security. Looks are everything in the dating world. Money and status is everything in the post-wall world

So biologically speaking, women were wired to find the most attractive caveman/ape/etc according to you? Specifically the one with the most attractive face.

No shit, good genetics get good pussy to pass it down. The blackpill is basic female evolutionary nature in a nutshell

So the display of "good genetics" is wholly and only characteristics of the face.

Face<frame<height in that order

What about status?

Status is more important for later on. Looks are the most important when shutting around from 20-30

"Unless he's famous" right? The mental gymnastics you guys play are hilarious

Most incels will agree that wealth and subsequent fame can overcome looks. But becoming rich is out of scope of feasibility for vast majority of people.

So something can overcome looks. Something can attract a woman even to an UGLY face. Wow...I think you're onto something mate.

Wealth overcoming ugliness is common incel knowledge you troglodyte.

Something can overcome it though...which suddenly throws all this looks are everything stuff out of the way...I mean suddenly women can just look past an ugly wow? Wow, I wonder if other traits could accomplish a similar effect


Oh but they can, and you know it. Incel is based on looks is everything, but suddenly in some cases looks aren't everything...very interesting. Have fun working your mental gymnastics around it.



So women like the money itself? What if a rich man didn't buy them everything? Is he still attractive?

Looks is the first hurdle, back then isn't even comparable to now considering women couldn't make their own living then anyway. And your list has several things you can't change listed as the opposite, how the fuck you gonna change your voice lmao

"Several things", but you listed one or to be accurate, none. I said vocal tonality, not voice. See how you use your mental gymnastics to twist things?

Did you unironically put "intelligence" and "being talented at something" as things you're in control over?

Like, a lot of that list is debatable but that is just complete bullcrap.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

Talented: To be specific, I mean being highly skilled or competent at something, not necessarily that you had a natural aptitude for it

Even if they weren't, why do incels focus on the 1-2 they find debatable, instead of looking at the 20 that are beyond question guaranteed in their power? ALWAYS looking for a way out.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

Yeah, and that ability is almost unimprovable. Sure, you can put in more work than everybody else, but that doesn't make you more intelligent. It makes you more knowledgeable, but your ability to acquire the knowledge is still worse than the ability of someone who is smart.

Talented: To be specific, I mean being highly skilled or competent at something, not necessarily that you had a natural aptitude for it

Adhering to common, unambiguous definitions of words doesn't seem to be one of your skills.

Even if they weren't, why do incels focus on the 1-2 they find debatable, instead of looking at the 20 that are beyond question guaranteed in their power? ALWAYS looking for a way out.

This isn't about "lol look i can't change this let's ldar". It's about you trying to sell something, and me pointing out how you can't even get basic shit related to what you are selling right.

Mate, you'll always find an excuse to keep the delusion going strong. I can try to wake you up, but at the end of the day only you can pull yourself out of bed.

I'm under no delusion (in that regard), thanks for assuming I am. I know what I need to fix.

Doesn't mean you're not getting basic shit completely wrong, or that you can help me in any way.

What do you need to fix?

Spending so much time arguing with retards on the internet would be a start.

You're right, you're under absolutely no delusion. Just like most delusional people are 100% certain of

Do you disagree with what I have said? :)

No, if you consider challenging your viewpoint "arguing with retards", you're not going to get anywhere, but I know you were mildly trolling anyway.

Well, start actually challenging me then.

I see ugly or average non-chad men get women all the time. Not as betas, but the women are totally in love with them. Looks are attractive, but women feel things on a much deeper level, things much deeper than what looks can inflict. Why do incels always turn a blind eye to this?

You should the subset of tinder women who want to fuck jocks as your idea of all women. Surely you can recognize that is a vast generalization

I see ugly or average non-chad men get women all the time.

I don't deny that. I don't think looks are absolutely, 100% everything (neither do most incels). I just think they're more important than your average IT user wants to admit. And I also don't think that you have to be a good person to get laid.

Looks are attractive, but women feel things on a much deeper level, things much deeper than what looks can inflict.

Don't generalize women like that, you misogynists pig!

Jokes aside, some women are just shallow bitches. And again, I believe the amount of them is higher than the average IT user thinks it is.

You should the subset of tinder women who want to fuck jocks as your idea of all women. Surely you can recognize that is a vast generalization

Of course I can. I don't generalize any group of people. If anything, I point out tendencies.

You however actually did generalize women without realizing it. Maybe you should work on your personality or something.

And to get back to Tinder being used by women: First of all, it's not like every single shallow woman uses Tinder. I believe I've read that around 10% of all women my age currently use Tinder. Now subtract the ones who are in a relationship or not dating at all. I can't provide exact numbers here, but you'll come to realize that a significant part of the available dating population uses it. And hey, I don't have too much of a problem with that. Just don't pretend Tinderellas are some super duper rare phenomenon that's basically irrelevant in dating. It may be that way when you're 40. Today, it isn't.

Great so you didn't disagree with any of that. Why are you incel?

I disagree with some of the stuff you said though lol.

And I'm obviously incel because I'm a filthy misogynist, duh!

goes through every point and agrees

takes it back because he doesn't like the implication of what he agreed to

Okay, you apparently aren't interested in actually reading anything I write. Have a good day.

instead of looking at the 20 that are beyond question guaranteed in their power

If a man doesn't have the face and height, the 20 will make him either a platonic friend or a beta provider. Depends how desperate she is.
Maybe he can get a few groupies if he's average looking and talented, but that's about it.

Yeah women aren't attracted to leaders or confident people at all

Let's transport him to 2018 and see how he does, boyo. You know the truth.

Wait wait. You're telling me the rules of attraction have changed in recent years? Please. They've been the same for thousands of years and no, the answer isn't the shape of your face.

Throw her a phone that has all of the local Chads, give her a job so she can support herself, and then let's see what happens.

This might come as a shock to you but...outside of your tinder chad/stacey fuck buddy delusions, you realize women need more than a dick right?

Of course. But social media and wymyn's independence change the game significantly. The truth is who knows what the fuck would happen, I can't claim to know how it would go down. But you can guess. And my guess is that things wouldn't work out for this guy, most likely. I'm just concerned about what's most likely to happen in any situation that may be discussed here. Usually the truth isn't very nice or comforting.

Usually the truth isn't very nice or comforting

There are many uncomforting possibilities. That doesn't make the one that matches your narrative the correct one

The truth is still harsh, and hard. Shirking responsibility and blaming women or society is in fact the easy way out.

So you don't think that men have it harder these days?

What's the difference when life has always been hard?

Just admit it, social media and wymyn's independence would make things much harder for this guy. It is in fact harder for men these days, and easier for wymyn.

You're basically suggesting that in the past, women were less picky because they had to chose a man for stability (money) rather than personal preferences.

And now that it's more about personal preference (assuming that's true and that dynamic shift was real), they just want chads.

They don't just want Chads man, that's the thing.

I checked him on Wikipedia and not a word was said about his personal life and getting married or not.

Still closer to touching a woman than most here...

Just be a famous wrestler bro

I always see ogres with beautiful wymyn!







If he got a girl then that can only mean one thing,he was rich and famous.


It's not ogre yet boyos

Masculine tall robust frame slayer. If Shrek was 5’6 with 5 inch wrists he’d be incel.

Also that was then this is now.

In 2018 he likely wouldn't be wrestling on TV cause it's a business and wrestlers have to also look good.

Also PC practices means they'd justify it as "not mocking him".

More photos: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hJRaZfimYzw/ULK0tcX88HI/AAAAAAAAARw/X8iAT2AMOsA/s1600/Irving+Penn+Photos.jpg

Anytime normies use an ugly guy as an example it's always a robust dimorphic acromegalic type of ugly guy and not a st. blackops2cel type of ugly guy.

strong world famous wrestler that a well regarded dreamworks 3d animation is based on... carried a woman in a pic, inceldom doesn't exist

Don't forget the pic is fucking ancient. Tinder and such made Inceldom a lot more likely.

They're almost always famous and/or wealthy as well.

mogs me

Skull theory.


Look at the size of that mans skull. He has a huge skull. Women love that.


Look at that skull, it's huge and very masculine. The guy has crazy amounts of sex appeal because of his skull.

its not impossible bro! you just have to get a good personality! here, let me show you this out of context picture and cite it as an exception

If that were the case I’d be swimming in a different Stacy’s bed every night. Huge melon over here.

As it happens my head doesn’t attract women on its own, but I still do alright because I’m not a horrible, horrible person.

You wouldn't be swimming in stacies because you're not attractive.


but I still do alright

Is probably because of your masculine type of ugly instead of the underdeveloped type of ugly.

TIL no horrible, horrible people have ever got laid or had a relationship.

They do but it certainly doesn’t attract the kind of women you’d want to be in a relationship with.

True, you can be ugly and still have hope as a man, as long as ugly = big fat ogre looking features.

A century ago

He married above his looksmatch though, that’s a success even in tradcon days.

Not really, tradcon days were all about beta providers.

The man and woman were often from the same social class, so looksmatch was incidental.

remember money and status?

Still closer to touching a woman than most here...


Are you fucking new here or something? You must be to be this fucking dense and stupid. Lurk moar faggot


Something can overcome it though...which suddenly throws all this looks are everything stuff out of the way...I mean suddenly women can just look past an ugly wow? Wow, I wonder if other traits could accomplish a similar effect