the normies are waking up

57  2018-03-27 by itsbeenover


They're almost there. It's not just in dating, but life as a whole.

Normoids are blackpilled. Men generally understand what a lying roastie cunt really means when she says things like "I like a guy with a sense of humor" or "I want a sensitive guy who makes me laugh". Men generally understand that femoids just want Chad. It's just socially isolated geeks who buy into most of the bluepill type shit because they're on the internet all the time.

If you're socially isolated and on the Internet all the time you've probably already been blackpilled by life. The normies are too busy orbiting to be on the internet.

The same can be said for racism

Because nothing matters

... and then having more sex, high-fiving, and going back to sleep.

You don’t have to be a normie to use Whisper. I troll there all the time

Are those boobs at the bottom?

Those are legs

What app is that? Pls respond