Good Morning. I hate women

31  2018-03-27 by GeneticCleansing

That's all I wanted to say, have a nice day everybody.


Good morning.

Hello friend. How is it going?

It's alright. A wonderful day to be on braincels, don't you agree?

I agree. There's a few too many females and cucks on the sub, but it is what it is.

'who hurt you'

haha hahahaha haha

fucking dumb bitches


Good morning. The feeling is probably mutual

Where I live it's afternoon,so Good Afternoon,folks.

feeling is mutual you cuck

You post on transgender subs. JFL at your life

John Francis Leader at my life? I mean, i like the irish and psych but no idea what he has to do with it

Such a normie

Jesus fucking Christ I have never had the agony of witnessing such a putrid, painfully unfunny discord meme in my entire life.

I would honest to fucking god bring back the cunting meme back til the end of time than see one more soul-crushingly awful brap post. I can picture all you fat, smug wanna be pie rats snorting in laughter every time you type this autistic drivel, thinking you’re the greatest comedy genius who ever lived.

I just want you to know every time I see another line of text containing this cursed meme, another fabric of my soul is torn to shreds and I get one step closer to putting a fucking rope round my neck. It’s time to fucking stop you degenerate fucking cretins.

Aye. Good morning.

Good morning to you as well.

Except to women.

If I said that, it would be a severe understatement.


They get on my nerves, too. Dating, worst game ever. (for sub 7s)

Good morning, friend. What a fine day it is to hate females.

Same dood

Heavy cope, and women dont even care if people like you hate them.

It isn't cope if I don't care that they don't care.

Good morning fellow misogynist

how is your day goin?

It's good. I only slept 5 hours (or less) because of an internet binge, which made me skip a bunch of classes. At least I didn't jerk off today.

How about yours?

Just LDARing

How do you LDAR? Do you play videogames? Watch movies?

I tried LDARING and always got bored after like 4 days

video games, studying

It's not really LDARing if you study for school. But more power to you.

Good afternoon! Is everyone else's knees feeling good? Muh soggy knees are feeling great, today!


Sup virgins? Sorry you guys aren't getting any. You should take up a hobby instead of looking for pity on an internet message board. One love, don't kill yourselves, unless you want to. Peace.

Some of us actually aren’t resentful, we know this isn how the world works. We’re or im here to vent. I hope the others take not and stop abusive content.

Women owe me sex REEEEEEE

Almost all posts about r/braincels in a nutshell

Good afternoon to whoever posted this, women hate you too