This is the life cycle of ALL of today's women. Those used up feminists are still desired by men.

31  2018-03-27 by -----w


Literally perfect hahah

Well done.

Deliberately modelled after a century old propaganda cartoon opposing women's right to vote... but you claim your issue with women is anything other than age old, run-of-the-mill sexism?

Misogyny is a better term I think.

its the truth

No it's not. It's a sexist talking point and has been for generations. This is slogan, not insight.

maybe it's always been true

Or it's never been true.

or maybe it's true tho. have you ever considered that

Yes. And then I've dismissed it due to lack of evidence and obvious bias in those proposing it.

rethink that

Not until there's a real reason to.

no u

Not until there's a real reason to.

The death of the West not a real enough reason.

Can you or someone else please translate that into modern english please?

Oh wait, I got it, it's some low effort normie platitude. Doesn't matter where the meme originates from. The current meaning is what matters. It shows the life cycle of the modern woman, I don't see how it's misogynistic (or """"run-of-the-mill sexism"""") to repost a truthful image.

Making old, tired arguments, using an old, tired format, because of an old, tired anti-woman agenda. You couldn't ask for lower-effort platitude than this.

truth is truth doesnt matter if its old lol

It's not the truth. It's propaganda.

maybe the "at 30 even still alone getting pissed" part isnt always true because betabuxx but the other stuff is

No it isn't. It's a story that you want you pretend always happens, because you're mad at women since none have fucked you yet.

Do better at judging whay "true" is. Words mean things.

even if a femoid fucks me it is still true, enough evidence for that has been posted on incel sites. look it up. its just nature

Deliberately modelled after a century old propaganda cartoon opposing women's right to vote... but you claim your issue with women is anything other than age old, run-of-the-mill sexism?

Women's suffrage has been a disaster, except it to be reversed in mere decades. Meanwhile, sexism will be redefined to "denial of the natural relationship between men and women, motivated by hatred of men and ignorance of human/feminine nature."

Please leave me out of your future maledom erotica.

So true

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The progression of the disease is quicker in this century apparently.

I was a feminist at 15, though.

Yes, I care.

Wow so true, western women summed up. And I thought 4 panel comics were cringe!

lol. 35 year old women of today were not social media exhibitions when they were 15 because social media didn't exist 20 years ago. heck the iphone and that kind of smartphone behavior only started 10 years ago dawg.

ALL of today's women follow that life cycle? ALL of them?

Yea. Just look around.

I am, I just don't see it.

ALL of today's women follow that life cycle? ALL of them?

With exceptions that prove the rule, such as say: homeschooled zealous Christians who were denied a smartphone, use of Internet except for educational sites, dating, etc; but even then many would get sucked into the Matrix once on their own, unless married off immediately.

Do you have a source on this? I don't know any women like that depicted in the comic, and they fall under none of the criteria you mentioned.

If they're pretty enough, yes, basically. But old Stacy can still score Chad, so I doubt she'd become a feminist. A more accurate representation would include beta buxing. I mean, how many wymyn do you see that DON'T post ass shots or ride the carousel? Happens all the time.

Amazing how you act like you're an expert about the life and sexual cycle of modern women but still identify as an incel.

And you guys complain when normies come here because they don't know what being an incel is.

Well are girls taking pictures of their asses and being promiscuous, or not? Sure, not every womyn, but I'm sure many young ones are this way. Promiscuity is pushed in western US society, so is a social media presence. Beta bux may be bull became many wymyn can support themselves now. What did I say that isn't true? I'm talking about young basic bitches, not every single womyn. What's that attractive, half retarded, young dullard up to? Both you and I know, why deny it?

Im almost certain your mind has been corrupted by watching too many shitty teenage dramas and Brazzers porn, please get out of your computer and see the world outside. The grand majority of 14 years old girl isn't a hyper slut like you think, but at this point in sure you're thinking that any girl who is getting laid or even having a bf is qualified to be one.

And frankly I don't understand shit about what you said in the second half of your post. Your incel lingo isn't familiar to me.

I see very few women posting pictures of their asses, and those are typically my body builder friends anyways.

By your own admission, no, not ALL women fall under that lifecycle. I'd argue most don't, but that's anecdotal and I don't have a source, other than what I have experienced in my 30+ years as a woman.

You don't think that most young wymyn are being promiscuous in college?

At the very least you can admit that they usually go after the same type of guy, handsome and tall, right? Are you willing to admit that personality has very little to do with their choices of mates?

Some women are promiscuous in college, not all. Maybe most, I'm not sure. I was, a couple of my friends were, a LOT of my friends were not. But I went to an engineering school so who knows. All I know is what is the 'norm' for the women in my life.

Each person has a different type, and 'handsome' is subjective. I've never seen women specifically seek out tall as a primary attribute, unless they themselves are tall. I have noticed personality matters a LOT in the real world, I have a number of friends who are very cute, some downright hot as hell, with less than average looking dudes (one of my friends long term boyfriends is morbidly obese and she is a tiny little adorable thing). THEY find their partners handsome though, while I do not, and perhaps the rest of society also would not.

As a woman you're going to feed me bullshit, anyway. Less than average with a hot woman? GTFO LOL. And was that guy fat when they first got together? Why do you deny that looks are more important?

I feed no bullshit. And yes, this guy was fat when they started dating. My oldest brother was 350lbs+ when he started dating his current girlfriend as well, and she's tall and thin and hot. You don't have to believe me, we're all just strangers on the internet anyhow. The important thing is, however, that I know I am speaking the truth, and that you are making things up to feed your altered reality.

How come I never see this shit happening? Your bro must be tall. Listen, I wish it fucking did, but it really doesn't. Just win the lottery bro!

Eh, he's like 5'10 (says he's 6' though, but he lies, I'm 5'3 and our other brother is 5'6, he's not 6'). All of his girlfriends have been knockouts, he's just a really awesome guy who's fun to be around (no, he does not make a lot of money, at all).

It happens.

So white and tall lol? But there are plenty of awesome guys who don't get so lucky. Yeah yeah I know, not all women blah blah blah, but I never see 300 pound dudes with attractive women. It kinda is like hitting the lottery if you're honest with yourself. How many couples do you see like your bro?

Probably about 10? Likely more if I go through my facebook and my husband's facebook.

A few definitely gained weight AFTER they got married/had been together for a long time, but not all (In my bro's case, he's down 80lbs+!!!!!)

I dated two people in college. I wasn't there for an MRS degree lol

and you charmers wonder why people find you repulsive?

good golly gosh I wonder whatever could it be?

They'll just say they don't act like that in real life. They'll just say all of this anger and rabid phobia towards women and "Chads" are just part of their internet persona. They always play the victim card.

Frankly this place is bottomless pit of miserableness. There's no hope. I pity the high schoolers who get sucked into this place early on.

It's really sad isn't it? If anyone needed a sign, this place isn't worth it.

what's really sad is that you think by orbiting and respecting women will get you laid. but the ugly truth is you make them dryer then the Sahara

I happen to be a woman who likes guys so try again broseidon lol orbiting women is creepy as hell by the way, 100% take that out of your game plan of tactics

my tactics? I despise white knights and orbiters. They're the reason why women have such inflated egos. fat 3/10's who think they're "princesses". it's fucking hilarious. I much prefer drugs to women anyways, i just love incel culture because it's 100% true. I grew up with 3 sisters and all of their slutty friends. along with a slutty mother who fucked over my hard working dad. My life experience has molded me into a misogynist, i despise women. I like watching women get killed on live leak. Don't worry, i hate plenty of men too, most will throw their best friend under the bus for a whiff of some dirty panties hahaha

and here i am, just high as hell on the side lines laughing at the chaos.

drugs will always be here for me to make me happy, been here for me for 16 years straight, going strong! i might even invite you to the wedding!

Please do, I like funny jokes! Hell I even like unfunny jokes, I just like to laugh at stupid shit ;)

You may think this type of stuff normally scares people or gets them to leave you alone, but you’re wrong here Brohammed Ali. Your bravado and your own ego is your crutch. Clearly you’ve been hurt by some pretty shitty women in your life. I don’t think anyone would deny that given what you just commented here. Where you go wrong is you got angry and took the world personally. Literally you think everything is done TO YOU personally. You’re a god, you can’t be touched, and that is why any of the women you’ve come into contact with throughout your life are scum to you. No one is denying that you went through shit, but you’re not hot shit, and there is a distinct difference ;)

Maybe retrieve the giant “woe is me” pole from your ass. I hear it helps change perspective on life ;)

please do what? why would you think I think that? if people get scared over internet talk that is pretty pathetic. My ego is my crutch? Nah, wrong about that one, if you actually read my post you'd know that. I'm not angry, i feel really good. I think everything is done to me? What kind of sentence is that? That makes zero sense. I feel like you're trying to act smart when in reality you don't have much going on up there. I'm not a god, i've been touched plenty in different ways. So far you're 100% wrong. I actually am pretty hot, I actually would say my last two girlfriends we broke up because of my drug problem, so it was my fault not theirs.

Maybe stop thinking your so smart because you can't read people for shit and you were 100% wrong. :)

Okay buddy. You certainly not angry, you’re right. It’s totally normal to think anything incel holds any water in the real world. All you just did is tell me my sentence structure didn’t make sense, which I can live with. Your personality is ugly, that’s 100% intrinsically why these people broke up with you. The right woman will try to help you through your problems. These women weren’t interested because your ego literally blinds you dude. You’re so socially inept that you have the balls to try and tell me your shit doesn’t stink when you used the wrong form of ‘your’ in your last little sentence there buddy. You feel like everything is “done to you” because you actually subscribe to the vomit these people regurgitate in this sub ;)

I know this is falling on deaf ears, but maybe I’m saying this because I feel obligated....

Again, the stick in your ass? It’ll continue to enable you to indulge your sparkling personality unless you remove it. Until then, you may as well have a seat because it’s clearly not budging ;)

Wtf are you on about? Did you even reply to the right person? Lmao this is sad.

You must be one of those fat ass feminists with blue hair. I give a 10/10 with mental gymnastics because you make zero sense.

Omg so right, you pegged me. It only doesn’t make sense because you’re delusional ;)

I addressed everyone of your points when you responded the first time. You don't want to have a conversation, you just wanted to act like a cunt. Good job

You addressed grammar, and did a bunch of grand-standing. You didn’t want to have a conversation either ;)

You haven't actually made any points. All you did was call people names and declare victory like a pigeon shitting on a chessboard.

Tbh though some of the shit they talk about is exaggerated, a good chunk of it is true. If you look at it with an unbiased opinion.

Then why don't you leave? You're not wanted here. This is a space for ugly depressed men, not bored femoids killing time between rides on the cock carousel.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't ride a carousel that had roosters instead of horses.

Posting a truthful picture on the internet is why people find me repulsive? Nice logic.

I never wondered anything. I know the answer. It's my looks.

If this is "ALL of today's women" I have to wonder how few women you see. Do you only interact with them online or what?

ugh, do cucktears ever get tired of typing braindead shit like this?

How is this braindead compared to the bullshit post?

If every woman fell into this life cycle, more would settle for for garbage partners, don't you think?

Women would rather all share one top tier man than to have an ugly or average guy.

Thanks, I really needed a laugh.

You've never actually met a human woman have you.

I have, which is why I posted this.

Didn’t have social media when I was 15. By 25 I was married to the man I started dating when I was 19. We’re still together, so I wasn’t raging about “Chads” when I was 30. I’ll be 35 this year, so oh boy, maybe I’ll turn into that triggered feminist! I’ll keep you posted.

No you won't.

Probably about 10? Likely more if I go through my facebook and my husband's facebook.

A few definitely gained weight AFTER they got married/had been together for a long time, but not all (In my bro's case, he's down 80lbs+!!!!!)

No you won't.