[LIFE FUEL] Slut realises that she is a whore. Read to the end, I promise it is worth it.

73  2018-03-27 by AbuIncelAlAustrali


this has been reposted a million times

and it should be posted a million more, we need all the life fuel we can get

Exactly, more life fuel like dis...

Is this really what drives you? The misery of others? Do you really not think this sort of thing is the problem? A woman got sexually violated, and you find joy in her misery. That attitude wouldn't, I don't know, logically repel women?

Females getting justice is life fuel. Attitude does not matter, Chad can have any attitude he wants.

Instead of arguing about 'Chad', I'll point out the obvious. You aren't 'Chad'. Your attitude will be what holds you back.

And justice? What justice? She's the victim here. Somebody actively wronged her. She hasn't done anything wrong.

get used to it

Life fuel. Her creep detector must have been broken.

Remember, no matter how nice you are to women, your toxic personality bleeds into every social interaction you have and turns them away. Like magic in Hogwarts. This unwitting escort's pimp probably donated all the money to charity; his personality was on point.

not even a couple of days ago, some dumbass said women can smell a creep. JFL

She seems more offended about the idea rather than the act.

You are already half way there, if money comes after sex just take it, free money gurl!.

As I read it, the money was not going to her, but to the "boyfriend".

No, no she is offended by the money part itself, the fact that it's involved. Not that she isn't getting a cut.

That is indeed correct, but you said "just take it, free money gurl", as if she was getting a cut.

he's saying she should have embraced it

Bro maybe the guy showered too much so she couldn’t see his personality

Wow, at first I was like this guy's a cuck. No sir he's a pimp.


Beginning - cuck!

Ending - massive unit

they didn't rape me, I don't think

I'm sure the femoids on trollx will thoroughly convice her that she was, in fact, raped.

Look up rape by deception

rape by deception

my sides

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_deception

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 164674

Oh you can make up whatever nonsensical shit you want, doesn't matter I won't laugh at it.

I had no hand in making anything up; it's a list of court decisions and explanation behind rape by deception.


Rape by deception, in the US, is typically when she thinks she's having sex with her bf/husband but it's actually some other guy. The issue is that she would have consented if it was her partner, but she didn't knowingly consent to this other stranger inside her. The stranger deceived her into thinking he was someone else.

That didn't happen to OP. She consented to sex with these random people. She just didn't know her bf was getting paid for it.

Every. Single. Time.

now what if she regrets it later. then she was raped

The entire situation was under false pretenses. She didn't consent to whoring herself put to strangers on Craiglist, there's a strong case for rape here, actually.

She consented to sex with them, knowing she didn't now who they were. Whether they came from Craigslist or his Instagram feed or his frat are irrelevant. He introduced her to strangers and she consented to sex with them.

Rape is about whether the sex was consensual. It was.

She didn't consent to the money transfer. So, is this fraud? Theft? Slavery? It's definitely some kind of financial or labour violation (exploiting someone for unpaid labour and profiting off it). But she consented to the sex.

She consented to sex with her boyfriend's friends, under the guise that they were planning to have threesomes. That is not what happened.

Rape is about consent, but part of it is the clear understanding of what's happening. Like how you can't consent when you're drunk. If the premise of the sex is entirely built on lies and deceit, it's not consentual.

Rape is about consent, but part of it is the clear understanding of what's happening.

For consent, you only have to be of sound mind (not drunk/unconscious), consent to the acts done, and consent to the person you're doing them with.

You don't need to have a clear understanding of everything about the person. There can even be lies. If a bar girl tells me she's a ballerina, I decide to sleep with her, and I find out later she lied, that's not rape. If she exaggerates her job and income and tells me she graduated college and didn't, that's not rape. If a girl sleeps with me thinking I'm rich and then finds out I'm not, that's not rape. She doesn't need a clear understanding of my bank account, life history, profession, etc. to consent to sex.

If I sleep with a girl and then she robs my wallet and runs off with my money (the whole thing was a sham to rob me, she was after my money), that's not rape. I didn't have a clear understanding of what was going on and I got screwed. But it's not rape. It probably is some other crime though.

See, we have a fundamental disagreement about what consent is here. She was tricked into prostitution. She was tricked. You can't be tricked into consent, that's just contradictory. If she were aware of the situation, the actual act she was doing, she would have said no.

No, a clear understanding of EVERYTHING isn't needed, but whether you're having sex for money or not, or whether they're absolute strangers or not isn't. What if one of those guys had an STD? If they were the boyfriend's friend, they'd have more likely known, and he'd be more likely to come forward about it beforehand because of the repercussions that could come from it. A stranger of of fucking Craigslist? No, they don't know, and soon as he leaves, they'll likely never meet him again, so if she gets some fucked up disease from it, there isn't even anything she can do.

No, it's not consensual if it was under that extreme of false pretenses.

She was tricked into prostitution. She wasn't tricked into the act of sex. She wanted to have sex with each one of those guys.

Was there a violation of trust? Absolutely. Was the bf shady? Beyond yes. Was it rape? That's where I disagree, and the law does too. She'll have a very hard time making her case.

By your definitions, am I raped by the girl who slept with me under false pretenses to steal my wallet/car/identity? In that scenario, I'm also OK with the sex part but being tricked into it overall.

If a girl lies to me about her STD status and I fuck her only because I think she's clean, and she's not, is that rape? I didn't consent to getting an STD! But this happens all the fucking time.

What about a guy who poses a movie producer to get a young actress to sleep with him on the pretense maybe he can help her career? This happens all the time. She was tricked. He lied. Is that rape? It's certainly skeezy behavior and a violation of trust, but she's consenting to the sex. No one files rape charges over that.

People lie to their casual sex partners all the time. That's just a risk of trusting strangers. They teach that in preschool. You have to accept that you never know if you can take what they say at face value. If I choose to be intimate with a stranger, I have to accept the risk she may be lying and the consequences.

Boyfriends friends are no more likely to come forward about STDs. That's just a lie people tell themselves to feel better about life choices. People in your social circle are no more likely to be clean. His frat bros could be even more sketchy than some married 30 year old John. A lot of.people lie about STI status, don't get tested often enough, or are too dumb / misinformed to understand how testing works (ie that they may not be clean). Studies show a lot of people don't have a clue when they're infected. If you fuck a random person, there's always disease risk. Have safe sex and hope for the best, or dont fuck so many guys you don't know. She knew these were guys she wasn't going to see again. Some she did. Most she didn't. She seemed fine with that risk. Some women fuck random guys at clubs. Some fuck random guys off Tinder. It's not rape just because they were Craigslist strangers.

Under false pretenses, there is definitely fraud. Maybe pimping charges. Maybe human trafficking. But she agreed to the sex each time without wanting to know more about the guys. If you need to know more about their STD status and social circle to be OK fucking them, don't fuck new guys on the first meet so often? Get to know them first?

At least escorts get paid.

not if they have a pimp

She is literally below an escort in the post.


I don't think I've seen such an epic comeback since Orr in Catch 22. And that was fiction!

what was that about?

The guy went from omega to top tier alpha in the span of like three sentences lmao.

Hell yeah, true mofo... Best thing read in a while

at first I'm like wow he is being cucked then I'm like ohhhh he planned it and got money for it ok

JFL at a 19 year old thinking a 30 year old would want to date and be in a relationship. you're a fucking kid by comparison.

Loads of older guys go for younger women...its a pretty common thing. If you got off reddit once in a while and out in the real world you'd probably know.

JFL at you thinking a 30 year old goes after a 19 year old for anything but sex. if you're 19 and you think a grown ass man sees you as a companion you're fucking delusional. if you want a companion, date someone your own age.

JFL at an incel thinking he knows the ins and outs of sex and relationships

JFL at some obvi dumb bitch trying to call me an incel

Thinks dumb bitch is gonna remotely offend me.

Posts on braincels and consistently talks like they do, denies being incel. "JFL"

see that's the best part. you think everyone who's blackpilled is a virgin. the reality is i'm better looking than you are and you would beg to suck my dick.

Jesus this is golden

yes you are fyi

JFL at thinking any man goes for any woman ever for anything but sex

how would it make you feel to know I am exactly 19 and I have been dating this exactly 30 year old for three years and have been engaged and are very happy together? how would it make you feel to know his name is Chad?

That's not true at all. I am 30 and my girlfriend is 19 and we have the best companionship. You don't know what you are talking about.

JFL at you idiots not realizing this is how "Romeo" pimps "groom" their prostitutes. This is fucking textbook.

downvoted for the truth. just wow.

If there was ever proof of brigading...

People need to watch more documentaries on pimping. It's really sad, but this is the common way they trap young girls these days. It starts off as an older guy BF/GF relationship. She falls for him. He treats her to nice things. Then eventually he "grooms" her by introducing friends into their sex life. Once she's cool with it, he starts introducing clients and phasing himself out.

Both of you are right

just LOL

cuck to gigachad in a sentence

I want to read the comments link pls

I'm sure they deleted the hell out of it




holy shit the cucktears are on suicide watch. they are brigading this post so hard. i bet they are literally crying. fucking pussys

haahah. this shit is hilarious. Thanks for ruining the story with the title

I bet she is taking it up the ass for $15 dollars now

this is what all females in polygamous relationships deserve. Life fuel.

Cucks, let this man be a guidance for you. Your wife wants to fuck chad? At least get rich off of it

So wait... who's cucking who here. I forget the rules.

I once ate an entire roll of quarters the day before attending our neighborhood summer block party just so I could fool all my friends into thinking I could shit money. They all sat around getting pretty shit-faced throughout the evening, and by the time the streetlights came on I was standing butt-naked on top of a picnic table defecating coins like a motherfucker. They surrounded me like I was a malfunctioning slot machine, cupping their hands and catching my ass-quarters while cheering. No one seemed bothered the money was covered in my chunky shit, they had dollar signs in their eyes. My ass sprayed in every direction. The sounds of my wet farts combined with loose change hitting the ground, and the dull plop of my turds landing on the wooden picnic table filled the air. Everyone praised Jesus for the miracle, asking if I could shit them enough money to pay their mortgage or get their wife a bigger pair of tits. What a fuckin' night.

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I bet you do

u/iQ9k, can you do something about the obvious brigading from either 2X or IT?

Unfortunately it is not up to me to ban people just for being members of those communities. However if they are caught harassing and breaking rules, then they may be subject to a ban. Be sure to use the report button when you see things like that.

Isn't brigading a bannable offense? This thread is clearly being brigaded. Look at the abnormal vote counts.

Brigading from here to another sub, yes. There are no rules for users brigading us from another subreddit.

Pimpin' ain't easy

Apparently it is if you don’t tell the hoes that they’re hoes

yeah that shit was beautiful, that man needs to write the new pimp bible


True cuckquean (is that the right spelling or term?) right there

likes chad dick

doesn't like getting paid for it


She wasn’t getting paid retard, her BF was. He was selling having sex with her to make profit, and without telling her too.

It's like he didn't read it at all.. fucking incels

Hard to feel bad for this dumb thot, isn't it?

Oh yeah call the girl names don't refer to the guy or call him anything not like he was in most of the threesomes they had

No. He had a girlfriend and attracted women. His personality must bereally nice, unlike us incels who totally do what this disgusting PIMP did.

You will die a virgin

That's fucked. Having sex ain't a crime, this poor girl did nothing wrong.

That dude is a full-blown creep.

Taking advantage of fuck wits isn't a crime either. You might think this guy is a creep but frankly all ugly men are considered creeps so we might as well support those who act like it.

Actually human trafficking is a crime. In most of the world.
You're not a creep because you look ugly you're a creep because you act ugly.


ever wondered what peak autism looks like? ^ well here it is

Good downvoted retard lul

lol, downvotes show how triggered they are

Hahaha lol they are all triggered hahahahah XD I’m a piece of human trash look at me laugh at a girl who was illegally violated hahahahah but they’re all just triggered haha

oh my, are you okay

No, I’m really not. I’m so disgusted by how awful of a person you are, it’s hard to stay calm. I really REALLY just want to come to your house and smash your greasy face through a fucking wall.

saying bad things about females gets you that riled up huh

The point is not that she’s female, the point is that you’re being a horrible person. I would be just as upset if it was a man, or even an animal that you were making fun of. What is wrong with you, who hurt you?

it's a female getting what it deserved, it is called justice

What she deserved? Who are you to be making these kind of claims? You don’t even know her. There is nothing wrong with liking sex, and she thought she was having fun with her BF. But he was illegally selling her body without her knowledge, that’s a fucking crime! He’s a criminal, and you’re supporting him! Once again, who hurt you?

I know enough about her from that post. She was having fun and he was making money.

So? She thought she had a genuine connection with her BF, but it was all a game to him, where he is the winner. He took advantage of her love for him. He didn’t love her back, but pretended to to make money. That’s wrong and illegal.

and it makes me very happy, thanks for commenting. Reading this again brightened my day

You make me sick. Burn in hell.

oh dw, I already live in hell

lol this guy is an obvious troll

you're a white knight cuck

lol fuck off retard

Wow you incels really are pathetic pieces of garbage. No wonder you can't get laid. Probably because you're all disgusting and hideous both inside and out.

females getting what's coming to them really ruffles some feathers

An irrational hate of females is very counter-productive, especially from a biological standpoint.

Actually, scrap that, you would never attract anyone of any gender with your ugliness. Be it internal or external.

Justice for what exactly? What did she do wrong?

for what?

How would you feel if that was your mother or sister?

You're gonna die alone :)

oh lawd the butthurt

Happy cakeday

Says the neckbeard posting on a sub about never getting laid.

do you post here because you can't stand the mean words

Do you even recognize that you're a legitimately horrible person?

Im genuinely curious.

all customers were chads or what

Why would a Chad need a hooker?

why she always agreed

what kind of idiots downvoted this

let me get this straight:

if chad gets a new guy to fuck her thats complettly fine and legal.

but if chad gets money while doing so then its suddendly "human traficking" ?? logic?? helo?help?

I mean, that's the nature of prostitution laws isn't it?

no, it is not. prostitution means the one who is fucked gets the girl xD

Wow you’re an asshole AND you’re stupid.

toll paid

Incel scum

She is retarded enough to not realise she is getting used

And you are horrible enough to be happy about it.


Please. GOD. Make this true.

You fucking atrocious piece of human shit. No wonder girls don't want to sleep with you. You are fucking scum. You genuinely deserve to die. Rot in hell incel scum.

le white knight

Is worthless walking trash no one will ever love

Oh my how triggered. Get a glass of water and ask 50 men to stick their dick in it then drink

Aight bet

Is triggered the only verb in the Incel dictionary?

does mean words to females make you angry?

Do I seem angry? Is female the only noun in the Incel dictionary? I’m just saying, for having such YUGE BRAINS, you guys are incredibly repetitive and have extremely limited vocabulary.

oh wow, also crying about a regular word like "female". Talk about butthurt

Nah, not really. Just, you know, get creative! Saying the same tired shit over and over has to get pretty boring. I’m bored reading it, can’t imagine how bored you guys are of saying it. On the plus side all this boredom has made me tired. G’night!

this male feminism is cringey as hell

No such thing - all feminism is the same if you’re using the correct definition. It’s just support for equality. Both men and women can support equality, nothing cringey about it.

Now...a bunch of dudes who can’t get laid spewing violent hate about average women and men who have sex, coming up with their own language about it, advocating for rape, and metaphorically jerking off each other’s rage boners, that’s the stuff sad cringe wet dreams are made of.

And for the record, I’m a “female.”

Lol a toastie roastie. Mean words hurt a lot, they stay with you forever

Who hurt you?

The girl was deceived and the guy broke the law, and you are happy about it? What the fuck is wrong with you, you human piece of filth.

white knights at it again

I'm sure u get lots of girls

Lmao the guy broke the law, how the fuck am I a white night? Also isn’t the whole point of this sub coming up with excuses as to why you don’t get girls? So you can’t really pull the “you must get lots of girls” card.

And making fun of girls who were violated and used isn’t going to get you very far with the ladies.

She deserved it due to her loose sexual behavior

she paid the toll

Nothing non-consensual happened, no one tricked anyone into bed. She did things for free and later learned she was getting payed.

The only difference between feeling fine and feeling like a prostitute was the presence of money. Let that sink in.

I didn't know this existed. Great bot.

She wasn't being payed her pimp "boyfriend" was.

Except the people she was having sex with weren't the people she was told they were. She was deceived, and it was wrong.

Repost from r/Incels

fucking lol


Holy shit lmaoo

That’s fucked

19F? how can a 30M has 19yo girlfriend? fuck he must be chad.

Play haram games

Win haram prizes.

Anything that diverted from my statement in that thread is 100% raw unadulterated cope.

Downvote brigade is at it today. IT neckbeards are diligent at something, it seems.

Lol, they are triggered as fuck

Wow Board Gaming is different today

Hmmmm, we should all become board_gamingXXX.

what the hell is going on with the downvotes XD. calm down R/inceltears its nothing personal.

Your point doesn’t mean much when you use “XD” and “nothing personal”

So you didn’t feel gross BEFORE breaking the sacred bond, but you do now that MONEY is involved. That. Changes. Nothing.

That just turns you from a whore, to a stupid whore.

Breaking what sacred bond?

Yes because having interesting sex makes you a whore.

Yeah... this is darkly hilarious to me; my cynicism has its own sense of humor and this tickles it in an extremely satisfying way.

fucked up but with that age difference did she really expect anything other than getting finessed?

I actually agree with you. I've known girls in relationships with similarly huge age gaps (barely legal F, 30M) and all I can think is: "Do you want a manipulative relationship? Because that's how you get a manipulative relationship."

I'm absolutely shocked at all the downvotes. When i made that edit i only had 5 or 6. I wonder if any of those that downvoted would be ok with their 18/19 year old daughter with a grown man.

I don't think they did really. What might have happened is that they got all flustered after reading the main post. Then, when they scrolled down to your comment they probably only read the first couple of words, got to "but" and then automatically assumed you were blaming the victim for the whole event. Then the downvotes snowballed from there from people who don't read the comments at all.

You live in the past old man. Nowadays there are many couples with a huge age difference, and it is pretty normal. I have many friends with guys 20 or 25 years older than them and they have functional relationships, both work, clean the house, take care of their dogs, etc.

I think you don't have many girl friends, or don't get out of your basement that much.

Idk maybe have a proper relationship have similar interests and hobbies go on a date together etc etc etc its a relationship man doesnt matter the age gap as long as its two consenting adults they can do whatever doesnt have to be just sex

This thread is full of such fucking awful people, Jesus Christ. YEAH WOMEN ARE FUCKING SLUTS FUCK EMbutwhywonttheyloveme

white knights just can't resist, fucking lol

Le WHITE KNIGHTs don’t support human trafficking. lOLZ

At least they'll see a pussy in their life time lol

Haha women are such sluts amirite lads I fucking hate them all, FUCKING KILL THEM ALL WHY WONT HOT GIRLS GIVE ME THE SEX EVEN WHEN I TIP MY FEDORA AT THEM.

Now, I wonder why they don’t like me?

oh good lord, pathetic white knights everywhere

“Hey maybe we should respect this woman who was manipulated and trapped into sexual acts.”

“FUCKING WHITE NIGHT REEEEE. Why won’t women love me?”

Just because it was willing does not make what the boyfriend was doing any less illegal. She was still sold as a prostitute without her consent.

it's her fault being a dumb slut with 0 awareness

TIL that if you defend this girl because she was manipulated and mistreated then you are a white night.

Don't be such a dick dude. She was tricked into sex with a bunch of strangers.

and she got what she deserved and it makes me very happy, thanks for commenting so that I can read it again

why did she deserve that?

There are consequences to picking Chad.

so she should pick you instead? are you a better man?

I don't think I said that. She can continue being a slut all she wants and we will continue to laugh and judge

but how is what she does immoral? how does it effect people in a negative way?

Do the world a favor and execute yourself.

Oh dear hahaha

So she can continue having sex and living a normal life while you jerk your dick raw every night in mommy's basement? Funny you think you're coming out on top.

Your bio is so fake, it says you love women yet your flair is “If you’re a female I hate you.

Youre disgusting


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She wasn't being payed her pimp "boyfriend" was.

Why would a Chad need a hooker?

holy shit the cucktears are on suicide watch. they are brigading this post so hard. i bet they are literally crying. fucking pussys

downvoted for the truth. just wow.

what kind of idiots downvoted this

Except the people she was having sex with weren't the people she was told they were. She was deceived, and it was wrong.

oh lawd the butthurt