Normies in a nutshell

103  2018-03-27 by FUSIO_SOULS


It's kind of amusing to watch this whole post-Parkland movement, the marches etc and seeing the right wing and the NRA responding with stuff like this post. If things get to the point that your worst enemies and primary smear targets are literally children who don't want to die, you may have become the incarnation of a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Children who don't want to die.

Also (some) children who spent their time shitting on the kid and driving him further inward. Are we just going to ignore that?

Are we talking about Cruz? Because he was mentally and emotionally unstable for most of his life. If your peers ostracize you because of your violent outbursts, boasts about hurting animals and fantasies about gunning people down, that doesn't really fall under "shitting on the kid", it's "reasonable risk avoidance".

“reasonable risk avoidance“

So actively bullying and ostracizing him is “risk avoidance“? Given that he shot up the goddamn school, that seems to have backfired massively.

How many are dead again? All because some fuckheads needed to poke at the weird kid with a stick over and over? You sound like the kind of cunt who would've been right there with them pushing the kid further inward.

So actively bullying and ostracizing him, as in, driving him closer to snapping, is “reasonable risk avoidance“?

Not wanting to spend time with a violent, frightening person is risk avoidance, yes. You can frame him as the victim all you like, but his history of violence and extremist views is there for all to see.

How many are dead again? All because some fuckheads needed to poke at the weird kid with a stick over and over?

I find it disturbing that you seem so invested in trying to deflect guilt from an actual mass murderer by ignoring any evidence to the contrary and painting him as a victim of his...well, victims. Why is that?

You sound like the kind of cunt who would've been right there with them pushing the kid further inward.

I'm not the one trying to make out a spree shooter is just an innocent victim of circumstances, mate.

Oh great, now you're trying to spin this into me defending Cruz when all I'm doing is pointing out that he had another factor driving him off the edge.

Cool, go fuck yourself, piece of shit. Keep justifying bullying.

Oh great, now you're trying to spin this into me defending Cruz when all I'm doing is pointing out that he had another factor driving him off the edge, one that you conviniently ignore and one that his schoolmates admitted to participating in. Fuck off.

Are you serious? Like, really? Are you having a completely different argument in your head that's significantly different from the one you're posting? Because that's literally the only way for your response to make sense.

Cool, go fuck yourself, piece of shit. Keep justifying bullying.

Do you even hear how ridiculous you sound?

Answer me a question: If a kid is violent and unhinged, is it a good idea to bully him and drive him inward? Because his classmates did just that.

And yet for some reason, even after they admitted to doing it, you only choose to focus on him and not the factors around him that could've very well contributed to him snapping.

Fuck off.

Whatever then. Apparently driving the kid inward is completely okay then and totally didn't contribute to him losing it.

Apparently driving the obviously unhinged and violent kid inward is completely okay then and totally didn't contribute to him losing it even further.

Did they? Because his former friends allege that he was the bully, his former classmates admit they ostracized him (which, again, is reasonable behaviour around someone who brings weapons to school) but not that he was a target of bullying, and his brother admits to bullying him at home as kids but not that he was bullied at school. So I'm really struggling to see how you can draw the line between his mental health issues and his choice of victims.

you are the one who sounds ridiculous. ostracizing based on their history? what did he do, kill own family?

besides, he had a friend or two, and people said about him that he was the nicest person they've had ever known. he was having his own battles in his mind, he wasn't showing it. but still he was ostracized by the rest of the class. and for what reason?

so, yeah, i don't blame people like him for going on a rampage. the guy had a bad childhood, and no one to guide him, not even friends.

what did he do, kill own family?

Bully people, bring knives to school, initiate violence towards other students, espouse racist or otherwise xenophobic views, at least per the reports. Does that sound like someone you want to befriend?

besides, he had a friend or two, and people said about him that he was the nicest person they've had ever known.

That's a standard response when anyone dies though - other former friends described him as a violent, angry bully. Why assume that only the latter are being untruthful?

That's a standard response when anyone dies though - other former friends described him as a violent, angry bully. Why assume that only the latter are being untruthful?

well either he was a psychopath or has other mental issues. its something you can't blame it on anybody. one had mental issues, others were in the wrong place and the wrong time.

you could blame his parents for not looking after him properly. he got worse the more time has passed. he was recommended to be committed for a mental health check by two schools counselors, but his parents still didn't do that.

well either he was a psychopath or has other mental issues. its something you can't blame it on anybody.

That's my point. People in this thread are trying to place blame on everybody but the person who pulled the trigger, and acting as if it was bullying that was the sole problem rather than his obvious instability.

he was recommended to be committed for a mental health check by two schools counselors, but his parents haven't done any of that.

I may be mixing up my spree killers here, but didn't he refuse psychological help repeatedly?

I may be mixing up my spree killers here, but didn't he refuse psychological help repeatedly?

he denied having problems, but when you are a parent and receive something like that, you can't be like ''he said he was fine, he is ok''

but even thought he said he was fine. yes, he was fine, or he thought he was fine. anti-social people feel comfortable in their own skin. not like a depressed person, for example.

he denied having problems, but when you are a parent and receive something like that, you can't be like ''he said he was fine, he is ok''

His mother repeatedly called the cops on him to try and curb his violent behaviour. Apparently it was the state that ruled him as not dangerous and therefore not requiring care. And then when his mother died, there was nobody to even push for that anymore.

yes, he was fine, or he thought he was fine. anti-social people feel comfortable in their own skin. not like a depressed person, for example.

I'm not seeing much about him being particularly anti-social though. Definitely depressed (likely due to his mother's death) and clearly unbalanced given his propensity for violence and anger management issues, but not so much about being voluntarily distant from society.

His mother repeatedly called the cops on him to try and curb his violent behaviour. Apparently it was the state that ruled him as not dangerous and therefore not requiring care. And then when his mother died, there was nobody to even push for that anymore.

well, yeah, that was unfortunate.

I'm not seeing much about him being particularly anti-social though. Definitely depressed (likely due to his mother's death) and clearly unbalanced given his propensity for violence and anger management issues, but not so much about being voluntarily distant from society.

anti-social has two meanings. one means to be an introvert, and the other means two be a psychopath, or something. i meant the latter.

Ah, fair enough.

Are you serious? Like, really?

You right now.

Well done.

Wow, you're actually a huge cock. Not that I ever thought otherwise, but damn

Uh-huh. Blame the guy who doesn't think kids deserve to die. What a bastard.

Implying that VonMagnar believes that kids do deserve to die.

Yep, you're a spineless faggot.

He seems to be arguing strongly, or at the very least heavily implying, that Cruz's victims are to blame for what happened to them. Can you find some other way to parse that implication so it doesn't sound eerily similar to "they got what was coming to them"?

You're a jackass if you believe this. can't, then?

... My comment implies otherwise.

You're an asshole and a brainlet, it seems

Implies but doesn't actually bother to answer, cupcake, which just ain't good enough when you're attempting to explain yourself.

Lmfao betacuck indeed

Teenagers should know right and wrong and that bullying is bad.

It's a common theme that we invoke bullying in these scenarios, but so often when we look into the motivations of the shooter there's little to no mention of bullying but often evidence of extremist views and emotional/behavioural problems. A history of violent disciplinary problems is common, as is a propensity for far-right views, but the link to bullying is usually not so easy to draw.

I feel sorry for the millions of kids who are bullied every single day.

As do I, but the vast majority of those kids don't go on to mass-murder.

Of course they don't. A lot of them go on to kill themselves. Which is very sad and tragic.

It's tragic, yes, but it's not really relevant to the conversation we've been having - a violent, emotionally unstable person attacked and killed a bunch of people. If he'd killed himself as a victim of bullying, we'd be having a different conversation, but he didn't.

Unfortunately many kids kill themselves every year far more than the number of people killed in mass shootings in schools. The conversation does not happen and won't.

The conversation certainly does happen, just not at the same time as conversation about school shooters because there's not really any overlap.

It doesn't but okay, I have nothing else to add except if they didn't bully, then I feel sorry for those kids who were murdered. If they did I don't particularly care.

It doesn't

Then why do we have so many anti-bullying, anti-cyber bullying, suicide prevention etc etc campaigns?

if they didn't bully, then I feel sorry for those kids who were murdered. If they did I don't particularly care.

Well, Cruz was apparently bullied at home by his brother, but at school?

"Nick was not a kid that was bullied, he was not a kid that was harassed, he did the bullying and the harassing. He instilled fear in innocent people for fun."

That's from his former friend at the school. It's not an uncommon report in these situations.

Okay, I just told you I wasn't going to participate anymore.

''That's from his former friend at the school. It's not an uncommon report in these situations.''

other friend said that he is the nicest person he'd ever know. he was surprised he even did those things, but still doesn't blame him.

all life is precious, nobody's is worth more than any other's. bullying is shitty, I agree, but kids are dumb, that's why they learn and become better people. they don't deserve death because of it.

I'm not saying they deserve death I just don't particularly care.

because their deaths don't bother you based on the circumstances, this is a problem.

I feel sorry for any innocent kid who is murdered. How is it a problem?

you just said you dont care about the kids who got murdered for supposed bullying.

If a kid was murdered and they were a bully then no I don't really care. I don't see how that's a problem.

because being a bully as a child doesn't warrant death. and selectively caring based on this is pretty shitty.

Tell that to the kids who commit suicide and go on to have long term mental health problems from bullying. I'm done here, You're boring me.

I had a suicide attempt less than a month ago.

i was bullied.

I have severe depression and anxiety disorder.

I know this pain, and it has nothing to do with what were talking about.

sure this is really unfortunate, but these kids are new to the world and they're still learning.

tons of bullies grow up and feel like shit for what they've done as a child and one if my childhood bullies even apologized to me recently.

no child deserves death, regardless of action.

Cool story! thanks for sharing.

oooh but you don't care about me because I disagree with and challenge your worldview.

I knew you didn't have anything to support your opinion on, because your opinion is based on hate. hate for those who've hurt you, I'm assuming. I hope you can one day let it go, only then will you grow

I don't care about you because I don't even know you. I love hating those who have wronged me. The only good bully is a dead one.

oooh but you don't care about me because I disagree with and challenge your worldview.

Welcome to r/Braincels, where your entire life is just cope & lies if it doesn't fit the agenda!

honestly this doesn't surprise me lmao

Somehow I still find myself surprised by it. The denial is so thick you couldn't cut through it with a chainsaw.

Actually, it is very relevant, but you're quite literally not seeing the relevance, because to you the idea of combatting bullying is not even on the table. Disgusting.

because to you the idea of combatting bullying is not even on the table.

Well done, very good, another productive shift at the strawman factory. Maybe if you pump out a few more, you'll get a raise.

"Waaaah, waaaaah, I don't like it when someone points out how morally bankrupt my views are"

If you don't like that, just keep your dumb mouth shut next time.

Son, you have got some serious issues, and I think you need someone more qualified than me to deal with them. A reading tutor would be a good start, but I'm afraid you're going to find it difficult to hook up with someone who can teach you to think critically to the level of kindergarten or higher.

Stupid mentally ill normie, don't you have pills to pop with your equally mentally ill depressed girlfriend instead of spouting passive aggressive estrogen-filled comments?

I wonder how your son is going to turn out being raised by crazy pill-popping, brain rotting parents. Hmmm..

You tried, little buddy. You tried as hard as you're probably able, and it's not your fault you failed.

Buddy boy has brain rot and thinks his opinion matters.

Man, you really need to demand an apology from your parents for how badly they failed you.

Look who's getting all salty now.

Are you really that unused to disagreement that it gets you so riled up in such a short time?

Get back to me when you've learned to think your way through an entire sentence without having to stop for a breather, kid.

And then what?

His point is actually very valid, if you want to argue about kids dying, there's a much more prevalent and preventable cause to fight against - bullying.

It's a separate issue though. Suicide is tragic, mass murder is monstrous, even when they share a common root cause.

It's tragic, yes, but it's not really relevant to the conversation we've been having... If he'd killed himself as a victim of bullying, we'd be having a different conversation, but he didn't.

it is relevant because if he had killed himself we wouldn't be having a conversation at all. people who kill themselves don't make national headlines. people who go on rampages do. these shootings are happening because the conversation isn't being had like it should. bullying is a problem and if people need to keep dying until anti-bullying is codified, then they will.

Haha oh yeah, like the top 3 deadliest school shooters weren't bully victims right?

Dumb cunt

Haha oh yeah, like the top 3 deadliest school shooters weren't bully victims right?

If we're just going by the top 3 in the US, Kehoe was A) a grown man and B) motivated by petty shit like having to pay taxes, Cho was deeply mentally ill and believed he was some kind of Messianic figure freeing the oppressed (though granted he did have some unconfirmed reports of childhood bullying), and Lanza was potentially schizophrenic, definitely autistic, but evidently extremely isolated - by choice - and fascinated with school shooters, with the trigger event for his killings being the potential of having to move away from his bubble of isolation.

So I'm not sure how your point holds up.

I was thinking of Klebold and Harris. They're the most "iconic" if I can say that. Bullying does cause school shootings. It is a large factor.

I was thinking of Klebold and Harris. They're the most "iconic" if I can say that.

I mean, it sounds fucking weird, but you're right, they probably are the most iconic. And I agree they were bullied, and obviously it was a factor, but it's not the only factor in their case (IIRC one of them was diagnosed as a psychopath even) and in many cases it isn't a factor at all.

I'm not arguing that bullying is a non-issue or that it has no relevance at all. I'm saying it's often overblown to the point that more blame is put on bullies or more often people just accused of being bullies than on people who - for a variety of reasons, almost always including mental illness - pick up a weapon and start killing.

I'm not here to debate on norman platitudes or to fight for a cause. I'm here to look at low quality incel memes and ldar. So idc

If you didn't care, then why the fuck did you start arguing about it?

but it's not the only factor

That really remains to be seen. Other than your personal twisted desire to excuse bullying and paint the criminals as inherently evil, there's no reason at all to assume that they would've done what they did had they not been bullied. And your reasons are invalid.

Other than your personal twisted desire to excuse bullying and paint the criminals as inherently evil

What world are you living in? Because it's clearly not this one.

If you don't even have the guts to defend your own opinions, don't voice them in the first place, retard.

Given that's what I've been doing this entire thread, I don't think it's appropriate for the guy who apparently is incapable of even the most basic levels of reading comprehension to be throwing out words like "retard", do you?

I understand that you live an easy life and think that to defend your opinion means to just restate it a few times, but that's not how it works in real life, sonny.

There you go again, failing at reading.

Well, I'm not ashamed that I failed to read your defense of your opinion, when you didn't write it.

Kleboid and Harris were actually fairly popular at their school. Hell, they were known to bully other kids.


IQ levels critical

Descending into IQsphere


No traces of intelligence found. We're outta here.

One of the voiced opinions. Initially it was widely reported that Columbine shooters were bullied and often called faggots, among other things.

Yeah, 20 years has passed, let's muddy some waters now.

Does an incel have a moral obligation to help a woman being raped?

Morally they are obligated to help if they're concerned about what's right or wrong. In legal terms they are not technically obligated but as a consequence they would be shunned by society for not lifting a finger

Is it morally acceptable for a woman to reject an incel just because of his looks?

Doing nothing about rape and not finding a guy attractive are two completely different things dude

Walk me through it, buddy.

Incels are rejected their entire lives over something they can't control. This leads to a lifetime of loneliness and depression. How exactly is rejecting incels not condemning them to suffer?

Why do you think incels should be forced to help women with their suffering but not the other way around?

so often

How often?

He beat up his mother. I don’t think bullying is the problem.

That's not an answer to my question. You're trying to dodge out of answering it because you don't know the answer and aren't confident that the real data will back your hateful views up.

My hateful views Tbh I didn’t read your comment cause I just wanted to drop that info somewhere.

So you're a spammer. Got it.

I posted that once

Posting irrelevant content is spam.

Proof? I only found that police was called to the house but he might as well been beaten up by his adopted parents.

Bruh, you sound like a soft wimp. Seriously, get your t levels checked.

Emma Gonzalez admitted to ostracizing the Parkland shooter since middle school.

Bruh, you sound like a soft wimp. Seriously, get your t levels checked.

Probably all that soy, right? Jesus.

Emma Gonzalez admitted to ostracizing the Parkland shooter since middle school.

Which, again, is fairly logical when you consider his frequent violent outbursts, habit of bringing weapons to school and lashing out for little to no reason.

Victim blaming? Victim blaming. Noice.

Yeah, the exact thing I've been arguing against this entire thread. Basic reading comprehension, my friend.

Which, again, is fairly logical when you consider his frequent violent outbursts, habit of bringing weapons to school and lashing out for little to no reason.

Leave your condescension at the door, friendo, it does you no favours.

Can you explain how that isn't logical?

Cruz is of course at fault for killing people, there's no denying that. Unfortunately, however, people insist on refusing to recognize their part in the killings through bullying him, lack of proper parental care and systemic problems with regards to mental health care in the United States.

It's easy to make that guy a scapegoat because he did it but nobody even tried to think that they're complicit in what they've done as well.

Cruz is of course at fault for killing people, there's no denying that

Evidently there is, because look at the sheer number of posters in this thread who seem to think his role is minor when compared to that of his victims.

Unfortunately, however, people insist on refusing to recognize their part in the killings through bullying him, lack of proper parental care and systemic problems with regards to mental health care in the United States.

1) Ostracism of a violent kid isn't bullying. Do you honestly want to befriend someone who has extremely poor emotional control and access to weaponry? Cruz had a file dating back years of incidents, suspensions and outbursts. The major argument I've encountered so far seems to be that by not wanting to be his bestest buddy, the other students were bullying him, and that this isn't at all a result of his own behaviour. Multiple former friends of his have spoken up to say they cut him out of their lives when he threatened them or other students, and that's not an endearing trait.

2) The parental care part seems murky. His mother, before she died, seemed to be trying to get him help but the state wasn't equipped to deal with him because they declared him "not dangerous". She repeatedly called the cops about his behaviour, but nothing came of it.

3) I can't disagree that there are systematic failures in mental health care. No argument at all.

It's easy to make that guy a scapegoat because he did it

Uh...the definition of a scapegoat is someone being blamed for the actions of others, not someone being blamed for what they themselves did.

Evidently there is, because look at the sheer number of posters in this thread who seem to think his role is minor when compared to that of his victims.

Don't get offended at how debate happens on the Internet, otherwise, I suggest you close the browser and take a walk.

Ostracism of a violent kid isn't bullying. Do you honestly want to befriend someone who has extremely poor emotional control and access to weaponry? Cruz had a file dating back years of incidents, suspensions and outbursts. The major argument I've encountered so far seems to be that by not wanting to be his bestest buddy, the other students were bullying him, and that this isn't at all a result of his own behaviour. Multiple former friends of his have spoken up to say they cut him out of their lives when he threatened them or other students, and that's not an endearing trait.


She repeatedly called the cops about his behaviour, but nothing came of it.

I'd appreciate proof as well.

Uh...the definition of a scapegoat is someone being blamed for the actions of others, not someone being blamed for what they themselves did.

Alright, if you're feeling pedantic: it'll be easy to paint Cruz as the devil and he is, for killing 17 people. However, something caused him to do it.

Don't get offended at how debate happens on the Internet, otherwise, I suggest you close the browser and take a walk.

Debate is one thing, howler monkeys screeching and flinging their shit at people is not the same thing. What we're doing now is debating. Other posters have gone all-out stupid, and that's what's getting me down.


Proof of what, his previous actions?

One student, who escaped the shooting, wrote on Twitter: "He literally had an Instagram where he posted pictures of animals he killed gruesomely."


“We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Jim Gard told the Herald. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.”


“My friends constantly reported that he was threatening them,” Bonner said. “For instance, he told my friend that he was excited to gut her like a fish and play with her dead body.”

Washington Post

Cruz, a classmate who participated in Davis’s ninth grade JROTC group, was usually a quiet kid who kept to himself, but “there was a lot of anger management issues there,” Davis said.

USA Today

I'd appreciate proof as well.

That his mom tried to get him help? OK.

In the hours after the shooting, people who knew Mr. Cruz described him as a “troubled kid” who enjoyed showing off his firearms, bragging about killing animals and whose mother would resort to calling the police to have them come to their home to try to talk some sense into him. At a school with about 3,000 students, Mr. Cruz stayed to himself and had few friends but struck fear in some students with erratic behavior and an affinity for violence.

NY Times

Records obtained from the sheriff's office by CNN show the law enforcement agency received at least 45 calls for service relating to Cruz or his brother from 2008 to 2017, before the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on Feb. 14.


On January 5, 2018, a person close to Nikolas Cruz contacted the FBI’s Public Access Line (PAL) tipline to report concerns about him. The caller provided information about Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.


Alright, if you're feeling pedantic: it'll be easy to paint Cruz as the devil and he is, for killing 17 people. However, something caused him to do it.

Sure, I'm just disagreeing that given his behavioural history and obvious mental issues, we should immediately assume he was the victim of a bullying campaign that drove him to kill. It doesn't stack up.

Your The Telegraph link is missing, pls fix.

No comment on the rest of it, then?

Not yet. Don't bait pls, I'm talking to you in good faith.

I'm not baiting, it just seemed like you were nitpicking one missing link instead of addressing the rest of the information.

Regardless, I'm on my mobile now, and can't really go hunting the link up as easily as I did where I was using my desktop earlier. If you like, we can just ignore that reference and discuss the others.

Hm, I'm probably biased and I'm also factoring the bias that is carried by most of the publications you've cited (excluding the FBI press release).

I must note that some of the articles you've cited are dedicated to the gun issue in the US and using Cruz case is definitely a spin to push an opinion. Most of the journalism on the globe now is now opinion and not fact delivering.

Most of the articles also miss what is mentioned here:

I can bet 100 dollars the adopted family was not nice to the child at all but we can't check it now since they are all dead and members of the class, especially after shock they've endured will forget and rationalize things they've probably done to that guy.

Anyway, let's agree on the fact that what happened was terrifying, that nobody should do it and nobody should go through it.

ostracized from his peers

literally no reason


implying the cart goes before the horse

Probably all that soy, right? Jesus.

You just come off as a soft dude, like a typical “soy boy.” I have no clue what the cause is.

Thankfully my self-worth isn't so low that I'm reduced to caring about my testosterone levels just to feel a false sense of masculine validation!

lol you're getting mogged by 18 year old chads. soyboy

Psst. Want to know a secret? I don't care in the slightest! There at lots of men better looking than me, most of them in fact, but so what? Doesn't stop me from having a life!

what a cuck mentality. i bet you also dont mind it if your wife fucks a better man

You guys are so obsessed with this cuck thing. Is it a fantasy? Is the hope that if cuckoldry is as prevalent as you insist it is, you might get a chance with another guy's wife? Because that's pretty sad if it's the best you can aim for.

it's not a meme lol. if i had private conversations on reddit with married women telling me they were bored with their current husband and wanted to fuck me to "have some fire again"

Why are you wasting time here, then? Go! Run free! Bag yourself some of that sweet, sweet "bored middle-aged housewife" pussy!

i'm currently trying to get 16-20 year old pussy before i move to used up pussy

Good luck with that.

how old are you?


Damn. Still believing the personality myth

Ah, the copiest of copes!

why are you sounding like a fucking retard

It's a side effect of using incel terminology.


Now you're getting it!

See what I mean?

You sound like a faggot

Goid sir, I assure you I am not of the homosexual variety.

Seriously, see an endocrinologist.

In addition to not being so insecure as to care about testosterone levels, I'm not so devoid of self-worth as to take advice from someone who unironically uses words like "soyboy".

I’m just using the current lexicon rather than go into a long description of how a weak, pathetic modern man behaves. You know what a “soyboy” is. And your are behaving like one. Grow a pair, faggot.

Of course I know what "soyboy" means. It's the same as "cuck" - internet shorthand for "I am at the intellectual and emotional level of dough, please go easy on me". Like a Med-Alert bracelet, except it warns you that the person you're talking to can't tie their shoes and still thinks wrestling is real.

There’s evidence that he as bullied at home and school, and ostracized at school as well. Most school shooters cite bullying as a reason for them snapping.

Evidence of home, certainly. I read that his brother felt guilty enough about that that he himself has gone a bit loopy. As for evidence of school, where is it? Other kids admit he was ostracised, but even his former friends say that was because of his violent behaviour, bad temper and other insignificant stuff like bragging about killing animals.

He was probably that way because of his home life. Maybe if he didn’t feel so alone everywhere else, because there are plenty of abused people in the world but if they have friends and are popular they can kind of make it work. Maybe if someone just asked him what was going on, it would’ve been better. Going out in public saying “We all knew it was him” is bad PR, you sound like a bitchy teenager.

Except obviously he wasn't always alone, because several people claimed they used to be friends with him until he became aggressive towards them and others. You're arguing that this is cyclical and that if people had given him a chance he'd not have been a killer, but clearly he did have chances - he just wasted them through a lack of self-control.

*children who use their classmates’ deaths to gain popularity

Corrected for ya. No need to thank me.

children who use their classmates’ deaths to gain popularity

Congratulations, you get the award for grossest thing I've read today.

Aww, sweetie, I’m so sorry. Show me where the truth hurt you.

You're choosing to double down on this? Wow.


I figured you were trolling, but I just checked your post history, and apparently you're very committed to it if so. How depressing.

Sorry for my opinion Mr. Liberal. In the future I promise I’ll only repeat what CNN says.

Oh god, it just gets worse and worse...



ohhhh nooooo you dont even know what it means. Hop off t_d and fox buddy.

I’m not American. Liberals are looked down upon everywhere, not just in the US. And for good reason.

Lol Liberals are not look down uopon. A liberal is 1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people" 2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training. Only a dumbass thinks this is a insult and a bad thing, same as sjw. The truth is the majority of people are liberals, its a hard truth to swallow as a conservative right? Especially since conservatism is being villified in the United States and around the world, for good reasons too lol. You people are litteral cancer, you show up in small populations just spewing hate and bullshit.

“Majority of people are liberals”

Just wow. You do know that almost 50% of people live in rural areas, don’t you? You do know that rural areas are overwhelmingly conservative, don’t you? You do know that even in cities, the amount of conservatives is pretty high too, don’t you?

There are a lot more conservative people in the world than liberals. If you deny this, then you’re in full liberal coping mode. Even here in my pretty liberal European city about 40% vote for conservative parties.

By the way, I’m not even a conservative, I’m a libertarian, a much more hated group by liberals, because we represent true freedom, not you.

You have alot of mis-information dude. One we are in 2018 after the industrial revolution, so most people lie in cities and suburbs....With my statement I give to you evidence and not bullshit claims like you! 62.7 are in

Number two Liberals and Libertarians are basically the same. Only difference is the belief of government.

"Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis) is a political philosophy or worldview founded on the idea of liberty and equality. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and a right to life, liberty, and property.


Libertarianism is the group of political philosophies which advocate minimizing coercion and emphasize freedom, liberty, and voluntary association. Libertarians generally advocate a society with significantly less government compared to most present day societies."

Congrats, really.

  1. The world doesn’t revolve around you amerimutts. I was looking at a number in the entire world. But it surprises me how rural the US is. I thought that number would be around 70%.

  2. You can use a dictionary. Nice. Seriously, that’s quite an achievement from a liberal. Now please read other stuff too, and you might grow out of it.

Lol "im something I dont even know what it is." You cant even argue dude.

And im right again world is increasingly urban (54 pecent) Instead of going with fake news, give evidence and argue. You seem dumb when you reply with a comment like that.

Yes, 46 percent is almost 50 percent you mongrel.

this isnt just a number, these are people. What do you think these percentages mean? Four percent is fucking how many people dude? God your stupid af. discussion is over lol. "By 2050, India is projected to add 404 million urban dwellers, China 292 million and Nigeria 212 million."

"The urban population of the world has grown rapidly from 746 million in 1950 to 3.9 billion in 2014. Asia, despite its lower level of urbanization, is home to 53 per cent of the world’s urban population, followed by Europe with 14 per cent and Latin America and the Caribbean with 13 per cent."

Your whole argument is bullshit and i know a you didnt read the article so i copied and pasted. You arent even a libertarian dude, your just a joke.

Europe is at 14 percent with how many liberals and libertatrians lolol a fucking lot, your a conservative dude. Label yourself correctly.

You’re a total moron. Even in the US, liberals are only slightly the majority, do you think 50% of India is also liberal? 50% of China? 50% of Nigeria?

India is increasily progressive as well as is Nigeria. China is a communist that doesnt really reflect on anything. Even in the US, liberals are the majority.(Look at the popular vote, census, etc) cant support your claims without any facts dude, sad af. You keep bashing a "libertarian".YOU ARE A CONSERVATIVE, i dunno did you jsut find that word somewhere and go YEAH, i aint following no stupid conservative label im a libertatrian! Im unique yo!

I just found this, lol.

22%. I thought you were the majority, at least in the US. Alas, not even there.

Yea, since then it might even be 30%. Wew, big majority, lol.

First thing I read on the page lol. "Exit polls are surveys of a SMALL percentage of voters taken after they leave their voting place. Pollsters use this data to project how all voters or segments of voters side on a particular race or ballot measure. "This is like taking a sample size of 100 ...its not accurate.. Number two, VOTERS, not everyone votes, especially in America. Number three this was conservatism BEFORE trump. There is no comparision between republicans then and now, Trump has made it to a joke. We are talking about population mate. You shouldnt argue stats becuase you clearly know squat. "46 percent is fucking close to 50 percent dudeee!" lmfao. The fact you are argueing for this obviously means you arent libertarians. Libertarians uphold the land of the law, even if they believe in big government.

Yes, voters care about politics. If we surveyed everyone, that number will be even lower, since those who don’t care about politics won’t identify as liberals. Basic logic, dipshit.

Please do say that 46%<>50% a bit more, it just makes you look even more ridiculous. Yes, 46% vs 54% means that almost as many people live in rural areas as urban areas. I can see you’re struggling with English though, so I’ll let that one slide. Just like when there were 1B people in India anc 1.2B people in China, people said that almost as many people live in China as in India. You know, that’s how language works. Now you know that too. Most welcome.

This was before trump...Look at the Us polls now. Democrats are taking over.Your second paragraph makes no sense, and your making fun of my english lololololol. Because 46 are "Liberals" does not automatically make the rest of the percentages conservatives or Libertarians. Yeah I need you to take this test.

Because im sure your retarted. I can see your struggling with stats and numbers, "so ill let that slide". Its okay dude, jsut stay on this sub and bitch about women. Dont even trip dawg.

"Just like when there were 1B people in India anc 1.2B people in China, people said that almost as many people live in China as in India." Dont know what your saying or the point of it? lolol

Corrected, still, learn the difference between you’re and your, it makes you look like a retard.

Nope it doesnt, im typing fast, you can understand what I mean. No need to. Why dont I also stop using incomplete sentences and start It doesnt make me look retarted, you know what does tho? You being a incel. "Last year, in addition to the 29% of Americans who identified as Democrats, another 16% said they were independents but leaned toward the Democratic Party, for a combined total of 45% Democrats and Democratic leaners among the U.S. population"

Im not just using that source buddy but anyway im tired and dont want this to turn into a complete discussion., Ohhhh Pajeet. Funny? One im from pakistan, so need a racist joke or a muslim name. Good try tho buddy.

Haha, almost perfect shot. The shit grammar gave it away. Pakistani, Indian, only the religion is different.

Raised in America since two years old, so mostly American, only born there. "Ohhh look at me Im so clever i can be racist by seeing the way people type." Hahahahh bruh, get a grip.

Omg, the 56% memes are true. Madre de Dios, la luz extinguido.

?Lol uhhh okay dude good job.

On the positive side, your drawing is pretty cool.

Hhahahah thanks man, I appreciate that.

46 percent voting for democrats means that 46 percent of people who vote vote democrats you idiot. Not that 46% of people are liberals. That 46 percent is about 25% of the adult population of the US.

sample size doesn’t mean population

What do you mean by that pajeet?

And yes, a sample of 17k is representative of all voters, you stupid fuck. But you probably haven’t taken any statistics classes to know that either.


Wow, just wow. I literally can’t even. Dot you know it’s current year?

Alright, did this thread get linked to T_D or something? We have vastly surpassed this sub's usual threshold for intellectually bankrupt dribble by a huge margin.

Why doesn’t everyone agree with me? :(

I apologise for actually thinking about stuff before posting it. I'm aware that's a terrible crime in some places. From now on I'll try to make a cursory scan of the text, post some response clearly showing I did not absorb or understand any of what I read, and consistently repeat my errors with zero attempt to rectify my own blatant stupidity. Will you let me join your club then, or are there further hazing rituals required like literally smashing my head into a brick wall until parts of my brain ooze out of my ears and I'm finally capable of such a high level of critical thinking as you?

You’re agitating yourself again, did you take your pills today?

Sorry, I just wrote a pretty hurtful comment, rather deleted it.

I’m kind of tired of trolling, so please start accepting other viewponts. You’ll be better off. That’s it, best of luck to you.

Sorry, I just wrote a pretty hurtful comment, rather deleted it.

Eh, I can deal with it, if you're just fucking around. It's the legitimate stupidity infesting this thread that's getting to me, not the trolling.

I’m kind of tired of trolling, so please start accepting other viewponts

That's...pretty ironic, don't you think, given the state of this thread?

The flow was something like, I said something, and you started gasping at how horrible that is. Didn’t offer a single counterpoint.

If you think a statement like "children who use their classmates’ deaths to gain popularity" needs a counterpoint as if it were a legitimate argument rather than the rancid mental flatulence of a psychopath, perhaps you really need to re-evaluate your life choices.

Have to admit, I laughed at rancid mental flatulance.

Mission accomplished.

REEEE why won't people just agree with what I post!? I know, I'll just keep acting like the very same condescending sweetie-tier SJWs I hate until everyone stops responding.

If you hadn’t noticed, I stopped responding because all conversations ended.

Sweetie :)

randomly mentions Trump

Yep, you’re beyond help.

Never stop being such an idpol drone.

Never stop refusing to think outside your little box, my man.

Says the man who apparently missed the memo regarding Reneissance and humanistic ideas (you know, tabula rasa and all that) and the rich history of bullying and hazing for the last hundred or so years.

Such a stupid little man you are.

Yeah how come he won't think inside the little box Trump told you to think in? Brainwashed libtards don't know it's so much easier when you let Twitter do your thinking for you.

I have no idea who this is even aimed at?

children who don't want to die,

Please quit hiding behind this shield.

Sorry, when I said children I meant "Soros-funded crisis actors pushing the Marxist agenda to destroy America"

Lol. Part of me actually wants you to get what you want.

That way when ever Putin gives Trump the order to unleash the right wing death squads, or a communist Demorat starts to seize all property, and you have no more rights, I'll be laughing all the way to the gulag.

And you'll probably be freaking out. "How did this happen! I was on the right side of history!"

Lol. Part of me actually wants you to get what you want.

And what is that, exactly?

That way when ever Putin gives Trump the order to unleash the right wing death squads, or a communist Demorat starts to seize all property, and you have no more rights, I'll be laughing all the way to the gulag.

Given that I live in a country where the response to a school shooting was to ban guns, and none of the paranoid "well armed militia" fantasyland scenarios ever came to pass, I think we'd be good.

Except now Muslim rape gangs run amok and you can be arrested and jailed for being "offensive."


How will I ever recover?

You could try not getting your "facts" from Katie Hopkins and Prison Paul? Be a good step on the road to recovering your sanity.

And you could try not being condescending to anyone who wants to keep their rights to self preservation by pretending you're the only person on reddit who doesnt want children to die.

You could get people to think you're one of the people who don't want children to die by not constantly by not attacking everyone who brings up the children dying. What part of what you posted implies you give a fuck about anything? Don't cry now because people don't think your sensitive enough, it's actually embarrassing.

People like you are constantly using dead kids as a way to guilt people into giving up their right to self preservation.

You say "At least I dont want any more dead kids". Someone then says "We wont let you take our rights away just because you're scared." To which you inevitably retort "Oh so you want more dead kids then?"

Its virtue signaling at its worst.

But whats truly embarrassing is that you think words on paper will protect you from bullets. We have laws on the books now to limit and restrict gun sales. You would say they aren't good enough, but what I dont understand is how differently worded legislation will make the government not suck at what it does already.

Might as well make a law that says "Government, do good things".

I'm not saying any of that stuff. You need to learn to respond to what people say not what you think they want to say. It'd help you get a more accurate grasp of what people actually think. I'm not trying to be condescending or aggressive. I was just saying if you wanted to seem more sympathetic towards the child victims you could not claim everybody who cares about their deaths is a gun grabbing communist.

everybody who cares about their deaths is a gun grabbing communist.

Most of them are.

Only in your imagination.

better safe than sorry.

I hope one day you get the help you need. Living with that kind of paranoia must not be fun.

Look up the gun ownership rate vs the homicide rate, and look at the fact that gun bans had no effect on the homicide rate in bot Australia and the UK after enacted. You haven't made yourself safe, you've instead willingly turned yourselves into a slave populace.

look at the fact that gun bans had no effect on the homicide rate in both Australia and the UK after enacted

And what about the mass shooting rate?

You haven't made yourself safe, you've instead willingly turned yourselves into a slave populace.

Yes, that's definitely how that works. If only we still had our handguns, that pesky government with their fighter jets, nuclear submarines and cutting-edge artillery would never dare to pass unpopular legislation!

School shooting comprise a tiny amount of deaths, and have been going down since 1992 steadily.

And the best military in the world, the military of the USA, cannot kill jungle militias (Vietnam), or desert militias (Iraq, Afghanistan), the most powerful military of the 18th century was not able to kill a militia in America (why the USA exists at all), why on earth do you think they have the ability to kill an insurgent population in their own country? When the soldier next to you might sympathize with the insurgents (most soldiers are right wing, most would), when you can be shot and killed from every window, when your supply is cut because the farmers don't support you, it's fucking over. You are very uneducated if you think citizens bearing arms does not keep a government in check.

A common misunderstanding you have made.

Guns are necessary and DO work in preserving the freedom of the people due to the fact that the government actually does need their own people alive.

Their citizens are their power. If they bomb people who disagree, they hurt themselves as much as they attempt to control.

With gun superiority, however, you send down your squad of police to specific homes, kill the nonbelievers, and still manage to keep your communities running.

With the citizens possessing guns, the people have actual power to stay free as individuals.

A common misunderstanding you have made.

Thanks, Yoda.

With gun superiority, however, you send down your squad of police to specific homes, kill the nonbelievers, and still manage to keep your communities running.

And how do you reconcile this with the massive gun superiority that the state has over individuals or even organised militias?

But the amount of citizens massively outnumber the police and military?

In states with high gun ownership it would be very very difficult currently for a theoretical police state to come about.

But the amount of citizens massively outnumber the police and military?

Sure. And how will their personal sidearms fare against bombers, fighter jets, tanks and missiles? Because if it gets down to it, thats what an armed insurrection would be facing.

In states with high gun ownership it would be very very difficult currently for a theoretical police state to come about. And even then, its obvious civil war. And thats the risk that governments cant take.

And yet, civil wars still happen. Coups happen. Given the totally fractured nature of the American political landscape, it wouldn't even necessarily be the people against the government but mostly the people against all the other people.

  1. Again the problem with jets and all that advanced stuff is that things like those are horribly inefficient or downright impossible to use for maintaining a police state.

Sure, the state has an obvious advantage and easy win in winning a war here. But again, this is all internal. They cant simply destroy their own land. If they do, well we are fucked anyway

The guns are only a baseline in a war. Its all about afterwards - after the american civil war, there was no chance of a police state for example - regardless of all else everyone had a gun, so a police state could not be enforced.

A jet cant kick your door down, drag you out for questioning and execute you. Soldiers are sent in for that. If you are able to resist this, at the very minimum, you are able to maintain the baseline of security.

Forming militias is after. Coups happen, but what government doesnt keep it at the front of their minds to stop insurrections and the like?

Fighter jets don't maintain a police state, boots on the ground do.

Not to mention you can just kidnap the fighter pilots family

Look at vietnam, afghanistan. Resistance is absolutely possible.

Why does he look 50?

Coz hes incel?

No, he’s incel because he looks 50.

I went to high school with a guy like that. He was a grade ahead of me. Dude was balding, his teeth were falling out, he had a dad bod (like a pot belly and skinny arms and legs), wore glasses, acne had come and gone, leaving his fave poc marked, and he had a poor fashion sense. 50 is a stretch, but I’m not exaggerating when I say the guy could have passed for mid 30’s. I saw him maybe 15 years later and he look like he was in his 50’s.

I thought it wasn’t drawn well at first. Totally right though, every school had that one kid who looked 40 and was screwed every way but literally.

if bullying was the cause of school shootings then there would me more gay, trans, and poc school shooters

not rly, there are less gay/trans/poc people then straight people.

actually studies showed that it’s about 50-50 with the youth

50% of people are gay/trans ? source pls

48-52 is about 50-50

Um, no, I think you'll find that's a massive majority that represents the will of the people.

we’re not voting on who gay and who’s not so your evidence is irrelevant to the argument

That was a joke about how the 52-48 ratio is used as unimpeachable evidence for the overwhelming support Brexit had.

You are retarded, at least read the article.

Oh, it just dawned on me you're dumber than I thought. It seems like you read the title as the experts finding 48%.

Retards truly only read what they want.

what’s there too it. london and scotland wanted to stay but everyone else wanted to leave. i know what brexit is. my point is that it’s not relevant to the argument that straight and lgbt youth is split about 50-50 (48-52 actually).

Imbecile. Not only is your reading comprehension so horrid that you fail to read titles, you also have such a shit attention you respond to the wrong comment.

honestly you’re mad that your argument is trash. what does brexit have to do with gay youth. do better

You must be trolling at this point or have some sort of mental retardation. Look at the username of the dude who shared the brexit link and mine.

well you’re the one who replied and came at me so...

I replied to you linking a "study" claiming that 48% of teenagers were non-straight with another link confirming it's complete bullshit, you would've known if you actually bothered to click on it instead of misreading the title.

Yes, because only minorities get bullied. ??

no everyone gets bullied but minorities are more likely to be bullied

Any source on that?

everyone gets bullied

minorities more likely

What lol

Those aren’t contradictory statements.

I’m white and got bullied by minorities.

ok and what. i’m black and got bullied by white people

Was yours race driven? Because mine sure as hell was.

yeah a lot of it involved my hair and i’ve been called the n-word

Hey same! I was bullied because “white people deserve to kill themselves”

How is it like being braindead?

what is it like being an asshole

Fun, lol. Don’t take it personally.

Shut up NEGROID.

what you mad that you look like warm coleslaw that was left out in the sun for 3 days

I like you

Maybe back in the day, but right now white people are demonized, where as gay, tannies, and poc are all trendy, hip, and cool.

Local school just had its prom and you wouldnt believe the amount of gay couples who went, and no one had a problem.

Face it norman, you're a piece of shit.

It's easy to hide being a faggot. It's harder to hide being ugly or socially retarded. If we could we would.

you act like people don’t get bullied even if they’re in the closet

They don't get bullied for being gay

Aren't a lot of school shooters gay/bisexual/trans/struggling with their sexuality?

no most of them are straight white males

This. School shooters are made because of entitlement, not bullying.

finally someone said it

This is pretty realistic: the shooter killed random people instead of those who bullied him.

So you'd have pity on the shooter if he'd actually kill his bullies, right?

No, I wouldn't. I pity those who are bullied, but not those who decide to exert extreme violence over those who have wronged them.

Every action must be met with an appropriate and proportional reaction.

Besides, the whole "bullied school shooter" stereotype is wrong. Just a flimsy way to deflect blame. Cruz had a girlfriend, so he was not marginalised. I find weird that /r/incels would come to his defense.

Besides, the whole "bullied school shooter" stereotype is wrong.

It appeared for a reason, you know.

And so did the "niceguy" one. Which was your point again?

Are we equating school shooters to romantically stunted people? Nice.

I didn't, but I see you are familiar with the stereotype. Nice. Now you know that stereotypes are not true just for being stereotypes.

And you're coyly doing the false equation. You keep doing that, it will surely pay off.

Reread the thread. You said that the stereotype had some legitimacy. I proved you wrong by using a stereotype that affected you directly.

And now we're here, you accusing me of doing something I didn't and me inviting you to reread the written log of out exchange before answering.

I proved you wrong by using a stereotype that affected you directly.

It doesn't. I mean come on, now you're trying to do the "haha, you're butthurt" game, it's so passe.

Every stereotype is grounded in reality, the thing is you're trying to, even within the confines of this discussion, to equate stereotypes that may overlap. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

Every stereotype is grounded in reality

So the niceguy stereotype is grounded on reality as well? We are back to square 1.

Ok buddy, I got it. JFC, and I thought you were being serious.

I read the girl with the goggles being missing from the second picture as intentional.

True! Not sure if a girl or boy, but since he/she used "lol" in real life, I understand the author's thinking...

what do you think the odds are of landing a bullet on a specific person out of a gew hundred or thousand who are scurrying around? it's already difficult to hit a moving target. when time is limited and targets are getting away, the thought is probably to get as many people as you can since you're as good as dead anyway.

For fuck's sake.

Maybe go against those who wronged you instead of showing up at school where your actual targets will be clouded by all that people?

that whole reply a non sequitur but okay.

Clarify your answer, admit your mistake or simply shut the fuck up.

what do you think the odds are of landing a bullet on a specific person out of a few hundred or thousand who are scurrying around?

Kek. Mass shooter problems.

how many people do you think a shooter would be get to by going around town before getting caught? a car is easily identifiable, phone's are tracked, some people are armed, and society will give all its immediate attention to gunfire. if your motive is to deal out damage to a lot of people you feel have wronged you, it's probably more convenient to shoot up a public space than to attempt prowling in public.

anyway, your comment was a non starter because i'm not a school shooter and neither is anyone else here, so your advice was missed. i never said what a shooter does is right or wrong, i just pointed out how randoms fall in the mix for some of these shootings.

it's probably more convenient to shoot up a public space than to attempt prowling in public.

If this shit doesn't get you banned, then the sub should be renamed as braindeadcels.

i never said what a shooter does is right or wrong, i just pointed out how randoms fall in the mix for some of these shootings.

inept troll is inept

What a pitiful attempt at damage control. Your previous posts still stand.

what about them? point out where they're wrong lol. you haven't drawn anything damning out of anything i've said in context. if you operate in arguments by ignoring context, you're no one worth talking to. then again, your comment history says that on its own.

This cesspool is just incels 2.0. The same brain damaged misogynists with some bare fake up.

non sequitur

It's almost like the bullies have a 6th sense and know who's bad for society. Like bullying is a natural response, we should be taking closer looks at the bullied as our natural intuition is so attuned, perhaps we know who the shooters are before they do.

What a crock of shit.

Disregarding that mass shooters that aren't dead have strangers wanting to visit them in jail to fuck their brains out.

Most shooters weren't born agressive and violent. They grew hate that slowly developped over many, many years of social rejection and ostracization. 'Chad's would be shooters to in a parallel universe where attractive guys get the same treatment.

No, mentally ill people who can’t handle their own feelings and are not stable in general are the ones that become mass shooters. There is no world where you can blame kids that were bullying another kid for the death of their classmates in a shooting. Bullying is wrong but you should be able to not shoot up a school if you are being bullied. I was bullied and I got help. I learned how to deal with my feelings and not give in to a mental illness because I didn’t have the mental illness. I can’t remember a single mass shooter who wasn’t deemed mentally unstable and you don’t just become mentally unstable because of bullying.

You become a mass shooter because of white privilege and the patriarchy. As these unfair advantages are removed white males can't handle it and flip out and go crazy with the boom boom. These are the weaker males to do this. No doubt it is since about them well in advance of their actual acting out. I say we need to have a team of psychologist to send on every bullied person in order to find out what's wrong with them that's causing everyone to bully them.

I didn’t say that people are being bullied because of anything, I said the unacceptable reaction they have to the bullying needs to be addressed by psychologists. Not everyone who is bullied becomes a school shooter and not every mentally ill person becomes a school shooter, it is not the fault of anyone but the person who had the unacceptable reaction. I don’t think bullying is ok but it can’t be used as an excuse for the monsters that have murdered people. If you don’t murder people, then in this scenario you are not a monster. Act like a normal human and have normal human reactions to things and eventually you will get pass d the stage in life where bullying occurs.

Natural selection, rejection is how society protects itself from incels

Turns out all incels are hateful monsters.

Theory confirmed.

The problem is is Mommy telling you you are a special snowflake when you're not, the bullies were trying to help make you normal but your reaction was to become worse which is not a natural action it can only happen in the presence of too much hugs from Mommy.

I’m not an incel dude, I just like reading the posts on here. Some incels are just depressed single men, they aren’t all monsters. However, blaming bullies rather than the shooter for a shooting makes you at the least very incorrect.

They're all monsters. Everything I need to know about incels I learned in Charlottesville.

I'm a gymcel and I'm going to bully you.

You can try. You're fundamentally flawed. It's a weakness that regardless of your physical attributes will lead to your defeat. People bullied you then for the same reason women reject you now.

You're gonna get bullied and then you're gonna rot in prison after I call the cops on you.

For hurting your fee-fees, I'm sure mommy can soothe her good boy with some tendies and dewie.

You can easily even as an incel get crack whores to fuck you all you have to do is be able to put up with an intolerable amount of trashiness and buy a little bit of crack. I know that the crack horse problems are different than your problems but you guys are on the same social level you would make a great couple if you weren't such a fucking asshole and you would stop undermining your own happiness with a crack whore.

Under Capitalism you have less than average value. Become a Socialist.

‘Just become a crackhead bro’ the advice gets better and better every day kek.

No I said get a crackhead girlfriend.

Become less stupid

Fuck you chuds.

No u

Anyone who shoots up a school is a pussy going after soft targets.

Men of any race are ok to bully and harass and they wonder why these things happen.

He needed help clearly, and it wasn't fair that he was ostracized for being different. However, nothing can or ever will excuse/justify the decision he made that day. He is irredeemable at this point, and needs to be held accountable for his heinous actions. We need to start taking mental health far more seriously in order to try to prevent these situations in the future.

this whole spiel about mental health is just annoying at this point. it's been a mantra for 20 years now, and nothing else. "we need to focus on mental health." what has this actually translated into? courts can order kids into inpatient programs where they are forced to take psychoactive drugs before their brain have even developed. is that the future we want? do we need kids' brains being altered against their will? i don't think so. i think we need to start penalizing bullies societally and legally regardless of age. of you're picking on people, i believe you are a criminal, and i don't care what age you are.

I don't disagree that throwing a bunch of pills at someone and/or forcing admission to such programs will do nothing to get to the root of the problem, which is one of the reasons I said that we need to be taking mental health more seriously. Institutionalizing children and forcing antipsych/anti depressants down their throats is not at all indicative of what it would really look like to focus on mental health. The fact that it is still stigmatized and trivialized in such a way that most treatments do default to medication so quickly reflects some of the more noticeable shortcomings in the mental health field to begin with.

In terms of penalizing bullies , how do you suggest that happens in a way that doesn't then alienate the bullies and lead to bigger problems down the line? Someone who can bully or pick on others must suffer from their own mental battles bred from insecurity or environmental influence, or any number of causes really. They must also be evaluated and properly rehabilitated.

it's very simple. charge bullies for harassment when they are harassing. age doesn't matter. in most states, your juvenile record is wiped when you turn 18, so there is no fear of consequences that reach into adulthood. this may sound heartless to consider, but it actually isn't. when parents face the reality of their children needing to attend classes or outpatients after school relating to their abusive behaviors, the expenses that come along for the ride (including legal fees), and the sheer incovenience of probationary terms (restrictions on leaving a city/state without permission, regular check-ins with probation officers, and so on), the idea of producing an honorable member of society seems much more convenient than risking not to.

we have no problem with ruining the lives of juveniles who take drugs, and this is very cute because these are often the same teens who have endured abuse by the kids who see no condequences. society shields certain kids who have wealth or athletic ability, and schools are particularly guilty in this arena.

as for your points on mental health, i don't have much to say. my stance is unabashedly authoritarian. i see many bullies as having a lack of self control rather than mental health problems, and therefore need to learn boundaries (an easier fix than mental health). jocks can bully their way through hallways in their youth and raise vibrant families when they age. it happens all the time. i'm not saying we don't need mental health intervention, but intervention as it stands is very one sided in that the people who end up getting evaluated tend to be victims. no matter what way you present the problems, the approach needs to be more direct. people chant "mental health" after every school shooting, but nothing is different, aside from legislations that force children (again, often those who were abused) to submit to altering their brain chemistry. just saying "mental health" is not enough, hence why my position is more invasive than anything people are saying... which is usually nothing.

You've provided very valid points, and have made me reconsider my position on how bullies should be punished. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me. You are absolutely correct that a large part of the problem is that there is no genuine accountability for the bully, and that there should be processes implemented to better manage this.

THIS, people don't want to take responsibility for how toxic many schools have become for marginalized men. That dumb female protestor just admitted to bullying that last school shooter. Like if I had done that I'd feel guilty that I could have contributed to it, instead she was trying to get social capital for bullying him, as if she knew that he was going to ultimately shoot up the school.

they do the same thing as adults


boohoo lifes tough, sack up.

this is my favourite thing to say to the mentally ill, people who are social rejects and poor people too lol

And people wonder why incels are the way they are

Go say that to a homeless veteran with PTSD. I double dare you.

This doesnt make any sense at all, this comic is mostly about bullying and "revenge" but the majority of school shooters never were bullied or made fun of. They were loners....Cmon incels find a better way to release your frustrations.

You are so fucking dumb

explain to me incelvester how so?

the majority of school shooters were never bullied

You can't honestly believe that, theres no fucking way


Lol of course "fake news" argument. Good job buddy, seems to work out well for trump.

randomly brings up trump for no reason

Yeah you’re beyond help

Vox is viewed by conservatives as fake news and a liberal media outlet....I bought it up because this is the exact arguement given to me by the donald users. instead of reading the article, fact checking, and trying to find what wrong with the article you go VOX! god damn fake news! And ignore it.

I am very apathetic to politics. I'll probably vote for whoever is the least feminist in 2020. Unfortunately, trump virtue signals to women all the fucking time (and liberals have the audacity to say he is sexist. just lol). It's better than having an actual femail president tho, so I'll probably vote for him just for that anyways.

That's honestly the extent of my politics. I don't give a shit about 1% more taxes or a slightly bigger or smaller military, or any of that shit. The chances of it actually effecting my life are so minimal that there's no reason to worry about it.

The things that really effect my life are things like my looks, my family, friends, acquaintances, job, etc.


thanks for explaining my point pepe

And why were they loners? You think if he wanted to become friends with someone they would want to hang out with him. Usually someone is a loner because people don't like them, not the other way around.

Nope its called depression, dont try to romantize this bullshit its disgusting. Yes bullying sucks, yes bullying can result in a mental break down and school shooting but dont try to equate bullying to murder rampages and then make a fucking comic to make a incel feel better. It sad

Lmao, you normies love to spout your depression bullshit. You do realize that depression is often a symptom of a shit life. Bullying can result in a mental breakdown, and if someone can't take it anymore and starts shooting the cunts who made his life hell, I can't say I blame him.

I have depression, I dont need a dumb sad little fucker who comes up with little internet nicknames telling me whats up and down. I also dont need to listen to a arguemnt of sad little human who wants to murder and end the lives of other becuase of the sadness he feels. Grow the fuck up.

wow, lots of feelings there

He basically said it was okay for a incel to go kill the people who made him feel that way.

Understandable, though I think he was trying to illustrate a picture that "Not all victims are blameless".

Think of it like this, if I physically beat a dog everyday, I shouldn't be surprised if the dog eventually tries to rip my throat out. Same with humans. If I verbally and physically abused my son every day, I wouldn't really get any sympathy if he tried to kill me. There's also a mountain of difference between having depression, and being specifically targeted by a mass amount of people daily/monthly/yearly. Everybody is a protagonist in their own story, and while any kind of killing absolutely needs to be condemned, someone lashing back onto prior aggressors with violence is understandable.

You ain't shit faggot. Your depression is caused by your soy diet and shit lifestyle, not by bullying.

Bark bark bark, shoo doggy.

Completely agree

Humans have the most sophisticated filtration system out of any animal on Earth. Human affection in of itself is on of the most conditional phenomenons to exist (we eat the ugly animals, only recently did we start seeing non-whites as equal). 'Loners' remain this way because they receive little to no utility from human interaction, where as 'extroverts' can usually trust that they will receive positive utility from human interaction. You can be sure as shit that most 'loners' were intentionally filtered out by their respective populations.


According to motherjones, 12/15 school shooters had a history of bullying. This isn't a smoking gun, for sure, but you're observation doesn't seem to hold up to facts.

If this were true, shooters would be mostly trans/minority students. Instead it’s always a white boy.

Maybe the problem is men.

Trans are too pussy and just kill themselves, minorities would rather shoot up their own hood for props from their gang

Because black people are the only minorities? There are plenty of Indian Incels, why aren’t they shooting up schools?

Because Indians are like 1% of the population in America vs 60% of whites. The chance of someone being a school shooter of any race is already ridiculously low

However, it should be noted that this doesn't confirm that bullying influences shootings. There is a lot of nuance that's being neglected when trying to simplify the intent behind these incidents:

Bullshit. Trans people make up such a tiny percentage of people that the chances of them being a shooter is tiny. Minorities are usually treated the same. Todays America is very leftist, making fun of a minority or trans person would get you ostracized. That's why they pick on the weak white kid.

This is why women need to be controlled. Within 50 years of freedom, they already want to exterminate men

I’m a white man. Just not a weak one like the OP.

I wasn’t bullied or ridiculed, and I’m not threatening violence because I believe I’m entitled to something I’m not.

Maybe the problem is men.

I'm a white man

Sounds like you got some internal issues there, buddy.

It’s entirely possible to be a man and see toxic masculinity for what it is.

I’m married, been with about 50 women total, have 2 daughters, and am old enough to know who I am.

I’m comfortable and confident in my own skin. The world doesn’t owe me anything.

"Anyone who has to say "I am the King" is no true king".

Never said I was a king. I’m not better than anyone, that’s kind of the point.

An incel that shoots up a school is screaming “I am king” in the most violent way possible. The entitlement is extreme.

I would disagree. He is, as progressive call it, lashing out against an injustice. Instead of killing himself he decides to hurt others. Heinous act but people in the moment don't usually care, as they'd like to take control for once.

What would lead a person to believe that sort of behavior is justified? Rather than looking inward and “eliminating” the problem (unfortunately suicide is high in teens) they look outwardly and try to eliminate the problem.

Marginalized groups become convinced that there is something wrong with them. White men cannot imagine a scenario where they are not king, so they force their will upon the world via violence.

Ah yes, ebil whitey xDDDDDD

Good job triviliazing violence for idpol points.

You realize africans and asians invaded europe long before the opposite happened right?

Whites were marginalized first.

Look at the Chad slay count on this guy.

Wait a second. You’re married with 2 daughters yet going by your post history, you’re on tinder? Maybe you need to fix that toxic masculinity that’s causing you to cheat on your wife.

These normies preach to us about morals yet are cheating and stealing and bullying on a daily basis. Just fucking lol.

You weren't bullied, many were.

I know. But many marginalized groups are bullied, yet they are not committing heinous acts of violence against others.

Which is why bullying doesn’t mass shootings.

Interesting, yet faulty logic.

If bullying causes people to shoot up schools, it’s logical to assume that the most bullied demographics are most likely to shoot up schools, yet they are not.

And you are aware that people may be bullied for different reasons, right?

Definitely. Are you aware that everyone receives ridicule? And individuals all handle it differently?

Are you aware that everyone receives ridicule? And individuals all handle it differently?

Not everybody is bullied. Bullying contains ridicule but is a ridicule with a malicious intent.

Almost everyone has a bully story. Some people let it consume them, others don’t. Bullied kids are not special, they’re just ill equipped to handle their situation.

White men are especially susceptible to it because they believe the world owes them something, and when they are bullied, they get angry that they are not getting the treatment they “deserve”. Much like how Incels believe they “deserve” sex with women, it’s the same weak mentality that focuses on the world oppressing you rather than reflection and personal growth.

Okay, here's the ebil whitey narrative again. All the best.

The entitlement of white men isn’t a narrative, it’s a fact. I’m a white man, I fell into that trap too when I was younger.

I'm not even white you racist nu male cuck now GTFO racism is not allowed here

Any problem that can be put onto half of the worlds population is ill-defined. How do we solve "men"?

Conservative White American Men, that specific enough?


Hahahahaha they're almost unfailingly registered Democrats

Apparently minors can now register their political party! Good to know!

Go ahead, list how many of the marquis mass shooters were under 18.

Most incidences of gun violence in schools have, surprise surprise, been perpetrated by minors bud. I’d be interested to see a trusted source showing that a large amount of mass shooters in general have been registered dems though.

We were talking about school shooters, not "incidents of gun violence". Klebold and Harris, nope. Nicholas Cruz, nope. Adam Lanza, nope. I'd love to hear you name one that was a minor.

I can name more than one. Here is a link, sorry if it’s mobile. Also, Klebold was a minor. Again, any evidence that any of those shooters you named were registered Democrats would be appreciated.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 164704

What? Most mass shootings in the US are done by far right conservatives. And like 99% are men.

Most mass shootings in the US are done by far right conservatives.

We're talking about real life, not your own personal fantasy. They're mostly far left liberals, or at least apolitical registered Democrats.

Klebold and Harris, See Hung Choi, James Holmes, Christopher Dorner, Omar Mateen, James Hodgkinson, Stephen Paddock...and on and on.

They're not overwhelmingly white either. The only other thing they by-and-large are is male, which puts you right back to where you started.

There have been 98 mass shootings (3+ victims) in the US from 1982 to 2018. 59 (60%) were white males.

31.5% of the US population is white men, yet they constitute 60% of mass shootings.

Everything I’m reading says that most mass shooters have no political motives, which I believe. But the young isolated gun loving white men are almost universally conservative or libertarian or anarchist, aka very far from being a democrat.

You're committing quite a fundamental statistical error.

Think about it this way:

Virtually 100% of mass shooters are male.

About 60% of American males are white.

About 60% of mass shooters are white.

It's not a white problem.

You must be joking right? 99% of mass shootings are by men. If white men constitute 60% of mass shootings that means they’re actually underrepresented compared to the general population.

General population of men, you mean. Violence is a masculinity problem first and foremost,

Yes, that's specific enough.

How do we solve, what do we do? Every demographic has their respective problems. It seems like your simply trying to paint this particular demographic in a negative light. This isn't a terrible thing. However, if this was a post about general gun murder, and someone said "maybe the problem is black men" (highest gun murder rate demographic), I imagine you would be very offended. It seems that you are attaching yourself to the political volatility of the situation, rather than on to a specific argument that could provide a solution

The black community also has a violence problem, also rooted in toxic masculinity. But they don’t have a mass shooting/serial killer problem; white men hold a monopoly on those issues.

Poverty and economic suppression are certainly related to crime in general, and it plagued the black community. Yet they are not the ones committing mass murder.

I’m not particularly worried about all gun crime. An individual with a desire to kill another individual they know, can do so by many means (see crime in gun restricted countries for proof).

My issue is mostly with suicide and mass shootings. Mass shootings absolutely require access to guns (specifically semi-automatic ones) and suicide rates go up with gun ownership.

Remember though, "toxic masculinity" is a trait that has allowed humans to survive, conquer, and protect. Societies tend to come and go over centuries, whilst human nature remains consistent.

Why are the numbers on mass murder more important than regular murder itself? Also, the highest murder rates globally tend to be within Central American and South American countries. Saying white men hold a monopoly on these issues is politically catchy, but seems rationally short-sided.

Guns are extraordinarily easy to get, even illegally. If you got a drug dealer, you probably have connections a gun dealer too. Even if guns are taken away, mass murder is still incredibly easy by logistical means. It's as easy as flooring your car into a crowd of people. Obviously people don't do it, though most everybody has the potential for easy mass murder if they simply wanted to.

Last part, if suicide rates go up with gun ownership, that does not necessarily imply causation, only correlation.

Why do you hate your own race so much? Maybe move to Somalia or Brazil and see how life is like outside of whichever safe white country you currently reside in. Oh wait no you won’t, instead you’ll sit in your upper middle class suburb spouting nonsense about how whites are so mean and so violent even though all the statistics point in the opposite direction. Go fuck yourself.

I don’t hate my own race. It’s the opposite, I think we’re capable of being more than we are. Pointing out the flaws in something, is not the same as hating it.

I’m reluctant to criticize other races because I don’t know what it’s like to be them. We can only change what we can control, and my perspective is the only one I have. So influencing white men to behave in ways that I think will improve the world is the best thing I can do.

Be at peace. So much rage from you, whatever I said that set you off, is probably what you’re insecure about or should focus on improving.

implying trans/minority students are bullied instead of coddled, lauded, and help up as the most precious little unicorns for all to worship

trans students outside of college get treated like shit lol, that's why their suicide rate is so high

The only killings that trans people are doing is themselves

or maybe young men who don't fit masculine stereotypes such as not being proud and boastful and treated like shit more often

bare in mind the suicide rate of trans people too, so they too do end up end up hugely negatively effected by bullying but there's so few of them that the sample size isn't good enough

This is why we need to allow fighting back in schools.

Zero tolerance only benefits the aggressor, as both parties get in trouble. Imagine getting the shit kicked out of you daily, while teachers tell you that not only can you not fight back, but you also have to apologize every time you get beat up. That would make me go fucking insane

lol are you serious posting man?

Definitely. Standing up for yourself (whether it be from physical or verbal abuse) is a value that needs to be implemented into kids more so now than ever. If you're a person of conviction, fighting is an almost completely inevitable part of life. I think a 'bend don't break' approach works very well, especially in developing adolescence.

Also my comment's first sentence was relatively confusing. I meant "We need to allow 'fighting back' in schools", not "We need to allow 'fighting' back in schools"

lol serious posting on /r/Drama


lurk moa ferget

Fam, mayocide when?

Totally agree.

There where definitely times in school where I wanted to fight back, but the consequences (arrest for assault followed by a 9 day suspension; that is not an exaggeration, it was routine policy in all public schools) prevented me from doing so.

^ This(to a degree). I stood up for myself in 8th grade and my bully and I both got suspended for the same amount of time and I was told by the authorities that what I did was wrong. But you know what? I never got bullied at all in high school because of it.

"Why isn't it a tranny"

Because there is probably 1 tranny in a school of 1000 kids, plus bullying trannies / gays is really taboo with normies. Bullying conservative white kid? fair game!

"Something about Harry Potter" killed me.

yeah that was strangely accurate.

these stupid normies will fail to see that its clearly because of the individualist american culture, I am so thankful that in most countries people dont mock you and dont call you a worthless loser if youre 18 and live with your parents, american culture is just awful

Solution: kill a bunch of people

actually, do not

jesus christ that’s on an other level of fucked up

Even Incels are bullies. Yesterday I made a mistake, because Im a casual, and some other Incels started calling me a 'fucking idiot' and a 'loser'.

some of them are like that, not all of them. i'd just understand they are frustrated and have a lot of anger.

Nobody gives a shit, nobody wants you here. You chose to come here after it is made clear, now fuck off retard

Nobody cares? Implying you're not alone? #FakeIncel GTFO Chad

GTFO normie now

I say Incels can be just as bad Incel comes and proves point ??? Wonders why they're Incel

Tbh only Chads pull this kind of shit, #FakeIncel

People are bullies by nature. SocializIng is all about hierarchy and dominance. It's such a primitive thing to do, but it's unfortunately ingrained into our DNA to boost our ego. When normies see an incel always alone, you know how shit's gonna go. The only way bullying would disappear is if somehow we lived in utopy land. Shootings will always continue and incels will always die. It's natural selection, the genetically inferior will cease to exist.

You know why people love to give the generic advice of seeing a psychologist/therapist for the victims of bullying ? Because they deep doen know that it doesn't work, and since they don't want to feel guilty about their bullying, they think that the psychologist meme is a go to solution, that actually justifies their bullying and that it's ok to bully and that the wound will heal magically by itself with the 'help' of a therapist. Fucking lol at this society full of psychopats...

Hey, pat is just a regular androgynoid. Not a psycho.

Just judging by the number of comments, this comic made the normies FURIOUS. That means it's true.

I know they even try down vote but the up votes are too much for them lmao

HOLY SHIT 400 REPLYS normies/Femiods must be losing their minds lol

Kekin so hard right now

Although I do agree with 80% of this post, the kid who gets bullied most likely takes it out on people who don't deserve it and that's pretty fucking stupid. Taking away guns won't help though

The funny thing is that most of the tards that end up shooting up a school do get laid. The parkland mofo did all this in the wake of a breakup.

Most? No. Adam Lanza, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Kip Kinkel, Adam Lanza, all virgin. The large majority of school shooters died virgin. We don't even know if Cruz had sex with his "girlfriend".

hard post

gonna upvote

Lol this comment section

OP is a fucktard

Lol @ retard soy cunt lmao

You should probably know that soy doesn't decrease masculinity. There was only one case of those two being directly correlated.

Is this cope for real🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

No one bullies like this lmfao

I'm Asian and still pull bitches y'all just gotta step ya game up

no one bullies like this lmfao

i'm asian and still pull bitches y'all just gotta step ya game up

Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

I'm not a girl broski.

Not all girls are shallow granted I am honestly sorry. I feel ur pain I was ugly as hell in middle school but puberty hit me like a truck in HS and just honed in college (check my profile boy r/asianladyboners poster) no nsfw stuff tho don't worry just this face ayy

you're talking to a bot, cuntface.

Fuck a you, bot

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Unfortunately many kids kill themselves every year far more than the number of people killed in mass shootings in schools. The conversation does not happen and won't.

Answer me a question: If a kid is violent and unhinged, is it a good idea to bully him and drive him inward? Because his classmates did just that.

And yet for some reason, even after they admitted to doing it, you only choose to focus on him and not the factors around him that could've very well contributed to him snapping.

Fuck off.

Whatever then. Apparently driving the kid inward is completely okay then and totally didn't contribute to him losing it.

you are the one who sounds ridiculous. ostracizing based on their history? what did he do, kill own family?

besides, he had a friend or two, and people said about him that he was the nicest person they've had ever known. he was having his own battles in his mind, he wasn't showing it. but still he was ostracized by the rest of the class. and for what reason?

so, yeah, i don't blame people like him for going on a rampage. the guy had a bad childhood, and no one to guide him, not even friends.

Coz hes incel?

Actually, it is very relevant, but you're quite literally not seeing the relevance, because to you the idea of combatting bullying is not even on the table. Disgusting.

Are you serious? Like, really?

You right now.

Any source on that?

everyone gets bullied

minorities more likely

What lol

The flow was something like, I said something, and you started gasping at how horrible that is. Didn’t offer a single counterpoint.

I’m white and got bullied by minorities.

So you'd have pity on the shooter if he'd actually kill his bullies, right?

Cruz is of course at fault for killing people, there's no denying that

Evidently there is, because look at the sheer number of posters in this thread who seem to think his role is minor when compared to that of his victims.

Unfortunately, however, people insist on refusing to recognize their part in the killings through bullying him, lack of proper parental care and systemic problems with regards to mental health care in the United States.

1) Ostracism of a violent kid isn't bullying. Do you honestly want to befriend someone who has extremely poor emotional control and access to weaponry? Cruz had a file dating back years of incidents, suspensions and outbursts. The major argument I've encountered so far seems to be that by not wanting to be his bestest buddy, the other students were bullying him, and that this isn't at all a result of his own behaviour. Multiple former friends of his have spoken up to say they cut him out of their lives when he threatened them or other students, and that's not an endearing trait.

2) The parental care part seems murky. His mother, before she died, seemed to be trying to get him help but the state wasn't equipped to deal with him because they declared him "not dangerous". She repeatedly called the cops about his behaviour, but nothing came of it.

3) I can't disagree that there are systematic failures in mental health care. No argument at all.

It's easy to make that guy a scapegoat because he did it

Uh...the definition of a scapegoat is someone being blamed for the actions of others, not someone being blamed for what they themselves did.

ok and what. i’m black and got bullied by white people

Evidently there is, because look at the sheer number of posters in this thread who seem to think his role is minor when compared to that of his victims.

Don't get offended at how debate happens on the Internet, otherwise, I suggest you close the browser and take a walk.

Ostracism of a violent kid isn't bullying. Do you honestly want to befriend someone who has extremely poor emotional control and access to weaponry? Cruz had a file dating back years of incidents, suspensions and outbursts. The major argument I've encountered so far seems to be that by not wanting to be his bestest buddy, the other students were bullying him, and that this isn't at all a result of his own behaviour. Multiple former friends of his have spoken up to say they cut him out of their lives when he threatened them or other students, and that's not an endearing trait.


She repeatedly called the cops about his behaviour, but nothing came of it.

I'd appreciate proof as well.

Uh...the definition of a scapegoat is someone being blamed for the actions of others, not someone being blamed for what they themselves did.

Alright, if you're feeling pedantic: it'll be easy to paint Cruz as the devil and he is, for killing 17 people. However, something caused him to do it.

He was probably that way because of his home life. Maybe if he didn’t feel so alone everywhere else, because there are plenty of abused people in the world but if they have friends and are popular they can kind of make it work. Maybe if someone just asked him what was going on, it would’ve been better. Going out in public saying “We all knew it was him” is bad PR, you sound like a bitchy teenager.

I read the girl with the goggles being missing from the second picture as intentional.

Uh-huh. Blame the guy who doesn't think kids deserve to die. What a bastard.

His point is actually very valid, if you want to argue about kids dying, there's a much more prevalent and preventable cause to fight against - bullying.

Psst. Want to know a secret? I don't care in the slightest! There at lots of men better looking than me, most of them in fact, but so what? Doesn't stop me from having a life!

Lol Liberals are not look down uopon. A liberal is 1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people" 2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training. Only a dumbass thinks this is a insult and a bad thing, same as sjw. The truth is the majority of people are liberals, its a hard truth to swallow as a conservative right? Especially since conservatism is being villified in the United States and around the world, for good reasons too lol. You people are litteral cancer, you show up in small populations just spewing hate and bullshit.

You're a jackass if you believe this.

what a cuck mentality. i bet you also dont mind it if your wife fucks a better man

it's not a meme lol. if i had private conversations on reddit with married women telling me they were bored with their current husband and wanted to fuck me to "have some fire again"

what do you think the odds are of landing a bullet on a specific person out of a gew hundred or thousand who are scurrying around? it's already difficult to hit a moving target. when time is limited and targets are getting away, the thought is probably to get as many people as you can since you're as good as dead anyway.

I am very apathetic to politics. I'll probably vote for whoever is the least feminist in 2020. Unfortunately, trump virtue signals to women all the fucking time (and liberals have the audacity to say he is sexist. just lol). It's better than having an actual femail president tho, so I'll probably vote for him just for that anyways.

That's honestly the extent of my politics. I don't give a shit about 1% more taxes or a slightly bigger or smaller military, or any of that shit. The chances of it actually effecting my life are so minimal that there's no reason to worry about it.

The things that really effect my life are things like my looks, my family, friends, acquaintances, job, etc.

why are you sounding like a fucking retard

It's tragic, yes, but it's not really relevant to the conversation we've been having... If he'd killed himself as a victim of bullying, we'd be having a different conversation, but he didn't.

it is relevant because if he had killed himself we wouldn't be having a conversation at all. people who kill themselves don't make national headlines. people who go on rampages do. these shootings are happening because the conversation isn't being had like it should. bullying is a problem and if people need to keep dying until anti-bullying is codified, then they will.

?Lol uhhh okay dude good job.

Fuck you chuds.


Ah yes, ebil whitey xDDDDDD

Good job triviliazing violence for idpol points.

I'm not saying any of that stuff. You need to learn to respond to what people say not what you think they want to say. It'd help you get a more accurate grasp of what people actually think. I'm not trying to be condescending or aggressive. I was just saying if you wanted to seem more sympathetic towards the child victims you could not claim everybody who cares about their deaths is a gun grabbing communist.

everybody who cares about their deaths is a gun grabbing communist.

Most of them are.

Doing nothing about rape and not finding a guy attractive are two completely different things dude

I don’t hate my own race. It’s the opposite, I think we’re capable of being more than we are. Pointing out the flaws in something, is not the same as hating it.

I’m reluctant to criticize other races because I don’t know what it’s like to be them. We can only change what we can control, and my perspective is the only one I have. So influencing white men to behave in ways that I think will improve the world is the best thing I can do.

Be at peace. So much rage from you, whatever I said that set you off, is probably what you’re insecure about or should focus on improving.

You realize africans and asians invaded europe long before the opposite happened right?

Whites were marginalized first.