Bearcel extreme

81  2018-03-27 by hyperconstruct




Damn, it's over, time to move to r/bearcels.


He got blackpilled and decided to LDAR


Aw he reminds me of my puppy

It's animal cruelty to fatten up a puppy, you should be ashamed of yourself whore

The colourings and markings on his chest & face, not size. You should be ashamed of yourself for assuming and getting your panties in a bunch lol

And his lil ears tbh haha they are cute

Then you should've made that clear you dumb bitch, anyone would assume you're talking about size when the article is literally about a bear being too fat

Ssshhhh why do you care so much about my dog? He wouldnt like you anyway. You need to step back from your device and calm down. So aggressive for no reason, its a smidge funny

Why do you care so much about us? Fuck off

Like most people i dont, i like some cool people here. Nobody would care about a random guy that calls them a whore over a comment about a dog. I wouldnt lump yourself in with others in this sub, they arent as damaged as you.

May cervical cancer be upon you

What the fuck

That’s fucked up

who cares, its an animal... lol

Think about it. Doing the traditional courting takes so much energy and time. Fuck that.

What a fuckin chill bear. 10/10 would smoke weed and eat doritos with

You spelled taco bell wrong.


Lay down and hibernate

He is one of us.

Looks like some sort of spiritual figure on the right.

Negative carnal tilt, weak jaw, it never even began for poor bearcel.

"zoo news"


It’s ovgrr

Quality post

MFW I was ghosted this weekend

Ssshhhh why do you care so much about my dog? He wouldnt like you anyway. You need to step back from your device and calm down. So aggressive for no reason, its a smidge funny