Reminder: Definition of Misogyny = Lonely Virgins Who Vent On Reddit Seeking Companionship. This is what a great personality looks like.

50  2018-03-27 by TheEndIsComing29


A masterclass in personality.

They were engaged prior to this happening and broke up after.

I loved how he picks up the bag for her. So kind 😍

When he puts her glasses back on after hitting her 💦👅

When he tells her to stay like a good child ,😍

His personality mogs mine.

omg this is horrible but i couldnt stop watching. i need some eyebleach nowww

The fuck is a lesbian incel?

dumb whore who can't get a stacy to commit but disgusted by becky.

Yeah. That's pretty horrible. Only weak pitiful men beat their SOs.

On a scale of 1-10 how much did that turn you on?

you're a terrible person

Ha says the woman who just watched a "good" person beat this shit out of his GF

she had to changed her panties. they were soaked

But what about the world renowned muhsoggyknee detectors that all females are supposed to have?


It's interesting to observe their relationship. The fact that the man looks relatively calm and in control the entire situation reflects a relationship between a parent and child. This isn't some beating fueled through blind rage - the man feels as if he is "disciplining" her as if you would a child. The intention isn't to maim or kill - it is to teach her a lesson. That is why he is pretty calm afterwards, picks up her glasses, the bags, etc.

It would be interesting to study the woman's history to see if maybe she suffered from neglect as a child or perhaps grew up in a fatherless home and thus entered this parent-child like relationship with the man. I believe they are still together.

I'm sorry that the observation that I pulled out of my ass qualifies as intelligent work to you lmao probably should raise your standards there buddy

You sure showed him.

Whenever someone writes something insightful, some fucktard has to link to /r/iamverysmart

jfl @ reddit.

They stay in relationships like this because they fear for their safety if they try to leave this isn't rocket science

You can call it women being stupid or whatever but the underlying fact is that she's staying in it because leaving looks like a bigger hell than staying. That's it.

Did you even read the above comments you stupid normie? Women in abusive relationships rarely wish to leave or see their abuser locked away - they typically justify the treatment to themselves in one way or another.

I mean, a lot of women are stupid, a consequence of the fact a lot of people in general are stupid. You have a source on that claim of women rarely wanting to leave abusive relationships, though?

lol isnt that what you just did? except I admit I pull it out of my ass haha

I'm claiming women act mostly rationally in situations of abuse. That they weigh their options and choose the one that they think provides them the maximum benefit (or minimum cost).

You're claiming they act mostly irrationally in the same situations. That they weigh their options and choose one of the options that doesn't give them maximum benefit, or doesn't minimize cost.

I've already granted you a fair amount of leeway by acknowledging that a lot of people are really bad at weighing these options. But my argument is still based in an essential rationality of women, and yours isn't. We have a lot of empirical data to suggest that, in most situations, humans act rationally. Therefore, the burden of proof is on the one claiming irrational action. Which is you.

Again, your assumption is that they consider abuse to be toxic. It is well known that women who grow up abusive households are more likely to be in and accept abusive relationships as normal. Rational/self-interest does not always mean most informed i.e. to her, abusive relationships are "normal" and she wouldn't characterize it as toxic.

Just buy a gun and shoot the fucker.

This happened in Texas too.

Any DA who isn’t stupid would know no jury would convict her for putting a few in his head

thats 100% wrong, see r/abusive relationships .

the idea that people only stay in abusive relationships because they fear for their live is ridicilous

that's just not true. Women love the high of being with chad, so they are willing to accept the lows (being beaten).

"But he is such a nice guy!" no, he literally isn't. He's just got something else that you want (good looks or money usually). They choose to stay with him even when offered a safe and direct way out by their beta orbiters. Why? because they don't find their beta orbiters to be attractive. They like the feeling of being "protected" by an alpha dom male. Even when said male is using their dom to beat them.

No she is putting up with this because of his face, height, fame, status, money and BBC. In other words his personalityTM.

i damn near cried when you added the TM on personality lmfaooooo

I don't feel any sympathy towards coal burners even though this slut is hispanic and not white. That being said, who gives a shit about her childhood and family background, if her mental health is in such bad shape, she shouldn't be allowed to vote. There's always an excuse white knights make for these women, it's never that she made bad decisions and is paying the price. If she was around children she most likely would abuse them and anyone weaker than her. She is a trash person just like the guy beating her.

White girls will put up with anything for the BBC

Burn the coal, pay the toll

I've been close to abused women almost my entire life (for some reason the girls I was attracted to throughout my youth were either in abusive relationships or came from abusive households - maybe I just have bad luck) and let me tell you this: Women in an abusive relationship don't want you to rescue them. They don't want your help. They don't even want you to call the cops while Chad is beating her teeth loose or an ambulance after he's done.

Even while I volunteered at a shelter the case would always be a couple of days (on one occasion a couple fucking hours) after the girl left she would happily walk into Chad's car and go back home.

Let me tell you the biggest blackpill I know: Women would rather be brutally abused forever than let themselves be saved by an ugly subhuman such as us, so don't even try.

Lol you are right ,I saw my sister get abused and I learned to not even interfere because it would be all bad for me.

It seems like a lot of the girls you're interested in say they were abused because it's the hip new thing to do, I literally haven't met a single femoid who hasn't said she was abused. They want victim card status.

yup. Women love being abused by attractive men. As an ugly man, it is not your place to save her. She doesn't want saved.

Brutal blackpill : this femoid accepted his marriage proposal after this.


It was floating around on this sub a week back I guess. The guy is a professional athlete in the US iirc.

He was signed with Astros (a professional MLB team) but still bouncing around the minor league afffiliates when this happened. He was arrested for this incident then he found work in even lower baseball leagues, he then got fired from that team after this was released

Good. Let her suffer

Roastie gonna roast. Situation got toasty for that roastie. She'll write about it in her diary and then reread it and flick her bean to it, trust.


Women are attracted to masculine men.

The irony lies where masculine men tend to be agressive, sometimes even violent.

It's like womanizers. Women don't like the idea of men sleeping around, but sleeping around = masculine, so it doesn't matter for shit.

Paradox world we live in

She pretty much gets over having been hit in mere seconds.

this makes me genuinely sad

She's stupid

So is he. They're a match

Lol i get it, dis actualy makes sense

He put her cum shields on! what a gentleman

He just treated her like a people so hard.

This made me hard.

P.s. Don't kink shame me.

"I need a strong man to protect me tee hee."

So this is what /r/IncelTears meant when they were talking about personality™. My bad.

What a gentleman, he puts her glasses on for her :))))) - inceltears

In Cucktears voice Oh what's that? real domestic violence committed by chad? sorry not my problem. Got more pressing matters to attend to such as insulting virgins on the internet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Virgins that take joy out of the fact that a woman is being beaten in an abusive relationship. Why do you think nobody gives r/foreveralone shit? Just admit you're a violent community that's centered centered around hatred and discrimination. There is no hiding it at this point.

Virgins celebrating a woman being beaten. As if it's her fault for being in an abusive relationship and not just a psychological dependency that stemmed from childhood.

👆 beta bux bill beta provide deflecting hard from the point at hand

Why are the comments here saying they're glad she's suffering so upvoted then?

No I just see tons of abused men who have been ostracized by society their entire lives pointing out the irony in normie's words about personality and how incels are super dangerous meanwhile chads do this to woman on a daily basis, in huge quantities.

Did she marry him or not?

Did she patiently wait in the staircase when he went to take a shower in between slapping her around or not?

Does he treat her like a cock sleeve when inside the house or not?

Could she have called the cops when old lieutenant shifty hands went to take a shower or not?

Could she have walked away or not?

You haven't thought about these issues son.

I've been in consensual non/consent TPE BDSM relationships and that shit is taxing as hell and only suitable for real socio/psychopaths who would excel in such behaviors. The female has all the power in these relationships which is something you do not understand. She plays mental games that she can change him or that only she knows her soft side. See, he was a true gentlemen and picked up her purse after all. Next time she'll call the cops, after all he wouldn't ever really hurt me for real, i deserve a correctional slap for being a stupid bimbo.

B-b-but muh virgins expressing their disgust for a cunt her willingness to burn coal and submit to degradation need to be silenced.

Women in the west are a cancer metastasizing our society.

Where is this supposed celebrating

We are not celebrating her being beaten, we are celebrating being right about the black pill. The victim in the video isn’t the one we hate, it’s the people out there who claims it’s about our “personality”. Personality hardly matters as long as you’re tall and Chad

As if it's her fault for being in an abusive relationship and not just a psychological dependency that stemmed from childhood

But I thought Strong Independent WomynÂŽ are veryverysmart adults that can make their own veryverysmart adult decisions?

The fuck is he doing lol, just smacking her glasses off then gently putting them back on a bunch of times

When i see shit like this i wonder why any fuckface even cares about incels and their sub.

Because abusers are scary, and you losers are not, and we have a natural instinct to pick on you.

I really doubt you can hold your own against a gymcel.

Currycel LOL. this whole movement is hilarious. I'd probably be a fishandchipCel if I lived in India.

No you wouldn’t you ignorant fuck

The British raped and pillaged India for years and now the same people who benefit from it screech from their comfortable London offices about how terrible it is that skin whitening creams and other forms of self-hatred is becoming common among Indians

Whites are popular with the punjabi punanni?

Skin whitening seems as much self-hating as tanning beds are, which isn't very.

i am living in india you dumb fuck. Women here in cities have become rabid feminists following the west.

Ah silly me for not knowing your location.

You pretty much just admitted to being a pathetic as they are. Cmon, man. Pick your game up

why would you care for a small group that hates on women on reddit instead if realife abusers.

I'll let you in on a little secret from us "normies" - we can do both. We can hate on real life abusers AND people who hate on women on reddit.

I'm not saying all incels are the gross women hating types, but those who are deserve the derision they get. Being hateful and wishing violence etc is despicable.

"low value normie" FTFY

I dont see any threat in a small group of people

So you have no problem with a group of people like the ones I'm mentioning? The delusional, women-hating, violence advocating, pro-rape ones? The ones who deserve the derision they get. You're okay with them as long as it's "a small group of people"? Cool, I guess, you're the one who has to live with your convictions.

As for the rest of your assumptive, masturbatory, drivel: cool, bro.

Notice the jump? They had to cut out the shower he tool inbetween. I wish I was able to take showers too. :(

I love how she married him after lol

Fuck dem they got what they deserved

Need source for SUI FUEL otherwise I claim bullshit.

Yeah, pretty much. What a chad personality.

He definitely knows how to treat a woman right.

And she hated him so much for it...

apperently from the comment she married him after this, so this is why short girls want a very tall guy, its a BDSM relationship where the girl is a fucktoy for the guy no more no less.

Yeah... but did he shower?

This is the pinnacle of years of showers and daily haircuts. My therapist is also a heavyweight boxing champion so hopefully once I finish lifting, I can do this too.

Absolute gentleman, he has one of the finest personalities I've ever seen. Bravo sir. Bravo.

This is fucked up man like I cannot really think of anything that justifies this Isn't there a pill that doesn't agree with chad abuse? There is a difference between beating the fuck out of a human being and being a dick online

most of us incels don't actually stand for this and would be the biggest pussies in a relationship because we are just so happy to actually be in one

The blue pill likes to pretend it doesn't happen. That's as close as you'll get.

I don't understand why women want to be with niggers. They truly are the degenerates of society. Everyone knows it yet they're scared to say it because muh racisms.

B-bbut he is real


Good to know that Chad can beat, murder, rape and kill women to his hearts content and I, a man who hasn't had non-professional contact with a woman in 5 years (I'm 23), am still doing more to hurt women than him and thus will be treated worse.

they both deserve the death penalty,no questions asked. The video is enough proof they deserve death ASAP

why does she?

cuz she has no critical thinking

Women jill off to stuff like this stuff

lol isnt that what you just did? except I admit I pull it out of my ass haha

Virgins that take joy out of the fact that a woman is being beaten in an abusive relationship. Why do you think nobody gives r/foreveralone shit? Just admit you're a violent community that's centered centered around hatred and discrimination. There is no hiding it at this point.

Virgins celebrating a woman being beaten. As if it's her fault for being in an abusive relationship and not just a psychological dependency that stemmed from childhood.