Woman here. I'm not like the other girls.

105  2018-03-26 by IlliterateAndProud

Ever since I was a child, I recognized in myself a rebellious streak, which is why my preferences in guys are so different from those of other girls.

  • Women typically go for personality, but not me - I'm different; I go for looks.

  • Women typically go for guys who are as tall or slightly taller than themselves, but not me - I'm different; I only go for guys who are at least 5'10, despite the fact that I'm only 4'8 myself.

  • Women typically go for guys with soft jawlines, but not me - I'm different; I prefer my man to have a strong jawline.

  • Women typically find bald man sexy, but not me - I'm different; a head full of hair is a requirement if you want to date me.

  • Women typically like nice guys who are quiet, but not me - I'm different; I'm into extroverts and bad boys (if you have a criminal record, PM me).

  • Women typically like to date guys who are of average or below-average income, but not me - I'm different; I like guys who got their shit together and make at least twice as much as me or over 100,000 dollars a year, whichever of these is higher.

  • Women typically spend their free time reading about chemistry, physics, and mathematics, but not me - I'm different; my hobbies include watching Netflix, traveling the world, hanging out with my friends, clubbing, posting pictures of my ass on Insta, and food (unusual things basically).

So, incels, don't complain; instead, go out there and find yourself a nonconformist girl like myself.



Damn. Might cut a little too close for some of the girls here.


bonus points for not using the word female everywhere


Can I see your Insta? You know... for science?


True NAWALT unicorn

lmao nice troll. This is what i'm here for tho so can't even be mad

What a load of absolute bollocks.

Which part?

Aww sweetie, who hurt you?

Just LOL

math and science is so fucking stupid and boring

Math and science are the building blocks of life. Yes lengthy calculations can be a struggle to get through, but that doesn't make them stupid. It just means it's not your areas of interest.

I studied literature and history bro, math and science play no role in my life other than memories of being forever lost just because I stared out the window for a minute. There’s no point to any of it and it plays no role in the daily interactions that people have in their lives.

It does though, just not directly. You use scientific advances throughout your entire day, computers, cars, bridges, medical care materials such as plastics (including probably synthetic fabrics for e.g. wind-proof jacket/raincoat/umbrella). Even electricity and electric wiring is thanks to scientific discoveries and calculations. You're like a fish taking the water so much for granted you don't see it. If you have a smart-phone, it's more advanced than the computers that put men on the moon. If you have access to decent water, that's thanks to infrastructure and the calculations for it. The food you eat, and so much more. There is a lot of science and math that went into things you never even consider.

cant agree more what got people to expand and discover america was marketing in the first place

Coming from someone using this the internet and a comforter/phone to access Reddit... 🙄 that’s about the dumbest comment I’ve ever heard.

I studied literature and history bro, math and science play no role in my life

Unfortunately, Leftism has corrupted lierature and history (anything "soft," subjective at all), so you'd probably got an indoctrination that left you worse off than just being ignorant of the subjects altogether, probably influencing your attitude towards math and science.

I like how you first A) assume so much and B) call the humanities soft. The higher up in education you go, no matter what you are studying, the less people give a shit about you. If you dedicate yourself to any of the humanities, you will find yourself depressed as fuck trying to make a name for yourself in a highly competitive world where everyone thinks they’re a genius depending on the day.

I, personally, was always considered the computer guy growing up, and I felt like my life was set from that. I studied computer science for 2 years during which I entered a deep depression and started writing to release the pain. I eventually realized I fucking hated my life and something had to change and I’m all the better for actually making that changed regardless of whether I’d be respected for it. You could say I hate math and science for how much more respected it is academically than the humanities, that I’m bitter because people who know nothing of what I do circle jerk each other with high-fives about how easy and a waste of time what I do is, all the while they spend endless hours of their freetime bingewatching netflix film and shows, written and directed not by mathematicians or scientists, but people like me.

Read a book by Stephen Hawking, my friend

I hated STEM going into college but you learn to appreciate it after hearing the same shit in your tenth poli-sci class that you heard in your first

oh you like bad boys huh? I'll have you know I had a club penguin account without my parents permission.

you monster

i was a bad boy.

normie humor

Exactly. Wtf is this "le reddit meme" shit doing on this sub.

had : rip club penguin

Check your PM, baby.

i like this a lot , thank you for your philosophy , you will be one of the many philosiphers in the grand court of Incelistan

• I'm 5'3. 5'0 might be too short, 6'0 might be too tall. 5'7 is ideal.

• I genuinely like conventionally unattractive faces. 6.5/10 is about where my attraction caps off.

• I prefer someone who isn't particularly social or charismatic. I'm boring and insecure so it's stressful to be around people who I know can do better than me. What really matters is that we get along well.

Then you've hit a gold mine.

Eh. I'm hesitant to say much because I don't want to be seen as an attention-seeker or a troll.

Lmao look at OPs comment history

Every single person here but you was able to detect that this is satire. I think you need to work on your personality more.

He is a normie, Lmao! He lives in Norman, Oklahoma.

Yes I live in Norman, Oklahoma. The post i made about helping college kids out unveils that.

get out norman

Why? I like Norman

What's wrong with Norman?

Sorry, I'm a casual. I briefly scanned the post and said 'tf?'.

I am embarrassed.

Hahaha, lol, you dumbfuck loser.


Cry more, little bitch. No one can feel that shame but you alone.

No shame im already ugly and smelly

Big Internet tough guy eh? People like you get laughed at

By whom?


So you don't actually know who it is that laughs at people like me, except pathetic little losers like you.

Well, I don't mind being laughed at by someone who is in every way inferior to me. Laugh away, you have my permission.

You're a bottom tier human who snaps at people for not understanding satire. Cursing st them and calling them names for missing a joke? Yeah, morons like you get laughed at. A lot.

You're a bottom tier human

I am. And I'm superior to you. So I really don't feel much shame about being laughed at by someone who is even lower than me.

Whatever makes you sleep better at night 😄

Funnily enough, your tears do give me quite a bit of satisfaction and will probably help me sleep tonight :P

This is a perfect post.

How many layers of irony are we on?

All of them

So basically I should get a criminal record.

Is it over for me?

I'm genuinely wondering. Please be honest. And don't say "gtfo with your trivial shit attention seeking pretend "incel" girl", cause that's not my intention at all.

18 yo girl Pretty pale 5'4/1.63m and 97lbs/44kg (want to lose weight again, most likely have an eating disorder lol) Big green eyes Eyes are a little bit close set Curly light brown hair down to about half of my back I'm pretty sure my hair is pretty thin Lips average size Straight teeth Clear skin Oval head shape Forehead a little bit on the bigger side (not noticable I think) Pretty sharp jawline Full eyebrows (not noticeably full) Short eyelashes Crooked nose No tits, flat ass (not the flattest you've ever seen but (definitely) considered flat) I either have a smaller mouth, or more face fat around my mouth. Selena Gomez-ish, but it doesn't nearly look as good as her, maybe because we have a different bone structure, I don't know. But this is really bothering me, cause this really makes me look way worse, and subhuman.

Also, to about what age of a girl are guys interested in dating girls?

What I want to look like: Get a nose job Have straight/wavy hair (probably extensions, if my hair doesn't grow thicker and fuller on its own) Start wearing eye make up Get a "bigger" ass (I'm putting bigger between " " cause for it to get bigger it already had to be big lol) Not sure how I'm gonna get a bigger ass while not gaining weight though, that's a problem And obviously get rid of the face fat thing. I read that running can burn fat cells in your face and make your face more gaunt, so I just started trying that, I really hope it'll work

But if the face fat thing doesn't go away, I don't think I could ever stop loathing myself and get less inscure, and live a normal and happy life.

I'm not kidding or lying, I'm not doing this for attention. I'm genuinely wondering.

... honey I think you're fine, especially if you have an eating disorder, you are pretty much never happy with yourself with one, not just weight. You'll find the teeniest things wrong with yourself, meanwhile you're amazing. Do you see a therapist/psychiatrist at all? It can help, people die from eating disorders, and can permanently fuck up your life if it doesn't kill you.

I'm not seeing a therapist/psychiatrist. Thank you for your nice words though! :)

You're 100% welcome, honey. But seriously, please see someone. It's very hard, I know, but it can really truly help, before it gets way out of hand, or it gets too far.

It's not over for any women. Now out with you.

18yo girl

Stopped reading


Don't ask for advice here. And it would be easier to post a picture somewhere, not here though or truerateme because that's also basically incel rating. You could pm me also and I'll tell you

Lol I'm way too insecure to post a picture

PM me the pic - I never share pix of anybody without permission.

Beta faggot detected.

If you say so

Only fix the nose; everything else is ok.

Sorry for making this comment in your post though

The fact that guys look at you doesn't necessarily mean you're repulsive and hideous. Of course I can only be able to assess that if I knew what you look like. Based on your description, though, you only have one bad feature, which normally is not enough to make a woman completely undesirable.

What's that future?

The nose; you said it was crooked.

Oh yeah that was my biggest insecurity at one point.

Can you post a pic of a nose that looks like yours.

No, I already know it looks bad 😂

uhh do you have bdd? honestly though it's not over if you're straight. I'm hideous and have had guys ask me out before. It's only over if you're a lesbian. And honestly, you seem ok. I'm pretty flat chested as well and self consciou about that and I hate my nose. I do wear eye makeup already and do recommend eeryone to including male incels. But yeah hating yorself is a big issue tbh I'm never gonna be happy with the way I look either.

Get out. You aren't welcome.

Logically I probably have bdd. But I think I'm just seeing the truth.

You're probably not hideous if guys asked you out though.

Hey, at least you can attract pedophiles with your tiny breasts. What more could you ask for?

Can I pm you?

i am hideous. but honestly i feel guys will ask out pretty much every girl. but im incel even though ive been asked out because im a lesbian and unfortunately am not attracted to men. you can pm me if you want.

That's not true. You must be at least somewhat appealing. I know true lesbian incels, mostly butch, and guys definitely don't ask them out.

guys ask out most girls. Ofc butch is an exception because they're masculine. and im probably only asked out because guys like asian girls im not attractive at all

Girls also like Asian girls. Yellow fever knows no sexual orientation. They're just not going to make the first move.

im incapable of making the first move, okay?

Why would it be over if she's a lesbian?

not necessarily over, could be.

be my girlfriend

0/10 sry, time to LDAR like the rest of us femcels.

Finally someone who gets it can be over for women as well. I'm already LDAR'ing

every female is an incel in 2018.

What are you talking about


You need to gain weight

When you do this will you PLEASE be my gf?

I'm trying to lose weight. And that's nice of you, you won't ask the same thing if you see me though

Nothing you mentioned would make you ugly, you just seen to have bdd

Thank you. I know I don't really have a normal mindset but sometimes I think I do and I'm just seeing it how it is. I don't want professional help though

btw if you guys haven't noticed, this girl is 100% insane and her entire account is nothing but fishing for pity like this.

She is not going to post a pic and nothing you say to her will change her behavior. She is insane and only here for the attention.

Please stop enabling this kind of behavior.

You're right except for the fishing for attention and pity part. I genuinely feel this way. Do you think I like feeling this way. Once again, you know nothing about me. Mentally ill, ok, but I'm not insane at all.

i thought you said you were going to leave this sub 😂

Yeah, you're right. But I wanted to make this post too.

i already said my piece and told other incels not to encourage your self-destructive behavior. if you really want to get better this super negative sub for lonely virgin men is just about the last place you should be.

i hope you can find it in you to actually leave and get better. i really do hope you get better because you don't deserve to be so unhappy.

That's really considerate of you. This sub does make me feel worse.

Thank you a lot for your kind words. :)

The same goes for you.

This was meant to be my last post/comment anyway. I don't want to make it seem like I wanted to use any guy for myself though. I think women can hardly make a move here that won't upset any guys. But still, for whoever's reading this, I'm here if you need someone to talk to, altough anyone probably thinks I am insane haha.

I do wish you the best too.

If you are actually a real person:

  1. Eating disorders are nothing to "lol" about. Seek help. 94 lbs is not a healthy weight for 5'4".

  2. You're only 18. I didn't get boobs until college. Now I'm a 32D, and I also actually have a butt. Not being frighteningly skinny helped both of those things for me. But maybe your boobs and butt won't get any bigger. That's beside the point.

Point is, you're super young and your body is still developing. All those things that you don't like about your body probably have little to do with your actual body and more to do with deep issues you need to deal with. If you're in school I'd recommend reaching out to one of the school counselors or if your parents are supporting speaking to them.

I'm not frighteningly skinny, you're really overestimating it. I'm just a few kg officially underweight. I don't even have a thigh gap, how could I be frighteningly skinny. How could I be frighteningly skinny if I have size S in some places instead of XS.

Thank you for trying to help though. I'm not ready to talk to a professional though.

How could I be frighteningly skinny if I have size S in some places instead of XS.

If this is serious, please seek help

No, you just think for a moment. I'm not saying I should have size XS or whatever. But someone with size S can't be frighteningly skinny if there's also a size XS. Size XS isn't made for anorexic people.

It is severely unlikely to lose fat in one specific place. If you start running, you can lose weight anywhere. The same goes for gaining weight. If you start eating and working on building a bigger butt, your thighs and calves can get bigger, you’ll get heavier. None of that is inherently a bad thing, but you should really focus more on having an appropriate diet and getting away from any eating disorders.

You’re young too, not even entirely developed, and even when you complete your adolescent development, bodies change. You can gain or lose muscle and fat over the years, having what you call a ‘fat face’ is likely just your interpretation (and just your natural state! Again not a bad thing!). If you’re being 100% legitimately serious in your story, I relate to parts of it. Stop yourself before it gets worse. If you’re fishing, pity doesn’t help anyone. You can get better

I don't know if it's my natural state cause I didn't use to have it, and my parents/siblings have gaunt faces. I feel like my only option is losing weight though, how else is it supposed to go away. I'm 100% serious in my story.

Honestly it might not. I myself have a rounded face, partially genetics and partially just because that’s where my fat stores go. It’s not always up to you where your fat is distributed, and I truly believe it’s in your best interest to try with all you have to focus on the nutrition of your food as opposed to the gaunt face you’re wanting. As I said, I can relate to some of your post so I do sympathise, I used to think a certain way and was so sure about it that it became unhealthy. You really CAN do it, please don’t fall into a disorder because it can be incredibly hard to get out, you always always have more options

You're right, I just feel like I have no other option though. Thank you for helping

I’m really sorry you feel that way and genuinely hope that you can find the help and support you need. Good luck

Gotta be a troll from inceltears

I have a post history. I have never posted there.

Are you actually a girl?


Your post says you're a woman

How are you actually this retarded

Ohh this post was satire

You think so?

It's over for low iqcels.

I know this entire post is satire however

if you have a criminal record, PM me

Why you only want those who been caught, why you no want smart man who no be caught by popo? You dumb dumb!

Fuck! You just changed my whole philosophy on life.


Heh, I changed your whole philosophy on life didn't I ;)

u dumb man

Fuck off, AWALT.

/u/IlliterateAndProud back at it again with the golden memes

Tee Hee?

I guess not

Oh yeah that was my biggest insecurity at one point.