Here's a list of things you can't do when you're ugly.

66  2018-03-26 by kneigard83velt20

  • Be an actor
  • Be a musician
  • Talk about your problems
  • Be respected or admired in any profession
  • Date
  • Look at women
  • Be taken seriously about anything except when people assume you have homicidal thoughts
  • Post selfies anywhere, you must only have a faceless online presence
  • Initiate conversation
  • Go to parties
  • And last; have sex

Post in the comments anymore you can think of.


Be taken seriously about anything

Well, when you write lists like this, are you honestly surprised?

why aren't you on a support group for fat people calling them lazy fucks

That would be hypocritical of me.


The witch is dead?

I actually have a high IQ and know a lot about philosophy and technology. Some of the only two things where my looks don't hold me back as much. I'm still not taken as seriously as the better looking people who study these things even though I'm better than them. People have actually gotten angry at me that I knew more than them because I'm ugly. No one wants to be perceived as lower status than the ugly guy.


Smartcels are the most superior incels

True,at least,he is not a complete genetic failure like me

Smart cels can at least monetize their intelligence. For example jack ma is ugly af but the second richest dude in china. If u ask me he is the greatest example of incel success. The whole country of china depends on him.

Wish I was smart at least,I'm so stupid I cannot even remember my name.

Bro lemme tell u something. My right ear sticks out from the side so i look like an elf. Im a 5’9 brown guy. I wanted to be chad so bad when i was kid literally ik a guy name chad. Then one day i started listening to music more specifically ye’ and i adopted his egotistical approach to life. If u are overcoinfident people will always call u cocky and arrogant. But it was those two things that made me believe that even if i sucked with girls l could chad in other areas of life. Sure chad has lots of sex but not all chads are the same. Theirs lots of poor chads struggling to make ends meat, while i can wake up and buy a new car every day if i want. I turned my self hate into self coincidence that i was invincible. I put obsession into my work and school studying business and how to be successful by developing my own perspective of the world. If u cant do something and wish u could like be good at a subject or say be a lawyer or doctor or wealthy business owner. Start small and learn the core tenets of what ur looking at. #1 the most important thing to me was a role model. My father got married at 19 and is a complete beta male. I seriously cant stand to see him be scared as shit as soon as a conflict happens. People like jfk,kanye,elon musk, vitalik Buterin, jack ma (complete incel look, 2nd richest dude in china). From there i studied their philosophy of life and they all had one thing in common, they all know this world doesn’t owe them shit, so they took not by force but with a vision to change peoples lives. Just my piece on how i stay motivated despite my appearance. A real man will always make the best of what he has and never back down in the face of adversity. Don’t believe that feminist bull shit cancer pls men built this world, men at a time when the human population dipped below 1 million survived and continued to forge ahead.

So,if you aren't smart the only hope is the Rope...

Anyone can become smart the first step is to believe that you can do it

You think unattractive guys don't date? Don't make music? Don't initiate conversations?

You may be a smart guy, but it doesn't seem that way when you make a ridiculous list of easily disproved stuff. Saying you feel like you're not respected because of your looks is one thing, saying that ugly men cannot look at women is just absurd and devalues your point.

saying that ugly men cannot look at women is just absurd and devalues your point.

You're probably a normie so you obviously don't suffer the same consequences as I do. Step outside of your own perspective or stop replying to me.

You're probably a normie so you obviously don't suffer the same consequences as I do when you do something like that.

Bitch please, I'm worse looking than most of the guys whose photos have been posted here :-P

And yeah, I'm a normie, but if you think that invalidates my view rather than supports it...well, what is there to say to that?

Step outside of your own perspective or stop replying to me.

Because you genuinely cannot stand to have your perspective challenged?

I'm worse looking than most of the guys whose photos have been posted here

Post pic

I'm a normie, but if you think that invalidates my view rather than supports it

Yes it definitely does invalidate your view because you haven't been persecuted against as much as I have.

Because you genuinely cannot stand to have your perspective challenged?

No, because you are incapable of understanding something of which you have no experience and conversation is futile.

Post pic

I'm good, I know what I look like and having the venomous crab bucket of this sub try to drag me down further is not going to be good for self-esteem.

Yes it definitely does invalidate your view because you haven't been persecuted against as much as I have.


No, because you are incapable of understanding something of which you have no experience and conversation is futile.

I feel like you're fairly close to a revelation here.

having the venomous crab bucket of this sub try to drag me down further is not going to be good for self-esteem.

Well there's no way you would be uglier than me. I don't insult other people's looks because that would be ironic. If other incels do that, they should probably stop.

It's not that they insult them per se, it's that values and perceptions of attractiveness are so skewed here. Average-to-attractive people will post a pic, and every comment will be telling them how OVER it is for them, calling them 2/10, hideous monsters, picking out random irrelevant aspects of their face like eye area or cheekbones and making out like they're this huge deal that turns otherwise attractive men into Quasimodo.

And the person who posted the pic will often be grateful for the "honesty" and the reinforcement of their own negative self-image.

Okay, you just entered /r/iamverysmart territory. I respect incels and sympathize with their struggles as I was a kissless virgin until 21 years old, but anyone who mentions iq on an online forum is usually a lot dumber than they believe themselves to be.

You think I care one bit about people who spent their limited time on earth browsing mockery subs sub as /r/iamverysmart? Nobody who spends their time on subs like that has an opinion worth listening to.

Yet spends time in r/braincels and even more useless subreddit which is basically an echo chamber and pity party wrapped up in one.

Starting to doubt that whole IQ thing.

I get catharsis out of this subreddit. If I didn't I'd probably fight someone or hate people.

Implying the guy above you doesn't.

if you are as well read in philosophy as you claim to be, you realize that there are healthier ways to get catharsis and address your issues right? hanging out with a bunch of equally depressed people, adding insult to injury, flagellating yourself without purpose, and insulting half the population isn't really helping you, is it?

get catharsis and address your issues right?

I do a lot of things for catharsis, this subreddit is just one of them. I have a lot of negative emotions to manage due to my condition of being incel as well as other problems.

this sub states facts, the other mocks people for being smart aka anti intellectualism

This sub states opinions as fact to cope. Regardless it's a passtime.

anyone who brings up that sub is a fucking dumbass

it's literally a sub for making fun of people you know irl behind their backs. it's a sub of 110 IQ sociopathic cowards. fuck off.

Maybe it's because you talk down to them? Ever think of that oh smart one?

They talk down to me first. I am polite to everyone who is polite to me. I am disrespectful to people who disrespect me.

Sure you are.

Like you, condescending and disrespectful. Just how those other people I mentioned act.

Dude, people act that way to you because you seriously act like you're a victim, but in reality you act like you're better and smarter than everyone. Maybe stop acting like a victim and like you're better than everyone else, then you might actually get respect.

I've been treated as subhuman almost my entire life, you don't get to tell me that I act like a victim.

and like you're better than everyone else

In somethings I am and somethings I'm not. You keep trying to pin me down as something I'm not. This is why Sartre says "Hell is other people."

ok peemyfartbox, I should definitely consider your opinion.

I just implied you are very smart. You definitely don't come off as pompous at all.

sure, because people don't use /r/iamverysmart to mock people at all.

-Live,the Genetic Cleansing is starting

enjoy life

List also applies when "you are not bad looking" aka "ugly"

I hate getting haircuts because I have to look at my face.

Also you are forced to talk to someone that doesn't want to talk to you and see's you as subhuman.

Can't get no free chipotle burritos if u ugly af

There are a huge amount of ugly actors. Steve Buscemi's made a career out of it. Granted, you usually need to be more of a bit player, but there's work.

There are a huge amount of ugly actors

And that's not even getting started on the musicians...

Exceptions to rules once again. We can go with a popular example, a rapper literally named Ugly God because he's ugly. The dude mogs me and is probably like 4 points higher than me on the attractiveness scale.

Just googled him and he's not ugly at all, come the fuck on.

He's socially acceptable ugly, not repulsive "get that thing away from me," ugly.

99% of actors are attractive. If you're ugly you have a better chance doing something that isn't so appearance based. Of course there are exceptions like Steve Buscemi to every rule.

99% of leading men are attractive. But that's only one kind of actor.


lol what part of that statement is wrong? They cast for type. Brad Pitt is a type. So is Jonah Hill. There's a lot of actors.

go watch big bang theory and fuck off

as someone who has grown up in so cal his whole life and known tons of peopel who wnated to be actors. i promise you, that you are not going to be an actor if you are ugly. they aren't even going to look past your headshots.

Being conventionally attractive will embolden you to try a career in the performing arts. But the cool thing with acting is that there are parts specifically written for unattractive people.

You're not going to be a Pitt or a Clooney. You'll be a character actor or a funny-guy. But it's still work.

you're talking out of your fucking ass right now. you clearly don't know the first thing about hollywood.

I mean Jonah Hill's doing pretty well in that town. In fact the Apatow Gang is loaded with pretty weird looking people. It's obviously not as straight-forward as having good facial symmetry and abs...

Kevin James. David Spade. Clint Howard.

Kevin James is a comedian not an actor. David Spade is a comedian not an actor. Clint Howard's brother was already in hollywood. this is what im talking about. you dont know the first fucking thing. there's a huge difference between getting into hollywood as an actor vs getting into hollywood as a comedian or through your brother.

Kevin James is a comedian not an actor. David Spade is a comedian not an actor.

They both act in TV/films. What the fuck is your definition of "actor" that these guys aren't included lol? Also you know that stand-up comedy is a form of performance art AKA acting right?

JFL at how you will come up for excuses for anything that runs contrary to your world view

there is a massive difference between people who get into hollywood thorugh comedy vs the traditional route. i'm not gonna sit here and mind dump decades of information. just stop pretending to understand how hollywood works.

So comedic actors don't count as real actors because...reasons?

Please, make more excuses.

lol @ calling shia lebeouf ugly


He's certainly gotten better looking as he's gotten older, but he got famous for his role on Even Stevens. You tryna to tell me he was good looking even back then lol?

Oh and how about the dozens of others in that incomplete list? How you gonna cope with all those?

yes he was. he's always been good looking.

So you can't actually cope with the rest of the list, got it

Disagree about Shia. He was not "Hollywood attractive" as a younger man

He was not "Hollywood attractive"

literally proves my fucking point

Now you're contradicting yourself, and STILL ignoring the rest of that list. Sad

blind to your own hypocrisy. blackpill says you can't be incel lvl ugly and become an actor. you say even shia labouf isn't hollywood attractive. yet you think you are saying something different than we are.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the incel-level ugly people on the list I gave? Do you have the hots for Shia or something?

Or are you just gonna give the excuse that none of them are actually incel-level ugly, even though there are dudes on this sub that are better looking than everyone on that list?

i absolutely have the hots for shia. don't judge me bro.

Judging your hypocritical ass' taste in men pretty hard rn to be honest

shia 4 life

...They're not ugly? Olmos is probably the ugliest on that list and he's 71 years old.

According to the folks on this sub, yeah they are. "It's over" for sub 8's after all. Shit, most of them on the list are sub 6's. And yet, they've all found success

"it's over" in the sense that you will have a hard time getting laid normally and will probably have to betabux. It doesn't mean you're ugly.

Yeah, it's almost like the entire point made by OP is bullshit or something

There's a huge amount of ugly actors. For example, this normal looking man who has been typecasted to represent play characters who are ugly without actually having to use ugly actors.

That's the problem, son.

If he's normal looking then so is the poster-boy for this sub. I love the guy but his face is put together funny.

He was normal looking when he was young and began his career.

These cucks don't know what real ugly is.

"TV ugly" is not ugly. They use average people to represent ugly people because they don't want to put actually ugly people on TV and scare the audience. Then these people grow up and think that's what ugly actually looks like and have no ability to understand incel pain. Fucking TV.

I'd be curious to hear what you think about that kid on Stranger Things. Dude's literally disfigured but isn't even playing a character described as "ugly."

Cope, you can do most of these things if you careermax.

Yes. And attitude! Positive attitude, confidence, character, humour, passion for something - makes anyone’s looks completely surpassable.

Fuck off.

Ahhhh....You know I was agreeing with you right?

Yeah, but you're a normie. I don't like normies.

You’re an obvious troll is what you are.

Sod off.

Oooh! Scary!

Says the woman.

No wonder you guys are hopeless with people.

That's not really a valid rebuttal.

Ed Sheeran.

idk if I would actually call Ed "ugly" though, he's a little below average for sure, and he isn't the most photogenic, but he's got that cute nerdy boy look that some girls are into... idk I think he's a little cute, it was his music video for Thinking out Loud that really got all the girls into him though I think. That super romantic ballroom dance.. it made every woman I know swoon.

He's ugly in the rest of Western Europe but average looking by UK standards.

For the UK he's honestly not bad looking.

What do you mean by ‘for the uk’?

Well according to people here he's hideously ugly but he's just a chubby guy-next-door type to me, nothing remarkable compared to the men I see every day.

the actor/musician one is a stretch.

Danny DeVito

Michael Cera

Steve Buscemi

Willem DaFoe

Just to name a few... They all made a damn good career for themselves despite having faces that look like they were hit by trucks.

Musicians have it even easier.. just be in a shitty rock band. No one cares what you look like in that scene. You can be ugly af, as long as you play decent music. Most lead males of popular rock bands are ugly. SOAD, Coheed and Cambria - their lead singer is a legit 3/10, Disturbed, Fall out Boy? every member of those bands is butt ugly. I mean shit look at Weird Al Yankovic, he's made a hell of a career for himself and he isn't even a good musician.

Micheal Cera

Now you're just talking smack

are you trying to imply that Michael Cera is good looking?

He's not that bad. He's like average looking.

he looks like a bird person who is never going to go through puberty, he's a 3.5 PSL at BEST

you're making it obvious to the audience that you are a heterosexual man who doesn't knwo what the fuck he's talking about

lmao not even close

michael cera mogs every incel

I would guess that's true because imo you'd have to be a 3/10 or under to be a TRUE incel. A 4 or above can get laid, not as easy as an 8 but they definitely can, and do, frequently. 3 and under is where you're going to have a BAD time attracting a mate.. it can still happen under the right circumstances but it won't be often.

It's OVER for babyfaced manlets

damn it's truly over for truecels then, because he mogs most of us.

he probably even mogs you

Nigga u need to get your eyes checked then lmfao

None of them are A list actors.

that is true but they've all had a decent enough career and have made more money than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes

Those guys all MOG me. Do you even realize how ugly truecels are?

blackops is like a legit example of a 2/10 though, the bar doesn't get much lower than that barring SIGNIFICANT facial deformity. There are varying levels of ugly. a 3 or 3.5 is still ugly... just not the ugliest you could possibly be

That's what real incel looks like. If you're not blackops tier, you're a fucking norman with bad social skills, volcel

this and this and this , we are fucking ugly we tried every fucnkng thing and then we realize we are in a game where no matter what we try we are stuck you just know that your life is not going to change no matter what and after knowing that you just start having an entire different mindset about life

Musicians have it even easier.. just be in a shitty rock band. No one cares what you look like in that scene. You can be ugly af, as long as you play decent music. Most lead males of popular rock bands are ugly.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/poriscova-p1-hus-kypros-jpg.jpg

I mean shit look at Weird Al Yankovic, he's made a hell of a career for himself and he isn't even a good musician.

You son of a bitch. Weird Al is a PHENOMINAL musician.

Weird Al is a good lyricist, and he's funny. But he does parodies, that's not the mark of a good musician, let alone a phenomenal one. I still enjoy his music though.

He's an incredible accordion player, regardless of the music style he plays.

yeah that's pretty talented and all, unfortunately it's just not an instrument most people care about. It's like the harmonica, or bagpipes.. sure there are people out there that play them well, but even then it's not the most auditory pleasing sound for a lot of people.

Sure. But we’re not arguing taste. Were arguing talent.

And he’s a legit talented accordion player, even if you don’t like his music style.

I listen to Weird Al at work, makes my day go by so much faster.

Danny DeVito as The Penguin, he played that so well. Same with his character Frank. He made Its Always Sunny in Philedelphia.

Serj is fucking sexy, what are you on about?

he's a solid 4/10, but definitely far from sexy

Weird Al isn't that ugly. He's a normal-looking guy who dresses funny to have an image and stand out. Same with most of the musicians you mentioned.

However, I agree that the actor/musician one is a stretch. Ugly people can be actors and musicians with either great talent or family connections.

"Just to name a few"

LOL keep going, please.

Ok, maybe "butt ugly" was a little harsh, but I legit think the lead singer of FoB looks like a potato with a face.

Shoot, growing up I knew a few teenage girls who fucking loved that dudes appearance.

I honestly think that's all a part of the Halo effect.. they love his music therefore they perceive him to be more attractive than he actually is. Fan girling groupies always give male band members more attention than they would ever give the exact same guy if he weren't famous and just another dude on the street..

Steven hawking

is a 1 in a million exception, and he awsn't even ugly. he had a crippling illness, which actually boosted his popularity.

Fair fact, but even after he became cripplingly disabled he got married and made somthing of himself and got respect. After his illness he definately was not attractive

his wife cheated on him they even had that in the movie about him


best kind of beta bux = paralyzed in a wheelchair so she doesn't even have to pretend to have sex with him, is free to spend his money and meet chads off tinder

Be taken seriously about anything except when people assume you have homicidal thoughts

Suicidal thoughts? Good. Be gone. Homicidal thoughts? Oh yeah, we always knew. That's why we ostracized the asshole.

Be happy.

Danny Devito

Shane McGowan

Jonah hill

He’s a fatcel. Decent looking after he dropped a bunch of weight

Peter dinklage

Musician is not true, a lot of the best musicians are ugly. Look at the rolling stones or grateful dead, bunch of weird looking dudes

For real. A lot of musicians are not attractive. Hell, there are actors who aren't attractive. They get roles or awards because of their work.

The best art comes from tormented souls. Yeah, your mega pop stars are never likely to be ugly, but the actually good musicians often times are.

The dudes from kiss without the makeup

another great example. Gene Simmons arguably fucked more women than 99% of men, yet his face is ugly as fuck

This might be the stupidest thing I've ever read

I know that he's not a "2", but there's no way that Post Malone is attractive.

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Cause Jack Black and Kyle Gass are so fucking sexy

Extremely talented and famous singers/musicians, of course they’re sexy. Clone both of them, remove any musical talent, and assign them names like John Smith and they’d be undesirable. Dumb thot

The point is you CAN be a musician or actor when unattractive. But ok.

Dude, you can still be ugly and still be a musician or an actor. Just don't do pop music - that shits lame.

Talent. Simple as that.

Look at women

i lol'd at this

Is this sub called braincels because that's what you lose when reading those posts?

Bra-incels. Incel brothers. You mentally retarded cuck

Since when does bra means brother????


I thought the bra thing was a How I met your mother joke that died long ago.

Danny DeVito literally destroys everything you just posted, except I don't think he was ever a musician.

Danny DeVito has a manly face. It's a different kind of ugly than what we talk about here. Also he's rich.

True, there's manly deformed (ogre) and then there's just fucked up. At least Danny Debit has a decent eye area and a strong jaw.

Danny DeVito has charisma, unlike some other people.

Cope. He has a manly face, which women prefer.

Also he's rich.

He wasn't rich when they met each other.

Danny DeVito has a manly face.

Always excuses. A guy is short but got laid? Well he has good looks! A guy is ugly but got laid? Well he's tall!

There are plenty of unattractive people who get laid and even have a wife.

Also he's rich.

He got rich by being an actor, which is on the list of things he supposedly can't do. Of course, I doubt he spent on minute of his life whining about what he didn't have, he worked to get what he wanted.

Danny DeVito was a musician. He was in a group called the Pecan Sandies and got all the kids to bop with them

TIL an exception disproves the rule.

Oh, I thought it was a list of things you couldn't do, not everyone except Danny DeVito could do. Interesting, guess everyone other than Danny DeVito might as well not try and just whine on Reddit.

Ugly men are comic relief

insulting roasties and get away with it

complaining about your suffering

having matches in tinder

having a normal life

  1. Neil Patrick Harris is ugly AF and he's a world class actor

  2. gee not like we have 6ix9ine and kanye west

  3. meanwhile on Braincels

  4. just settle for the fat lonely desperate chick in the bar

  5. you can, just don't be creepy about it

  6. I mean, it depends where you go

  7. no one is stopping you from doing that

  8. yes you an

  9. depends on the party

  10. again.... fat lonely desperate chick


Kanye West isn't attractive?

not at all

6ix9ine isnt ugly tbh. Girls my age go nuts over older photos or ones with his hair tucked away

lmao 69 isn't ugly? that asshole is covered with some of the ugliest tattoos..... and what kinda name is 6ix9nine to begin in?

Neil Patrick Harris is ugly AF and he's a world class actor


2018 where a blond chad like neil who mogs 99% of the planet is considered ugly. Society is doomed.

You can do many things when you are ugly, but not with that attitude.

Work at Disneyland

As Goofy

Uh, not really sure about some of those. Dude, I am pretty ugly or at the very most low average; like 3/10 and I have 2 kids and I have had plenty of sex since the age of 14 (28 now). I realised when I was about 13 that because I am not "handsome" that I have to drop my standards to realistic levels and after a while of thinking that (about 3 or so years) that lack of standards had helped me to see a lot more clearly. I agree with the parties part - FUCK EM!

Mostly true

To be a musician your looks are so important. The good looking actors are usually the favorite actors by everyone in this era. All the rest is pretty true for the Most part ,nobody wants you messaging them or coming up to them.

I like how in school when we learned about Hooke and the things he did, him being ugly was almost as relevant for some reason

You can so be an actor. Just ask martey feldman.

Google marty feldman actor and ull see what i mean

Alan (Blind Owl) Wilson would probably have disagreed with you on that. Unfortunately we will never really know because he also discovered that even though he was a rock star the fact that he was fat and ugly meant he that still couldn't laid.


  • go to acting school. worst case you play the villain.
  • almost anyone can become a musician nowadays
  • you mean "have people listen to your problems"
  • Stephen Hawking
  • I'll give you this one
  • Anyone can look at women
  • LOL I won't even
  • WTF
  • Well you can try to initiate a conversation
  • It really depends on the parties
  • Yeah I'll give you this one too

Hey, Hawking was a handsome man, especially before his MND started seriously affecting him.


"At least at face value." I see what you did there.

Hahaha I definitely didn't mean it that way but yeah ... :D

Post pic

I'm good, I know what I look like and having the venomous crab bucket of this sub try to drag me down further is not going to be good for self-esteem.

Yes it definitely does invalidate your view because you haven't been persecuted against as much as I have.


No, because you are incapable of understanding something of which you have no experience and conversation is futile.

I feel like you're fairly close to a revelation here.

It's not that they insult them per se, it's that values and perceptions of attractiveness are so skewed here. Average-to-attractive people will post a pic, and every comment will be telling them how OVER it is for them, calling them 2/10, hideous monsters, picking out random irrelevant aspects of their face like eye area or cheekbones and making out like they're this huge deal that turns otherwise attractive men into Quasimodo.

And the person who posted the pic will often be grateful for the "honesty" and the reinforcement of their own negative self-image.

you're talking out of your fucking ass right now. you clearly don't know the first thing about hollywood.

blind to your own hypocrisy. blackpill says you can't be incel lvl ugly and become an actor. you say even shia labouf isn't hollywood attractive. yet you think you are saying something different than we are.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge the incel-level ugly people on the list I gave? Do you have the hots for Shia or something?

Or are you just gonna give the excuse that none of them are actually incel-level ugly, even though there are dudes on this sub that are better looking than everyone on that list?

Sod off.

Shoot, growing up I knew a few teenage girls who fucking loved that dudes appearance.


Kanye West isn't attractive?

6ix9ine isnt ugly tbh. Girls my age go nuts over older photos or ones with his hair tucked away

Neil Patrick Harris is ugly AF and he's a world class actor


2018 where a blond chad like neil who mogs 99% of the planet is considered ugly. Society is doomed.

Dude, people act that way to you because you seriously act like you're a victim, but in reality you act like you're better and smarter than everyone. Maybe stop acting like a victim and like you're better than everyone else, then you might actually get respect.

Hey, Hawking was a handsome man, especially before his MND started seriously affecting him.