Wow. I’m actually speechless

31  2018-03-26 by mangoman30


I don't get it. I am braincelled.

She went from having a bf who didn't give a fuck about her (likely a Chad) to a bf who is clingy (likely a normie)

Just because her ex didn't call her every 5 minutes, doesn't mean he didn't care about her or treated her like shit. This new guy seems too clingy.

Ehhh I would say going out with his friends and not calling until the next day is normie and what the other guy was doing is below normie. Texting her every second of the night means the guy is socially awkward (he was on his phone because he wasn't able to participate in the conversation with his friends) and well showing up drunk at 3AM can be normal or potentially rude. If she has to be at work at 6AM, demanding sex 3 hours before she has to wake up can kind of suck.

She is complaining about the Beta she got but she dresses it as "look how in love we are". It will not last, you can read how condescending she is in a simple tweet.

“Women wanted to fuck attractive chad who didnt give a fuck about her but she now wants to date a man who’ll be a cuck for her”


How romantic. Good on her

yeah, I wish someone would drunk text me saying how much he misses me instead of not giving an ounce of fuck about me

For what? Bragging about the sappy faggot and still thinking about her ex?

You're very lonely, aren't you?

Bet you would love it if her post was directed at you

Question is: Is she happy about it, or not.

if she were happy about it she would have said so

all this tweet is is attention whoring

I wish I could be affectionate with someone but nobody wants my affection.

roastie tired of chad fucking other thots instead of her so she moves on to a beta to do her bidding.

Notice how she even brought up her ex in this story, she still has chad in the back of her mind and will end up going back to him because the beta is not enough

Seems like she's saying that her beta bf is better than the chad tbh. Ngl tho yeah she does still have the chad in the back of her mind, not gonna mean she would go back to him - damn

I'd like to drunk text a girl at 3 am. 😖

I bet that's chad's kid in the pic