
51  2018-03-26 by Dingus_Incel


5 11 is the worst height you look too awkward to he tall or short

Lol are you fucking retarded? Shoes usually have a heel that'll add 1 inch to your height, just say you're 6 feet.

What if i don't wear shoes

Wear them.

if saying things led to sex then cucktears would not be cucks

What? Someone that's 5'11 is literally 6 feet tall when they wear shoes. What does that have to do with IT?

well why are you pointing out this meaningless fact. a 5'11 guy will get laid or not based on his face, the type of shoes he wears don't matter.

I didn't say that the type of shoes he wears matters in terms of getting laid. OP complained about 5'11 being "the worst height", I pointed out that he'll be 6 feet with shoes on. You can just round up to 6 feet and nobody will notice a difference, especially not when you wear shoes.

yeah well he could then "say" he was 6 ft. what good does that do him. a roastie will look him up and down and be like "even tho he is 6 ft, no thanks" in the end his type of shoes didn't matter

Oh for fuck sake, the topic isn't about his looks or what a roastie would say. It's about him complaining about being 5'11.

fucks sake? damn man take the black pill or go back to cuck tears. you have no idea what is even going on.

I'm an incel you daft cunt.

you have no idea what is even going on.

Are you fucking retarded or what? I was talking about his height, not his face. I didn't say that by claiming he's 6 feet he'd get laid. I simply said that it's retarded to complain about being 5'11" when you're literally 6 feet with shoes on.

ok so do you have the faintest idea what this sub is about. why do you think adding one inch is the secret to all this guys troubles. how tall are you? just wear big boots bruh!

ok so do you have the faintest idea what this sub is about.

Yes, I do.

why do you think adding one inch is the secret to all this guys troubles.

I never said that you daft cunt.

blocked for being a cuck

It's a marvel that you've managed to survive all these years being this fucking retarded.

yo 5'11 virgin reporting in here.

5'7" manlet here. It doesnt feel like this.

5'9 ugly curry white halfbreed

Halfbreeds are the worst. Neither side wants you lol.

not unless you black and white mixed. Lightskin niggas

Implying that there aren't light skins in pure races

Tbh black and white mix shits on all other races. they are top two greatest races of all time

Jeremy meeks.

He’s a lightskin nigga

He def has white in him.

????? Ofc dude he’s a black and white mix. That’s why i said lightskin? I’m not saying the word “lightskin” literally as in a “light skinned person” . it’s just what some people refer black and white mixes as .

Yeah I was using jeremy meeks as an example of what you were saying.

oh I’m sorry when you just wrote Jeremy Meeks i thought u were disagreeing with me

No problem.

implying normal black people accept mixed people

they do 🤔

Yeah black people accept mixed people more than whites do. I know a ton of mixed kids who consider themselves to be black.

Usually mix between brown and white comes out good, u just got fucked genetically

Face > height.

5ft11 here it's over for me too


Height is C O P E

attack on chads.

6’1” kissless virgin here

5'11" is way too tall

wait is 5'11 smaller than 5'7?11 is bigger than 7. Use metric system,americans are retarded

You are not that smart, are you?

smart people use metric system

smart people use metric system

Did the entire meaning of this post just go over the top of your fucking head? The point is that even when an incel is 4 Inches taller than a chad, he feels tiny in comparison, because of the huge difference in looks.

I am not an americunt. I live next to you.

Did the entire meaning of this post just go over the top of your fucking head? The point is that even when an incel is 4 Inches taller than a chad, he feels tiny in comparison, because of the huge difference in looks.

true, face>height

6'6 kissless virgin here. I can confirm that face >>> height

not unless you black and white mixed. Lightskin niggas

Tbh black and white mix shits on all other races. they are top two greatest races of all time

Jeremy meeks.

ok so do you have the faintest idea what this sub is about.

Yes, I do.

why do you think adding one inch is the secret to all this guys troubles.

I never said that you daft cunt.