When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex. Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities . It was over before it even began.

33  2018-03-26 by Eggman9


I get flack for this but by 16 you should know you’re full sexual worth. There are some outliers but if you’re an incel then, we’ll the future is not bright.

Idk about this. Some people truly are just late bloomers.

Yup. I knew I was waste early on


I didn't have sex until 20...

I'd say by 20, but only if fully looksmaxxed and actively trying.


Bullshit. I was a virgin until 18, am STILL interested in video games, and am considered "Chad". I used to feel sympathy for you guys, I mean I still do but this circle jerk isn't helping.

Let's start the downvotes lads

You are not a Chad coping fuckhead

He probably did get it in highschool

No I didn't. It took me reinventing myself at university for anything to socially happen, and it flowed from there

If it took you till university you ain't a chad.

Lol you guys are cooked


Saying "cope" after everything that you don't agree with is, ironically, the biggest cope of all my friend

Except I want to believe what that person is saying. Cope would be agreeing with it


Lol you’re not Chad

No, I am chad :)

considered Chad

Lmao by who, your fucking mum?

Quit coping faggot

Genetics are everything. Other people may not explicitly tell you that, but the world will let you know one way or another.

Damn, 13 year old guys with no talent or any skill at all are able to get sex, but fit, educated incels with money can't get sex in their 20's.

educated lol

While you were learning about math and science, I was studying the blade, nerd

High school ain't like the movies

Fuck off cunt

It's not though.

Correct. In high school movies the nerd gets the girl in the end. In real life the nerd is an incel and will rope at 30 because no nonrelated female did so much as make skin-to-skin contact with him once in his life.

Eh, at my school there's no nerds. I've never even heard someone refer to someone as a nerd.

That's likely because the word 'nerd' has become a stupid normie label that normies are proud of for some reason. Back in the day being a 'nerd' meant you were the human punching bag for the bully chad jocks.

Define what you would consider unpopular. Video games and comics? Those are tres popular around my school with everyone.

Define what you would consider unpopular. Video games and comics?

How are those unpopular? They are extremely popular.

Unpopular = not liked.

Yeah that's why I said they're popular at my school. Also a lot of people in the popular crowd are not liked

Also a lot of people in the popular crowd are not liked

That is not a logically consistent statement.

They gain popularity through older well liked people, are rich, are feared, or have people who dick ride them so they become popular through minions.

So? I don't know what point you are trying to make by saying these things. You know what an unpopular person is and have acknowledged their existence by acknowledging that popular people existed.

What are you trying to tell me?

I'm trying to explain that just because you're popular doesn't mean people actually fw or like you I guess. I don't necessarily think there's nerds like in movies or a targeted group of students. Unpopular doesn't mean failure, there's some wack ass people at my school and they still get it with girls and guys.

Anyone remember the days when playing video games and reading comics acted like vaginal repellent and marked you for daily beat downs by the school bullies? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Your experience/perception must apply to everyone

I'm speaking in a general sense. Most teens will most likely agree it's not like the movies. Few cliques exists and the only ones that do are the emos,popular, and thugs

Be that as it may, the part we focus on about the jocks and popular kids getting the girls is typical in most American high schools. Not nearly as glamorous as the movies make it seem, but still fun and exciting

holy shit just ban this retarded underage gookess already its triggering me nonstop

Racism ain't cute sis

Your coin slot eyes probably widen to their maximum height of 5mm every time someone insults your privileged gook self

Lmaoo, man you think you're funny. Insulting my eyes don't mean shit

Karma for triggering me weird female

Okay and?


It's not though.

Ugh women see this and become feminists. Ugly men become incels.


When I was 15, I played football too and was damn good at it. Here I am, incel.

i'm gonna call bullshit.

You wanna see proof? Dm me.

im good.

Then your topic title hit home bro. Described me perfectly and yes im sure that was happening behind my back.


What do you guys mean by "behind your back"? Most of time time sex happens behind the backs of everyone who aren't participate in that sex act.

Why would people tell you when they're having sex?

I don't think u quite follow

Then why don't you correct me? I don't quite follow what?

Why do incels talk in vague sentences and never elaborate?

Because lack of energy and general retardation, for me atleast. Lot's of incels would elaborate in great detail though as the situation requires so don't take that as a whole. This conversation is as pointless as our existence.

Your existence* hah

They dont...

I'm not incel and completely understand what is being said in this post...

"I don't think you follow" is vague. I know what that sentence means, but rather than tell me what I've missed, he told me I don't follow and then bailed

This is a repeat thing from the incels

Average age people lose their virginity is 17. It's almost like 15 year olds are liars.

For average looking people. Chad can lose his virginity by 13.


Lmao you cope

Look at this dumb kid......

And you a fool so we even

What? Because I look at actual facts and not dumb manosphere bullshit and assumptions? I've said before. Incels and Fat Activists are one in the same.


I was 14, so was she

So? You’re the exception, not the rule. Doesn’t change the FACT that the average person is a virgin till 17.

basically, all the girls in every class I was in until college totally avoided every guy except the bullies. Like out of a stereotypical movie. Literally only dated the bullies.

And basically every guy in every class I was in in high school orbited the same Stacy and ignored all other girls for romantic prospects. My female friends and I hung out with tons of boys in clubs and at parties and no guy was ever interested in us. They were all in love with the same girl (the bully).


No I'm being 100% serious here.

I have a picture like this somewhere of me and my old cheerleader gf but I was a wrestler


If that's what 15 year old dude looks like, then I am officially 10 years old.


Hey guys learn this. Maybe the "Stacys" who date "Chads" aren't the girls you should put effort into. Maybe its the people who aren't into alpha bully jocks or whatever Boogeyman you set up to excuse your own failures to function socially, that are worth your time. If you didn't spend your time on whining and antisocial behavior, and just put some damn effort into a quality chick, you'd get a girlfriend.

This cope

Problem is, almost all girls bang Chad a couple of times. Hence what the RedPill guys call "Alpha widows".

Chad has no problem fucking every girl in the room, with little to no standards. But he will only commit to one or none at all. So too many girls dream of hooking Chad into a long-term relationship.

The "Stacys" who date "Chads"

A.k.a. almost all women.

I also dream of hooking a very attractive girl in a long term relationship, but I probably won’t. I’ll probably settle for someone who looks similar to me, and we’ll both wish we had more attractive partners, but at the same time love each other for reasons other than physical attraction.

Just because girls want to fuck Chad, doesn’t mean you should damn them all to hell.

The difference is that your 5/10 wife will settle for you after being pumped and dumped 10-20 Chads in her youth, meanwhile you'll "settle" with her while having never fucked a single good looking female in your life.

But I have... never mind why am I even here

Rare to see someone with sense being upvoted around here

lol are you serious i would date anyone

Honest question: what’s the point of posts like this? Or the “daily reminders...” posts? Does posting stuff like this genuinely make you feel better about your situation? It seems like just perpetuating a cycle of depression, so what’s the point?

To prevent oneself from hoping. We begin to hope, and it eventually leads to a deeply painful despair. If we never hope, we'll never get hurt. At least, not that much. The pain would be bearable.

yes i call it incel protection mechanism

Because It's the truth

acceptance is a major step in getting over something that is causing you emotional pain.

A lot of people are in denial and its keeping them from getting to the other stages necessary to actually get better.

It helps us gain motivation to rope.

for triggering cucks with facts


they hurt

not so much when they aren't facts or aren't real

but they are and triggered you in this case

So, if they're facts then they're be easily provable... so, go ahead and supply some proof.

nah this thread is an obvious fact such as sky being blue. onus on you to disprove it. also the fact that your triggered is that your posting here furiously.

Haha, exactly

If you ever want to become depressed, watch Friday Night Lights.

Fuck, this hits hard because I’m 15 and I see this shit IRL daily.

Makes my blood boil

Completely right, but it wasn't behind your back. It was in front of your face, you just didn't notice.

I just want to point out that the average age(USA) for sex is 17. Not saying 15 y/os aren't out there having sex, but that's not a norm.

Who cares sex is not everything anyways.

Flat af

Holy cope

I’m not an incel I’m just sayin she’s flat af 🤷🏽‍♂️


What an awkward looking kiss.

This reminds me of the cuck humiliation stuff that I read online lol

you know they actually start at around 13 right? 15 isnt even that early

Depends where you live. I was 16, lots of the girls were 14. Most of my friends were 15-17 first timers.

ya i was 15 but i remember the "cool" kids getting laid in 8th and 9th grade so

I know tons and tons of girls who didn't start fucking at the age of 15. I don't know if losing your virginity at that age is part of American culture, but whatever.

American and same, I think maybe 10% of my high school was sexually active and for every chad and Stacey there were 10 fat emo kids and stage crew weirdos nobody else would want to sleep with anyways.

Because lack of energy and general retardation, for me atleast. Lot's of incels would elaborate in great detail though as the situation requires so don't take that as a whole. This conversation is as pointless as our existence.

To prevent oneself from hoping. We begin to hope, and it eventually leads to a deeply painful despair. If we never hope, we'll never get hurt. At least, not that much. The pain would be bearable.

Because It's the truth

acceptance is a major step in getting over something that is causing you emotional pain.

A lot of people are in denial and its keeping them from getting to the other stages necessary to actually get better.

They dont...

I'm not incel and completely understand what is being said in this post...

It helps us gain motivation to rope.

for triggering cucks with facts