Fatcel is...

64  2018-03-25 by TrumpxClinton

...Neither volcel or truecel since you can't truely know until they lose weight. Hence, I argue we call it Schrödingercel.


Not really, it's just rare cases where jawlines and body figure is significantly changed. Most of the time you just look better at lower body fat.

99% of fat guys look better after they gymmax.


You guys remind me if the birds from finding Nemo except instead of repeating "mine!" you just say "cope!" over and over again.


Usually volcel but there are people who truly looks like shit while thin. However, the vast majority of women would rather an ugly thin dude than a good looking lardass. Being ugly and fat is a double death sentence.

If you're a fatcel, your opinions are rope or LDAR

Or, y'know, fitmaxxing.

Rippedcels look like ugly bodyguards

I'm just doing it to not have to deal with health issues as I age.

Oh, if it's for your own sake then do it. However don't fitmax thinking you'll get a girl. An incel is an incel no matter what, remember that.

I keep it everpresent in my mind.

Other way round. Face beats fat.

It's hard to have a good face when fat

If you cut weight and lift weights, the odds that your luck with women GO DOWN as a result are pretty damned low.

I'm not an incel, but when I cut 40 pounds and started lifting I went from having to choose bottom-tier women to being able to snag 4s and 5s.

If you can start looking decently ripped (i.e. SHOW FUCKING ABS) just go to a singles mixer and walk around with a drink.

UNDOUBTEDLY some chick will approach you and start talking to you.

Explain to me in what situation when you are wearing clothes, will a woman be able to notice from a range that you have abs?

Didn't I say get ripped and go to beach parties?

Or other places where you can be shirtless

i honestly think i looked better fat, it hid my subhuman bone structure.

Cope. You're ugly subhuman trash either way

what am i coping with exactly? i know i’m subhuman

You're trying to cope by saying you look kinda better as a thincel. The truth is, Stacy's will never give you a chance as an incel.

He might do. Some fatcels looked better in a teddy bear kind of way.

i only get far with boobs and stomach i look like a hungry somalian kiw

The cherry-picked subhuman-to-Chad transformations posted by the more rabid fatty-haters don't reflect what normally happens. If you were very fat for a very long time, you likely have stretch marks, and you'll still have saggy loose skin after you drop the weight. If you were fat as a child and teenager, you were flooded with estrogen that gimped your bone development, and the social ostracization likely made you a mentalcel on top of being a fatcel. (Getting significantly overweight pretty much requires severe mental issues in the first place).

Fact is, unless you're so fat that you have to waddle everywhere, it's more than likely that weight loss, by itself, won't ascend you out of inceldom. There are lots of fatties who aren't incel because they're decent-looking even through the adipose tissue, just like there are lots of gymcels who are incel because their muscles can't hide their ugly faces or make them taller.

Fact is, it depends on the situation.

Best written post about fat-cels.

you have become blackpiller, destroyer of hopes.

am i cherry-picked subhuman-to-Chad transformation

Stretch-marks are rare and can be lightened, loose skin can be surgically removed.

Everyone looks better with less fat in their face.

Bone development (especially internal structure) is subject to Wolff's law (always changeable).

Schrödinger' s incel

Getting fit led to my ascension. Get fit now and waste less of your life, trust.

Did it really affect you in any way?

I went from basically 0 female interest to getting a 6 / 6.5 girl without any social effort. It was only a one night stand, and probably just convenient for the grill because we were in a different country, just lol at me, but it never would have happened if I were fat.

Losing weight is the best thing you can do. I'm in highschool and over the summer I lost about 35 pounds. Junior year has been great so far. My grades are better I ahve more friends, I'm more confident, I've gone to my first party, and I got a girlfriend. And I atribute most if that to losing weight

Losing weight and dressing better is what led to mine. It was literally night and day with how others perceived me. I also had to learn how to socialize with normies and occasionally I still sperg out or need a day to myself because of how hard it is sometimes to keep up the facade.

what am i coping with exactly? i know i’m subhuman