I like smart guys, tee hee

45  2018-03-25 by EvilBananaManRD


He could be a high school drop out and she would say that makes him suer hot.

Can you blame that woman? I mean, that guy is a maths professor.

Why can't she just say "he's super hot" without having to add in his intelligence as if that somehow makes him more or less attractive?

It adds to attractiveness. Finding out that a hot person is also smart is a huge turn on. Intelligence is very desirable, it just isn't enough to get women hot if that's all you have.

Cope. He's hot because of his looks.

I never said he washn't? Intelligence makes someone hotter, it won't make them hot.

The denial is strong with this one.

What's wrong with my statement? I find someone more attractive if they are also intelligent. There's more to attraction than just looks even though you need looks for a start.

Confidence makes people more attractive. Intelligence makes people more attractive. Being musically talented, athletic, or funny makes you more attractive. That's not an absurd concept.

Nope. Being attractive makes you attractive. Women like attractive men, men like attractive women. But only men admit this. Women come up with rationalizations. Is he good-looking and intelligent? I like him because he’s intelligent. Is he good-looking and outgoing? I like him because he’s so friendly. Is he good-looking and shy? I like him because he’s mysterious.

It’s just a rationalization because you don’t want others to view you as shallow, and you don’t want to think you’re shallow.

I think you've completely misread what I said, or you're purposefully ignoring the nuance.

You need to be physically attractive to be attractive. Yes. No-one is arguing with you there.

What I'm saying is that if you're already attractive but also (key word also, since apparently that wasn't emphasised enough) intelligent, then you are more attractive to a lot of people.

I don't even see how this is contentious, characteristics other than physical appearance can add to attractiveness - girls often absolutely fall over themselves for a charismatic singer or guitarist in a band, more than they would based simply on his looks, because being a musician is hot. They don't even have to be well off, they could be absolutely poor and blow all their money on drugs, but they're still appealing because it's an attractive quality to a lot of people.

Similarly, if there's a hot guy/girl who's also got a degree in biochem, that's really fucking hot too.

Being a guitarist, scientist, or author isn't going to be enough to make you attractive on its own, but it absolutely will make you more attractive if you don't already look bad.

No, I argue that it doesn't matter if you're intelligent or not if you're already attractive. You disagree. There we have a fundamental disagreement that can't be solved in any way.

There are different degrees of attractiveness. If you seriously thing people can only be attracted to physical appearance, I don't know what to say to you - it just isn't true.

Two identical looking people with different qualities won't be equally as desirable. That's just a fact.

I think everything else after physical appearance is just justification of your own behaviour.

Intelligence is perceived through the looks, look up Matt Bomer and Max Hamilton. They are both good looking, but bomer looks like a very smart handsome man while Hamilton looks like a high testosterone ape that dropped out of high school

Maybe, but the keyword is adds. Women don't give a shit if you're smart and ugly.

Yeah that's what I was implying.

Women will never admit they're shallow. Both men and women are shallow, but men are just too blunt to even disguise it.

So women often justify their horniness by pointing at whatever secondary trait they can find

Hot guy wearing a potato sack = "I always loved potatoes"

Male model wearing glasses = "Smart is the new sexy"

Hot guy making the cheesiest joke ever = (laughs her lungs out) "I love guys with a sense of humor"

Don't you remember that time on Ellen's show when they brought a 16-year-old grocery bagger and the audience laughed like maniacs at everything he said? "I work at Target" "OH HAHAHA SO FUNNY".

Don't want to look shallow even she is.

Although, to be honest, with a guy like that it is probably a huge bonus.

Literally math prof rockstar.

Most good-looking guys are dull in their personality. I don't think they have enough intelligence in them despite of females thinking they do.

Good-looking people usually have no personality and are terribly slow-minded.

Why? Because they don't need culture or mental skills. They're pretty.

And so you end up with Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry and such saying the dumbest shit ever.

Why the hell do I write essays on Brave New World for

This isn't true this false belief stems from envy and jealousy. Extremely attractive men like the one above all tend to develop the same personality, misogynists and douchebags however they are not socially inept as being beautiful also makes you high I.Q

Jennifer Lawrence recently said that she dropped out of school at like 14, and it shows because she's in her mid 20's and still acts like an 11 year old.

No coincidence that she's barely above average lol

Most good-looking guys are dull in their personality.

They aren't very succesful either. Think about how many chad looking fuckers become State leaders, multibillionaires, succesful in academics etc. All ugly men. Why? Because ugly men HAVE to do it if they want good quality pussy. All men live for the same reason, to get pussy. The better pussy, the better.

That is why some men are working 110 hours a week for several years, so that they can become succesful. That is why all the state leaders weren't SUPER good looking. Especially in dictatorships, where unlike democracy you have to work for it and not just say what the public wants to hear.

So why is their personality shit? Because they don't need to have a good personality, same reason they don't become super succesful. Because they will get pussy either way, so why bother?

No wonder woman hate capitalism. All those low SMV guys making companies. A true crime against woman :(.

Most state leaders aren't good looking, because they are old. Most of them were quite cute in their youth.

Look at young joe biden and trudeau, they were slaying back in the day

Look at Putin. Realest in the game, went from bottom to top. Saddam Hussein was ugly as shit. Miguel Hidalgo was a midget. Napoleon wasn't very handsome either. Lenin, Stalin all weren't very pretty. Stalin had crazy scars in his face. Mao wasn't pretty either. Bill Gates wasn't either, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk was inceltier, now name all the guys who were Chads during their youth and became the most powerful men in the world. Naming American presidents is laughable btw, democracy is one of the worst ruling systems in the world.

Most of these men had no trouble meeting women in their youth, before they became rich and powerful. Putin married a very beautiful woman, Stalin was a very good looking man in his youth (he also wrote poetry, romantic AF). Lenin and Napoleon weren't ugly either.

Trump was a very good looking man in his youth, Trudeau is still very good looking, and so is the French president.

Trudeau is still slaying.

Top tier lol if you think this is true. Good looking people are also higher I.Q ever study ever testing that hypothesis came to that conclusion, real genetically elite top 0.01% people literally cannot fail at life

If this guy is tall as well, he's a true genetic elite.

Oh he could definitely join the r/GENETICELITES club he's an 8/10.

Google: "How tall is Pietro Boselli"

6' 1"



Mmmmmhhhh pretty sure he's "super hot" because he's hot. r/Ladyboners wasn't lining up to give me a blowjob when I got an acceptance letter to Dartmouth.

You should have just gone to the bar to pick up again.

Dartmouth is a school, not a bar bud.

Oh ok, so there isn't a pub around there or across the river? Fucking hell, maybe you're not really cut out for this whole typing back and forth thing.

  1. I didn't even end up going to the school. Idek if there is or isn't a bar there because I would have been 18 at the time, and not allowed inside for another 3 years.

  2. "...Not really cut out for this whole typing back and forth thing" yet you randomly bring up going to a pub out of fucking nowhere?

This guy is part of the genetic elite. He's good looking as hell (I give him 8.5 or 9 on truerateme, mogs dontcomplain1) and also smart as hell (phD in engineering). Fuck this man.

I would fuck him too

I can feel the smart emanating from his muscles 🤔

The more you people post pictures of men, the more I think that you want them rather than women.

I would rather be gay, not being attracted to femoids is a blessing. Unfortunately I'm cursed as a heterosexual

lol what makes you think those hot guys would go to you anyways even if you're gay.

Men have lower standards for pump and dumps because we have less to lose compared to women who evolutionary risk 9 months of pregnancy everytime they have sex.

That's why women never date down, and seek only Chads (90% of college sexual experiences are achieved by 10% of males according to one study). Thousands of years of evolutionary programming prevents women from wasting their valuable eggs on a genetically inferior males sperm.

The more you comment on pics of cats, the more I think you're a sick bastard who's into beastiality.

"no homo bruh"

Idk as a girl I don't think this look is attractive at all, it seems super vain. 10/10 would NOT fuck.



I mean I've had partners before and this just isn't my type, not sure why that'd be upsetting for y'all unless you're literal masochists

You're not necessarily lying. It's just that every time we hear "I wouldn't fuck him, not my type" it takes the girl hours before fucking the guy. Seen it happen too many times, it's actually hilarious.

You'd be the exception to the pattern.

Understandable, I definitely feel like an outlier when it comes to what I find attractive. But I will say, a lot of girls do choose a consistent mate for personality over looks.

Looks are def what makes you initially approach someone, but personality is what makes you stay.

Looks are def what makes you initially approach someone, but personality is what makes you stay.

Which is why guys at r/TheRedPill, r/MGTOW, r/PurplePillDebate and such complain about the situation. Like Chris Rock said, "She'll never be happy with you, you weren't her first choice".

Unless you're the guy that gets her off you're a shoulder to cry on and a bill-payer. Not always, but in too many cases.

Try r/DeadBedrooms. Countless marriages ended because she just can't feel horny about him.

I mean the guy that "gets me off" has always been someone I have feelings for. I don't exactly have a ""orgasmic"" time with people I don't cats about emotionally

I think y'all think too much in binary terms. Like attraction is nuanced and personal, you can't just assume every person is attracted to the same type of guy. It's not like that.

What is going through femoids heads when they say things like this? This is why waifus are better.

I can't tell if the shit that gets commented here is satire or not. But thanks for the laugh.

The chad gymcel

Isn't he an engineer and Math guy? Vastly smarter than hurr-durr I fix networks in IT.

Like Dolph Lundgren, basically a Nazi experiment to maximise human genetic potential of a white person. Genetic engineering can't come soon enough.

Isnt this the frame cel?

His shoulders are wider than his hips which is good, but not by much. It might just be this pic tbh, his Instagram is filled with pics where he looks much bigger.

Why can't she just say "he's super hot" without having to add in his intelligence as if that somehow makes him more or less attractive?

No coincidence that she's barely above average lol

I think you've completely misread what I said, or you're purposefully ignoring the nuance.

You need to be physically attractive to be attractive. Yes. No-one is arguing with you there.

What I'm saying is that if you're already attractive but also (key word also, since apparently that wasn't emphasised enough) intelligent, then you are more attractive to a lot of people.

I don't even see how this is contentious, characteristics other than physical appearance can add to attractiveness - girls often absolutely fall over themselves for a charismatic singer or guitarist in a band, more than they would based simply on his looks, because being a musician is hot. They don't even have to be well off, they could be absolutely poor and blow all their money on drugs, but they're still appealing because it's an attractive quality to a lot of people.

Similarly, if there's a hot guy/girl who's also got a degree in biochem, that's really fucking hot too.

Being a guitarist, scientist, or author isn't going to be enough to make you attractive on its own, but it absolutely will make you more attractive if you don't already look bad.