IT is the worst reddit community to ever exist

78  2018-03-25 by GeneticCleansing

IT is a group of numales and fems who harass and make fun of lonely, low value virgin males. They get upset that we realize the truth of the world, so they feel the need to lash out against us.

This would be like a community called NiggerTears where white people make fun of black people who realize the truths and injustices of the world they live in. Make fun of the black "victim mentality", tell them that it is their personality that is the problem, and then just mock them for being black. "Poor little blacky, look at you, how does all that melanin feel like?" (Poor little virgin, look at you, how does the lack of pussy feel like?)

IT is an internet version of the KKK. If IT was an IRL community (like the KKK), and people who browsed incel boards were identifiable IRL (like black people), we would 100% be getting lynched daily by IT posters.


Well said

I agree with you OP.

Great parallels.

I got it from the great u/rippedrichascended :)

It was a great sub. I'm thinking of remaking it.

Thanks for sharing the comparison brother, it's a powerful one.

I am glad to be fighting the good fight alongside you and our fellow incels.

As a blackcel myself, I wholeheartedly agree

Thank you for the support, brother.

I talked to you about Neanderthals the other day. If you're black you don't have any Neanderthal in you

No always true, some tribes do have neander dna and some don't depends from where he is.

Why does that matter? Neanderthals are ugly as fuck. Women like masculine homo sapiens.

I disagree with you but it'll be fun to see how someone will screencap it and post on their sub as the proof of your misogyny.

It's so fucking mean. It is bullying and it isn't right, I see so many people on here who are depressed and suicidal. I couldn't ever understand bullying and belittling people who are so sad and lonely and not causing any harm then telling them that it's their own fault that they're being bullied. It's high school politics all over again. Find the smallest, saddest kids at the party and just rip them to shreds for... Reasons?

Like ngl I see a lot of toxic shit on this sub too, but from understanding the place it's coming from just ignore it if it really offends you. I've posted on here and got shit for coming from a place of ignorance, which is understandable, but there's no need to make a spectacle of people who are already vulnerable and feel worthless. If IT really wanted to help they would spread positivity and kindness and awareness. I see some of the things that get posted on here and on IT and there's no other way to describe it than deliberate cruelty.

Thank you so much for being understanding of our plight.

Aha it's okay. No need to thank me, I just don't think it's fair that the response to some of the shitty posts you see on here is just hoards of bullies being nasty to people they don't know or understand and thinking that it's justified because "misogyny".

Oh a girl who's sympathetic to incels. That's rare.

Not sure if sarcasm or genuine, but thank you šŸ˜Š x

Nah. It's not sarcasm. It's rare to find girls who don't cry "misogyny" or "entitlement" after spending like five minutes on this sub. So thank you for being understanding.

Aha it's okay. No need to thank me for not trashing people for being lonely, just trying to be nice. It's pretty sad that you guys aren't used to that, you deserve better, and I whole heartedly mean that.

I see plenty of misogyny and entitlement on here myself, but I don't understand the need to put that person on blast when I don't understand the place it's coming from, and that person has probably got far more upsetting issues going on than the misogyny or the entitlement.

I mean, all those things can be true at the same time. Making statements like "all women are X" is typically going to be misogynistic and you see that all the time here. Realizing that doesn't mean you can't have sympathy for incels.

IT really wanted to help they would spread positivity and kindness and awareness

What are some ways we could do this? (I'm not saying I identify with IncelTears, but I do get sickened by the bullying and name-calling that incels are subject to courtesy of IT visitors and other randos.)

If there can be a game plan or some sort of strategy for creating positivity, kindness, and awareness, I'd love to get in on that. I can't stand some of the awful things I've seen said on here (by people who clearly weren't incels themselves).

Being kind. Not jumping to conclusions that when someone posts something a little shocking that it means they are horrible. Not coming into the sub and posting if we are going to run over to IT and make fun of people on the sub. Not making fun of people on the sub. Not trying to fix peoples lives with random bits of advice, but realising that the issue here is half society driven and half mental health related, and "think positive" and "work out" just don't work. Just being nice people. I'm sure everyone on IT knows how to be a nice person irl, just extending the courtesy on here. At the end of the day this is a support sub filled with lonely, sad and depressed people. Realising that and having a bit of compassion goes a long way.


I wish more of the non-incels who came here had this attitude.

Me too.


realising that the issue here is half society driven and half mental health related, and "think positive" and "work out" just don't work. Just being nice people.

Tbh, most of this can be applied to the Internet, depending on the community. But I agree regardless.

thank you for your opignion , but why are you in this sub?

I'm not gonna lie I found this through inceltears because of some YouTube video I watched weeks ago. I stuck around because I kinda relate to some of the stuff that gets said here.

I think that you guys get some much flak from randoms from outside the sub. it might be nice to have someone come in and not be a dick?

Is that okay? I kinda get this is an exclusive type thing. I never really asked anyone before I started to comment on stuff and give my opinion.

nah nah its cool i was just woundering why would someone be interested in incels , maybe r/foreveralone will suit you better

It's not so much the sexlessness of it it's more the social isolation side that I feel I can relate to an extent.

b-b-buh were just mocking misogynee

Wait... You're actually comparing what happens here... and come on, you're kinda asking for it... to racism?

You're not oppressed stop acting like victims.

You're not oppressed stop acting like victims.

If you just knew my race you would act like I was a victim by default. But if you add my race and my Incelness together, I am suddenly no longer a victim.

You're not a victim just by being an incel. Comparing it to racism is really farfetched.

I doubt you've ever experienced racism to even comment on it. I literally experience it everyday, being treated like a dangerous thug by everyone around me. It is not much different from being rejected due to being ugly and a virgin

No one can tell you're a virgin by looking at you. Incels aren't discriminated against just by being incels.

The other Incels have already documented many instances of women mocking women and statistics about women strongly preferring against virgins. As for being ugly, it has been an accepted fact since the beginning of human civilization that ugly=death. Again, you are neither a person of color nor a particularly hideous individual so you would not know.

The other Incels have already documented many instances of women mocking virgins and statistics about women strongly preferring against virgins. As for being ugly, it has been an accepted fact since the beginning of human civilization that ugly=death. Again, you are neither a person of color nor a particularly hideous individual so you would not know.

Yes they can. I don't have a girlfriend. Anybody can see that I'm too low value.

Not having a girlfriend is a sign of oppression/discrimination?


How is you not being desired as a sexual/romantic partner oppression.

Because it means all the girls see me as subhuman and beneath them.

That is not oppression and it could only maybe be seen as discrimination from a natural selection point of view.

Plenty of people who are butt ugly still manage to find partners.

So white people seeing blacks as subhuman or Nazi seeing Jews as subhuman isn't oppression? How is this any different?

It has nothing to do with race/religion is how it is different. You're assuming that you're seen that way, you are not being institutionally discriminated against because of how you look like in both the examples you gave.

Yes I am. Girls treat me different because I'm ugly. They see me as subhuman. That's discrimination.

That implies you have a right to their attention. You don't.

Their treatment of you might be considered natural selection but it's not discrimination.

Yes it is.

If you truly believe that, I pity you and you may be a lost cause.

Pull your head out of your ass. You and the people you put on a pedestal are not important, period.

People don't actively discriminate against you, in reality they probably don't know you exist. Most people don't really acknowledge that the majority of the population don't give two shits about them but that's a fact of life.

You're not oppressed you're just taking the human experience in an all too personal way. It is just humanity. We're animals and you are absolutely on a level playing field but you get caught up in the inconsequential.

If you're under the age of 25, fuck off... You have no idea how the world works and you might as well go back to high school. If you're over... You should know drinking this koolaid will only cause more hardship. T

People don't have to actively discriminate against someone. "Oh I'm not racist. I just think all niggers are thugs who look like monkeys". That's discrimination even though he's doing nothing to hurt black guys.

You're giving a straw man argument. The position you present yourself as in cannot be actively oppressed, you're playing a nonexistent victim card. You are actively trying to make yourself sound as inadequate as possible.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot.

I'm hoping you're just a troll cause that world view is not accurate and toxic.

It's not nonexistent. I'm a victim. Of girls. Who actively discriminate against me.

You're a victim of your own self image. Nothing more.

No one can control who likes them and no one can control who they like. That's just something that is ingrained on a more primal level. A level we're not far removed from.

At worst, you're a side affect of natural selection, meaning your blood line is dead and no one of that lineage could change that.

At best, you accepted that, like all of us you are insignificant and that tapping into any of these extremely unwise moves... you'd just be reminded by someone like me but... far less forgiving and... merciful.

Now imagine telling the same to a black guy. That racism doesn't exist and it's his own self image. It's his fault he was born a subhuman with ugly features which only means he could work as a slave.

Cut the straw man shit, seriously.

Being black is nothing like claiming to be incel... incel being something that can only be self-identified not assigned by some one outside your head.

You are not a discriminated minority, you are self-defeating nerds that can't get past a couple of girls ignoring them in high school. You are your own worst enemy.

Grow the fuck up and actually see the forest for the trees. The only person saying you're an incel is you and no one in public has seen you and confused you for anything other than a punk.

Swallow your pride I know you're in a corner.

Yes it is. I showed you all the ways it is the same. Incel isn't something you identify with. It's something you are. If girls think you're ugly, you're an Incel.

Dude... No, for the last time no. The shit these idiots discuss is idiotic.

I will be surprised if you're not still in high school.

Do you want to find actual happiness? Drop this incel shit and don't look back. Otherwise all your pain is gonna be selfinflicted.

It's not idiotic. It's the truth. And I'm not in high school. I'm 21 and an adult. Also my pain isn't self inflicted. It's inflicted by girls.

Girls are not some out of reach alien species. They're human beings just like all of us. They aren't doing anything to you, like all of us they're acting in their own self interest and how can you judge That?

Humans are humans. We're social creatures for sure but don't assume the people you really want around want you and respect that lots of people won't.

You should tell that to girls. That ugly guys aren't some alien species and are not subhuman.

They know that already. That's why it's on you.

No they don't. That's why they treat me like subhuman.

You're giving women a lot more power than they have man.

Besides you couldn't possibly have met enough for that to be true.

I'm not giving them any power. They already have it. That's like saying blacks give white men power.

Stop bringing race into something that has nothing to do with it. You're already unappealing no need to make it worse.

But yeah... they have power cause you gave it to them. Theoretically you could just stop giving a shit what they thought and experience infinite bliss. But you keep concerning yourself with something you can't control and that's what other people think. You have no control over that. The more you attempt to the more pathetic you look.

It has everything to do with it. It's exactly the same.

Boo fucking hoo.

Pull your head out of your ass and act like a rational adult.

How is that any different than most incels see women?

Isn't respect, like, a two way street?

Yes. Girls don't give respect. So they don't deserve respect.

Iā€™m at the bar with two girls, they seem to be respecting me.

So idk what youā€™re talking about

Yeah because you're not ugly. Also, nice humblebrag you sick cunt.

Theyā€™re people, just treat them like people.

And thanks!

They are the ones who don't treat me like a person.

The fact that you said ā€œtheyā€ tells me youā€™re thinking about it wrong.

You should say ā€œthis one woman I talked too was mean, so now I donā€™t try anymore.ā€

Women are individuals, each one is different.

Women all _____. You canā€™t finish that statement, because each one is different.

I don't think you understand anything about incels and what our message is... before commenting anymore ignorant comments I recommend lurking

Been lurking long enough to know most of the people here are just trolling.

You've never had a coherent message besides misogyny and hatred for those who you see as cheating you out of partners.

Calling my comments ignorant and turning around and claiming to be able to make broad generalization about relationships and women when you by nature of being an incel couldn't possibly be qualified to make is a little delusional.

white guy lecturing people on racism, and non-incel lecturing people on inceldom.

go away

Incel compares not getting laid to institutional racism.

Incel still doesn't get laid.

You're actually comparing what happens here... and come on, you're kinda asking for it... to racism?

there's a lot of crossover honestly, just look at how indiancels are treated

in other words it's intersectional

You're not oppressed stop acting like victims.

exactly what the bourgeoisie said to the marxists

stop gaslighting

I'm not seeing much to support the comparison to racism. Being an incel is nothing like a race, you're self identifying with inceldom it's not something you're born with.

I'm not seeing much to support the comparison to racism.

people want to kill incels and they make random racist comments against indians and muslims

you're self identifying with inceldom it's not something you're born with.

not identifying with inceldom wouldn't make me not an incel

No one wants to kill incels they just enjoy fucking with you cause you can't appreciate hyperbole or humor in general.

And yes, identifying with inceldom makes you an incel... nothing else. Looks are subjective and if you actually had the confidence to look in a mirror on your own without someone cheering you on you'd realize that life is sooooo much less complicated than you out to be.

We're just mammals navigating nonsense that means nothing... You are held back by your perception of society, not trying to get too deep but that's what is stopping you.

Looks are subjective


We're just mammals navigating nonsense that means nothing

nihilist garbage

Absolutely true.

Make fun of the black "victim mentality", tell them that it is their personality that is the problem, and then just mock them for being black. "Poor little blacky, look at you, how does all that melanin feel like?"

this is basically what alt-right subs do tho isn't it

last I checked they were banned too


lol there are tons of instances of the right mocking people as "snowflakes"


Just a few hours ago they had a post where they made fun of a starving african child. How is that even allowed?

Oh wait a sec.. that was this group.

Did we deny food from the child? Did we strike down the child?

Did you deny a conversation space for Incels? Did you bully Incels?

Inceltears doesnt deny you sex or strike you down, either. But you guys sure seem to whine a lot about them regardless.

Inceltears doesnt deny you sex or strike you down, either.

I did not say that. Is that people mean when they say "Strawmanning"?

Inceltears doesnt deny you sex or strike you down,

I never said they did, did I? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Besides, there is a lot to complain about when I am the modern incarnation of a monster. Not only am I built like and have a face like a monster, I am the same people that the media has spent decades making out to be a monster. I would not doubt that if I was alone with you on a train carriage, that you would seek to move right away. How is a person supposed to live like this?

Let me ask you one simple question. Forget the self pity stuff because that is not what I came here to discuss.

Is it in any way ok to make fun of starving african children?

I have starved at times in my life. Am I not allowed to make fun of myself?

Considering one is a joke not even targeted at belittling the kid, and the other is a group of people systematically bullying and derailing Incel groups, there is very much difference.

You guys get systemically bullied because of posts like that and because of the rampant misogyny.. hell you guys donā€™t even seem to view women as human.

You arenā€™t being bullied by inceltears because of who you are, but because of how you act.

Considering the misogyny here is mostly contained to internet boards rather than IRL, what's your issue? Incels are by in large too passive IRL to do anything harmful, I don't think most Incels even go out anymore. I don't even think most Incels even vote. Go get your efforts somewhere useful like working at a woman's shelter, or is bullying societal rejects more fun?

Also interesting how you call me misogynistic yet I have not said anything misogynistic. Same generalization tactics that the alt-right uses.

I said ā€œyouā€ as in braincels, not you personally.

Basically what I can gather here is that all the insulting, misogynist stuff braincels says about almost all women and other men is completely ok as far as you guys are concerned.. but another group saying things about you is wrong and should be banned.

If you want to be treated fairly on reddit, first start by deserving it. Inceltears is simply the result of this toxic sub.

That would be a great trump card. Except Incels keep exclusively to themselves on Reddit due to being shunned elsewhere. You people come here directly to directly bully Incels.

I havenā€™t really bullied them, have I?

I just challenged their self serving way of thinking.

Not to mention we didnt bully the child nor wished for him to kill himself. IT cucks, the biggest hypocrites

Just a few hours ago they had a post where they made fun of a starving african child.

that is a malicious misreading right there

Don't go there it's legit suifuel of face palming. They want all of us to kill ourselves even if they don't say it outright. But if all of us rope what will become of that wretched place.

I donā€™t want anyone to kill themselves.

Fine but you're in a community where many do. That makes you just as bad as us by your own logic.

Fun fact: Some of us try to help.

If by helping you mean talking to incels for 10 mins, and then going back to IT, telling them that incels are the worst scum of earth... then yea, you are helping them.

By making thousands of alt accounts and posting troll posts on them for years. Your peoples words, not mine.

The only person Iā€™ve ever made fun of is the one who sent me messages saying ā€œrape is fucking AWESOME and literally all women deserve it.ā€

I make fun of people around here all the time. They secretly like it.

And that guy is laughing at you for taking that big ass bait. Good job, moron.

I called him out for trolling and heā€™s repeatedly insisted heā€™s serious. I donā€™t know what to think.

You're not exactly proving your point, he sounds like the average 4chan shitposter and you're to naive too see it. You probably went in a long, meaningless discussion with him before you put him on inceltears so congratulations. You just made sure he'll keep trolling for much longer and made this place worse in the process.

Good fucking job.

Tried tellling her that.

Should I start whining about that one IT user who shat on me in my pms and called me scum for opinions I don't even hold? Then it would be even.

Well, i got her to delete her account. Probably for the best.

No answer? Because you're STILL fucking doing it.

Doing what?

Taking the bait like some naive child.

He said that he was purposely trying to be provocative but heā€™s also dead serious.

And I am a naive child. Iā€™m 17.

Then you should leave because you are actively making this subreddit a worse place.

Sure I am.

You're giving trolls the attention they want and thus you are enabling them to keep trolling and you can't even see it.

Was he also trolling when he told that girl she was a whore for being sexually assaulted?

Probably, yeah. I've just seen your comments on that suicide stream and you seem so obviously naive. Spend some time on 4chan and you'll soon see who's being an edgy shitposter and who's not.

So either get a thicker skin or leave, this sub is obviously not for you.

Everyone here is a fucking sociopath.

I know for a fact thats not true. I don't like repeating myself but you're just too naive for this place. It would probably be best for both you and us if you just left.

If you wanna keep hanging around incels for some reason, join Board_Gaming's discord then or something.


Are you talking to me? Iā€™m not fabricating anything.


I can private message you all the shit he sent me.


Oh yeah. I canā€™t private message you. I could just post everything on here. Right here. In this comments section.


They are nazis. They want authoritarian control of speech and eugenics.

yeah fuck off with that nigger crap. black crime is real. I got beaten up by negroid high schoolers for no reason. the cops did jack shit

just an analogy, since the IT cucks wouldn't dare to say it if it was the other way around.


Only complete losers browse incels/braincels and inceltears; both subs are on par with each other.

Username checks out.

I don't know, I never get featured in the posts on IT... what is wrong with me?

With all due respect. I don't think you understand what IT is supposed to showcase. It's not supposed to ridicule incels (common misconception, so I don't blame you). But rather the extremist incels, you know? Those that advocate for the genocide of women.

The top posts there say otherwise cuck

Let's not jump straight into insults, shall we? Anyway, the top posts over there (atleast from what I have seen) involve "Incels" saying that Women shouldn't be able to vote, calling them 'femoids' etc etc. Then again, I'm not gonna be taking sides either. I can clearly see how IT is just as extremist.

There's literally a post on this sub right now exposing an IT comment that says how glad they are that we are killing ourselves, and that we should be encouraging them to commit suicide / giving them the tools to commit suicide.

I went over to IT to check it out, and the comment had a ton more upvotes than it did before it was posted to here.

Alright! Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not denying it. I just couldn't find the comment myself...

Anx just like that, silence

Jeez! Yeah, that is scummy. Well, thank you for enlightening me, I'm leaving that community ASAP.

Is that why I can go and read comments there saying the world would be better off all incels just killed themselves?

No, no. You're right, I'm sorry.

Bullshit. You pick the worst of us and then paint us all like that.

Your community does nothing about the worst of you.

you mean like you do with women and non-incel men?

Yes, I've recently learned that. Thank you again for letting me know what I was getting myself into.

Y'all seem to have this fascination with the idea of everyone wanting to kill you because your fugly. I'll be honest I never seen someone in the street and gone damn they so ugly I wana kick their head in. On the other hand people who talk about raping others and doing the horrible shit y'all seem to be into do upset me. I would still never cause you harm but you get yo ass I'm calling the cops and letting them no there is an unstable individual roaming the streets

Without laws, I wouldn't doubt that the villagers would have formed an angry mob and driven me out of town years ago.

And the majority of rape happens between a man and woman who has known each other for some time. Women are too afraid to let me even talk to them, so I have no chance at that, which I don't want.

How-dee-doo-da pardner.


Youā€™re going to call the cops because someone looks unstable?

I never said I would call the cops because someone looked unstable. I said if I came across someone who talks like y'all do I would call the cops. For a community who loves to play the victim y'all sure behave like psychopaths who want to make everyone else the victims


This thread does not break any rules, please stop reporting it, kthxbai

IT is an internet version of the KKK


IT isnā€™t the very worst sub out there. Iā€™m pretty sure /r/rapekink is the worst and followed by a sub thatā€™s supposed to be a rateme version for teens, but instead itā€™s just teenage girls getting rated by grown men. Also /r/iamonalist. Donā€™t get me wrong though incel tears is pretty up there with despicable subreddits because itā€™s so pretentious and ignorant at the same time.

Thank you so much for being understanding of our plight.

Aha it's okay. No need to thank me, I just don't think it's fair that the response to some of the shitty posts you see on here is just hoards of bullies being nasty to people they don't know or understand and thinking that it's justified because "misogyny".

Oh a girl who's sympathetic to incels. That's rare.

That implies you have a right to their attention. You don't.

Their treatment of you might be considered natural selection but it's not discrimination.

IT really wanted to help they would spread positivity and kindness and awareness

What are some ways we could do this? (I'm not saying I identify with IncelTears, but I do get sickened by the bullying and name-calling that incels are subject to courtesy of IT visitors and other randos.)

If there can be a game plan or some sort of strategy for creating positivity, kindness, and awareness, I'd love to get in on that. I can't stand some of the awful things I've seen said on here (by people who clearly weren't incels themselves).

thank you for your opignion , but why are you in this sub?

Me too.

The fact that you said ā€œtheyā€ tells me youā€™re thinking about it wrong.

You should say ā€œthis one woman I talked too was mean, so now I donā€™t try anymore.ā€

Women are individuals, each one is different.

Women all _____. You canā€™t finish that statement, because each one is different.

Boo fucking hoo.

Pull your head out of your ass and act like a rational adult.


Looks are subjective


We're just mammals navigating nonsense that means nothing

nihilist garbage