61 2018-03-25 by MEME_CEL
1 AliennDNA 2018-03-25
Jesus christ, spilled beer all over my phone. i can't stop laughing
1 MEME_CEL 2018-03-25
Glad I made your ass laugh I keked aswell
1 Redcherry42 2018-03-25
Big if true
1 dontcomplain1 2018-03-25
"you are not bad" is actually a secret code for "you are ugly"
1 itsover99 2018-03-25
so much. Unless girls say you look pretty attractive or pretty hot it's over
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-03-25
I saw your picture and you're really hot like a model. I love your eyes
1 hyperconstruct 2018-03-25
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-25
what's your gender
Would you date the guy you're talking to?
not really, I'm scared he won't find me attractive since I don't look like a stacy
He mogs me facially by 0.5 points but i'm 6'4. send your pic to us
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-25
you are ugly
1 reallyuglyasianguy 2018-03-25
It means, "You're not good looking at all but I don't wanna hurt your feelings"
Are you seriously this good-looking in real life or have you had surgeries to enhance your looks?
1 Salvador66 2018-03-25
I am a Chadcel according to this meme.
1 WhereDidSerotoninGo 2018-03-25
What is that?
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-03-25
love how the incel has a laptop with the powercord plugged in. das me
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-03-25
And meanwhile chadcel's mouse isn't even plugged in kek
1 ChaddyMcChadface 2018-03-25
Chadcel should have been in a wheelchair or something...
1 TheIncelPill 2018-03-25
The IncelTears Virgin vs The Chad Braincel
1 alec7491 2018-03-25
Chad doesn't even need power for his pc
1 HiImCoolCool 2018-03-25
Chad doesn't even need a PC, guy is all hooked up with a monitor keyboard & mouse combo.
His superior brain IS the PC. He is connected to the internet via telepathy operating at 69 Terabits/s.
1 WalkinWaski 2018-03-25
Me on the right
1 Prettyfly_whiteguy 2018-03-25
nah the Chad would study his flaws and try to fix them.... the virgin just cries online about women hating him.
1 AliennDNA 2018-03-25
Jesus christ, spilled beer all over my phone. i can't stop laughing
1 MEME_CEL 2018-03-25
Glad I made your ass laugh I keked aswell
1 Redcherry42 2018-03-25
1 MEME_CEL 2018-03-25
Big if true
1 dontcomplain1 2018-03-25
"you are not bad" is actually a secret code for "you are ugly"
1 itsover99 2018-03-25
so much. Unless girls say you look pretty attractive or pretty hot it's over
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-03-25
I saw your picture and you're really hot like a model. I love your eyes
1 dontcomplain1 2018-03-25
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-03-25
1 hyperconstruct 2018-03-25
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-25
what's your gender
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-03-25
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-25
Would you date the guy you're talking to?
1 Lovemesometoasts 2018-03-25
not really, I'm scared he won't find me attractive since I don't look like a stacy
1 itsover99 2018-03-25
He mogs me facially by 0.5 points but i'm 6'4. send your pic to us
1 dontcomplain1 2018-03-25
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-25
you are ugly
1 reallyuglyasianguy 2018-03-25
It means, "You're not good looking at all but I don't wanna hurt your feelings"
1 reallyuglyasianguy 2018-03-25
Are you seriously this good-looking in real life or have you had surgeries to enhance your looks?
1 Salvador66 2018-03-25
I am a Chadcel according to this meme.
1 WhereDidSerotoninGo 2018-03-25
What is that?
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-03-25
love how the incel has a laptop with the powercord plugged in. das me
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-03-25
And meanwhile chadcel's mouse isn't even plugged in kek
1 ChaddyMcChadface 2018-03-25
Chadcel should have been in a wheelchair or something...
1 TheIncelPill 2018-03-25
The IncelTears Virgin vs The Chad Braincel
1 alec7491 2018-03-25
Chad doesn't even need power for his pc
1 HiImCoolCool 2018-03-25
Chad doesn't even need a PC, guy is all hooked up with a monitor keyboard & mouse combo.
His superior brain IS the PC. He is connected to the internet via telepathy operating at 69 Terabits/s.
1 WalkinWaski 2018-03-25
Me on the right
1 Prettyfly_whiteguy 2018-03-25
nah the Chad would study his flaws and try to fix them.... the virgin just cries online about women hating him.
1 HiImCoolCool 2018-03-25
Chad doesn't even need a PC, guy is all hooked up with a monitor keyboard & mouse combo.