
156  2018-03-25 by aidscel


How do you know that in dog-land, he's not "giga-dog-chad"?

Beauty is universally understood.

user reports:

1: Come on, it's a ridiculous thing to say. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" would be better.

what the fuck is this

stop saying things I disagree with!! Reported!!!

yeah people here are abusing the report function

do u always say cringey shit like this?

That dog is cute....Why does homeboy's grammar resemble a 5 year old's?

Why does homeboy's grammar resemble a 5 year old's?

Welcome to every shitty FB/twitter meme.

Why does homeboy's grammar resemble a 5 year old's?

Popularization of ebonics.

Mogs me.

that dog srs probably has a great personality. prolly chill, fun to hang with, likes to eat. girls dont notice those kind of things. a lot of guys can tho

...but the dog probably is those things...

Looks misogynistic to me

Puppers are always cute reeeee

He just needs to lift bro...

He seems like a gentle soul to settle down with after one's done having their youthful fun at the dog park. Nothing wrong with that!

Now picture that face on a human - incels.


Lay down and rollover?


cause he has thin doggo wrists

Has he tried showering like a good boy

Left pic looks almost identical to blackops2cel

I want to hug doggy

Since he's a dog he'd probably be able to mate with no difficulty.

True animal survival instincts etc.

Needs moar personality.

Inbreeding his pappy was a dog and his mammy was a dog

This dog mogs's over...

He's ugly probably because he's a misogynist deep down.

It’s clearly not worked on its personailty hard enough

He should treat bitches with respect

I can never find dogs ugly He's a cutie <3

Typical response


Femoids have more emapthy for ugly dogs than subhuman unattractive males.

cos in their paranoid mind a dog isn't going to rape them

Or maybe because dogs don't make up a whole subreddit to blame women for all their problems and claim every woman is a bitch who only cares about Chad cock

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

That's a big good boii and I would name him Chester. He looks like a Chester.

Dogcel looks sick and tired of the incel life.

negative canthal tilt

Seriously what's wrong with that dog

He is sub-canine

Aaaw, it's cute though. All dogs are cute.