I am going to kill myself

40  2018-03-24 by half_acre_lot



Goodbye,my friend,let's meet again in the next life

Me too.

damn, we're losing too many these days

are these confirmed?

only shotguncel gave us proof

damn. not sure how i feel about this..like i dont wish anyone death or harm but if theyre miserable and have no hope is it really "just" to let them suffer?

rope at 25, 30 but cope until then is the policy from incels

Do you have a link?

please! if you want to live until 25 or 30, then get the fuck out of this subreddit. The normies are literally here to drive you to an earlier suicide.

Between this comment and all the "hope your next life is better bro" (as if this was fucking Texas Hold-Em and you get another hand) comments, this place seems to be where personal responsibility goes to die.

I was a miserable, desperate virgin until twenty-four and I still have a hard time sympathizing with y'all.

Fuck twenty-five and fuck thirty. Anyone twisting in the wind hoping their life will magically change for the better one day should just rope now and get it over with.

Considering the fact that those people are killing themselves over issues they are not personally responsible for, it's a good thing that personal responsibility is excluded from the debate.

Yeah, personal responsibility is excluded from the debate alright, quite easy to do so when everything in one's life is framed in the context of what can't be controlled instead of what can.

Ironically, in the few final moments, as the noose tightens or the pills kick in, these people will make a startling realization: Their own thoughts and actions are a powerful force in shaping the world around them.

If everything in your life is under your control, good for you, but not everyone has it that easy.




Jack off first and see if you still feel like this

There's actually a Japanese word called Kenjataimu which refers to the clarity of thought achieved after an orgasm. 10/10 would recommend.



Please write to me

Nice, Ill join you soon.

We will go home, brother

I hope the afterlife is everything you have been looking for. I don't believe there is anything after death but if there is I hope your not incel there too... after all it's the same people down here who will be up there


i might soon.



I’m so sorry. I won’t encourage this but I won’t try and guilt trip you out of it either. I’m sorry.

this is anticlimactic.

thERe are othER ways to go about this. don't do it


I hope you don't go through with anything man, think about your family and friends, surely theres someone who cares for you, even if its your grandma or something. Do you really want to put them through this? I know how selfish it sounds to live miserably just so other people won't be sad, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't agree with you on that, but theres an entire world out there undiscovered, theres still a lot you can do in your life, and its worth sticking around to see what's out there

Shut the fuck up, asshole.

You owe yourself the chance to live bud.

How much of the world will you miss out on?

Stick around, experience life.

I do not live in the same world that you do

I mean, you live on the third planet from the sun yes? Terra Firma? Earth?

There’s much to experience. Give it a chance

I was born in hell and only death will release me

I've been there and I'm sorry you're feeling so low and trapped. No one deserves that. I urge you to get some help for yourself because shit changes in life.

Don't be dense, obviously thats not what he means by 'different worlds'

She's a foid. Did you expect her to actually address what he was saying?

Clearly not, I dont why most foids who come here are so fucking vapid.

"There’s much to experience. Give it a chance."

Unintentional irony. The calling card of your average oblivious normie.

Sex isn’t the only thing to life, and if you think it is, you’re stupid.

Of course it isn't, but if you think that's all this is about than you're even more stupid than I originally thought you were.

smh, that bitch's reply just might make me go off myself

Relationships aren’t either. You have worth outside of another human being.

No, we don't. Everyone lives for others, and if you don't then you're better off dead. And even if we didn't, why should that mean we should forego a crucial part of the human condition?

this sentence hit me hard, beautifully put

You put that much better and in much less words than I possibly could.

Thank you.

Dont be so pessimistic. You are finally going to free yourself from the pain. I might join you soon.

IT makes another victim.

God Speed hope whatever is on the other side is better than whats here

Damn, that's the 2nd one this weekend. Face-hit-by-lorry roped yday and now half_acre_lot. This is just unfair and brutal.

RIP brother. May your passage into the afterlife be an easy one!

Face hit by lorry roped? Can someone link me the thread

CmonBruh dont do it.

The black pill is a support group. This is what it supports.

Your people did this to me

the blood is on their roast flaps

what method are you using?

Helium mask

you already made one? live stream it so we can see you ascend your subhumanity

I haven't set it up yet. I will in time

make sure you know what you're doing, I don't know why any of us would rope now that we have incelistan

we can squeeze at least another year out of a cope like that

if you are serious and your mind cant be changed please don't livestream it, it will just be assholes celebrating your death

Everyone I've seen here trying to be supportive is getting downvoted which I can understand, but I don't agree with. I've been suicidal for years of my life, wishing I could just get back at everyone who treated me poorly by dying and leaving a note saying who's fault it was. I get the mentality, but if you do it, you lose. We live in a huge world where millions of people are dying all around us. When you kill yourself, you aren't' proving anything to anyone, you are probably only hurting the people who still care about you, and the people who pushed you to it will say "oh that's sad, I always tried to be nice to him" and move along with their day. Idk what you are living with, but I can guarantee you there are people in the world in the exact same boat as you who want to end it all, but fight through it and find something in life. If this motherfucker can find something, anything to apply himself to instead of just ending it, you can too. https://youtu.be/lWLrNKsHoiU

Im expecting to get hate for this, all I am saying is ANYONE can win at life enough to be satisfied with their existence, but if you do it, you lose, you made yourself lose, and there will never be any chance again of you winning.


I've been suicidal for years of my life (...) When you kill yourself, you aren't' proving anything to anyone

Killing yourself isn't about proving anything. lol, what a typically "depressed" "suicidal" normtard bullshit.

Shit if you're going to do it at least get some style points. That's the bitchiest cop out there is.

I mean, if you're going to do it that's probably the best way. That's what I always wanted but didn't know if I could do it right. But I hope you don't.

How? By trying to help? If you are offended by others attacking black pill ideas you are missing the point and have just identified with your parasite.

The black pillers and the manosphere only thrive in your misery. If it made men truly successful it would evaporate

Of course you stupidass blames the suport group and the manosphere, not society at large shitting on us and our struggles day in day out.

Support group...

The vast majority of men are neither Chad nor incel. The manosphere targets men who are struggling. There is no way it wouldn't seem bleak if you hung around there. You aren't even allowed to express any happiness. They ban you and call you a cuck or a cope

  1. Chads and incels are two opposites of the espectrum, we are not deniying that.

  2. I like how you say that "the manosphere targets..." as its some form of cult or uprising shit. And most men are really struggling these days, college debt, no male role models, MSM media saying all day everyday that men are scum, and even in the manosphere itself people invading our spaces trying to make us conform to the feminist imperative.

  3. It seems bleak to you because you are an outsider, if you had gone through the same experiences most of us have (social isolation, anxiety, experiencing lookism in first person), this sub would be funny as fuck, not "bleak".

Dude people torturing themselves and offing themselves is not good

you're a shit human

Blah blah blah. Scape goat.

what's a scape goat?

It's someone or something you blame to shelter another thing from guilt.

You’re the one encouraging the disabled to commit suicide.


By dening us basic humanity.

By not wanting us in society.

There is space for everyone. The world is huge.

You're all just too focused on pop culture. You wanna be generic Chads quarterback and generic Stacy cheerleaders

Try wanting to first hold hands with a girl...

I believe in you. And if you want help reach out to normies. Not to manosphere types who just want you to confirm their views

I already have norman friends.

Yea but if they haven't helped you can find others with a fresh perspective. The world is more complex then I suspect a lot of incels will have you think.

It's easy to get stuck in a rut with its own tunnel of perception.

My perception is fine.

I will be there with you soon brother.

Damn brother, i dont even know what to say. I just hope that the afterlife is better than this, we are gonna miss you bro.

Seeing posts like this is so upsetting. I hope you don't do it. It gets better, if anyone reading this feels the same.

it'll never get better unless we become CHADS or we become okay with being BETA BUXX

It's exactly that mentality that drives the suicide epidemic on this sub. It can always get better. Your mind can get better, your life can get better, with therapy and medication almost all mental health problems can be fixed, managed and lived with. It's so unfortunate that so many men commit suicide, and I find it honestly so upsetting that you would post that on a thread where this person has expressed a want to kill themselves. Getting better is possible. Killing yourself is not the answer.

I literally want to find a shank and bang an artery after reading that shit

just come clean, you normies just want to drive us to suicide right? do you get off to this shit?

Why would I want someone to commit suicide? I'm trying to explain to you why "it will never get better unless you become Chad" doesn't help. If you genuinely cared about the people on here who are hurting you wouldn't be commenting like that on a thread where someone is obviously considering suicide.

you're dangerously close to getting another kill, roastie

have mercy ya bitch I still want a few more years

If you're genuinely suicidal I'd implore you to get help too. You can't change your lot in life but therapy can change the way you view things. If you'd like to talk about how you feel, or just send me pages of abuse in hopes it feels better, feel free to dm me.

you can suck a fat chad dick and get the fuck out of this sub, we'll be fine

You do realize that suicide is preferable to daily suffering right.

I do. Suffering every day with no way out is one of the biggest trends amongst victims of suicide. I'm not here trying to tell people that it is wrong, I just know I'd rather see someone reaching out for help with their mental health before they end their lives.

We need plastic surgery

suicide epidemic

The suicide epidemic is the result of learning that over a decade of lies are basically just lies.

You have the cause and effect screwed up, honey.

People don't join this sub feeling happy with their lives. People come here after facing the harsh realities of this world.

I know why people join this sub. I'm not offended at all that someone feels like shit, I'm sorry if that's how what I was said was interpreted. I simply wanted to share that there are ways to help yourself before you end it all. I know I didn't consider therapy until I was told to, I know I won't be the only one.

Men struggle to get help with their mental health every day. Way more than women do. I just wanted to at least try to prevent someone from doing something horrible.

I don't think incels' issues should be reframed as purely mental health issues and then "fixed" with therapy. Yeah, you could work up some kind "therapy" that would condition a man to accept, say, virgin shaming, but I think it shouldn't be done. It's not my responsibility to not be offended when someone shames me for my lack of masculinity. It's their responsibility to not shame me. And if you're really making the case that unattractive lonely men need to be conditioned to accept the punishments they're subjected to, then there's no reason not to go a step further and suggest that women should also be stripped of equal rights and conditioned to accept their place in the kitchen or wherever it is that men decide to put them.

While I agree with all of that (except the analogy, not sure how mental health care = conditioning = misogyny. But that's okay.) therapy isn't about becoming conditioned to accept the injustices in life, it's about learning to process them in healthy ways while working your way through past trauma. Not letting being incel define the way you see yourself, for example.

Just to be clear I don't think therapy is a cure all either, I just couldn't see someone say they wanted to kill themselves and not at least try to encourage them to try therapy before they do.

not sure how mental health care = conditioning = misogyny

And that's exactly the problem with you. That's exactly why you are an evil person. You quite literally think that conditioning people to accept abuse is good and acceptable, and subsequently that the abuse itself is acceptable, as long as the victim isn't a woman. That's a disgusting view and you're a disgusting person.

fucken lol. get cancer and die bitch

That was pretty cruel. I didn't say anything nasty I don't think I deserved that.

there should be easily available free euthanasia centers, it would solve all of our fucking problems. instead we have useless fat whores like you spewing generic useless bs like that

I don't think it's useless. When I felt suicidal I never even considered that therapy would help me because I was completely sure that the problem was me, and that I felt the way I did because of my own actions. I thought therapy was useless except for people who had diagnosed mental illness. I never even considered that I could use therapy and medication till I was told by a friend that therapy changes the way you view yourself, not fixes your problems for you. I'd rather be telling people to get therapy and see if it helps than just ignoring people who are in pain.

This post is really the quintessence of the dismissive, unfair and downright evil attitude people like you have towards incels.

So there you have this group of men, who are lonely, who are penalized in various ways for their lack of attractiveness and masculinity, who are targets of harassment and bullying. They have it so bad that some of them are actually killing themselves over it. And then you come in. Do you propose to help such men in some way? Maybe stand up to virgin shaming, promote more realistic standards of male attractiveness, sympathy for those who just don't make it? No, you don't do that. Do you at least offer sympathy and acceptance for those of them who cannot bear with it any longer and decide to end it? No, you don't do even that - you berate them instead.

So, what do you suggest? Oh, you suggest that such men need to find ways to cope with the pressure, take all the punishment and never talk back or act out. And that they should pay for it too.

This kind of casual callousness is exactly why less fortunate men are killing themselves. You're the problem.

I never berated anybody. I was trying to explain how "it doesn't get better" does nothing to help either.

I didn't mean to cause shit here, I just genuinely felt horrible for the suicidal guy and decided to comment and it's all snowballed from here. I wish I knew how to help but clearly I've just done the opposite so I'm sorry, to all of you.

I didn't mean to cause shit here

Yes, that's why I called your callousness casual. You weren't even specifically seeking to hurt anyone. You just did it by default because that's just who you are - somebody who abuses others as part of her daily life.

I wish I knew how to help

In your particular case a good way to help would be to either change your views so that you're no longer an evil and abusive person, or (since you probably don't have the moral capacity for that) to just shut up and not spread your toxic shit any further.

You did say something nasty and you fail to even recognize it as such. Maybe you should STFU and not talk to suicidal people.

It gets better


It can get better.


Fuck you. People like you are why our brothers are roping.

I don't understand, I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Leave. You arent making the situation better.

I'm sorry

I am going to stroke myself hi

Make it count, take others with you.

Wow you’re cool

You fucking suck

A1 come back game

You may be going nowhere and just cease to exist. Just saying but even that might be better than this shithole.

Take me with you.

cya bro, good luck in next genetic lottery



Cope just not cutting it eh? Well it's not a bad idea to stick around technology is pretty interesting lately. But if u rope cya in the next life fellow wizard.

May it be quick and painless and may the happiness denied to you in this life be found in the next.

We will remember you, brother.

I dont believe u

please please don’t


against suicide

see you in hell

Well done

Its not a big deal, life will end by itself sooner or later

It amazes me that suicide is still considered to be a serious thing. And for no single good reason.

roasties are literally driving us to suicide. blood on the roast flaps.

Your with St. Blackops2cel now. We won’t forget you.

Just be yourself, and don't hate anyone else.... It worked for me.

Dont do it man. We're all going to die eventually, so what's the rush? I can't promise you it will get better, but being dead promises 0 chance of getting better.

Good. That might be better than this life anyway. I support you.

So, someone made a post some time ago that said ”r/braincels is an incel support group”

Yep. Very. Approving of suicide. Supportive.

Shut the fuck up no one cares know your place trash

Not advocating suicide is a good start to lose your virginity I think.

You should do what OP did kill yourself

And we’re done here-

Hey man. PM me before you do anything.... Please. This place is toxic as fuck and they circulate lies to keep everyone down so they're not the only sad lonely ones (think of crabs in a bucket). The incel community has nothing to offer anyone except bitterness and hatred. Stop posting here, get onto another board and forget about incel for a while before you do anything. And do PM me, I'm here to talk if you're feeling despair. I promise you man this isn't the end. Just give it a shot

PM me bro, you're not alone

lol what a cuck

Because I don't want someone to kill themselves.... riiiiiight. I know your comment is coming from a place of despair and anger just like OP. I extend the same offer to you. If you want to talk about anything or just vent, get something off your chest or bounce some ideas around, my inbox is open to you too.

It doesn't have to be this way my friend. Life is good.

He's faking it for attention.

Where can I buy your powers of perception? I mean that's amazing how you can know the motive behind every post.

Someone may have killed themselves you dopey twat.

You're a moron. "I stopped this ugly son of a bitch from killing himself today. I'm such a hero" LMAO.

Let me fuck your wife....

Do it faggot

Adeus my friend ;(

Make sure to post a follow-up

See you tomorrow

No don’t :(


Don't let the coffins lid hit your ass on the way down.

See you tomorrow.

  1. Chads and incels are two opposites of the espectrum, we are not deniying that.

  2. I like how you say that "the manosphere targets..." as its some form of cult or uprising shit. And most men are really struggling these days, college debt, no male role models, MSM media saying all day everyday that men are scum, and even in the manosphere itself people invading our spaces trying to make us conform to the feminist imperative.

  3. It seems bleak to you because you are an outsider, if you had gone through the same experiences most of us have (social isolation, anxiety, experiencing lookism in first person), this sub would be funny as fuck, not "bleak".

smh, that bitch's reply just might make me go off myself

Relationships aren’t either. You have worth outside of another human being.


Fuck you. People like you are why our brothers are roping.

I don't understand, I didn't mean to hurt anyone.


I'm sorry

I've been there and I'm sorry you're feeling so low and trapped. No one deserves that. I urge you to get some help for yourself because shit changes in life.

Shut the fuck up, asshole.

I've been suicidal for years of my life (...) When you kill yourself, you aren't' proving anything to anyone

Killing yourself isn't about proving anything. lol, what a typically "depressed" "suicidal" normtard bullshit.

Where can I buy your powers of perception? I mean that's amazing how you can know the motive behind every post.

Someone may have killed themselves you dopey twat.

You should do what OP did kill yourself