Asymmetrical chin, crooked bulbous nose, runaway length philtrum, and weak eyebrows. Do I qualify as incel-tier?

31  2018-03-24 by reallyuglyasianguy


No, you're cute

Don't listen to it. It's over boyo

Don't listen to this bitch

You are an incel for sure

I hope you know that everyone in here knows that's not a complement


makes sense both spellings, thot

Lmao whatever makes you happy

you're cute is a way of saying that you're not my type. While I would gladly friendzone you, I'd never touch your dick.

That's exactly what it is


"I have a boyfriend"

"Im literally the guy in the pic"

Am I not allowed to say someone's attractive??

Women give empty compliments. You aint slick.

How so? I find him very attractive and I would date him

You would date him based on looks alone?

I've talked to him before as well, on one of his throwaway accounts

OK, so what would be you're recommendations to get girls off of this site?


that arent on this site lol. could have read that wrong

Date him then, or you're a lying whore

I'm underage

what the fuck does that matter

Because that will get him arrested and most likely put on the sex offender list

So you're equating dating with sex, roastie?

good point

A. He would still end up getting charged most likely or my dad would kick his ass for being an adult while I'm a teen.

B. No I'm not

He's fucking 19. That's still close enough.

Whatever roastie, thank you for proving that you're full of shit and your "I'd date him tee hee" means jack shit.

Okay think what you want. If being in denial helps

Stop using words meaning of which you don't even understand, basic bitch.

Okay sweetie have a nice nice day 🙄

Yep, fall back on polite dismissal when called out on your bullshit like the intellectual bankrupt trash you are.

"Bankrupt trash" lmao k sis. You don't know me irl so why are you talking like you do?

I am judging you based on your posts, and that's enough evidence.

Lmao how???? Internet me vs irl me is two different people tbh

That was the catch. Theres always a catch.

You would, PM him your number and then we'll talk. r/braincels will fund his trip if you're in the US. You must fuck him mad.

I'm underage

so why did you agree to dating him you fucking retard. GTFO this sub and never come back you cunt.

I would date him if we lived in the same place and were the same age.

then you'd come up with some other excuse, roastie.


Same here.

Is he handsome though?

I think so.

Fuck off with your platitudes. Stop giving false hope.

Hey, I'm just being honest



Stumbled on this from r/all newest. Honey you're plenty good looking, just young. Had a guy like you in my classes in grade school and he turned out very handsome and charming. Having a symmetrical face is not actually very attractive, google it.

Also I don't mean to sound like a mom, but it's what's inside that counts. If you smile with your heart and be your genuine self, people will like you. Not all people, but the right ones will.

Love from an internet stranger.

fuck off this sub roast beef slut

Oh The Irony. Y'all complain about women and no attention then when someone tries to be nice you push them off and insult them. You incels don't know what you want do you? lmao

thats exactly it. trying to be nice... she doesnt actually find him attractive

So what? At least she is being kind still. I wouldn't complain if that was me

I was more thankful for the girl who messaged me and said i was probably a 3/10. She was honest and respectful

everyone here hates virtue signaling, especially coming from roasties

You're an idiot

~_~ for telling the truth, okay

Virtual signaling attention seeking whores. The most of you are shit with bad intentions.

K whatever man

Shut up bitch.

K man

Stop responding to me and stop posting.

pls be my gf

Can't sorry

LOL "pls be my gf"

"Can't sorry"

See what I mean? EVERY TIME. Holy fuck I hate women so much. So many attention seeking sluts.

There's a reason why I can't before you go assuming I'm attention seeking you cunt

"I have a boyfriend"

Yup. The responses we've been hearing since we were young. Yawn. Try something new.

the reason is that we can see through her. She has had 20 dicks inside every hole of hers and she knows that we know. fucking roasties I hate them so goddamn much. Why don't they all fucking go fuck themselves.

10/10 Most compelling argument I ever heard

LOL fuck off dumb cunt

Fuck of rape advocate.

Having a symmetrical face is not actually very attractive


but it's what's inside that counts. If you smile with your heart and be your genuine self, people will like you

HOLY FUCKING TOP KEK. The stupidity of this one knows no bounds.

That cannot be a real comment. It's an AI or something, right?

Having a symmetrical face isn't attractive you're right science is a fallacy assymetrical face or rope

I'm 19

he isn't in grade school you dumb bitch. He is past puberty. piss off.

faces aren't evenly split into a left and a right side with a perfect vertical axis in the middle, you can't just mirror something like this

and say symmetrical faces are less attractive

You should be banned from this sub for spewing this blue pulled bilge.

You need a hug, man. OP is struggling with self confidence, why not help your cohort?


How many accounts do you have? And you are probably above average where you’re from dw.

Where he's from? He's probably from North America lol.

yeah fam, it looks hella over for you


A bunkbed? How old are you dude? Also yes you're incel-tier. You look subhuman.

Well at least you're honest. And I'm 19

Do you have a recessed chin? It's hard to judge from frontal view, looks like you've got flat cheeks which are common for faces with recessed chin.


recessed chin, no teeth, and neanderthal nose and eyebrows here. Ur def not this bad

No teeth?

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Your face as it is right now doesn't do you wonders but your jaw is everything but recessed. If you looksmaxx I'm 100% sure you can become normie tier and at least a 4.5/10.

I have the exact same chin, going to get a chin implant. Guys with small chins look like small boys, and i want to look manlier, and perhaps get some more sex appeal.

Fucking over. Start stacking money to Beta Bux

You look like 15, so being in an awkward phase doesnt help ur situation.

It's over.

Dot know why this made me laugh so much

Yeah I have no idea why but his comment damn near killed me

If you're still a teenager, try keeping your tongue pushed to the roof of your mouth and keep your mouth closed

Is this better?

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Just gotta keep it that way until you stop growing


what does that do? cheek bones/jaw line?

Creator of this video has an overlord jaw, you better follow his advice:

its over for me, I'm 30, well past my youth

Seems like everybody here is extremely sarcastic, just date your looksmatch

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Mogs me to death but if you read my name you probably already knew that.

What happened to your previous account ?

Had to flame it.

I've seen other pictures of you where you looked barely below average, you do look quite bad in this one though

I'm 19 btw. Makes it double over.

damn kid. Go to China/Korea and find some asian chick. being incel at 30 is sui fue

yoo, that is over as over can be

what does over mean?

it means play a wonderful game called ldar scrolls

If you live in the west, you might find a hard time, from what I've read

But if you live in the east, you look like a totally normal asian guy and will do fine imo


it never even began for you

at least you're not a brain-cel.



Yep, that looks pretty over.

you're significantly better looking than me

Last year's post was actually featured on the incels page so Yeah you guys are right

Ricegum? (Sorry if you get this a lot)

I do get this a lot. Honestly ricegum is a lot better looking than me and I don't think I look anything like him.

Nah, dude you could be his twin. I actually thought this was a troll post with a picture of him from his older videos.

You're pretty cute, I'd date you but you're not my type. I'm sure there's plenty of girls who would date a guy like you! Teehee

It's over for both of us. COPE

You’re really not that ugly. You’re no supermodel but you’re not as bad off as some of the retards here.

Thanks. How can I looksmax?

I don’t really know because I’ve just started studying up on incel “culture” I guess maybe fix your nose and chin through plastic surgery.



Tats are good for Asians too

The answer to this is always work out

ER 2.0

I remember you, aren't you the guy that looks like fucking model? I don't want to follow what Elliot Rodger does

Yeah you are pretty ugly in this picture. Maybe you'll look better as you age never know man.

More pics to judge (rope)

You're like a 7.6/10. You look great.

Look pretty good

I don't know it really only matters what wymyn think, really. Unfortunately they won't give you an honest opinion, KEK.

top fucking kek

Women are notorious liars but at the same time are extremely honest through their non verbal actions

Don't buy into this garbage.

Yep. It's gonna be tough.

it's looking kinda bad, ngl

damn ya'll niggas hard, I think he looks good. lol.

why you think they so harsh though

Because they have this crazy idea in their head that they are not lovable. But that’s a them problem.

The fact is, playing the victim and blaming women for not finding them attractive is what’s keeping them in this cycle of not finding love. The fact is, everybody brings something to the table. It’s your responsibility to take ownership and develop what you do have. That could mean going to the gym, working on your personality traits, etc. The fact is, everybody brings at least something to the table. You are valuable and deserve to find someone, just like everybody on the face of the earth. You’ll be fine, dude. I swear. Stop listening to these cockwads. They’ll just tear you down.

Dude you look fine

r u sure. Everyone in here says I'm a subhuman.

dont trust the normie. IT IS OVER

Dude, you absolutely look fine. Get out of this toxic as hell sub before it consumes you. I swear you will be okay.

Have you seen the other shitty pics That I posted in the comments?

Seriously man, you are absolutely fine. I’ve known guys that look like you and guys that look way way uglier who have turned out just fine. Don’t let this shit here make you think you’re done for. Sure, you’re not Fabio, but you’re alright. Seriously.

What’s a Fabio and how do I become like one

Lmao I wouldn’t worry about becoming a Fabio (I’m pretty sure he’s gay, anyway). Just focus on improving yourself.

Improve your outside by exercising (walking, running, lifting weights, hiking, swimming, really any exercise at all helps), trying a new haircut, eating right, etc.

Improve your inside by finding ways and reasons to love yourself. Write a list of 15 things every day of things that are awesome about you. Repeats are okay, but try to find as many original things as possible. Do this for 2-4 weeks then look at everything you wrote down. Then seriously contemplate how awesome you are. Seriously, find a way to find yourself awesome. If you don’t think your great, how do you expect anybody else to? Also, find a hobby/activity/interest/cause that you’re passionate about. Throw yourself into it. Passion is sexy, and it will draw others to you.

There’s also plenty more you can do, but these are just some examples.

but what is a fabio? I'm really confused


that's exactly what i was thinking to. I can see why women would want him (hes very good looking) but he's not my type if i were a woman.

wait, fabio lanzoni?

why lie to him? do you think you’re helping?

A couple of showers will work wonders

You look like an average Asian student.

how do i get to above average?

Workout and learn to deal with the fact that you don't have outstanding genes

NO I won't deal with it. I'll solve that

That is unrealistic and you'll only set yourself up for failure. At best, men can only improve their looks by at most two points without plastic surgery on the 10-point scale (assuming they don't start off overweight, which you aren't). You aren't that bad looking, I'd say you're a 4/10 right now. You can get to 6/10 (out of incel territory and into low-tier normie territory) but that is still nowhere near good enough to attract the 8+ women you want (without high status/wealth). Understand that so that you don't end up depressed and roping yourself.

time to kill myself

I'd advise against it, but I can't stop you.

until i reincarnate to chad

If you want attractive women then you need to leave this sub and make friends. Work with what you have. Luckily this subs fucked up views aren't true while they're important looks aren't as important as how you carry yourself.

The thing is that if you feel confident in yourself people are naturally attracted to you. Of course it's very easy to say and very hard to do.

A lot of guys here say you're subhuman because a lot of them look average and can't accept that they're not actually subhuman.

You look like Elliot Rodgers if he was pure asian

That's the sixth time I've gotten that already. Be more creative.


Another non-facially deformed incel thinking looks are the problem

There are facially deformed people who look better than this and facially deformed people who don't.

Whether or not you've got a recognized deformity doesn't make all the difference when it comes to looks.

You look fine. I know a guy who looks identical to you that gets laid a lot and he's around 5'5. Try to get more deezed tho

idk what deezed means

Deezed as in get more jacked. & you're actually pretty tall. Also your eyebrows are not weak at all.

Dude, with that height you seriously have nothing to worry about. You'll never be Chad, but that holds true for most men. But you also have no reason to be incel, especially if you hit the gym and get more confident (sorry for the cliche normie advice, but I think it actually applies for you).

never be a chad? I guess it's over then... time for the surgeries bc i want attractive women

Far be it from me to tell you what you should or shouldn't want, but but even normies can get some pretty attractive women by looksmaxing and...statusmaxing? Whatever the right word would be. I think it's wrong to believe that it's "over" for most men simply because nothing other than Chad status is worth it.

Don't underestimate the power of social factors on women, by the way. I honestly think that some Chadlites can become incel or low-tier normies or vice versa simply by changing how they interact socially.

i will get to their level i swear to fucking god

Do it, man. As I said, don't underestimate the power of a muscular body, a confident demeanor, and social cues. Just remember to stay disciplined and keep working on yourself even if you lose motivation. Discipline and routine is what keeps you going when motivation inevitably fades.

Dude you're ugly. The people saying otherwise are just being nice. Notice how they all say 'I know someone like that and they are fine', none of them say 'I look like you and I am a sex god' or 'I fucked someone who looks like you'. Always a 'friend'.

:(. How ugly?

Don’t listen to that oxygen-wasting piece of trash. You’re fine, guy. If you want to improve yourself (not necessary) I’d definitely start hitting the gym. Your skin isn’t even bad, relative to many.

"Friend zone" ugly.

In other words, you don't look too ugly to be out in public, go to school, or get a job. You look presentable to the public world (which cannot be said of all ugly guys).

But you are too ugly (non masculine features) for 99.9% of women to ever consider casual sex with you. You look "cute" and "boyish", but will never look sexy. They will see you as friend material but not feel attraction.

There's a very small niche of white women who prefer cute boyish nerdy Asian guys. I think they're called Weeaboos? My advice is to play into that culture. Use the right websites and apps to find those women and you can be happy.

How do I get more masculine features? Surgery?

Yes. Focus on fixing your assymetry via surgery and you will literally mog every truecel tbh.

Your actual features aren't incel-worthy. It's the assymetry.


You look like you weigh maybe 120lbs. You need about 40 more lbs of muscle. Your shoulders will level out and it increases your presence dramatically.

Dude, you’re so fucked up. He’s not completely unattractive. Your attraction to him as a straight male does not affect how women will see him. He’s average at worst. If he couples his looks with a developed personality he will be fine. Stop trying to destroy the kid.

It's not about my 'attraction' to him. I would gladly hang out with the dude, it's not like he is repulsive or anything, but if we are going by objective standards he is on the incel level.

I would take your body and frame in a second, but I would not take your face

does that mean i'm ugly?


His body and frame? Why - are you overweight? His body and frame is very slender; definitely would not be considered manly.

Because I could do something with his frame

My bone structure is shocking

Eh i think you’re cute ( my preference are Asian guys) but i do recommend working on your skin and i think you could work out more you look very small which gives off a “cute” vibe and most girls aren’t into that. But definitely average looking

how do i get to good looking/vgood looking? Is that feasible? Also, do I lose my cuteness/niche if i work out?

R/skincareaddiction is a great sub. Fixed my skin.

You may have meant r/skincareaddiction instead of R/skincareaddiction.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


you intelligent son of a bitch.

Damn and I edited it quickly prior to this too.

tee hee


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Doesn't look much better TBH.

Pretty ugly tbh even uglier than i am

Yeah, it just looks unnatural (duh, it's shooped). As some roasties/normies have said in this thread, you're look is be best described as "cute", so you actually don't want to steer away from that, ie. looking manly won't do you any good (and it's not really within your reach).

You need to work with what you have, ie. enhance the cute look. Your skin's not bad but it could be better. Lose the AE shirts with the huge branding. Normally people would say to work out, but as I mentioned earlier, it probably wouldn't help you out much. I actually think your hair is fine, maybe just make it a bit neater. And the last thing I can think of off the top of my head is to look into making your eyebrows thicker. I've read that using the same oil that you would put in your hair, helps your eyebrows as well. They appear gray on your face instead of black.

Now this all depends on your age; you look to be about 16-18 (though you're Asian so it's hard to tell). If that's the case, who knows, your looks might end up becoming more manly within a few years. A lot of guys are late bloomers. It's not over for most incels until they're reached their late twenties and are still incel, so don't lose hope just yet. Keep a rope for backup at all times though.

I'm 19 almost 20.

It’s a 30 second shop but addresses your biggest flaws, poor glabella, nose no chin or jaw

I really think you're not ugly? I'd even say you're cute tbh. You have a beautiful mouth and kind eyes. Your chin may be asymmetrical (like a lot of people, it's rare to have a very symetrical face) but it's really NOT shocking or whatever, and I don't see the problem with your nose. For example Adrian Brody is attractive but SHIT his nose is ugly = an imperfect feature does not mean you're ugly. Also I really, really don't see the problem with your eyebrows. So I REALLY don't think you're bad looking.

Would you date him?

Just based on looks, yes.

Send him nudes bitch

Wow you sound like such a nice person /s

You're on me level. 2/10. You get a half point on me for hair and eye area. 2.5/10

If you say it's over, please take a second to explain which facial features are deformed/far from ideal and then I will take it into account.

Relax, guy.

If you capitalize on how negatively you view those aspects of yourself, others will too.

Looks are only a part of the battle. Don't fret it, do what you enjoy in life and try new things, if possible.

You'll find someone eventually. Or not! A partner/sex isn't everything in life.

Nice job contradicting yourself every other sentence lol

Not exactly...

hahahahahahahaha the cope

Not sure what you're referring to, but it's kinda sad that's how you react to positive advice.

Sex is everything in life up until you get it consistently. It is literally the sole reason all life exists, and evolution has ensured that every sentient organism has strong incentives to spread his genes.

Also, If you are well below average, looks are everything. Being ugly becomes your defining feature and adjustments in personality will be futile. If you are average, improvements in your personality will give results with women. This guy is ugly enough to where a strong personality will not give any results.

Just because reproduction is our biological imperative doesn't mean life is empty without it.

You're welcome to feel that way, but there are near-infinite other possibilities to lead a fulfilling life.

I'm sorry you're shallow enough that you'd feel looks are everything, at any point. I think you're wrong, and though you say it with conviction you've got nothing but an opinion, as well.

There are plenty of ugly and successful people.

A+ bashing on someone who clearly has issues with their looks just because it makes you feel better and reinforces your beliefs.

Good job trying to be a downer, too.

A+ bashing on someone who clearly has issues with their looks just because it makes you feel better and reinforces your beliefs. Good job trying to be a downer, too.

lol shut up. Where do you think you are? Your baseless positivity means nothing. What I say is cynical as fuck but the goal is not to feel good but to pursue the truth. The truth is- it's over for this guy soley because his face is fucked.

The only truth here is that you're a downer. Your thinking looks are everything just shows how shallow you are, nothing more.


I think you're very cute? I actually know a shit ton of guys as ugly as you (I couldn't actually describe them or anything) and they get laid all the time. I'm sure there's a girl out there for you (provided that she's blind), but not meteehee.

**applauds with the sarcasm, that actually was pretty funny.


Seems like bad lighting and are you smiling or wat. Decent eyebrows sub par hair fatish nose. Are asian girls hard to get idk any

I remember you, you posted under a name called penguinchan or something like that once.

I saw your other photos from a while ago with better lighting and smiling and you’re a legit 7/10. Working out to add 20 lbs of muscle + acne treatment (I did accutane) would get you to 8.5.

what a load of shit. why lie ?

I saw pictures of him where he was average looking he looks pretty bad in this one tho

Did you see the pics on his old account?

You’re like a 4/10. Not attractive, but not subhuman either. You still have a chance.

I used to think I was attractive but the sub brought me down to reality :(

You need to stay away from this sub. We are pretty similar and I would be called an incel if i post my pic as well. Dont listen to these people. They are the biggest copers of all cope.

Eh don't worry about it. I mean you are attractive enough that you can live a perfectly normal life.

Dude stop and think for a second. You used to think you were attractive then a pack of bitter losers brought you down. You bought into their bullshit. The world was ok until you decided to post on r/incel

Nothing they say on here is a reflection of reality. From standards of attractiveness to women's roles in society. It's all bullshit. That's the true redpill

Get out of here while you still can and you still have hope. You're young and fine looking. Go out and have fun with yourself and don't trap yourself in this black hole of misery and virginity. I believe in you :)

Female here you're adorable I'd date you if

1) i was 18 :(

2) if i didn't have a boyfriend :(

3) we lived close together :(

4) i wasn't so busy with my school/job/litter of chad's children :(

5) i wasn't a """lesbian""" :(

there females I made all the excuses for you, don't leave a comment

is this sarcasm? I smell insincerity here

all my comments are sincere


Please don't listen to these people. You look fine, but I think it's wrong to give a numbered rating.

does fine mean average or bordering handsome?

I'd say average. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Definitely not a 2/10 truecel, though.

how do i become handsome?

The first advice I can give you is to leave this sub before it pulls you in. Please, please don't let them tell you that you how to be attractive, because they're only interested in making other people miserable, too. They'll call it 'A hard truth', but it simply isn't the case. In reality, finding a relationship is mostly about personality. A common argument is 'But women can't see personality.' There are other ways to show it, like putting it into action. There's also an intuitive sense about people, the one that makes people think others seem creepy or friendly. People can read that. Yes, it's undeniable that looks matter to a degree, but not nearly as much as they say, especially in a long term relationship. I can assure you that you look fine, so that isn't a problem. In fact, I can say the same for most people here.

You're looking at your negative attributes (that aren't even as bad as they may seem. In fact, I didn't notice most of them until you pointed them out). What are some positive ones? They don't even need to be physical

so you're sugarcoating and saying i'm never gonna be handsome to attractive women. Top fucking kek, k thanks.

I'm not trying to avoid anything. I'm saying that you don't need to be chad. Attraction goes deeper than the physical, and even that can be subjective. I and others think you actually look good. I also think it would help to talk about what you'd say is positive.

So what if he wants to just hook up with women?

In hook ups, physical appearance means more. But, a relationship is more about two people's connection with each other.

More incels want hook ups than relationships though.

Probably because society has told them that the amount of sex you have gives you worth.

Still people want it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting that either. As I have said a thousand times, some people aren’t meant for relationships or have the capacity for them. They are much happier doing hookups and casual shit, but they can’t because they aren’t attractive. If incels were attractive, they’d be fine.

I do wanna hook up with women

That’s exactly what I’m looking for.

How old are you dude? Man i didnt know asian american males struggled so much. My brother is 19 and still hasnt had a gf or brought bitches home. I hope he aint got an incel mentality.


How do you become handsome? Eat right, go to the gym 2-3 times a week, try out a new haircut, and develop confidence over time. Easy as that.

No rhinoplasty or chin implants? I wanna be respected by women

What is my looks max potential?

So I’ll answer this is two parts for each of your questions:

  1. Good looks does not equal being respected by women. Having good looks means that women will generally want to fuck you. Fucking and respect do not necessarily equate. Respect comes from respecting yourself and respecting them also. As long as you do that, your fine. You’ll find someone you click with. But it has to start with respecting yourself and treating yourself kindly. If you can’t do that, you’re gonna have a hard time respecting others, especially a woman you’d like to get intimate with.

  2. If you wanna put a number on it, assuming you include everything I mentioned above (especially the confidence part!), then 6-7/10. Or higher if you develop a six pack lmao.

can i be an 8. because if i reach that i'll be satisfied. 6 seems damn low for looksmax

I’ve seen all pics.

So let me say this: There will always be someone out of your league. You will never be in a position to get any woman you want. Also, no one has ever been or will ever be in a position to get any woman they want. Ever.

Every woman has a type. What is one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure. The thing is, you will fit a type for a woman. You probably won’t ever be the douchebag pussyslayer who has a new woman every night of the week. But guess what? That’s okay! It means you’re not a douche bag, which means wonders for your personality.

Not sure how familiar you are with stats, but look at a normal distribution, also known as a bell curve. Say we plot people by looks on a bell curve. Most people will fall right it the middle where the bell is at its highest because guess what? The average is where the bell is highest, and most people are average. There are a lot of people above you, but there are also a lot of people below you. If you make 6/10, you’re above average, and there are then more people ranking below you than above.

6/10 is nothing to be ashamed of. 8/10 can be your max, but 6/10 great. It means you’re already doing better than most people.

Seriously though dude, don’t get caught up in ratings. The fact is, you will find women you click with and get along with. You are not hopeless.

8/10 can be my max or r u lying? Thanks, time to start working. Most girls can be AT LEAST a 7 with makeup

Cause I want to be the pussy slayer

But see, this is where the disconnect is.

You perceive most women as a 7+/10 because you are sexually attracted to them. But obviously this is a skewed rating. You aren’t gonna rate guys (yourself included) as highly as women because you aren’t sexually attracted to men. Put another way, you don’t perceive yourself like a woman does!

Also another issue, which is perhaps the most pressing, is your sense of self worth is low. You are idolizing the pussy slayer, and putting down guys who are more than fine. This is a skewed way to view reality. Why? Because you are idolizing something that you will likely never be. I’m not that person either. But guess what? I’ve loved plenty of beautiful, wonderful women who have made my life better. You have to be grateful for what you have. Also, you have to accept that “fine” or even “more than fine” absolutely means you are worthy. You have to feel worthy. If you don’t feel worthy, women will pick up on that and be put off by it. If you can somehow find a way to feel worthy and make it known that your worthy, others will pick up on that and be attracted to it.

i will likely never be? bullshit, i think i got the potential

I WILL BE A PUSSY SLAYER THATS THE MEANING OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

hey what happened to the link?

i will do whatever it takes to slay as much pussy in my life as possible, if that means looksmaxing w/o surgery to get to an 8 and tons of plastic surgery to get to 9.

you're also probably one of those guys that says "you're pretty good, but I think I am more attractive than you". Top fucking kek.

i'll get whoever the fuck i want bc i am worthy of whoever the fuck i want

First off, what link?

Second, see man, this is a problem, too. You say you want one thing (respect from and to be desired by women), but you also equate that with being entitled to fucking any woman you want as if they’re a piece of meat. That’s not how this works.

It doesn’t matter what I think of myself (like you, I think I’m fine. 7/10 and I’m okay with that). What I’m trying to tell you is that if you’re wondering if you’ll ever find love or if you’ll ever find a woman who will find you physically/sexually desirable, you’ll be fine. At the same time, I’m trying to tell you that if you’re trying to develop yourself into some kind of perverse sex machine that will be able to make any woman drop her panties and spread her legs, that will never happen. And if that is your ultimate goal, that’s not the healthiest one to have and you need to reassess what you’re trying to find.

Of course you say you’re better looking than me I knew it

Well sure, because I’m older than you (25) and have been working on myself for years. But I’m saying you can get there too. For me, it’s been working on my outer appearance while also doing a lot of development of my personality and even going to therapy/counseling. It’s taken a lot of effort for me to get to where I am today. But I’m glad I’m here.

So I can get higher than you I guess?

Sure, if that’s your ultimate goal. Just get to where you feel good about yourself.

Which is around an 8

Can we do pms?

maybe an 8 with surgery?

its over son.

you legit just look completely normal, not ugly or particularly good looking either way

so even remotely attractive women are out of my league?

With that attitude? Yes.

fuck life

I dont believe this is a picture of you. Pretty ballsy to post your own pic here.

Now do you believe this is me? I used to look at pictures of abercrombie models in hate and look my self and said "Damn, I'm ugly. Why can't I look like them?"

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dude you honestly look fine, i’m uglier than you and have dealt with social anxiety my whole life but i was able to break out of my shell enough to not be nervous around women and it pays off.

nah, I don't think so. I don't look at shit like "league" tbh, but I do understand that a lot of people do.

I'm sorry but it's over. You mog me btw

if it's over for me and i mog you, what is if for you?

Nothing but after some time its fine.

I gave up on girls a long long time ago and my life is good besides the fact that I'm repulsive to girls. I have a decent job with some career projection, friends, I'm fit, nice hobbies, I'm respected by my colleagues and friends etc.

I understand that what brought humanity here is the hipergamous nature of the females and I accept that as natural. For me as an individual sucks and maybe is an unfair and a disgusting attitude but well attraction can't be negociated.

This sub gives me peace because when I was 18 in my first year at uni I realized the blackpill by myself but I couldn't talk about it with anybody.

Good luck mate

wow, first real review that didn't actually get me angry

I'm glad to read that because I've never intented to offend you .

I don't think you are an horrendous or extremely ugly guy I just pointed out that your looks (by female standards) are at the level "it's over".


i'll take it sleuths away

Dude if this is legit you, it is not anywhere close to over. Im 5 7 asian and ive done very well with women over the years. I HIGHLY doubt im that much better looking than you if I am at all. If i post a pic, im 100% sure ill be considered an incel.

I probably have a better jaw but you got better eyes for sure.

Look at him. He looks so ugly no girl would touch him. Show us your pic and we'll tell you how much different you are.

Even if I am better looking, it aint by much. Im 100% sure ill be considered an incel. I aint posting a pic because dox is a real thing so fuck that.

Look, neither him or i are abercrombie models. I aint here preaching he can slay victoria secret level women every night. Fuck no. 99.9999% of the male population dont get to fuck those girls. He aint gon be fucking 7+ white girls on a regular basis either. But it aint over dude.

Yes it is. He's ugly. Super ugly. Most girls won't even look at him twice let alone give him any time of the day.

Ive seen uglier dudes get girls throughout my whole college career. Was in a frat of of 100 dudes. Sample size wasnt small.

And I've seen street bums who became millionaire. Doesn't mean a thing. Exceptions exist. Generally though, it's over for this guy.

Not an exception. I've seen tens of uglier dudes, shorter, poorer dudes get bitches through my college career. I literally see them making out with these hoes at the frat house. It's not N = 1. This is 4 years in a frat of 100 dudes. N = 50 probably.

If that's called an exception, then exceptions occur alot more often than you think. I'm exhibit A of that.

Again, those guys aren't nearly as ugly as him.

Or.. maybe as important as looks is, it aint everything? I'm not gonna tell you looks don't matter. Looks fucking matter. If i was 6'1, white, and 10/10 face, I would have fucked 10 times more girls in college. I would have fucked 10 times more and hotter girls. I'm just saying there's more to dating than just looks.

There's not. Looks are first and foremost. If girls don't even look at you twice, which is the case with this one, then there's no hope if dating.

Girls have NEVER approached me first or came up to me wanting to fuck me. 4 years of greek life. 4 years of partying. I have more experience with this than you ever will. Ive came to the conclusion that i aint chad but i still fucked thotties

Cool. This guy doesn't. So he's ugly.

but how many have you seen NOT do that?

how do i get to fuck 7+ white girls. Does my looks just inhibit me from doing just that. Just fucking rope tbh

Uhh you can but it will take alot of work on yourself. Looks matter man but it aint everything. If I was 19 again and we asked girls who they thought was better looking im pretty confident they think its you, especially asian girls.

Why do you wanna fuck 7+ white girls? Ive fucked like 3-4 white girls. Most my lays were non whites. Ive made out with probably a hundred white girls though.

Its definitely harder for asians to get white girls but the issue isnt necessarily with looks, it has to do with culture. Being in a white frat and interacting with other asians in white frats, im certain that asians can do well with white girls if theyre white washed asians. All the asians i knew in greek did well with white girls and they were all pretty white washed. Its a culture thing.

Because blonde white girls are status symbols for asian men.

Ehh i think it depends on the culture. I dont care for ethnicity. My first criteria is for her to be hot.

Well I just did an 8 so your point is invalid

Fuck off dude, truecels don’t have a chance with any girl, and you think you’re some kind of 2/10 truecel cuz u cant get a 7/10 white girl.

You may think you’re an incel, but you sound like an even bigger bitch.

LOL at 7+ white girls. Even 2/10 white landwhales don't want ricecels.

This is my real jaw.

LMAO dude you are not ugly. Holy shit. You have some self esteem issues.

I think you better looking than me. No homo but probably cuter. I look older but that's because I am probably older than you.

How old are you? I'm 19 and just verified that it's me.

25 if we were both 19, i would say youre better looking.

got a picture?

I really rather not show a pic if i can because of dox purposes. Maybe ill show you an older picture later. Im on the way to bars right now. If you need to talk or advice ill be happy to chat. My brother is 19 and could be an incel so i can kinda relate to your situation. I wouldnt want my brother to end up with this shitty mentality.

I've literally gotten rejected by 150 girls though. One hundred fifty. None of them said yes and they were not like extremely attractive either

You're definitely not bad looking in this picture, you can surely get a weeb girlfriend maybe. The one you submitted is p ugly though because of the lighting and greasiness.

i look weird in both

Not really, you just look like a very generic Asian.

how do i look less generic? I truly though i was better-looking than most asians up to this point.

I don't know. If I knew the science of aesthetics, I wouldn't be on this subreddit.

I'm asian, my boyfriend is Chinese and I find him attractive but I don't find you attractive, sorry.

my bf is Chang Longwang


Wow you’re rude

No you look good in both you are doubting yourself when you don't need to be some people are trucels but you are not

You look good.


Imo you don't qualify to be an incel

Friendzone level.

You’re not ugly, but I doubt girls will find you attractive.

how do i improve

I think a chin implant would do you well.

Same thing everyone else said, gym, skincare, blah blah blah.

also rhino?

Believe it or not, most people go for the nose when they should go for the chin. Chin helps balance out the features, yeah your nose is a bit big and crooked, but a chin will help hide it. If I’m not mistaken, it’s cheaper too. But I don’t know for sure, and don’t take my word as gospel. Go get a consultation.

Seems like a really bad photo. Based on this one though I’d say your a 3.5/10. In better lighting maybe as high as a 5

Dude you're ugly. No to ways about it. If you're Asian and you don't look like a K-pop star, it's over for you.

Fuck off dude. This guys is fine looking. He just seems hella skinny. If he bulkds up.abit he should be alot better

Cope. He's ugly. No amount of bulking up will save him.

He just needs to shower, lift, and respect women

Well honestly ya. I know incels dont like to hear it but lifting and taking good care of your hygiene, i.e. showering, and taking good acre if your skin can boost you a fuck ton

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Nah, get some better lighting and put on Fancy Clothes (tm) and you'd pass as whatever you please.

Incels are just out to get more dudes in their pile of misery anyway. They'll do anything to suck the hope out of someone they think is susceptible to joining them.


From Earl_of_Pimpshire's Girlfriend:

If I saw you on the street, I would check you out. After seeing this post, I would avoid you like the plague. It doesn't have to be like this.

YOU ARE NOT UGLY. I'm what these guys consider a "Stacy", you are not unattractive, you for sure definitely have a chance with chicks. Yes, some women are assholes, some women chase fuckboy dudes, some women may have a superiority complex, but thinking that ALL women are like this is PROJECTION. It's simply NOT TRUE. Mates of mine far more unattractive than you have got girlfriends.

What, holy shit! How?! They don't get wrapped up in this whole idea that weak eyebrows and philtrums matter. They have decent personalities, are well rounded people, they respect women, and they have enough mental and emotional maturity to form meaningful relationships.

Getting involved in this incel ideology and midset though, will 1000% destroy your chances with girls. It's a community founded upon beliefs that actively propagate it's own misery, a self fulfilling prophecy. Because if you honestly believe that your asymmetrical chin is a deciding factor in your success with women, if you honestly believe all women are evil, if you honestly believe no one will ever ever want you because of this - no woman ever will. Because it's crazy. And women stay the FUCK away from anyone who believes this kind of weird shit, because they tend to be awful to spend time with, toxic or outright dangerous people.

Good luck dude, I really hope that you manage to escape this place before you get in too deep.

You legitimately stated that you hate short men in your last post. You are a sick, psychopathic exuse for a person. I hope if you eventually get your head out of your ass you'll see that.

I’m 5 foot 10

Haha found the short arse. Triggered!!!!

Also, no I didn't. I made fun of a toxic person and used his height as a way to belittle him. Because he deserved it. I have no problem with short dudes you fucking spastic. Plus you gotta love a guy who posts regularly on a board which advocates suicide and violence against women calling someone a sick fuck for a joke

So what I called him a freak nigger? I don't actually have anything against disabled people or African Americans... He was just being too uppity and I had to show him his place.

Tell your girlfriend that her dating a tall psychopath with an(honestly disturbing) anger towards short dudes that dating him is only proving every incel's point. Cheers

what are your standards like ? just curious

Am I too ugly to have them pretty high?

yea, you are. not saying you can’t get hotter girls one day, but you gotta start somewhere. just to gain the experience if nothing else.

Wtf, how good looking do you have to be to be able to have relatively high standards. This is fucking retarded

chill. idk what your preferences are, but if you’re tryna go for 10/10 vs models every time then there’s your problem. what exactly are your standards and preferences for women?

5/10 +

what ways do you approach them? like in person? online? have you tried tinder? it’s so easy to get pussy on there

Tinder I got 250 matches but can’t get pussy and was told that the girls weren’t interested in ricecels like me. I approached 150 of em in person and all of them rejected me. Time for plastic surgery. It that still doesn’t work, rope/suicide.

what did you say as an opener and what kind of discussion do you try to have? it honestly seems like you just have super low self confidence and that’s your main problem. coming to incels for advice doesn’t help at all either.

I feel like if you’re not chad it’s a fucking curse because there are women who look you down. Ain’t messing with dat

idk you seem pretty normal and look way more attractive than that pic you just posted so really just build up your self esteem and not be so hard on yourself. if you can see a therapist try to do that. it sounds corny as fuck but work on yourself first and the rest will fall into place with time. you don’t need fucking plastic surgery and all this superficial shit to get a girl bro.

To get attractive women? Yes I do

not gonna lie you prob have harder cuz you’re asian (i’m white) but seriously. confidence and humor go a loooong way.

That’s bullshit. If an Asian guy is whitewashed(which I’m not, I got tiger parents), then he can get as much oust as an equally attractive white women? For an uncultured asian though? Yeah they do have a disadvantage (ex. Me)

everyone’s situation is different. i’m with an asian girl with parents like yours. they aren’t americanized at all and she has a brother who is pure fucking autism but he is himself and gets bitches. albeit, those fucking weird ones that go to comic con and dress up like furries but pussy is pussy.

I also have autism. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s

well you’re tinder game isn’t awful, you don’t look like a troll, you seem to have enough self awareness to know you have some issues that need fixing. so try and focus on that, bettering yourself mentally first. just take it a step at a time. you’re 19 right? i was just as bad at that age (only 22 now) and i’m still improving but life has gotten a lot better just focusing on myself first and foremost.

I’m not a troll. I have a verification pic. And no I haven’t gotten laid off tinder

yea i said that. you look perfectly fine. and i meant you have a decent tinder game, improve it and you could get laid

I deleted my tinder account.

well you should reinstall it because you’ll have a far better chance getting laid off that or another online dating/hook up app or whatever

But again the pic I posted was after 2 all-nighters in a row no sleep and no grooming so...

I will be good looking enough to get these women I swear to fucking god. Time for plastic surgery boyos

Very ugly. It's over.

It's over boyo. At least your looks aren't bad enough for it to interfere with daily interactions / job opportunities.

No dude it's not over. Now I forbid you to read another word anyone writes here. Never come back. Stay away before these pathetic manlets drag you down with their thinking. For your own good, close this tab after you read this comment and just live your life.

You're perfectly fine

Standing ovation for this man.

God I hope OP pays attention to you. I mean he’s not Adonis but he’s at worst average. Not hopeless at all, my god. I feel like too many people here are trying to poison his mind and already low sense of self worth.

I will work to become Adonis it doesn’t matter is I have to torture myself a or carry entire ships from their graveyards or 100+ surgeries

average asian guy. american girls dont like asian guy

You stole my hoe, didn’t you?

It's over

You're really, really cute. Women wouldn't date you because they're all disgusting whores, vacant of any humanity, but don't let that change how cute you should know you are.

You are honestly fine. Your face is not fully developed either. Your looks will continue to improve as you age.

It's over bruh. You might as well rope because you will never touch a roastie with such a feminine Asian face like that.

My mom says I look pretty masculine

She's lying boyo. Just rope, you will never get love from a femoid in 2018 with a face like that.

Why would a roastie choose you, an average looking ricel subhuman, when they can get a 6'4 aryan Chad in ten seconds on Tinder?

What if I gymcel

Mine says that too lmao, ignoring the fact that she wristmogs and handmogs me.

Holy shit the difference really is just a few mm of bone structure.

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i'd smash

Don't expect to achieve any sorts of AMWF glory. Not saying 100% it will never happen but don't get your hopes up.

Dude you seriously look fine don't get caught yup in inceldom some people have a 0 percent chance of finding someone but that isn't you you are a decent looking guy and girls WILL go fokr decent

You are attractive enough that I'd be too intimidated to approach you, but elated if you approached me.


Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Your skin looks rather oily, check out r/skincareaddiction

Get a new hair cut.

Also you look skinny as hell. Put on some mass and build some muscle. It will move you up a couple notches. Dating will be much easier then.

Like force eat 4 times the normal amount you eat and is healthy? Go to the gym for 4 hours a day for 3 years? Nah.....

No, just eat healthy by USDA guidelines and lift even just a couple times a week. It will do wonders.

You are not one night stand material but a perfect candidate for the institute of marriage. You have to beta bux but girls will want a ltr with you.

= over

Username checks out.

You are just ugly.

Guys, even if I'm average I will try my best to get the 7+ girls that I want, I don't care how much looksmaxing that will take. Plastic surgery, anything, I'll do it all. I'll even kill myself and reincarnate if that means that I'll wake up as chad.

Dude you’re fine. Get off this sub and never look back seriously.

What if I want to get lots of pussy or be a panty dropper? “Never” is a strong word that is mental torture

Be outgoing funny easy to talk to positive and have tons of life experiences so that you can share stories with others and offer an interesting and valuable perspective. We are men not women. Truth is women are a hell of a lot more open to having relationships with guys that aren’t 10s. I came here to this sub because I find incels fascinating but it’s sad coming across posts like this with real humans asking questions like yours. I can laugh at memes but seeing shit like this is depressing. I wish you the best man. You can definitely get pussy you are not ugly. Do you exercise?

Yeah but I’m a skinny gel 5’10” and 130 lbs

Gain weight then.

You want someone else to do this for you? Not how it works

5'10" is really good for an Asian dude, dude. It's technically above-average in the U.S. in general.

You’re fine means you’re average and nothing special. I want to be the exceptional gentleman.

Dude stop posting pictures of yourself asking if you’re cute/ ugly. I was skimming r/cuteguys and saw you and thought you were cute, even commented so. I then saw that you posted many times and it got a bit weird. Now I see you here too. You’re good looking, stop doubting yourself seriously.

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Women give empty compliments. You aint slick.

Your face as it is right now doesn't do you wonders but your jaw is everything but recessed. If you looksmaxx I'm 100% sure you can become normie tier and at least a 4.5/10.

I have the exact same chin, going to get a chin implant. Guys with small chins look like small boys, and i want to look manlier, and perhaps get some more sex appeal.

the reason is that we can see through her. She has had 20 dicks inside every hole of hers and she knows that we know. fucking roasties I hate them so goddamn much. Why don't they all fucking go fuck themselves.

Seems like everybody here is extremely sarcastic, just date your looksmatch

why you think they so harsh though

You're like a 7.6/10. You look great.

how do i get to above average?

Workout and learn to deal with the fact that you don't have outstanding genes

The thing is that if you feel confident in yourself people are naturally attracted to you. Of course it's very easy to say and very hard to do.

Far be it from me to tell you what you should or shouldn't want, but but even normies can get some pretty attractive women by looksmaxing and...statusmaxing? Whatever the right word would be. I think it's wrong to believe that it's "over" for most men simply because nothing other than Chad status is worth it.

Don't underestimate the power of social factors on women, by the way. I honestly think that some Chadlites can become incel or low-tier normies or vice versa simply by changing how they interact socially.

Look pretty good

Where he's from? He's probably from North America lol.

How do I get more masculine features? Surgery?

Not exactly...

got a picture?

Sex is everything in life up until you get it consistently. It is literally the sole reason all life exists, and evolution has ensured that every sentient organism has strong incentives to spread his genes.

Also, If you are well below average, looks are everything. Being ugly becomes your defining feature and adjustments in personality will be futile. If you are average, improvements in your personality will give results with women. This guy is ugly enough to where a strong personality will not give any results.

I’m 5 foot 10

Haha found the short arse. Triggered!!!!

Also, no I didn't. I made fun of a toxic person and used his height as a way to belittle him. Because he deserved it. I have no problem with short dudes you fucking spastic. Plus you gotta love a guy who posts regularly on a board which advocates suicide and violence against women calling someone a sick fuck for a joke