"You're not entitled to working legs bro!" (xpost lncel.co)

139  2018-03-24 by rippedrichascended


Stop advertising your shitty malware site

malware site


Seriously dude. I can't even open it on my phone without it completely melting the browser.

Yeah mobile sucks, I will work on that. I hope speed issues can be sported by early this week

it doesn't work on mobile

and you're a fakecel anyways. you literally get upvotes on IT.


can confirm it's malware center.

normies make sure u don't come ur computer will literally BLOW UP in ur face if u visit the site! Only incels are safe

apparently incels think not getting laid is a disability nigga, how could you

Are you saying depression is not a disability?

I'm saying IT is fucked and braincels is too

come home

Where is this home ?

deep in malware infested territory, a perilous journey awaits

but who said exoduses would be easy

Dear god, I hate myself even more after this.

Government mandated gfs NOW

Do you think that forcing someone to be in a relationship with you, you’ll get the love, affection, and companionship you desire?

People form the strongest emotional bonds during times of hardship.

So you’re hoping for Stockholm syndrome?

People form those emotional bonds when they are in hardship together. Like two soldiers over in Afghanistan who are under stress constantly. They form bonds. Not women who are forced to be in relationships.

Like two soldiers over in Afghanistan who are under stress constantly. They form bonds


Not women who are forced to be in relationships.

I don't see why there would be any difference. She'd be constantly scared and humiliated and feeling small, I'd be constantly feeling ashamed and guilty. That sounds pretty stressful. Perhaps it'd be better if the government 'forced' me into the situation - that way I'd be able to claim equal persecution and we'd bond a lot better than if I'd applied for a gf.

Or... we could just not force people into situations like this. Taking away their right to choose what they want in life is pretty fucked.

Are you guys fucking retarded or something? That was a JOKE.

He doesn’t sound like he is joking. But if he is, my apologies. But like I said, he sounds serious.

Uhhhh the he was me. And I made it as obvious as a joke as I could. Then again, it’s my fault for expecting an incel sub to be populated by the intellectual cream of the crop.

I’m not talking about you. Yes, I’m aware you made the original comment, but the one who replied after that is the he I was referring to. He is the one I was conversing with.

Ohh ok. On second thought I can see why you’d think that people are serious here. There are people here that say meme tier things without a hint of sarcasm.

I understand that some people here are serious and others are absolutely joking. Usually I can discern between the two. Usually. Lol.

Well, either I miss out (if female is allowed to choose) or female misses out (if I'm allowed to choose), you know? At least with government-mandated gfs, we can both be happy after we go through hard times together.

You’re assuming that your right about a bond being formed. Which I think is unlikely. In some cases it might work in your favor, but the majority of the time I doubt that it would. Not everyone forms emotionally bonds the same way.

I liked that part where you logically challenged his claim, he blew you the fuck out, and you instantly fell back on your feelings.

"Or maybe we could just not do it because my feelings"


I guess I’m missing the part where he blew me the fuck out. Lol.

I’m pretty sure that taking away someone’s autonomy for the benefit of another is fucked. I doubt that is just a feeling I have.

Top kek.

Hehe a few months ago when my Chad housemate told me sex really isn't all that good I wish I'd had this ready...

You are not entitled to air, bro

Breathing isn't all that great anyway. Sometimes there's dust in the air and you cough, and in winter you can get a cold.

Also some people have allergies.

I'm not gonna lie, If I could replace my legs with treads I totally would.

Tank treads though. Go big or go home.

I got high as balls last night and spent about three hours trying to figure out if I could build a gaming computer into the modern standard of prosthetic arm.

Turns out I probably could. Although why I decided this might ever be relevant I have no idea.

What the fuck were you smoking? And where can I get some?

Super-Silver LH. Pretty much the closest you get to a mind-fuck in the north-west of scotland. We get a lot of ditch weed up here. It took me and like 5 other guys hitting up every stoner we have collectively met to find a source for that shit.

So your in Scotland..

You into shrooms?

Just curious.

Yeah, lotta cow shit around these parts so I go picking every year.

why would someone go big if he could go home? (found it somewhere on the internet)

Username checks out

Wasn't that a monster in Doom 3

Already IT saying we think being wheel chair bound is worse than being incel.

It’s to illustrate a point you fucksticks.

They're extremely low IQ. They don't even know what an analogy is.

"Incels think not getting laid is LITERALLY the same as being disabled"

million upvotes





I'd much rather be disabled and have a happy monogamous relationship than be the lonely suicidal genetic waste that I am.

walking is overrated. just because you see it in tv shows and movies doesn't mean it's like that in real life.

It's actually really creepy and kind of just... gross that they're so hung up on this one thing and they've made it the centre of their sad little universe. There's more to life than walking, you know?

they even made themselves special chairs so they could pretend to walk JFL

LMAO this is going on /r/wheelchairtears

someone should legit make that sub. I'm sure there's a lot of parodies that could be created from IT.

Has he even tried showering? Seems like it might just be a personality problem.

Lol it's literally the purpose of life and these normans act like it's worth nothing





Whose "we"? Are you all a collective hivemind or something?

then they ask why they’re incels...

Can't compare being unable to walk with being an incel.


Nope, the former is in a whole other category.

The analogy is fucking shit, you twat

What the hell are you even talking about? No one claims you're saying it's worse. The analogy ITSELF is the problem, as suggested by the image. But who cares about getting your facts straight if you can just wallow in your shallow self pity, right? Cheers, my dudes

The analogy is a "problem" because it debunks one of your main arguments: "sex isn't even that big of a deal bro. relationships don't even matter. I have one and it's really not that big of a deal"

Fact: people with IQ under 90 cannot comprehend arguments by analogy. I have over a decade of Internet research to back it up.

Yeah apparently so. I am genuinely surprised that you could look at this meme and NOT realize that it is an analogy being used to expose the stupidity of a common IT argument.

MFW one of you chodes finds out when sex ist just 12 seconds then you cry the rest of the night, and it´s not really worth spending the rest of your life in prison for it

Wow, you were really proud of that one, weren't you? That was your big boy insult!

mom, look, I posted again

So not getting laid is the same as not having legs?

Do you really think you're that important? Do you really think society owes you? Ha! If that's the case you're right where you should be.

Tee hee.

^ This. So much this.

Hey, guess what, incels? Sex is a privilege, not a right! Therefore, you are not entitled to it!

Sex is a human need and right.

Uh, no, it's not. You would not die from a lack of sex. And nobody's obligated to sleep with you. You do not need sex. You do not deserve sex. It is somebody else's decision as to whether or not they give you that privilege.

Maslows hierarchy of needs. Go read it.

So? You're still not entitled to somebody else's body without their consent.

Yes. It would be like a hungry starving African child stealing an apple from a rich farmer.

What the hell is wrong with you? You want to cause serious physical and emotional damage to an innocent person, just because you can't get any? You disgusting fuck.

Food is a need. Sex is not. You do not deserve sex. Especially not with that disgusting attitude.

Sex causes mental stress and causes incels to suicide. It is a need.

*commit suicide

And nope, it's not. Suicidal tendencies are caused by a wide variety of factors, not just an inability to get laid. You do not need sex. You do not deserve sex. You are not entitled to someone else's body just because you want it.

Sex is a privilege. Not a right.

Sex is a birth right of every human. Gtfo. Females that refuse sex to incels are guilty of human rights violation and should be sentenced to public whipping by an incel and PiV sex with 10 incels.


You are literally fucked in the head. No wonder nobody wants to bang you.

Cope. It's all looks.

Ok but whats ur point, he prob deserves it. Do people actually get bothered by this or we all out to lunch.

Yeah, they do. I'll say it again, and hopefully, you will get it this time: NOBODY OWES YOU SEX. YOU DO NOT NEED, OR DESERVE IT.

Nobody has to have sex with you just because you want it. Are you really, really that important, that the universe owes you sex just because? No. And if it bothers you that much that you're not getting any, I implore you to seriously sit back and think of why that might be. And none of this HURR DURR WIMMENZ ONLY WANT CHADS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, because that doesn't exist.

Ok yes I see what ur saying but, Still deserve it.

While you have a point that intimate physical contact is in fact a human want and need, it does not sit at the top of the things human beings need to survive. Food water and shelter take the top of that particular list so the analogy of the apple theft doesn't exactly stand on much ground, and yes people were tortured by being deprived of human contact, the negative effects take a while to really take root. What you're describing as a need is more social interaction, people thay go without it for extended periods of time suffer significant mental effects, and that's social interaction of any kind, not just intimate. Your strongest point is that people who go without romantic relationships do suffer from depression more often , and vice versa, and it's true to a point, but it is also true that it revolves around more than just sex which is needed for the species to keep going, but by no means is it a right. It's more of a privilege , something you earn and are punished for taking.

Human intimacy and affection are basic needs.

Yes, but by no means are they absolutely necessary for us to exist or remain sane. The way people on this subreddit go on they make it sound as if the fact they go without it is quite literally killing them like dehydration would. Making life significantly more depressing , almost certainly, but not outright draining their life away. If someone feels like their life is so seriously negative without romantic affection they don't need a girlfriend , they need to talk to family, friends, or a therapist

If you don't have a loving girlfriend, you become suicidal and that means sex = human need.

I don't, same with many others, and I'm not, also same with many others. And if you're equating relationship to just having sex, you're not seeing the whole point of one.

I don't need to

I'd argue the opposite if you're feeling so down about not having a girlfriend thay suicide looks like a nice option

I’m a Virgin, and I’m doing just fine. Not suicidal, depressed, or angry at anyone because of it. It’s not going to kill me. Lack of food, water, and oxygen will.

You're coping boyo.

I’m a woman. And no, I have a wonderful life. Wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sex or not.

You're saving it for the right chad. You just haven't found him yet whore.

How can I be a whore and a virgin? Also, I’m saving it for marriage bud. Chill out.

Yeah ok. You know you're gonna gargle chads cock when he eye fucks you.

I think if I’ve managed to hold out for 22 years, I’ll be just fine. I have plenty of self control. You don’t have to be so angry, ya know. I’ve never done anything to you and you don’t know me. You’re assumptions are incorrect. Maybe give it a rest with the insults.

Yeah ok. Cut the act. We all know you'd be on your knees as soon as a Chad asks you out. Quit it.

You quit it. Lol. It’s amusing how you judge people without knowing them but desperately want to be accepted by women in real life. Hypocrisy at its finest. I am a virgin. I am waiting for marriage. No matter how much you tell me that I’m lying or acting, it’s still the truth.

Show me your social media and then I'll believe whatever you say. If you don't appear modest and humble, you're a whore.

I don’t give that out to strangers. I don’t trust you. You won’t believe me, you’ll just find any excuse to call me a whore. Nice try though.

Lmaooo nice. Hide your whore status more.

Oh honey, I’m not a whore. I’ve never been with a man. I’m not promiscuous. I don’t need to prove it to you by exposing my identity to some random online stranger. No thanks.

All women are whores by default unless they prove otherwise.

Whatever you say kid.

Were the same age condescending slut.

I call everyone kid. 78? Kid. 35? Kid. 12? Kid. It has nothing to do with you. I’m not being condescending. Calm the fuck down already. You’re so angry, and if anyone is condescending it’s you.

Good night now 👌🏻

Send nudes or fuck off slut.

I already said goodnight kid. That was me fucking off. Chill out now.

Shut up slut and go sleep while fingering yourself to imagining chads dick.

You just can’t quit, can you? Lol. If you’d stop replying, my phone would stop going off, and I could get back to going to sleep. You seriously need help. Anger management would be good for you.

Shut up. Only help I need is prime pussy to fuck

Nah, that won’t fix your problems. But it would be nice, wouldn’t it? Anyway, for the third time, goodnight. Hope you get the help you need sometime soon.

Thanks. Good night.

Actually it is the the one and only reason for the continued existence of all organisms and is responsible for speciation and any other fragment of diversity. Social isolation causes people to suffer immensely and was used as a method of torture. People without sex and without intimate relationships suffer from increased disease, stress and die sooner than their counterparts.

So? There are plenty of people and animals out there getting some. It's no big deal as far as the rest of the universe is concerned that you're not. And even with that in mind, nobody owes you sex.


So why don’t you go without it for the rest of your life then?

I could, very safely, if I wanted to. I've never been interested in sex (asexual), but even if I were, I wouldn't feel so entitled to it that I would call it an all consuming need.

I'll put it for you this way. I want to eat cake right now. Though I might want it very badly, I know that it is not necessary for my survival. I would not throw a tantrum if I asked for cake from someone, and they refused. I do not think that the world owes me cake for any reason. I do not think that people who give cake to other people, but not to me deserve to be punished. Any decent person would have the same attitude about sex.

guess what, so is walking as per the OP

You can't compare being disabled to nobody wanting to screw you. As a disabled perspn myself, Imma put it for you this way: Being disabled results in serious problems in everyday life, i.e, it's hard to find work, you can't go anywhere without people staring at you, especially kids, and you get called all sorts of dumb shit. Does not getting any cause any real problems? No.

Yes it does, you are chronically depressed and don't have a desire to do anything. If you are not incel don't pretend to know what an incel goes though.

i.e, it's hard to find work

oh my sweet summer child


So what's the point in contributing to society then

being a cucked white knight seems to stop you from understanding analogies

People have been calling me entitled all my life. I have a physical disability and would love to know what its like to have good legs, and hands too.

What’s your disability

CMT-Charcot marie tooth. Its a rare disorder and i was unlucky enough to get it...well not really its hereditary.

imagine being so cucked you rage from an analogy

Imagine being so delusional you rage because people won’t have sex with you

imagine being so triggered you bothered to comment here.

“Cucked” “Triggered” Are you gonna call me a snowflake next?

oh dear god, how angry are you

That snowflake insult is blehhg.


Imagine thinking someone owes you sex, then continuing on as if you’re a sane human being

oh dear god the white knighting

-cuck -triggered -white knight

Keep the checklist going

and you continue to post here defending females

YOU are the one who wants females to have pity sex with you.... maybe you should be the one defending them

I like how you assume I’m like that just because I don’t condone psychotic behavior

how am i delusional for raging because people won't have sex with me?

Cucktears missing the point.

Not having sex is not our be all end all, it's what it implies, which is companionship, which is a very real human need.

As well as, you know, it providing evidence that you aren't a sub human piece of trash and have some hope in finding a partner at least.

I'd argue the opposite if you're feeling so down about not having a girlfriend thay suicide looks like a nice option

Or... we could just not force people into situations like this. Taking away their right to choose what they want in life is pretty fucked.

oh dear god, how angry are you

That snowflake insult is blehhg.


I could, very safely, if I wanted to. I've never been interested in sex (asexual), but even if I were, I wouldn't feel so entitled to it that I would call it an all consuming need.

I'll put it for you this way. I want to eat cake right now. Though I might want it very badly, I know that it is not necessary for my survival. I would not throw a tantrum if I asked for cake from someone, and they refused. I do not think that the world owes me cake for any reason. I do not think that people who give cake to other people, but not to me deserve to be punished. Any decent person would have the same attitude about sex.