"You are not my type, but Im sure there are hundreds of girls who would love to be with someone like you"

204  2018-03-24 by Zangano1


hi sure there are hundreds of girls who would love to be with someone like you"

Fuck off

This is basically what every cucktears woman is actually saying to you when they "rate" you and tell you you look "fine" or "average".

Pretty sure FaceAndLMS said something like that:

blue pilled ways of thinking about how you look is to ask a woman if you're ugly. They'll almost always say you're "fine" or "average". A red pilled way of knowing if you're attractive or not is to judge the way she acts around you. Has she called you hot? Has she made it easy for you to get with her?

Bluepilled normshits come here to tell us how we're all "fine", but that's just because it appeases their ideology. "Everyone can get laid!" "Everyone can find true love!" "There are no unfair advantages!"

Will make a thread on this

Never heard of him before but he's correct of course.

I mean all you have to do is go to /r/Rateme and watch the replies that actual average to good looking guys get. The women will straight up tell them that they're hot/cute/etc.

Being told "you look fine/average" is basically as detached as you can get when rating someone without wanting to hurt their feelings.

JFL if you fell for the roastie lies and fooled yourself into thinking you aren't subhuman


He has a whole series. Every video is stellar imo. My favorite is probably the 2.0 one that he just released.

thanks, will give some of these a listen.

that guy is a G

u/FACEandLMS you are the best homie

Thanks bro


this post has me feeling super depressed right now. :/ feels so bad. so many thoughts going through my head right now

I also need to get off this sub LMAO

Both of you need a dose of Ropemine.

Pretty much. I also used to fool myself until I finally accepted the truth. Took me 4 long months.

I have seen actual women being directly asked this question - why do you tell ugly people that they're okay looking?

The answer? "Because if they're ugly they know it, there is no need for me to point it out for them and make them feel bad"

feelz > reelz. AWALT

I've said it before. It's called manners.

Thanks for the shoutout, bro.

If anyone is looking for the above quote, it's somewhere in WAW1.1 on YT.

No problem bro. Your videos are great. Keep up the good work.


i better see this in comments

Threaten suicide, maybe then they will feel bad have pity sex with you.

Active in these communities


Of course.

Stalk women and learn everything about them, they will appreciate your interest.

Read the flair, dipshit.

Fuck off.

Bluff authority to try to intimidate- women will respect and admire your power, even if it's not real

Topfuckingkek. Shitty IT troll.

Make sure everyone you meet knows how into 4chan you are. Use the word "normie" outside of the internet. Women universally see this as a green flag for a serious relationship.

Use the word normie outside of the internet

Try harder.

Says they guy with "Normie" flair?

Ohh, scathing.


Harder :)

Ohh, scathing. You trying to call me a liar is the reason I have the flair up. The mental backflips you twats make to justify yourselves are hilarious.


Harder :)

Exhibit A: Why we need a more robust mental health care system.

Jealous of getting shit on by everyone except Russia and a bunch of autistic people?

Ohh noes, I'm so hurt.

Try harder.

At least you are comfortable with your disposition. I can appreciate that.

Fuck off :)

Make sure everyone you meet knows how much into 4chan you are.

This kind of sounds like projection lol.

She's the /b/ cancer that wants to be hip and uses maymays from boards.

Probably came from 9gag or some shithole originally.

Make sure everytime you argue with someone use sarcasm, because expecting you to directly offend someone is too much to ask for

Is it weird that I think she's a woman? I guess I should surrender to the fact that I'm probably misogynistic but girls tend to use their own version of sarcasm and "humour".

And it's fucking weird.

Have my reasons to believe its a woman too, avoiding confrotantion, using sarcasm to pretend to be high IQ and funny and so on .... if a male behaved that way would quickly be labeled a faggot

u/azavii, may thou come down from the heavens and strike this thot with your almight BANHAMMER

I thought you IT cucks said all girls are not the same?

start every coherent statement you make with an insult, it makes you sound more correct.

greentext like it's a "be me story".

Fam, pool's closed. Due to AIDS.

white STILL saying fam

I'm a Slav, cheeky breeky suka.

Publicly available information is not stalking. If you don't want your public profile to be used against you, imply privacy measures.

Sounds like something a stalker would say.

k hun, keep giving your private info to Cambridge Analytica.

Tell women about how you've solved 9/11, and by solved you mean anything but the official story is true and they can't possibly understand the way you do.

Did you just have a fulminant stroke and developed aphasia?

Because I can't understand for the life of me what are you trying to meme about.

Thats exactly what they WANT you to think!

Yeah, you're a woman. Only a woman can meme so dull.

Now say it with me: "muh vageene"

Can you attempt suicide again

This board has enough rule violations without people like you pitching in.

Cry about it, bitch

boring generic strawman sarcastic post

assuming hes actually interested to "stalk" some hormonally messed warpig


the truecels are logging on.

When I first posted my comment to her, I felt like I was alone in my fight against the pig.

If your first instinct is to do a background check on random strangers you meet, you might be a stalker. (even if it's legal, moron)

Yeah you MIGHT be or you might just be a Redditor snuffing out a retarded cunt who needs to GTFO

No, my first instinct is to prove the retard who thinks anyone simply looking at said retard's profile is a stalker when the information is readily available and provided by said retard.

Also it's laughable you think you are so special some internet stranger will learn everything about you. I love how retards always put themselves on a huge pedestal.

Nobody here gives a shit about you more than a cursory glance at your profile to see that you are a cucktears poster, nobody wants to "learn everything about you" like you claim, nobody even wants you here. So, do us all a favor, and take your retardation to another subreddit. Fucking window licker

You wish someone was stalking you, maybe you wouldn’t be on an incel board fishing for attention

Clearly I've touched a nerve with this stalker accusation.

Sorry, your fantasy of being desired enough to stalk is just a sign you need to be institutionalized.

Here’s a thought: tell your parents about us stalking you. See how that goes. I’m sure you won’t be called insane and shamed.

How pretentious can someone's arguments get?


that's not the point of this meme at all.

Not that you understand a single thing about incels at all.

That would imply you were barred from participating in this community or you are branded "not X" because "you're not Y".

And ye, this is not what this macro means.

You're so fucking retarded lmao

Im not a woman I dont threaten suicide


"Not my type" = "You're not good looking enough for me"

Or "You're actually not my type and I'm not attracted to you."

Right? Do people here think only men should be allowed to decide who they are and are not attracted to?

I see comments about how women shouldn't judge looks, yet you all pine after Stacy. You boys are all so hmmmmm....what's that word....oh yeah, hypocritical.

You want the hot female, yet you bitch because she wants the hot male. Doesn't that mean you judge by looks too because I doubt any of you would date anyone less than a 6/10 or a fat chick.

I guess in your logic the answer is "H-H-H-B-B-B-B-B NO WE DON'T YOU BLUE PILL CUNT, WHY DON'T DO YOU GO FUCK CHAD," therefore continuing the obvious fact that you go for looks.

Y'all have an unhealthy obsession with Chad and Stacy. Grow up, mind your business, and live your life.

I will literally go out with you, I have no standards left. Are you anywhere near South Korea?

No thanks. I am a fat 4/10, live in the US, and am actually really happy being single. I see all these ladies getting in fights with their bfs, tracking each other's every move, being in each other's space, and I don't want that. I take my dog out, go out to bars, play darts/pool, and generally try to have a good time.

I'm doing me, payin bills, livin life, and enjoying whatever I have left here.

It's not hard. Once you stop focusing on "why doesn't she like me" or "why am I not attractive" things get better. I'm taking my first ever vacation and going beach camping, which is something I never would have considered in the past 10 years and I plan to enjoy every minute of it.

I am fat

live in the US

KEK. What a surprising combo


I am a fat 4/10

You're probably too hot for me.

I'd gladly date you if you gave me a chance. I am not possessive, do not track each other's moves, value independence, give everyone their own space. But IRL women like you wouldn't give me the time of day. I've tried more times than you can imagine. I just accept my lonely fate.

I am a fat 4/10, live in the US, and am actually really happy being single

giga cope

Nope. Got my family near, got my dog, got friends. I'm doing well :) If you spend every waking minute focusing on why you're single and blaming everyone else for it, you're not really living.

Cope some more.

Nice sweeping generalizations, I spent 4 years on okcupid exclusively going for the less attractive, overweight, nerdy women that are on there, during my 4 years i got less than 10 likes, no one messaged me first, and the only replies i got to the messages I sent out were "sorry you're not my type" excluding the 3 women i managed to take on dates, all of them ghosting me after 1 date each, each less atttactive than the last and fatter than the one before, and I still wasnt good enough for them.

The last one I ever took out, was interested in me but I wasn't sure how I felt with her. I told her I wanted to just start as friends and let things happen naturally... She told me she joined okc to "find a real man" that will love her, not a "scared little boy" and she never talked to me again.

Believe this or not, some girls are inscure about themselves, and that's why they might not message you first. They're simply too insecure. They probably actually are flattered when you message them first.

Sometimes they might be too insecure about themselves to even message you back, or keep talking to you after a date, because they think in the end it can't work out because of themselves anyway. Maybe they think you're too "good" for them.

Personally, a guy I was in love with found out I was in love with him, but not a cell in my body wanted a relationship with him, because I thought he deserved better than me, and because I didn't deserve him. I just wasn't good enough for him. I was more broken and cried more when he got a girlfriend than when my grandpa died around the same time and I was close to my grandpa.

I also met a guy who said he cared about me, and said he started to feel romantically interested towards me. I felt the same way, but I didn't tell him, because I knew it couldn't work out because of me. I knew he wouldn't really want me at all. But I also think he had alternative sexual motives by talking to me, he didn't just talk to me because he cared about me. But I wouldn't deserve anyone to care about me anyway.

I cut contact with him. Not because I didn't want to talk to him anymore, not because I didn't like him, or even love him, but I knew, because of myself it could never work out, and I was just lessening the pain for myself to cut contact rather sooner than later. I still think about him almost every day.

What I am trying to say with this is, you never know what a girl is thinking. I might be a bit extreme, but to a degree girls could think like this, especially convanentially unattractive girls. They might be too insecure about themselves to talk to you. The "problem" doesn't have to be you at all.

The last woman you mentioned definitely wasn't a decent person though. It's best that you found out how she really was, you dodged a bullet with her.

On another note, in a way I might understand what you guys are going through. I'm a girl, but I just have extremely low self-esteem and low self-worth. Tbh, I desperately, desperately just want validation. I just want to be lovable, and I just don't want to be despicable. That's all I want.

I especially hate and loathe myself, and have low self-esteem and low self-worth because of the way I look, although my self-hatred goes deeper than just my looks now, but that's still the core problem. I don't know why I am this way. I think years of being sexually abused as a child might contribute to it. Cause because of that I feel like the only way I'm worthwhile is through the way I look. The only way I'm worthwhile is through being validated for sexual purposes.

I know this is pathetic and disgusting, and I really wish I didn't feel the way I do at all. I really just want to be happy. I really want to die at this point tbh, but more so, I just want to be happy. I just want to genuinely smile and laugh again. At this point, I just want to be saved. I want to be saved from this hell that is my mind. I'm sick and exhausted of everything.

This is just a vague rant. I'm sorry for this.

The sexual abuse might also have contributed to the low self-esteem in general.

But it does get to me when guys on here talk about how every girl wants a good looking guy. I literally do not think that anyone is ugly, besides myself. Even when I google "ugliest people" or something, I genuinely think that they look better than me.

I genuinely do not care about what a guy would look like. I don't even think I deserve to have standards. I do not have any standards (regarding looks). And I don't even want to have them.

I have seen so many things said on this sub, how "women" are like that. But how short-sided can you be to comb 3.5 billion people over one comb? The entire gender? How can they genuinely believe that every single woman is the same? I honestly can't understand that.

I'm literally the opposite of what some people on here claim all women to be. Especially because I'm so much the opposite, it gets to me, and I just have to leave the sub because it makes me feel so bad.

It also gets to me how the guys on this sub wouldn't date an "ugly" girl. Just like what the original comment said. I do think that's the case with most guys on here.

Even though they're so desperate for a girlfriend, they still wouldn't want me. And that really breaks me lol.

I'm not saying any of this to gain sympathy or pity. If you do think I'm saying this for that reason, please don't give me any sympathy or pity.

I couldn't really explain myself at all. I just want to say to you, it doesn't have to be you why some women might not talk to you. Women are mostly actually very insecure about themselves. They might feel like they don't even deserve you.

I'm so so sorry that you were abused as a child and as a woman I identify 100% with what you are going through (about needing validation and feeling uglier than everybody else). But please trust me, you deserve people you like. Those that don't return your kindness and affection don't deserve you.

I am sorry you're struggling with that yourself. Thank you for your kind words. :)

No, I just want my 3-4/10 looksmatch but she is too busy getting creampied by chad.

And technically fat is something u can fix, so you have every right not to date a fatty.

Still judging by looks.

You can fix body, u cant fix face. And i would say that im not very shallow by wanting my looks match (ugly female).

I would fuck a dog or a horse even like fuck off brain dead wombat.

yet you all pine after Stacy.

No, we would date practically anyone. Just because they post memes about Stacy doesn't mean they would only date Stacy.

You know how that fat girl has a Channing Tatum poster on her wall? That doesn't mean she'll only date Channing Tatum.

What people post is not the same as what they will do IRL.

You want the hot female

No, I get rejected by 300 lbs landwhales too.

See, you're making a mistake engaging someone who doesn't really want to hear your opinion.

What makes you think a rebuttal on a public forum is only for her benefit?

Why wouldn't the poster he is replying to want to hear his opinion? I wanted to hear it. His thoughts are just as valid as the person who made the comment.

Because cracked is one of those IT user. Their entire comment was a massive strawman to begin with.

I mean....even with the satire....you guys really make it look like you live miserable, lonely lives. It's all in your thought process and how you handle situations...which is not well since I've seen people on here advocate the raping of women more than a handful of times in the comment section.

It's trying to talk to me. Can't contain my disgust.

you guys

Read the flair.

Yup, typical incel response. "Hrgb-bh-bh-bh-bh we don't want to hear the truth bh-bh-bh-bh, but fuck you."

Not an incel, folks from IT are just disgusting :)

I'm on both sides, thank you. It's possible to be a female incel, still be happy, aaaaand watch these guys be shitty to everyone because no one wants to fuck 'em. I understand men are only one step above Neanderthal, but god damn it is pleasant to watch Incels actually be the Neanderthal. Sex is not the most important thing in the world.

The way I see it is: Would I rather be angry, miserable, and focused on one thing my whole life or would I rather enjoy my small time on this earth doing what I want when I want?

Which one would I rather look back at on my deathbed? The lonely miserable life or the one filled with adventure?

I'm choosing the adventure and so far, it's fuckin great.

Don't care, shit trolling.

Post on IT, get shit on like you shit on people here.

Case in point, once again.

Have a good one, incel.


Try harder.

They all want to be Chad or have Chad inside of them.

Most are trolls but some just have a perpetual obsession with every woman that's ignored them so they justify the rejection by identifying nonexistent or superficial faults to trick themselves into some ridiculous sense of superiority.

Let's be real, the idiots that actually believe this nonsense shouldn't be reproducing anywayand have no idea how actual adult relationships work.

No, they just want to look normal enough to be respected in society and maybe attract a few women.

Well at least they're approaching it iin a healthy and rational way.

Just like your username and posts. ;)

Someone has to.

You deserve an award for your courageous act.

I wouldn't go that far. Its a public service, I don't need recognition.

"I wouldn't date you but I'm sure u can find a girl if u work on ur personality!" TEEHEE kms

"You're cute, any girl (EXCEPT ME, NOT ME FUCK NO) would fall for you.

So... a bunch of guys that view women as evil subhumans and at the same time something that they are being deprived of (of course they have to be perfect in that case) are upset that women have their own standards?

Maybe you don't deserve any companionship beyond your mom and right hane.

Man, a lot of self-identifying incels don't view women as 'evil subhumans', there just aren't lots of communities to vent about what it's like to be too unattractive for any woman to be sexually into you.

If you read the OP it's actually not complaining that women have standards, it's saying it's annoying when people falsely suggest many women want to be with you, when your experience is to the contrary.

oh man, white knight felt it prudent enough to make an account to defend wamen

It's almost like you've never had actual human interaction.

Do you need someone to talk to?

does it make your blood boil seeing all the mean things said to females, is that why you made your account

No. I just miss r/incel sometimes. It was great trolling ground.

I'm sure you'll agree. No need to admit it.

"It's almost like..."


Just let it all out bro.

Combatting douchebaggery with more douchebaggery, I see. :)

Nooo :( This pic is gold for r/2meirl4meirl Too good for this sub.

Theres not such a thing as too good for an incel sub. Go defend women somewhere else.

There’s not such a thing as too good for an incel sub

Women and sex.

really doesn't explain all the broken hoes and fakecels hanging around here

Why are you so evil?

wooma and secs

Can't you use that ominatrix to shapeshift into a Chad? All your incel problems will be solved

This ominatrix is not pernament tho :(

Did you just have a fulminant stroke and developed aphasia?

Because I can't understand for the life of me what are you trying to meme about.

Not an incel, folks from IT are just disgusting :)