Not one of you but saw this and thought you might enjoy it

34  2018-03-24 by algunchico90


Yeah women are heathens

I love women I just thought you guys would get a kick out of this

Okay but they are heathens. You love women because you think the love you, they dont. Theyre using you in one way or another. Theyre all narcissistic.

Fair enough

Fair enough?? Are you kidding? This shakelick guy is a totally delusional loser who thinks that all women are 'heathens' who will never care about any man. And you say 'fair enough' to that level of retardation?? Dear god

Why does him have a small dick matyer to you? Its something he literally has no control over, he didnt pick his size, he didnt forget to water it, his body formed it on his own, so why is that funny? Is it funny when someone is born without working legs?

I disagree with him but I'm not going to engage in an argument over the internet because I know I won't change his opinion and also it would be retarded.

you might be the best normie with an opposing view to have ever come to this sub. you are welcome here.

Thanks mate

why is someone else having a small dick funny to you? he goes there to cope with his situation. you're a piece of shit.

Because he's a misogynistic asshole who hates 50% of the population because they're women and thinks they're all narcissists. He's deserving of ridicule

then make fun of what he's actually guilty of, not something he has no control over. if someone else who has a small appendage comes across your message, you're then making fun of that person as well. there's nothing wrong with attacking bad ideas, but that's not what you were doing.

Women are narcissists, but its really not your fault. Society puts you on such a high pedestal that you cant help but yourselves. You need validation, and thats what you use men for. you think I'm a woman? I'm a guy. Women actually talk to me though, unlike you, and I have a girlfriend and know that you're just a lonely, miserable, delusional, bitter, misogynistic, and apparently slightly racist, asshole and you don't have the slightest clue. You're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life, poor thing.

Also, to the previous commenter, that actually is a fair point and I apologize if my comment applied to you and/or made you feel badly about yourself. Collateral damage

Na ur a woman. But in response to ur point, there are a lot of double standards that a lot of women just dont see. And if youre a man then you must be a cuck because if you REALLY had a girlfriend you would know the true nature of women better than anybody. All their fuckery is because theyre used to getting pretty much whatever they want just by asking nicely. Thats not how men have get to walk through the world.

"Na ur a woman" lmao 😂

They create this idea in their head and they don't back down. It's actually quite scary.

A lot of these kids need major therapy to work them through their problems, they fail to realise that it's actually a problem and would rather live in their fantasy world where everyone else is wrong and not them.

lol fuck off

Make fun of his misogyny and not his dick, you moron. That's not how you "call-out" people, that's how you make their beliefs stronger.

small dick lmaooo

fuckin roastie worshipping normie. GTFO

imagine being a beta bux

...I just gave a dude $45 to win him over and he used it to take another thot out on a date... how in the fuck

Yeah sure ya did

I can show you the divot in my wallet, if you want.

Yeah, do it. It won't prove anything, but do it.

that was sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell I don’t even fucking carry a wallet. Just because you haven’t personally seen a chick get rejected by 3 dudes in a week doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it means you don’t know any women.

Nah, you're an inceltears troll, everything you say here is fabricated.

boi bOI you wanna scroll through my 200 Instagram posts about how lonely I am or?

Lmfao because no teenage girl overexaggerates for attention on social media right?

I just got rejected by a balding 30 year old man. I couldn’t pay to give my virginity away. It’s called being fucking ugly, friend.

Again, sure ya did.

I will gladly send you screenshots, if you so wish.

Send me too.

can do.

There. I’m not even given the opportunity to be a whore, jfc. Pedophiles are as dry a source as everywhere else.

Wait are you illegally young?

Just downvote and ignore. These low life creatures live of the attention you give them.

,,,okay. no use in trying to relate to you guys, jesus. ugly girls get cats and vibrators.

ugly girls get cats and vibrators.

Haha, that's true.

I hope you're doing okay doll. Friendly reminder, this sub isn't good for young people, or women. Be careful what you post, be careful what you share and be careful with how comfortable you get online. You might think you've found a community here, you have not, these guys are literally here to rip women down in every fashion they can. Talk to a therapist, it might help you. Don't worry about your virginity, you're 15 you are supposed to be a virgin. Here if you need to talk. :)

It’s really not a bad place, just full of a very specific type of loneliness that’s only understandable if you’ve gone through it. I can’t blame anyone for being bitter. I genuinely enjoy it here, as much hate as I get, and your looking down upon it will only make it worse. I appreciate your kindness nonetheless.

Kid, I wasn't looking down on it. This is a support thread full of lonely adult men. You're a 15 year old girl posting in the sub openly about your age, I'd just encourage you to be careful. Stay away from it if you can a lot of people join this mindset young and it taints everything.

Age means nothing when the pedophiles ignore you too. No one believes me on anything half the time anyways, so there’s a 99.99% chance that it won’t matter in the end.

I'd fuck you for free

Kid... It's not because you're ugly that people won't fuck you, it's because it's a jailable offence to even try to.

Legit, give it a year so that people don't have to be prepared to end up on a register just to sleep with you.

Is this Alex?

Yeah, who dis?

Yeah, probably best not to release my irl name here but we went to the same high school.

I always liked you, Alex. I thought you were funny, unfortunately some people weren't very nice to you. That developes into social anxiety because you're used to everyone taking the piss. I was in the same boat. Underconfidence, social anxiety and even depression.

Look man, don't become a part of this braincel community, they're mysoginistic socially autistic heathens with no hope not only due to their physical appearances but also their personality.

You're not a bad looking guy, as mentioned in my previous comment. I like the beard, maybe refine it and style it properly.

But the biggest piece of advice I have for you is go to therapy. If you can't afford it, mediate for the meantime. It's helped with my social anxiety massively.

Thanks dude, I really do appreciate that. And yeah, I know the beard needs a trim.

I thought people were nice enough in high school though? My anxiety started before then anyway.

As far as me becoming part of the community I wouldn't worry man, you can post somewhere without necessarily agreeing or identifying with all the local opinions. I mean, you're here aren't you?

And as for therapy, I tried it and found it wasn't really for me. Interacting with the therapist was just one more thing for me to be anxious about. Medication's working out pretty well though and maybe I will get back into meditation too bud.

Thanks again for the caring though man, you've got a good heart whoever you are.

You always seemed pretty upbeat in all honesty, always with a smile on your face. But yeah, I guess people have "masks" on in that situation.

Yeah, I'd definitely agree. I just saw that you made a throwaway to browse this sub so I thought you were leaning towards getting into it.

Yeah, that's fair enough man. Therapy is quite a big step, letting yourself all out to one person can be quite daunting. Do try the meditation though, a good starting point would be "Headspace". The first 10 days are free, just do them through a few times until you've nailed the basics then move on to an app like Insight Timer which is totally free. It's all about eliminating the over-thinking that goes with anxiety. Learning to "be in the moment". Do 10 minutes every morning after you wake up and I garuntee you'll see a major difference within a month.

Cheers man, I'll be sure to check those out. This isn't a throwaway though, I'm just really late to the reddit party.

What do you mean you gave a guy $45 to win him over?

Said he needed cash I’m lonely as all hell Commissioned a drawing from him and overpayed for it Asked him out He rejected me He started ignoring me and went on a date with some girl

Sounds like a weird kinda situation tbh

Very much so.

  1. Download Tinder

  2. Upload photos

  3. Go out with the most attractive matches

Hahahahaha not old enough

How old are you?


Leave this place before it’s too late young one

I probably should, considering that everyone thinks I’m inceltears, but I have no where else to go so yeah


Download tinder, set your age to 18, tell everyone that matches with you that youre actually 15. Some people dont care.

Just looksmatch, don't date up. Which is what im assuming you do.

Does the same rule apply in relation to sexual deviants or-

Well did u want a hookup or an LTR?

I will legitimately be satisfied with someone pissing directly into my mouth.

Uh..... Ok...

Kind of unsanitary but whatever floats your boat.

pm me

$10 for spinach


Thinking emoji

Seems legit

Top kek. GF's are way too expensive to what you can use them for.

A hole.


That's why the first date (if you ever manage to get one) should be at a Taco Bell. If she really is in love with your personality she won't mind.

Paid for by a Cuck

good, that cuck deserves it

Is that in Dollar? what kind of dinner cost $400? what a C U C K

If the dinner was THAT pricey, he at least deserves a blowjob or making out.

That's where you're wrong kiddo

Why does him have a small dick matyer to you? Its something he literally has no control over, he didnt pick his size, he didnt forget to water it, his body formed it on his own, so why is that funny? Is it funny when someone is born without working legs?

I disagree with him but I'm not going to engage in an argument over the internet because I know I won't change his opinion and also it would be retarded.

that was sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell I don’t even fucking carry a wallet. Just because you haven’t personally seen a chick get rejected by 3 dudes in a week doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it means you don’t know any women.

Nah, you're an inceltears troll, everything you say here is fabricated.

why is someone else having a small dick funny to you? he goes there to cope with his situation. you're a piece of shit.

Make fun of his misogyny and not his dick, you moron. That's not how you "call-out" people, that's how you make their beliefs stronger.

small dick lmaooo

fuckin roastie worshipping normie. GTFO

Thinking emoji

Age means nothing when the pedophiles ignore you too. No one believes me on anything half the time anyways, so there’s a 99.99% chance that it won’t matter in the end.

Wait are you illegally young?