You’re such fucking liars

203  2018-03-24 by sicmundus555



How tall are you?

I don’t know, like 5’8 or 5’9. She’s shorter than me ofc

Nice bait m8 try another d8 m8

Good job bud

And nothing of value was lost.

Good job, OP.

A good rule of thumb, don’t listen to people (incels) that have near-zero first hand knowledge of a subject (women, relationships, other humans) give expert advice when all of their knowledge comes from the internet where any point of view can find validation.

That's truly horrendous logic.

Might as well never trust a million different things. To keep it somewhat relevant, you can never listen to a male gynecologist ever again. Clearly a female knows better, as she has first-hand experience.

We have way more first hand experience as to how looks matter than anyone else on the planet except maybe models. Only an acid attack victim or face burn victim will have their worldview turned upside down and and realize looks >everything else.

I am ugly enough were random people bully me for it and I am in my twenties, high school never stops for true subhumans, it just gets worse. Girls literally FROWN at me if I even enter the building. They SCOWL and talk to their bffs about how ugly I am. Almost every-time I overhear conversations of girls they are talking about how ugly I am.Like some legit can't believe I'm that odd looking.People stare at me in the wrong way. Not even kidding. When I walk into a bus or a train you will sometimes have people go loudly make fun of my appearance and mock me.A lot of other times a bunch of young girls will giggle(and I have heard them talk about my features) These are common experiences for me.

Look at this guy, my nose is about the same size and I have many other features that are as bad.

This is not what I meant. I accept your knowledge of being ugly, if you are, and the impact that has on your life. I feel empathy towards that and wish that life was different for you if you truly are disfigured. The point of my comment was in regard to all of the assumptions made in this sub. Incels talk as if they have perfectly dissected the live of Chads, Stacys, Roasties, Normies, Cucks, (insert any other incel slang terminology), and the way all humans interact.

The life that incels imagine for a Chad is simply not true, yet it is commonly accepted here as fact. The same goes for all other groups. Most of the incels here are not even ugly, as evidenced by the many that have posted pictures. If they listen to the horrible advice spewed here about how it’s “over if sub-8 male” then they will only dig themselves further into inceldom. In most cases the people posting here aren’t shunned because they are genetically not blessed, instead it is likely due to their extremely autistic and/or asocial behavior.

Yes they are wrong about chad. They under exaggerate how good his life is, not over.

Again, as a 15 year old you are not an expert of adult human relationships.

I guarantee I've had more experience in sexual relationships over the past 3 months than you have in your whole life.

LOL. Just the same type of response I’d expect from a teenager. I hope this is true for you, but I’m pretty sure you’re pecker would fall off if you crammed that much into 3 months.

I’m not an incel. I’m 29, and have been consistently having sex since I was your age. The advantage of being married is I actually live with the girl I have sex with consistently, and don’t have to ask my parents to drive me over to see her. So no, young sir, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Since you are old getting married is the right decision but if you've ever been in a relationship before that it just shows that you have failed to acquire what all males truly strive for; sexual variety. But you are right I do not know who you are and maybe made a false assumption. However with your first comment I felt like you're trying to oppose what I say, in that case you would only be proving to me that you aren't who you claim to be

Whether you believe me or not doesn’t really matter to me. It seems odd that saying I’m 29, married, and have sex regularly is an unbelievable condition expressed on the internet. If I were to lie I’d certainly make up a more intriguing story.

Sexual variety is interesting but not sustaining. I do suggest you go to college/university if nothing else but for the social experience (assuming you’re in the US).

Once you’re out of college, the idea of sexual variety is alright but it’s mentally taxing and you may find yourself “lonely in a crowded room” at times if that makes sense to you. One night stands are fun but not sustaining. There is a lot more value in waking up next to someone that cares deeply for you and vice versa. I believe that’s what most of the incels here are actually wanting and feeling deprived of. Human connection on a deep level.

The reason I post here lately is to refute the idea that all humans only care about the “cock carousel” and that true relationships don’t exist (there was a post on this yesterday). Humans do want sex, but lasting connection that is meaningful is much stronger of a drive at the core level.

I agree with your decision to get married at your age everyone's main goal should be to ensure the survival of their genes otherwise they have failed millions of years of reproduction that lead to them. I was talking about the younger years let's say until around 27. However, if true, authentic love that did not derive from physical lust did in fact exist, why does the "spark" always seem to go away after the parents have kids?

Your version of “spark” and mine may be different, so I hope I’m answering this in a way that is congruent to your thinking.

Sexual interest does usually drive initial relationships, that’s why when you first get into a relationship many have sex multiple times per day. As a relationship becomes a longer term thing, say past 6 months, sex is still regular but is no longer a focal point of the relationship. I’m still just as “in love” with my wife as when we first started dating, more so in fact. The things that bind humans together the strongest are usually shared difficulties. After multiple years of being together typically couples have experienced a lot of difficult things together, and that makes them closer. You’re still in love, but that love is changing. It’s malleable.

I can’t speak to the post-children thing, as my wife is pregnant but we haven’t had our first yet. From my friends and acquaintances, it seems that because having kids is such a huge change to their lives some forget to maintain the actual loving relationship because the focus is so much on raising the kids.

All relationships, if every kind, have to be tended to and consciously directed if they are going to succeed. Being in a long term relationship is hard work, and some people forget to continue to put in that work. It doesn’t mean there’s a lack of love, but love can fade if neglected.

Interesting theory on why the lust goes away after parenthood however a theory of my own is that human love is a trick our brain plays on us in order for us to reproduce as this is our biological goal, but once we have reproduced the love fades into oblivion. It is just a theory I cannot be sure if it's true. Also, I do not see the intended purpose of an LTR if marriage is not in sight like you said it is difficult to maintain while sexual variety can provide the same reward except for no price

LTR sexual relationships are pointless if you’re certain it won’t turn into marriage or a lasting commitment. The only reason I say that is for me, if I was in an LTR that wasn’t working I would want to search for the one that I believe will work for me. An LTR with the right person has tremendous value to me.

I would say my position could be evidenced by strong friendships as well. I have a lot of acquaintances, many I would call friends, and just 5 or 6 truly close friends that in some sense you could say you love. These friendships are usually built from shared hardship (for example I was in the military for 4 years and made really great friends through it). Given enough time apart, though, friendships fade if not maintained. My college roommates were my best friends at the time, now we don’t even talk much. We’d still get along if we were together, but we all neglected the relationship because we all moved to opposite sides of the country for work and in one case the other side of the planet. This can happen in sexual relationships as well.

Well done. Hopefully a few others here follow your example.

By....getting as attractive as him?

Or by creating a fake account and making up a story?

Lmao, got'em

looks at comment history

this definitely happened and is not fake at all

ITT fakecel finds out he was a normie all along, lashes out at truecels

What are you a religion?

What the hell is the issue with these propagandists? You're mental.


Those showers paid off

Op is betabux, have fun.

Thank you I guess, and no I’m a wagecuck

You're prob 7/10


Hope this is real. If so good job man. Don't let the spiteful little men weigh you down. Hope it works out for you!

Please give me mod so I can get rid of these low effort trolls.

How am I trolling? What exactly did I say that was unbelievable?

Lmao, you're always replying with the same rhetoric. Get original


Doesn't mean shit until the date happens noob lol

So you're blaming us because you're an idiot?

Would you jump off a bridge if we told you to?

No, it’s not so much a situation of blaming. It’s a situation where a poisnous belief, carved into my head because I was an incel, stated that if you don’t have a rare and specific set of features that you had no control over choosing then no one of the opposite sex will ever love you

fake and gay

Illusive angle

I almost wrote out a comment which would have included the word 'cucked' several times

She's fucking Chad on the side. You're her betabux provider. In b4 monkey branching.

Nah, someone already said that.. I’m not rich, I wish were though. If she was fucking someone else then why would she agree to go out with me?

why would she agree to go out with me

Free meal?


If she was fucking someone else then why would she agree to go out with me?


i hate this dumbass kid. go do your homework.

That's awesome man! The future is never written in stone, but I hope all the best for you going forward. Do yourself a favor and keep chasing happiness; don't let the toxicity here get to you.

I'm happy for you but you do realise a date doesn't really mean much. I've been on 4 dates (organised by someone else) with 4 different people and never got a second date. Hope it works out.

Thank you. Yeah I know it isn’t much, but I had literal mental issues that affected my everyday life, so to incels like me, or ex-incels, it’s a lot.

To a piece of shit traitorcel like you, I hope it doesn't work out. And guess what? When it doesn't work out, don't ever fucking come back here again. You stupid fucking retard. You got a date and all of a sudden the blackpill is non existent? Pathetic little dweeb. Don't worry...when your date ends horribly you'll be back here posting under a different account even though we don't want you back.

There is no fucking “blackpill” this isn’t the fucking matrix, this is reality, wake the fuck up. I don’t care if it doesn’t work out because I’ll try again and it won’t matter as much as it did because I will no longer be centering my life around the false and deluded poison that you have to be a superhuman model to talk/go out with someone of the opposite sex.


A. troll B. traitorcel C. troll. D. troll.

Hmm...what are the options?

Someone that woke up.

Shut up cuck.

Yeah you’re the same person that lets other people dictate whether or not you can go somewhere, I’m the cuck. LOL nice one bud

I can't "wake up" from the fact that I am a 1/1000 ugly person. I'm sorry I don't have that privilege.

I will no longer be centering my life around the false and deluded poison that you have to be a superhuman model to talk/go out with someone of the opposite sex.

fake IT troll post garbage. Literally no incel ever posted that.

Get a life, retard.

LOL, actually it is posted, and it is implied, very specfically as well as indirectly, you lying cunt take a look at one example

These guys rule the dating game. There is no way to compete with them if you are an average or even slightly above average man. And if you're an incel just fucking forget about it. You aren't even the same species.

So, you think you can compete with any of those guys?

You can't. Sorry to disillusion you, Mr. "I got a girl to go out to the park with me so fuck you pathetic incels" hotshot.

The rest is clearly a fucking meme/venting about the fact that you will never experience life as validating as a male model. Which you won't. Going to a park with a girl is never going to come close to what those chads get.

That’s what I would’ve believed if I still had the brain capacity of a squirrel.

Ahaha you sure you were an incel, bro? You sound like angry little inceltears user.

Hahaha, fattest cope from the fattest fakecel. Go post this to Inceltears, maybe they will appreciate it.

fake and gay


he's honestly an IT troll anyways. Just look at his fking post history lol

Yo... Lol didn’t expect an incel to know/do about options tbh. Those stock gainz real nice. Do you trade penny stocks or nah? I mainly swing trade bluechips and biotechs on catalysts

Even when he was "an incel" he refers to incels as separate from himself.

Yup. Knew it from the start.

it's 100% an alt from an IT account.

Created it 6 days ago, posted 2 fucking things, waits 5 days, fake story.

Pathetic. I knew off the bat when the retard over exaggerated by saying "supermodel". You don't HAVE to be a super model to get women. Chadlites aren't supermodels. IT fails again.

I haven't seen a single incel deny that a 5/10 can get laid if he plays numbers game. it's just a completely different game when you're attractive though.

Bingo. It's like the BS lies of "ER hates women". No he did not. He hated men (Chads) more than he hated women. He killed more men.


Normies lie about us so much. "I was lied to and told that I needed to be a supermodel to get laid" and we're supposed to believe he was an actual incel? That's such a straw man that it isn't even funny.

LOL you’re deluded, and I know that you are aware that you live in a made up self-loathing fantasy likely due to problems that have nothing to do with what is usually stated, just as I did.

No what I meant by that is I never expected incels to discuss and talk about anything else except the blatant lies you see repeated everywhere you look.

Log into your real account and post there, pussy. Until then, get the fuck out.

I already said I just recently made one, what I used to do is lurk and still do. If you can’t already tell, I don’t care that much if people stay extremely deluded. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.

How pathetic and insecure are you that you roleplay as an """incel""" that hate incels? Go outside or log on to your other account.

fake and gay

Sounds like a troll...

It actually is an echo chamber. Someone already said that too but they couldn’t tell me or explain where the troll part of it is

The fact that your Reddit account is 6 days old.

Yeah, that was already said. I mainly lurked, just recently made an acc.

So you're saying that days after making a Reddit account you just coincidentally got a date? Right.

99% chance of troll. In the 1% off chance...

just lol @ you.

You find out that you're not subhuman like us, and your first natural response is to lash out against us now that you realize that you're above us.

Is it in our nature to lash out against those below us?

Yeah thank God I don’t believe in that “subhuman” bullshit anymore. Do you even know what/whk that is or looks like? And yeah I was, I lurked and just recently made an acc. My natural response is to lash out against the poison the idealogy and you people installed in me. I’m not “above” anybody.

because you aren't. you approached and got accepted. that's more than we could do.

not a truecel.

sure you did

it's not our fault you didn't even fking try first lol. truecels know that you gotta try before it's over.

You're probably some fkn 16 year old kid, if you're not trolling.

No I’m not 16, and yes I did try but thought because I wasn’t “Chad” but realized that I couldn’t possibly know the multitude of different reasons as to why someone rejected me. Maybe they saw me as unattractive, alright then, let them I don’t give a fuck.

and yes I did try but thought I got rejected because I wasn’t “Chad”

Ok, then why did you get rejected then, if it wasn't for that?

Was it your personality? lmfao

and stopped even bothering.

definiton of a truecel right here folks. A 17 year old gets rejected once and believes he has to be a male supermodel to get laid. You were BLACKPILLED son.

*thought I wasn’t “Chad”

As in I believed the Incel bullshit, and it affected me.

I tried getting a gf while I was an incel and then just didn’t even bother because I believed in your idealogy, that is, either you have “perfect genetics” (something which you can’t exactly change) or you don’t and you’re a failure.

Yeah, realized that’s just straight up dumb by looking at the people in the world and how the world has been working.

You are so missing the point, the chad focus is just to prove that looks really do matter by showing someone on the oppsoite of the spectrum. Obviously average guys can get relationships and such. We ARE VASTLY below average. People literally feel sorry for me everywhere I go. The amount of discrimination I face is completely insane and to have some norman like you come and dismiss this as "brainwashing" when every single day people like you shit on people like me is nothing short of gaslighting.

even when they're larping as incels they cant get the ideology right :2

this goes to show how intellectually dishonest IT are, they dont even understand what they're arguing against. the point of the "blackpill" isnt that you need perfect genetics in order to reproduce - its thats theres a minimum bar to entry. -_-

fake and gay

That's not "our ideology" at all.

Bad trolling. Go away.

Your posts are so fake it's not even funny. The only people who would believe this made up shit are the scientologists and mormons.

I'm happy for you dude! Climb out if this crab bucket and never return.

you have it backwards. inceldom is a reaction to people being told shit that didn't work. that's what you idiots don't understand.

This is truth, and what the sub needs. Somehow it got into a death spiral of pessimism because the people here are too afraid to even try with girls, a lot of the stuff I see is really bad for your emotional health. I’m happy for you.

It's not the truth at all, wtf?

just approach her bro it'll work out


Somehow it got into a death spiral of pessimism because the people here are too afraid to even try with girls

Not true though. We do approach. We get rejected.

a lot of the stuff I see is really bad for your emotional health.

living my life is bad for my emotional health.

It's a fake post made by someone who's attempting to validate your own worldview.

Plans will fall through lol I'm calling it now.

Honestly good on you but it's best not to stick around here because the people here will just try to bring you down.

I’m proud of you man. Now unsub and ride for the sunset.

Hey happy for you, even if you were never Incel, everyone deserves a shot at being happy. I'd ask you to refrain from calling us names, though - we don't have your good fortune, to be inviting women on dates without getting maced or physically assaulted by a Chad.

When she dumps you and you realize it was all a beautiful dream, you're more than welcome back.

Read his other comments first, boyo. he's a fake acc trying to diss on us.

Figured. Welp, nothing wrong with being nice, even to a fake acc.

He's the biggest bitch I've seen on the sub so far, and we've got some big ones here.

Oh yes I must be fake, sure whatever suits the delusion of yours. Thank God I realized I believed in bullshit. I didn’t realize it when I finally got a date after years but rather when I looked at me and this shit I believed in from a 3rd person perspective.

Welp, you're a flawless normie now. Mind leaving the Incelsub, then? Since you don't need your brothers anymore now that you'll be slaying every day.

“you’re a flawless normie now.” “you’ll be slaying everyday”.

What you’ve said is exactly the problem I’m tpointing out but yet it still glides over you guys’ heads as I expected, which in itself is apart of the problem.

How can I consider people who brainwashed me and made me believe in fucking utter rubbish, and will do it to other people, “brothers”?

We're always here for you, something very few women can say without being considered liars.

Go now, be a 完璧なリア充. We'll save you your place at the table for when you come back.

this really highlights what IT people believe -_-:

"people who brainwashed me and made me believe in fucking utter rubbish"

they're so emotional that they dont see how you can follow logic to reach a particular conclusion, in their mind, any attempt at rationally coming to understand your particular circumstances can only be "brainwashing". -_-

ironically, this is merely projection on their part - they're the ones who've been truly brainwashed and they merely dont want to confront their conditioning. its self-evident which side is truly brainwashed based on the fact that when they are presented with positions that are contrary to their own - they have no counter for it beyond one that is emotionally rooted.

regardless :2

why would you think a fake post was going to convince anyone. people here are way smarter and more informed than you're even capable of being.

you are fake. you're account was made last week. and you're pretending that you were indoctrinated.

you are fake. because you have no idea that you're not supposed to take a woman into the woods on your first date.

you are fake. you are a kid. i'm an adult. you shouldn't even be here.

redditor for 5 days

2 random comments before this post

Yeah, I'm sure you're a totally real kid and this story totally happened.

Oh yeah because you must have an account ti LURK righ? And oops my bad, it’s impossible for a girl to like you unless you’re a 10/10 gigachad billionaire slayer, fuck off

Lmao, you just proved his point. Get back to IT kiddo, can't fool us.

How old are you?

fuck off virgin white knight


I'm sure you're a totally real kid and this all totally happened lol. Go back to normie island you dumb cunt.

You'll be back when you get cucked.

Nah, I’d rather be cucked than be brainwashed and think that even with the complexity of the world it can only work in one way.

Are you so stupid to realize that you are simply not ugly enough to be one of us. The fact you thought you were incel when all this sub is meant to be is relaying experiences from the true incels shows how infected with normies/fakecels.(sub 3/10, the guys you treat with disgust and sneer at. That's us)

op is not incel. but they are a virgin. you don't take girls into the woods for your first date.

i don't know why a virgin is trying to white knight on an incel sub

being cucked means you're brainwashed not the other way around

Lololol nice try, what's your IT all?

Low IQ bait is low IQ

Low IQ? Look at your name and flair, you’re living in a fantasy, to escape something you’ve made up.

Brigading really has gone down in quality, haha. I remember the og r/Incels brigaders, they would just post some violent or rapey shit, now it's Inceltears cucks like you who attempt a shit ass bait on the blackpill.

Good luck with your "date", bro.

LOL you’re fucking crazy, I geneuinley can’t believe I used to think like you.

Yeah me neither dude, in fact I think you never did think like us.


I'm pretty sure I didn't make up the fact that I'm an ugly subhuman virgin with no friends.

Most likely because of your shitty personality and not the looks

Your personality is shit so clearly not.

My personality is not shit or I would not have any friends :)

You go on a subreddit for mentally ill suicidal people and tell them nobody likes them becsause of their personality. You're a horrible, horrible person.

If that's so then get help. I'm anxious and depressed but i'm getting help and guess what buddy, it's working. Stop just hating people and calling them names but try to change. The world won't change for you, you have to change.

So you're throwing abuse at them so they can "get help"? How is causing unnecessary distress to someone who's already fucking hates their life and struggles with mental issues helping them? Please think before you comment again.

"mentally ill suicidal people"

The majority of people who frequent this sub do so to make fun of others, while using their own insecurity as a shield.

This isn't some sort of victim haven, stop pretending it is and go look at the most popular posts and comments.

Bleeding heart is great and all, but you're completely wrong here.

it's literally a support group.

It's great that you feel that way.

and it's horrible that you people misrepresent and target people who are suffering. you are a complete and utter piece of shit.

You're completely wrong about what you think, but it's great that you think that's what this sub is.

Go look at a few of the top posts/comments and educate yourself before calling people shit.

Such a kind bleeding heart, bloody hypocrite.

check my profile. you're out of your league.

I'll do not such thing, if your argument doesn't stand on its own it means nothing.

I don't care if you're the founder of the sub, or a member of a suicide prevention group. You're being a hypocrite.

This sub, and the ones before it, attract people who take joy in looking down at others because they feel bad about themselves.

I am judging it based on its content, I wish nothing but help for people who need it.

People who need to constantly deride "Chad and Stacey" to feel better have nothing to complain about if the tables are turned.


Good comeback, along the lines of your others. Have a good one.


JFL. fucking double digit IQs always trying to troll this sub.

This sub, and the ones before it, attract people who take joy in looking down at others because they feel bad about themselves.

We have reached peak lack of self-awareness.

I've yet to personally attack anyone here. But okay, good point?

The majority of people who frequent this sub do so to make fun of others

That's the /r/IncelTears brigaders. I'm not going to pretend a lot of the shit here is positive but it's venting by people are societal outcasts/mentally ill. What are you expecting? Or rather, why do you think you have the moral high ground when you come to this subreddit for the sole purpose of harassing these people?

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

#1: r/incels is now banned | 2339 comments
#2: Sir, you need to leave | 251 comments
#3: We should care more about rapists than their victims. 😡 | 472 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Are you telling me a sub whose sole/popular purpose is to bash others should be protected from likewise treatment?

You can "no true scotsman" me all you like, I was in incels before it closed and this is just more of the same dross.

People who need help shouldn't be looking here.

I haven't harassed anyone, other than those that claim things that are false, or that bash positive outcomes, such as with the OP here.

The purpose of this sub is not to bash others, it's for people who are fucking losers by societal standards to talk about their problems.

You're not qualified to determine what "people who need help" should be looking at. Don't be so fucking arrogant.

I haven't harassed anyone, other than those that claim things that are false, or that bash positive outcomes, such as with the OP here.

You jumped into a thread where I told someone that the fact he comes here to harass the users here who clearly have fucking mental issues makes him unable to comment on other peoples "shit personalities". You took offense to me feeling sympathy with anyone here, and now you're trying to pretend everyone here is hateful, wants to kill women or whatever boring all made up shit that you saw on a screencap one time.

I don't enjoy talking to self-righteous morons who think they more about the lives of the people than those people themselves. I'm done talking to you, blocked.

Good to know you can't defend yourself or your point of view without having to block out the opposition.

You're wrong, and you have a rosy-eyed view of what actually is popular about this sub.

See you around, I'm sure.

Could you be any more obvious that you're full of shit.

Obvious infiltrator is obvious.

Yeah keep repeating that to yourself. Liar.

How old are you

(Im going to assume you're not an infiltrator for arguments sake) I'm not a liar, all my conclusions are drawn from my own experience about MYSELF, for all I know you could have been a Chad with low self esteem and that's why you got the girl. But in my experience no matter how hard I tried, how much I improved my personality, how many times I showered, how muscular I got, none of it mattered at all. I was still unable to get ANY girl to be attracted to me, zip, nada, NONE. So for me everything said here rings true, it's all perspective and how you experience things. Since you experienced them differently then yeah (because you're probably good looking) you'll think we're lying, but Everything said here holds true to my experiences as well as a lot of other incels' experiences.

Well done mate. It's a shame some young people come to believe the bullshit spread around here. Good luck with that girl!

As "young person" who "believes the bullshit spread around here", I don't just believe it, I have experienced it. The shame of being in your own skin is something you will never understand and can't comprehend.

Man, I have been rejected numerous times. I lost my virginity at quite a late age. I am not good looking, not at all, I am short, and I am bald. I know the struggle believe me. But you need to fight, it can be long, but in the end it always pays. Once you reach a certain level of success, it becomes easier afterwards. Anyway, I hope you'll give it a try.

Lol is OP implying he's dating an animal that he's bringing back to the wild at the park? If so than congrats on OP

Pics to confirm ur a sub human

I hope you enjoy and it all goes well. Good luck!

You is Chad.

She's gonna ghost you fucking dumb retard

Lmao at this IT cuck and his 5 day old alt

What's his name?

49 points, 73% upvoted

There it happened. Norman Conquest

I miss the days when trolls were subtle.

Dm me your photo, I'll be a fair judge

Account is a week old, hasn't postet much here....I can smell bait.

/u/AnathematicAnarchist explain why you allow these clearly brigaded IT fake posts

tfw u became betabuxx

Got a better chance of getting laid than you at least

fuck,aint gonna argue with a person who fell for sex meme LOL

Pathetic bait

I can't believe people are so desperate for attention they have to make new accounts just to pull these stunts, then IT bombards it with upvotes and adds another screenshot to their Scrapbook of bullshit fake posts.

Your experience here was just some major depressive episode

Ban users below 20 from posting here tbh

Nah I think from 4/10 you have a chance

1/10-4/10: its absolutely over girls wont even see you as ltr beta bux starfish sex material

4/10-5.5/10: you'll become a beta bux, you are not one stand material and the girl will see you as ltr material but will always question you, give you starfish sex and cheat on you

5.5/10- 7/10: you start to have more sex, one night stands, you can escape the horror of marriage and just fuck girls all your life. Not every day but you can pull some. Would you marry than you would still become a beta bux but your wife would suck your dick and not get bored with you as fast as with lower tiers.

7/10-10/10: the world is yours. Women dont see you as ltr material and you dont have any need for marriage. Girls suck your dick in school, at the doctors, in the train, at the zoo, you only show your asshole on tinder and youll get 2000 matches. You are the guys girls cheat with, the guys girls who give starfish sex fantasize about. They want your babies, your hercules genes. You can be whatever you want, president, rapper, rich entrepreneur.

When Nixon and Kennedy appeared on radio everybody thought Nixon was the better debater and the better president. When they appeared on tv everybody thought Kennedy was the better debater and better president. Why? MOTHERFUCKING FACE.

this sub is officialy cucked and full of normie fags is our new home

Shut up bitch and quit spreading that garbage

Oh yeah - because more malware is just what we need. And also get out of here with your anti-semitism.

jews are behind everything

hey there are behind you

you're a fakecel if you actually believe that it has malware.

That's literally an IT meme.


Lol this is fake, notice all the brigadiers are commenting below supporting this OP.

I would congratulate you if this situation was actually really and if OP wasn't either a fake or an idiot.

nice dude, you proved you were mental cel

perfect cope

Is she even attractive, gz bro but for know you achieved nothing

Congrats. I got rejected today. I fucking hate you.

Oh boo hoo you got rejected, go cry about it. Fucking picking yourself up, learn from it, and try again.

Fuck off.

Want a kleenex for your tears? Jesus christ man rejection is part of life. Fucking incels thinking everything in life should just come to them without any work.

Love it!

Let's all upvote toxic masculinity!

Whoops wrote that in the wrong comment

Toxic masculinity.

Spew more garbage rhetoric at me please.

Your moms vagina smells old pickles

And the closest vagina you've been to is your own mom's.

Ewww, no. My mom looks like a fat disgusting SJW/feminazi. Would never touch her, even as an incel

Spew some more American self-help charlatan bullshit at me please.

Cope harder

Get scammed and brainwashed more you self-help cultist.

"I can't even lie I've been lonely as fuck"


it's a song lyric moron

Which you chose out of all the million and million and million song lyrics....

Yes because it's relevant to me posting here and the song itself is great. I have literally no idea what point you're trying to make.

This is why incels are a thing, because of shit advice from retarded normshits

Hahaha you weren't getting enough victimization by blaming women? Now you wanna blame me too? Nice. Anybody but you.

When I can change the physical features of my face, let me know, I'll sculpt mine like Gigachad's and actually start slaying.

Until then, your can take your shit tier advice and shove it up your musty asshole.

Looks are one of at least 20 factors that attract women but keep coping bro

Yeah I agree. Those twenty factors are, in order from most attractive:

*Face appearance

*Face traits

*Eye area

*Postive canthal tilt

*Strong jawline

*High cheekbones

*Hunter eyes

*Perfect teeth

*Excellent skin

*Full head of hair

*Low and even hairline

*Thick neck

*Muscular forearms

*Height (above 6' specifically)

*Deep voice

*Status and wealth

*Perfectly straight noise

*Muscular appearance

*Having a big dick

*Sexual experience

Nope, they are:

  • Handsome face
  • Fit body
  • Athletic
  • Money
  • Material Possessions
  • Intelligence
  • Education
  • Body Language
  • Precense
  • Self-belief
  • Charisma
  • Wit
  • Humour
  • Knowledgeable
  • Confidence
  • Playfulness
  • Passion
  • Being unavailable
  • Interesting hobbies
  • Talented in one or several areas
  • Talented musically
  • Popularity
  • Height
  • Giving no fucks
  • Well dressed
  • Well groomed
  • Vocal tonality
  • Smelling nice
  • Attentive to detail
  • Dominance
  • Leadership
  • Spontaneity
  • Ambition
  • Drive
  • Adventure
  • Mystery
  • Unpredictability
  • Social proof
  • Being a challenge (hard to get)
  • Challenging and disagreeing with her (not being a pushover)
  • Fun

Bolded is out of your control, everything else is in your control. In this massive list, notice that the only two things incels focus on are the two things that you cannot control: height and face. Wake the fuck up

Scientifically untrue. Go back to your bluepilled reality.

And women attracted only to looks is scientifically true? LMAO! The only scientific truth there is on the men's side.

There is no such category that women use to classify all men

huge cope.

women find very specific facial features to be attractive (these features cross through virtually every culture).

And yet that does not define their overall attraction to men in any way. There are at minimum 19 other factors outside looks that are considered

And yet that does not define their overall attraction to men in any way.

MASSIVE cope. educate yourself pls. maybe look up some basic psychology statistics on looks and their effect on, er, everything.

take your bluepilled shit and flush it. You think looks don't matter, but if you looked like this, you can bet your ass that you would know what it's like to be GL.

I didn't say looks don't matter. That was you coping. I said there are at least 19 other factors that matter.

And yet that does not define their overall attraction to men in any way

you literally just did.

does not define their overall attraction

Because of the 19 other factors. Remember?

this idiot again


Account created 5 days ago. Story most definitely checks out...

This is where you dipshits get everything fucking wrong. It's circular reasoning. You're only an incel or being honest about your success if it lines up with what YOU think reality is. The second someone posts a success story you shoot it down, call it fake and continue bitching and whining.

Nobody cares. You're not important enough for the universe to rig itself against you. Either get over it, shut up or off yourself and save us all the trouble. Putz


Normies do the exact same thing: if you are icel its because you need to improve yourself ifthat doent work you did it wrong because this world is just and biology is fair!

Fuck you're such an aspie. Let me break it down for you:

No one is saying that if you improve yourself and get a hobby/haircut you'll suddenly bang anyone you want. No one is telling you that with just a bit of effort and a new haircut you'll be pounding gash left right and center or that sex is easily attainable at the drop of a hat. Dude we're totally telling you that playing the guitar and getting good at rock climbing means that life is a porno 24/7, right? Fucking no you dipshit. We're saying that anyone, even the ugliest, smelliest people can improve themselves to the point where they can get SOME sexual success from SOME of the people they're interested in. As in no longer incel.

You're all a bunch of aspergers only capable of thinking in absolutes. You think that it's either bang anyone you see just by sitting there looking good or it's virginville and there's no in-betweens.

Sexual success and your ability to obtain is is ON A SPECTRUM. Much like yourself. It is way more likely that women are repulsed by you because they can SMELL on you that you're the type of person who, instead of working on themselves when faced with set backs, would rather join an online community dedicated to conspiracy theories about women existing purely to extract material wealth from men and how the world is rigged against you. That shit is so sad it makes me want to kill myself just so I can never accidentally stumble upon it again.

Women can smell that shit. I should know, I have sex on a regular basis and always have. Know why? I'm a man and I act like one. You should try it.

It is way more likely that women are repulsed by you because they can SMELL on you that you're the type of person who [you are]

Is this what people are teaching their daughters? We are truly lost.

People teach their daughters to profile against creeps and rapists to protect them and help them form meaningful and healthy relationships. Yes, that's totally normal, you big soft goober.


Lol I'm about to prove you wrong with 2 words, are you ready? Abusive relationships.

Sometimes parents fail in keeping their children away from abusive men. Therefore they just shouldn't try.

That you buy into that logic is one of the many reasons you're alone

Women can smell that shit. I should know, I have sex on a regular basis and always have.

The fact that you're open about your scat kink is commendable but not everybody needs to hear it, man. Faeces are a biological hazard.

Stopped reading after "you are such an apsie". Figured the rest of your comment would be bullshit assumptions too. Thanks for the warning though.

It's so much easier to find one word you don't like and stop reading there isn't it? It's almost like it's easier to escape into a fantasy world and never have your assumptions challenged

Ok il admit im just too lazy to read it.

pent up cuck rage

Earl of Cuckshire

First of all. Don't use terms you don't understand like "circular reasoning". You're on a sub of people much smarter, and much more informed than you're capable of being.

Last and foremost, OP's post is fake and gay and a wall of text won't reverse that.

If you and I met in real life I would slap you unconscious with my balls and mate with each of your female family members. Don't forget that, fidget

just fyi, if you don't want to communicate that you're a virgin loser. don't use the word female. i have no idea why a loser is white knighting on an incel sub.

did your sister know that pic was being taken

I've seen loads of weak shit in incel communities but this comment is the most vaginal of it all. Disregard all the advice I gave you earlier. You were right, you're genuinely fucked


Good shit dude, i hope it works out. Just chill out and be cool on the date and everything should be fine

70 upvotes. Guys come on. This is embarrassing

wait till it turns out to be a prank and a couple of guys beat you up instead lol


I love how people just drive out people who actually manage to lose their virginity here (though this account may be bait), to prove their ””point”” that incels are victims, while it is because some arent even trying to get out of the zone or self-improvint. So if someone breaks that, their intregrity gets hurt and they just gatekeep him out of here.

Though to the incels that actually spend time dating, keep up the good work. Sucessful or not, you deserve better.

this guy lost his virginity?

you're just as fake and gay as op

Thats what I said. 'Though this account may be bait'

He said someone said yes to a date.

I love how people just drive out people who actually manage to lose their virginity here

it's too early for you to be on drugs

...Why should non-incels be posting here!

Maybe an Incel loses their virginity and decides to post here as a 'goodbye'?

Why should we welcome those kinds of posts? They're incredibly judgemental and shitty.

If you're white and at least 5'10" you aren't a real incel.

But what if u ugly as hell

Lift weights and be masculine

I already lift and will be as long as i can, about being masculine, it's like saying be attractive...

bro just man up and take a shower for once

Ooo that means be masculine

you just gotta take life by the throat. i used to be a loser just like you. then i got twenty seven seven haircuts and read the game by neill strauss.

Wait! I'm a loser? Where did i say dat? Whats twenty seven seven haircuts?

listen virgin loser. i don't have all day to explain what numbers and words mean. i'm late for my acting class. gotta personality maxx if you're gonna stay KING

Just be white fakecel.

Hope thats true, congrats!

You were never incel this is fake af you have posted here less than a week your account is brand new

Then you're not as bad looking as the rest of us, so stop posting here you attention seeking faggot.

And you say personality doesn’t matter

Because it doesn't.

It’s a shame too cause you have such a stellar personality

People who have worse personalities than a guy who says faggot online do way better.

Oh so that makes it okay for you to do it?

No, the fact that I say it's okay for me to do it, makes it okay for me to do it, bitch.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you suffer from developmental disability. This conversation is over.

Eahh, you lose, now you're gonna cry.

developmental disability. don't even know anything about me, making this insult very hollow.

Yes. Saying faggot on the internet has never stopped anyone from getting laid.

You moron, you don't think saying faggot on the internet might effect how they deal with gay people in real life?

  1. No

  2. Homophobic people get laid all the time. Unless you think every conservative in America is a virgin.

I don't get why incels feel they need to deny this. There were successful African-Americans back when racial discrimination was much more prevalent, and there were successful women back when women had fewer rights. That doesn't mean those groups as a whole were doing fine. Exceptions always exist. This just shows it's not literally 100% over for incels but I would hope most already admitted that since it's hard to say anything is literally 100% certain.

its an obvious troll. cuckqueers still doesn't realize why people call them braindead... BECAUSE YOU"RE BRAINDEAD!!!! lmao, you're so cucked you'll believe anything that validates your beliefs that even though you an ugly short numale, that you too can get laid, FALSE

keep coping

You need therapy, posting this same sort of reply everywhere.

Oh the "i have no argument so Ill just say they need therapy, CHECKMATE!!!"

I don't want to "argue" with you.

Your reply was the equivalent of someone frothing at the mouth.

You deserve help and pity, not discourse.

Take care now.

you're braindead, but I need help? You do realize the shit you said we see here on a daily basis. Lmao, thanks for the comedy, i bet you thought you were some smart person who was going to tell us some bullshit we haven't heard a milion times. lmao

Seek help.

"i have no argument so I'll just say they're braindead cuckqueers, CHECKMATE!!!"

Because it's a very obvious troll if you realize that it's a brand new account that doesn't understand anything about what incels ever talk about.

Why do you feel the need to think it's true? It very clearly isn't, if you use your brain.

You're right, it does seem like a troll. But even if it were true, why does it matter? It's not like a single incel finding success disproves everything incels say. 0.01% "escaping" inceldom doesn't mean it isn't still very difficult for the other 99.9%.

What is your height

Age too

I'm happy for you fam

fakecel confirmed

Looking at that accounts makes it seem very fake. Some guy just happens to create a brand new account and totally believes the blackpill. Than he scores a date and spend his time preaching about DA LIES. Low IQ trollbait.

There's nothing you can say to change these people's minds. They will just call you a fakecel. At this point, I agree, they are subhuman simply for their mindset.

this is an obvious troll lmao, you cuckqueers are so braindead is hilarious. I bet you are all mind jerking it right now( YAY A MANLET GOT SOMEONE, i MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE AT LOSING MY VIRGNITY!)

lmao cuckqueers average iq of 70. on level of 1-10, 10 being max cope, cuckqueers is a 10

I'm not an incel lmao. I just browse here to see what everyone's up to. I have a girlfriend.


I have a friend who is literally 5 feet 3 and still gets hot women. I really dont understand how some people can believe he should be an incel. He is an amazing person.

live vicariously through people like him

Im okay thanks (not an incel)

what is your definition of a hot woman

like 7 to 9 id say ? thought he also dated a few 6

But Im not fond of rating attractiveness like this, I feel it is oversimplistic...

There is so much context missing from this shortsighted comment.

What's this guy's ethnicity, where does he live? How tall are the women he dates?

If it's an ethnic Bolivian where men are indeed on average 5'3, your dumbass experience you're trying to universalise as if the same thing would apply to a 5'3 man living in the Netherlands means absolutely nothing.

You also ignore the numerous studies telling us how the vast majority of women prefer taller men and are actually happier in marriages with taller men.

yea its annoying when people say this shit


who knows the context, most likely she is using him for something. Why would a woman want a manlet when she can have chad?

HUuge cope obsessing over the few girls you see with manlets,you don't know what's happening behind closed doors

We are french, living in Paris. He is white. He doesn't have a "chad face", his nose is kinda big. He looks very cute though. He irradiate something nice and is definitely charming. And yeah he is definitely very small. I've seen him date small and average-sized women, not a lot of tall women indeed.

He is not rich either, he's definitely more of a broke hippie.

I dont ignore those studies. I agree with them. But it takes a special kind of stupid to buy into the incel's principle "if you're small it's over", cause it's not.

But it takes a special kind of stupid to buy into the incel's principle "if you're small it's over", cause it's not.

It takes a special kind of stupid to take memes and exaggerations literally.

So you agree that you can have a very satisfying life as a small man ?

You can have very satisfying life as crippled, deformed, quadriplegic as well but that doesn't mean that it carries any meaning on a bigger scale.

Statistically, hot people and tall men have it easier, no one a little honest wikl say otherwise.

Yes, that's why your original comment in this thread means nothing.

Incel philosophy seems to be "if ur genetics then its over for you" Am I wrong ?

They are constantly searching for something (anything) to blame other than their god awful incel "ideology".

Pretty much

his nose is kinda big

guy thinks women are turned off by big noses and he's telling us how the world is. fuck off kid.

I think I have a pretty good idea, I mean I have a pretty good sex life.

Im just saying, if you think your life is over coz you aint 6 feet, you're deluded.


I did have a lot of sex lol. And relationships. Im no expert but comoared to incels well i might just be

You already demonstrated that you have no idea what women find attractive.

I didnt even express my opinion on the matter, I just said incels were wrong. But I guess you're the expert.

You literally suggested the guys nose being kind of big would mean he's not attractive. You absolutely expressed your ignorance on the matter.

Well i think when an incel imagine a chad he doesnt see a huge potato in the middle of the face

because you don't know the first thing about incels

Ive read quite a bit and it seems to me that incels are obsessed with chads genetics are they not

then read some more, it obviously wasn't enough

Also am I getting a lesson on women by 30 yo virgins

When you're winning the game, you don't care about the rules.

When you're losing the game maybe you should check twice if you know how to play

I just gave you an amazing insight and you threw it away. I've already given you more information in this convo than you deserve. Instead of thanking me, you're making it into an argument. You're an idiot.

Well I think you think you know a lot cause you're "blackpilled" but dude I was blackpilled when I was 10 years old. There is so much more beyond the blackpill that you dont know. Life is more complex than pills.

You literally thought women cared about a guy's nose being bigged. Stop trying to claim you're an expert. You don't know the first thing about women.

he is white

Lol that's all we needed to know, thanks for trying, better luck next time!

Here you go again with an incel pointing one particular thing and blaming everything on it.

Ive read about wristcels, cheekcels, shortcels, fatcels, baldcels, first time i see a skincel

Bias against non white men in dating is a studied phenomenon man, NPR actually did a piece about it a few weeks ago.

I literally said that

Then you deny it being a problem lul

just be white, knew it. If it were an ethnic he'd be fucked

Jesus this guy has a bag of excuses so huge it has to be shipped ahead of time.

Try being 5'3" in a city in the US and watch your years go past all alone.

You can be 6'3'' and still die lonely due to shitty personality/attitude and/or lack of social skills.

You mong, you were never incel in the first place. The way you write too is telling. You aren't an incel lol. Probably a normie from IT.

Way to be a little bitch just because you can't get laid.


It's literally a troll account.

You're getting trolled.

Shit I forgot I even responded.

Ah yes, It seems as if r/all is here. Believe whatever you want, dude. A no-activity account with literally 1 post, is somehow valid proof that we lie? Lol. It's much, MUCH more likely that he's a normie posing as one of us.

tell 'em bro my 5'2 bald indian janitor decided to quit incels and now he's a 6'3 white chad who gets any woman he wants



You sound mad.

seeing people troll and lie does.

Hey, this guy appears to FUCKING CARE


Calling for whackup?

Not that you understand a single thing about incels at all.

Nah, not really. Way to project your own insecurities on me lol. Pretty cool that you have a lackluster life yourself though!

Account created 5 days ago.


Low effort troll

troll, but even if true. She till just take your money and go fuck chad anyways,

lmao, this is the nature of woman, you are being manipulated but this is most likely 90% troll.

keep coping

the post doesn't even make sense.


She till just take your money and go fuck chad anyways

Project more of your own failed romantic misadventures on someone who is more successful, it makes you sound super smart and right about everything.

Lmao savagggeeee

this hasn't happened to me because I will never get married. I've seen it happen to too many good men. My brother is 10 years older than me, his wife seemed like the perfect angel, guess what happened? He lost his kids because his wife crocodile teared in court and lied to the judge, she got full custody. a huge amount of child support, and alimony. He had to live with me because he was so poor.

guess what happened? I woke up one morning and he was hanging in his room. I bet this is still a joke to you isn't it? Yea maybe all women aren't bad but had you lived my life, and seen the shit i've seen. You'd have a different outlook. we are molded by our life experiences. The death of my brother isnt the only thng that has made me resentful to women.

Don't know why i brought it up, you'll probably just laugh at the story. whatever though

Project more of your own YOUR FRIEND'S failed romantic misadventures on someone who is more successful, it makes you sound super smart and right about everything.

JFL that this is TOP POST of an incel sub.

fake and gay

this sub is truly cucked. it might as well be called r/normans

It's a subhuman zoo. Truly sad

at least I finally have found someome.

if you want this to be a positive interaction, do not think about this that way.

a first date is just that - a date. it's not the beginning of your relationship - it's a get to know you event.

do not put too much emotion into it. relax. the two of you may not hit it off and that's ok. finding the person you fit with takes time.

not being negative. grats on your date. just don't get so emotionally invested in a first date that you come on way too strong.

Celebrating before actually smashing or even meeting with the broad, just lol. Wet behind the ears, hope this isn't a false yes... Because those are a thing. You'll learn, you'll learn.

Yeah, make sure to intentionally sabotage everything before you actually have a good time LOL

Next time, try not to get the very same Inceltears accounts posting in the comments section to support your OP if you want to appear more convincing.

remove this shitty trolls

Reddit Birthday: March 18 2018

Subscribed Subreddits: Only /r/Braincels.

posts dumb "self improvement." shit like: "Sorry. I was aware that may happen. I don’t know your situation. If you’re an incel then ask yourself how you would actually feel reflecting back upon yourself later in the future. You should at least try to do something differently. Failing is better than never trying at all."

Nice alt.

you guys are aware that they were literally brigading us all fucking day yesterday. That's why post like these are so upvoted.

She'll leave u for Chads cock by next week

unless she is so fuckin ugly that chad will not be interested

Lol. Word brother. Btw Fuck these downvotes

you lying to us, its fine. At least don't lie to yourself man. Asuka is not a real girl.

i hope it works out buddy, but you havent made it until you lock that shit down with a ring (and not even then sometimes)

dont get too hurt if it doesnt work out

Awesome man i hope u guys have a great time, i think this forum needs some reform on guy approach women in general. I see gorgeous women on he street all the time (10s) but im pretty sure if shes in a rush she doesnt want someone even if he’a a 10/10 to randomly approach her especially a stranger. I dont know if u guys know this, i didn’t for a time until my sister told me that women have a fear of strange men.

Neck yourself.

Fuck off, normie. You do not belong here. You never belonged here. Go kiss your gf and never come back to this place.

Incel escapes inceldom

fuck off normie

Your a joke

This is not an incel though. The account is fake. Even if it is a real account and story the fact that a female said yes to him means that he was never an incel and thus should leave this place as he has no reason to be here.

Also, fuck off. You fucking normies keep brigading this place. That's why this normie fakepost is so highly upboated.

Downie normie is coping so hard he wants to believe this obviously fake story.

When its something you would have said anyway it really doesn't matter if this particular instance was true

"I want it to be true therefore reality doesn't matter"

turbo beta cuck.

Again, its something I've seen countless times from this community. You ostracize your own all the time so i have no reason to doubt this time either. And its just hilarious seeing you use the term cuck unironically.

No you're the joke, moron. The guy is trolling. Look at his post history. Low IQ normies.

women are all the same

women are all scum, liars, trash

why wont women date me

Tell me again how you're not a joke?

Reported for trolling.

Yes because quoting you is trolling now.


You're a retard. Being Chad would mean the girl would walk up to you and ask to suck your dick basically. She won't be that blunt but you should be able to read body language. That fact that you asked her and she said yes means she is either shy, or doesn't find you repulsive. Most incels are repulsive to women not because of just looks either.

You just an average dude, maybe in the 4-8/10 range with some self esteem problems perhaps. For you it's literally just a numbers game if you hide your broken emotional state.

Just remember that girl doesn't 'love you'(at least you don't know). She agreed to go on a date, that's it. I've seen enough fake smiles from women to know since you are an incel she is just giving you a chance. If you don't fuck it up and do get laid/get a GF just remember if she truly does love you, she wouldn't fuck chad ever.

But you are already black pilled and whenever you see her talking to a Chad a little voice in the back of your head will tell you "She probably wants his dick more than yours."

Humblebragging piece of shit. If you aren't an incel, fine, but don't come here and brag and hold meat in front of our faces. Go to r/relationships, not here.

OP is a normtard that just is coming here to troll. Go fuck yourself. So disappointing that this is upvoted.

I love that confidence son, keep up the goodwork and welcome to the Normie club.

Get this fake whiteknight normie shit out of here.

This site will never be free from normies

The voting patterns in this post are bizarre. Some incels are upvoted, some are downvoted, some normie comments are upvoted, some downvoted, and the time they were made doesn't seem to be a factor. What happened herr

CuckTears brigade upvoting every femsplaining comment in this thread.

This place is always random ass votes with trains of retards piling in the front door

Good for you bro, in all seriousness.

Most of these guys are trolls anyway.

join a REAL incel form you cucks!

This right here is the best place.

It's filled with malware apparently so I'll stick to the real deal.


its not dumdum

If your post is serious, (femoid normtard that only pokes in when encouragement seems warranted) congrats, and good luck with your date. A state park sounds romantic, I’m sure she’ll love it! Don’t think of being with someone as purposes for ‘recreating,’ like you said. Just have fun, and enjoy the wonderful process of getting to know someone intimately.

Nah, someone already said that.. I’m not rich, I wish were though. If she was fucking someone else then why would she agree to go out with me?

Because it doesn't.

Yes, that's why your original comment in this thread means nothing.

it's a song lyric moron

Yes because it's relevant to me posting here and the song itself is great. I have literally no idea what point you're trying to make.

Ok il admit im just too lazy to read it.