The life of a blackcel manlet

33  2018-03-24 by Liquifox



Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so true tbh - white people who are willing to date black people either develop unhealthy fetishes or expect to get brownie points for going through the massive sacrifice that is dating a black person.

Can't win.

Eh, or they just love the person

In my personal experience, I haven't seen that happen. Granted, my personal experience is nothing but what I've seen family and friends go through.

Oh, my personal experience is that usually they end up together because they were super close or they had that instant bond or chemistry

Must be nice to have chemistry with another person.

I guess, personally most don't experience that unless they get lucky, like my parents


No white person has ever dated a blsck person for genuine reasons outside of te ones you lidted. Yup. Not ever in the history of history. Yup.

What about Kim and Kanye?

Kim isn't fucking white lol

Half Armenian, half white makes her white-ish.

Either way your point falls short as Kanye has high status and he isn't even a bad looking black guy.

It doesn’t say anything about status or looks. It is strictly “white guy/black girl” vs “black guy/white girl.”

Your implied point was there are couples where a black guy is with an attractive white (sort of) woman, but this doesn't mean much considering Kanye can date any girl he wants because of his fame

Bitch got a fat ass

she's also a landwhale

Kim Kardashian? Are you blind, man? I hate the Kardashians as much or more than anyone - why are they famous again? - but in no stretch of the imagination is she obese or even fat.

Okay, weirdo.

mad fat bitch

I know you are but what am I INFINITY

Hmm I think there is a difference between truly obese and extra voluptuous

she's not obese but she's fat

This picture shows the important of forward growth, you can barely see the black woman on the left but you can tell she is attractive because of her forward growth

You can also tell that the woman on the right is attractive because of her abdomen which hangs out in front of her feet

I mean that also counts as forward growth in a way tbh

whitecels will never understand the sheer challenge of having to be ugly as fuck AND carry decades of negative stereotypes on your back whilst traversing infinite racial barriers that all read "I don't date black guys"

Imagine being called privileged when 99.9 percent of black people live a life 100times easier than you.

I only have sympathy for curries and truecels.

werd. indianpakicells have it the worst.

race is cope

i swear that white roast is impossible to fuck

Women are racist as fuck.

Every black girl I know think white guys are corny, so this is indeed bullshit.

Women don’t do loyalty, the minute tall, robust chad shows up every other man literally disappears.

I'm guessing you are talking about ghetto trash though which doesn't really count

Lol, nah buddy most black girls tend to stick with black dudes, nothing but facts. And the women I’m talking about are far from ghetto trash.

Beyonce:black man

Rhianna:black man

Ciara :black man

Then you don't know any black girls. Black girls love white guys. Source: I'm a white guy.

Lol bruh, I grew up around mainly black women, and I’ve never seen them with a white dude. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s extremely rare. I’ve maybe seen two or three of those relationships in my life. But Black and Latina girls tend to stick to their own the most.

For the most part, white guys don't like black chicks. It's only a small percentage of us. I could got to a black bar tonight and I guarantee you black women would hit on me.

Lol then that’s their loss, and even if white guys did like black women it honestly wouldn’t matter. And they probably would, I have a few white friends who get hit on by black women who think their “Adorable” but that’s not getting them laid.

if it makes you sleep at night man

Yeah ok buddy, if it wasn’t true I wouldn’t be going on about it. Like I said their are definitely some black chicks who are more open-minded but most are not. So don’t go getting all sad.

You're not a white guy. I am. I get hit on by black chicks. And you're telling me black chicks don't like white guys. Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. If you think black women don't want white guys, you're lying to yourself.

That's like a black guy saying all white women love him because mudsharks through themselves at him. Some people have a niche, including black women, and you were probably that niche. People with these specific preferences tend to pursue their preference hardcore. Combine that with the black women's boldness and I'm sure you've been hit on by black chicks before. But the overwhelming majority have no interest in you - black men are much more masculine to them. There's a blackpill to swallow.

It's both. The majority of black women don't like white men, largely in part due to the social stigma found in black communities over dating outside your race (with whites in particular).

I don't think there's any evidence of that whatsoever.

Sometimes white people can be delusional. Like when two minorities are in their face telling them about how minorities think because of the social atmosphere within the very communities we live in but he can still stick his head up his ass and tell us we are bull-shitting. Please tell me what majority-white suburb you grew up in.

about how minorities think because of the social atmosphere within the very communities we live in

the point of the blackpill is to erase the brainwashing you've gotten. if you think black women don't like white guys, you're just telling yourself that to make yourself feel better.

That’s not what we’re doing, I honestly wouldn’t care if I saw a black girl dating another race. Literally doesn’t have shit to do with me, but we’re just being honest. This is what I saw growing up dude, nothing personal.

I'm saying lol. I don't identify as black so this isn't even an issue to me. Just something I've seen growing up around blacks and Hispanics. This guy is a nut job.

I think you're the brainwashed one.. As you can see, thanks to the recent racial polarization in the country, black women have begun to rate white men less and less and black men higher and higher. That'll just be the first study.

Honestly, most of the racial polarization in this country can be attributed to people like you: people who think they can accurately assume how other's should or do live their lives without actually understanding the other person's experiences. It is people like you who deny concepts like white privilege or all lives matter. That being said, I believe minority privilege exists as does femoid privilege and height privledege etc. - my point being I'm not blind to my own ethnic group's advantages in society like affirmative action or being able to get away with doing or saying certain things that white men can't get away with. Lack of self-awareness is a serious issue nowadays. I would never assume what white America was like - instead I'd ask someone like you. So pull your head out of your ass and stop thinking you know a fucking thing about minorities.

Some more informal studies for ya: One on Tinder that shows black women respond to black men the most Another one. Black women responded to black men the most Black women exclude whites at the highest level Go to page 4, they conclude and even explain why blacks are less likely to date outside race than any other race including whites/Hispanics

you're ignoring the thesis

oh shit I didn't realize I was arguing with a mentalcel! my bad. ill just see myself out of here

did that make sense in your head

aw poor thing cant read

now you look weak

oh I thought we were being colloquial

Here's one where black women respond more to white men. So they rate white men as a less attractive than black men, but still reply more, what's up with that?

That one is a bit older, and it is clear that the black women in that study were very liberal in their racial preferences: for instance, Pacific Islanders were rated higher than whites and blacks. Very unusual compared to the other studies I cited.

That's from 2009, at the same time according to OKCupid black women were rating men at 0%, latest is at -4%, a negligible difference. What I'm proposing is that, well in line with all other female behaviour, meaning what they state as more attractive is not necessarily what they find more attractive.

There are three types of black women: 1) Those that WILL NEVER date a white man 2) those that say they will never associate with a white man but fuck them from time to time 3) those that will date a white man and are open about it

Growing up mainly around blacks and Hispanics (I'm a mixed white/black Hispanic myself), most black women are #1. In general, black women prefer black men. It has gotten even worse in the past few years to where #1 has grown and #3 have declined. Black are very race-conscious right now and there is some serious stigma in the black community over dating outside of your race. There always has been, but it has gotten worse in the past few years.

As for Hispanic women, they are actually the least likely to discriminate upon race because Hispanics ourselves are all mixed race - largely the descendants of Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans. That is why it is normal to see whites and blacks and brown people all belonging to the exact same family all related by blood. Hispanics are really just mutts. For instance, I am brown but my sister is very, very white with green eyes but we have the same parents.

Black are very race-conscious right now and there is some serious stigma in the black community over dating outside of your race.

Smh, for the sake of ricecels and currycels everywhere, if only their women were like this as well. Instead, for the most part, they date exclusively outside their race. When your own women don't want you it's over.

Yeah if you look at my studies on this post (same comment reply) it shows that Asian women exclude their own race at the highest rate.

Not even surprised. Does Asian in this case mean anyone from the continent of Asia or East Asians only? It's true either way though lol.

Not even surprised. Does Asian in this case mean anyone from the continent of Asia or East Asians only? It's true either way though lol.

Cope, you have the power of bbc.

true, just send a dick pic and they won't give a shit about personality or looks

No, just no.

shit forgot my /s

Absolutely true.

No the fuc it isnt. Literally never seen a blsck guy with a woman like that.

Oh you muhsogynist pigs...cant you see her immense inside beauty?😏

black dudes get mad as hell when a lightskin is with a CACC

Jewish bitches love me.

im sure they do, they are the biggest race traitors ever

It disproportionate number of them are jewish. But jewish isn't a race so eat a dick.

jews are a separate race of people. race is alot more than skin color

You have white jews , black jews, Asian jews. Etc

"white jews" are ashkenazi and are genetically different than white people. they are not white.

Not all jews are Ashkenazi. Hell, you probably arent.

no shit, but most of them are. they are the biggest mudsharks out there. jewish men are no better

THe iroNY of a jew using white supremacist rhetoric.

most israelis are hardcore racists. they're entirely worse than me.

Then why do they lobe black dick?

they dont tolerate race mixing there.

Of you go to San Fran , you know this is bullshit.

What are you even talking about?

Black guys dating white women most white guys couldn't even pull

Don't know what SF you're talking about. The white women in SF are ugly as fuck compared to the Asian women there. When I lived there, all the white chads I saw were with 8/10+ thicc Asian women that easily mogged the average white SF women. The white women with black guys I saw there were usually slightly below to slightly above average, aka the ones that white Chadlites and high-tier normies didn't want.

Not my experience at all. Cope more.

Whatever you say. If you're a black man then why aren't you getting in on it?

In my personal experience, I haven't seen that happen. Granted, my personal experience is nothing but what I've seen family and friends go through.

You can also tell that the woman on the right is attractive because of her abdomen which hangs out in front of her feet


did that make sense in your head