You ever go to Trollxchromosome and realize how retarded and unfunny women are?

34  2018-03-24 by Ilovefem

They are so painfully unfunny. I can only stand 5 secs.

All i see are:

  • DAE
  • CATS
  • abusive boyfriend
  • crying

Lmao being on easy mode has effectively made women into carbon copy of themselves, along with a lack of introspections on anything on Earth or philosophies.

There almost no selective pressure (evolutionary or socially) to have them actually worry about real things or discuss actually interesting topics. They are stunted. The only thing they can talk about is thier "womenhood". It is sad. That's all they really have. It's why so many men are going trans because womenhood is essentially all you need to pass by in life. While as a man you have selective pressure and sexual selection to deal with. If you aren't cut for it you are done. That's why men are so much funnier. Why even women are addicted to this sub. We shit on women but actually had to work and develop a mindset around why our lives suck. Women will never need to do this.

This is why TrollX sucks. There is no broad observations outside thier own womenhood.


There are plenty of male-dominated subs that are just as catastrophically unfunny.

I don't see any male oriented subs on Reddit.


That's sub isn't a comedy sub tho lmao. Troll is supposed to be funny






And let's be honest...


Girls are always shooed away from here and u/Board_Gaming always getting shit explicitly for being one.

Askmen is an ask sub. The asker make tge content not the men.

Gay humor is gay. I mean idgi either but that's a function of them being gay and us being straight.

MGTOW is not a humor sub. So no. Trollxchromosome is supposed to be funny (it's not)

Probably give you redpill but tbh I laughed more times from their delusions than any post on TrollX let's be real.

Braincel is funny as fuck. That's why you post here dumb cunt.

Your comment said "I don't see any male oriented subs on Reddit." So I gave you male oriented subs. All of those are all centered around men, that's the point I was making.

they are supposed to be funny though, that's the point. man, i swear every brigader has an iq of 75

this sub made me laugh more than any other sub could. and its full of men.

If you need FEEEEMALES being funny, there's always epic roasts over at r/badwomensanatomy

most of the people on that sub are numale white knights lol

Holy fuck there's always some excuse. How did you even come to that conclusion? By history-binging every new user you found until you got proof they were male?

Because I used to be bluepilled and I used to post in that sub lol

Like many, I orbited in that sub to try to "understand" how femoids worked. That was long long ago. Young and naive me.

Women are worthless.

female humor:

DAE have a PERIOD whenever her abusive boyfriend's cat cries? Like OMG!


I have never hated women more than after reading trollxchromosomes. Women want to ban subs like this, MGTOW and theredpill so less guys become misogynistic but their own subs make guys misogynistic far more.

Sometimes I think they are just walking vaginas and their brain controls only bending over and opening mouth for dick...

Lol have you ever met a woman? Fuckin idiot

Ever go to r/braincels and see a bunch of retards who think that they're perfect, and that the only reason no one could possibly love them is because EVERYONE ELSE is the problem, without the basic introspection of realizing that they're fucking morons themselves?

You see yourself as this prime male specimen. That's your problem. Do you know what Arnold Schwartzenneger said in his prime?

"I was already so critical of myself, even when I was in top physical shape,” Schwarzenegger continued. “I’d look in the mirror after I won one Mr. Olympia after another and think, ‘How did this pile of [bleep] win?’ I never saw perfection. There was always something lack­ing.”

This from a guy who was ACTUALLY presenting with a body which most people would call unobtainable. I'm not saying what he had going on was healthy, but even he wanted to constantly improve and be better. And here you are, doing what, exactly? Crying because no one liked you in high school? Maybe it was your fucking Elliot Roger fetish. Maybe it was because you expected to be considered a god despite no effort on your part. FYI, most of the guys working on body perfection were putting in AT LEAST as much work as you, and if they were even slightly intellectutally comparable it was probably more work so that they could be impressive on multiple levels.

Grow the fuck up, you whiny shit. I know you spend all of your time complaining about everyone else. I'm sure you also think you've done "everything" to be appealing. You haven't. I guarantee you haven't. When I lived in Kingston, New York, one of my favorite people was Kevin Sampson who always stopped me to talk about music and tell me about his goals in life, and last I knew had a girlfriend. If he can do it, I guarantee that your disability isn't "too much" for anyone, anywhere.

It's fine if you're scared to get out there. Lots of people are. I hope you can get some help. But until you stop pretending everyone else is the problem, you'll never improve. You'll be a lonely hateful little faggot with no friends.

And that's how I know you'll never improve. You have convinced yourself that all these sorry losers in r/braincels are just like you, and that because they couldn't grow the fuck up, you won't either. Enjoy that, if that's you. If you're not that dipshit, feel free to message me--I know what it's like to feel alone, and I genuinely want to help you get there. The world isn't as scary as these retards make you think, and you can do okay. I believe in you.

Do you just use this account to respond to post on T_D and braincel. What a pussy. Lmao.

Do you just cry because people tell you you're wrong? Like, someone can't decide reddit isn't for them, then come back a few months later and notice your dipshittery and call you on it?

How about you tackle what I said, instead of trying to deflect to someone else being a pussy? You're too big a pussy to even talk to a girl without acting like a predator. And yet you're here to try and deflect based on my posting history? Lmao okay. All you've done is prove that you don't care about changing your station in life, just having people further cement it. If someone says "you're right," it's because you're right, and if someone says "you're wrong," it's because THEY'RE wrong.

No wonder you're an "incel." Thanks for proving it.

You're trying so hard to be witty and have biting commentary" against this sub, but you're just not good at it.

And you're trying so hard to feel like you are in zero ways responsible for your own virginity. But here we are.

He summarized this subreddit perfectly. Every incel I've spoken to here Blames their issues on their genetics. Like the only reason they are not dating is genetics.

No one grows balls. No one mans up. No one looks inwards and take responsibility for their life.

Perma-betas who cry about their genetics and will do nothing to improve their own situation because they didn't win the genetic lottery. It's really pathetic.

So what are you doing here, you hypocrite? Does insulting everyone on here improve your situation?

You're more pathetic than any of them.

Trying to tell people not to blame their genetics and take responsibility for their own issues.

That's called sexual harassment and they get in trouble for it.

No it's call reflecting and improving yourself. Incels believe they are as good as can be save for their genetics. Lookmax, personalitymax, cuckmax, etc. So when they fail with women, it clearly can't be anything but genetics.

That is the most common thread among incels and the saddest thing of all.

gtfo retard

Cry more, virgin. You're not getting laid because you're a toxic, self aggrandizing retard.

did i appear toxic do you?

i called you a retard becuse you add the line: "you can't talk to a girl becuse you appear like a predator"

like, come on. you think that we interact with others like that?

besides, a lot of actually misogynistic people get laid. i don't see me being toxic on the internet or not would be a factor.



TL;DR, if you can't read about 60 seconds of a post about how you are framing your own existence improperly, you should probably just kill yourself because you aren't here to learn, you're here to throw a pity party until you eventually slit your wrists and suck Elliot Rodger's dick mono-y-mono.

Seriously. I genuinely doubt you've ever had a single moment where you thought about changing anything about your behavior to be less abrasive, and yet here-the-fuck you are, crying about your virginity, and wondering why most of Reddit thinks you're a retard. Boogie2988 got laid and you're still here bitching about how you're not good enough. Post a facepic, faggot. Worst case scenario, I say "oh shit, you're actually too ugly to get laid and I feel bad for you." Best case, I tell you exactly what you can do to get laid. And the middle case is, you're whatever and I don't feel like wasting my time on you. Is it so fucking bad if you have to do the leg work?

But you won't post it, because you're such a fucking pussy that you aren't even willing to own up to the idea that maybe it's the fact that you're an abrasive shitstick, rather than some genetic anomaly that caused your downfall. You're willing to cry and moan about your virginity, so how about you nut up or shut up, faggot?


Tldr ur a whiny autistic faggot


Well this whiny autistic faggot gets laid so obviously you're even more broken than that.


Not really

Your mom gay

That's right, hide your faggotry behind memes. No one will notice that you're pathetic.

I am the globglogabgalab!

Who the fuck is whiny but you right now. Just shut up you moronic turkey fucking ass hat.

Lmao says the guy who spends his days moping about being a virgin forever.

talk about butthurt hahahahah

Please shorten this to a readable length.

the only funny people there are rdrm trolls.

To be fair, r/trollychromosomes isn’t that funny either. I think either way, devoting an entire meme subreddit to a gender isn’t gonna produce the highest quality of humor.

Also the reason why they only talk about woman problems is because that’s what the subreddit is meant for.

Hate defending those whores, but it’s true

Trolly waa made because of X. I would not be surprised if a female made it and mods it. Also probably filled with numales.

I mean this subreddit is essentially:

  • rope
  • it's over for ____ in 2018
  • the virgin ____ vs the Chad ____

It's humourous to people in on the joke but to the others it probably isn't all that funny either.

If it's not funny then leave. Damn normie

I find the memes funny lol I'm just saying not everyone will

Proof that we are funny as fuck

There's an acronym for that: SSDD

Bro even if you're in on the joke, TrollX is still just absolutely horrendous. At least here there are some memes that are pretty funny even without context.

really? a lot of threads about normies coming here saying this sub is funny.

You're right, a lot of memes get reused here, but there's also a ton of original content and funny casual threads. Tons of normies come in here to tell us how funny we are.

Femoid subs are incredibly tryhard and not funny.

this is sub is about incel issues specifically though, their sub is just a woman general thing, yet they only care about what OP said

I guess that’s supposed to be the women version of bpt. I honestly don’t mind the content. But the one that genuinely annoyed me was the one where a woman pretends to not get something around a man to see how stupid he thinks she is. Like that’s just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. Imagine some fat neck beard saying that and reddit would attack them for that shit.

Because every thread in that shit sub eventually turns into a circle jerk were wymyn praise themselves for conforming to social norms and anyone who doesnt gets roasted via "sarcasm" because they are to afraid to offend someone upfront. Tl;dr TUTORIAL MODE

TrollX Chromosomes is a Gynocentric wasteland with an extra dose of 'on-my-period' level bitchiness.


They have no opinions or anything. Every other thread is some 15 year old girl asking for support because they got "raped" while passed out drunk at a random party.

Play Haram games, win haram prizes. Who would have thought? Idiots.

May Allah have mercy on their souls, brother.

They can merely hope

Who would have thought?

Obviously not women.

I love how you say that like this sub is any better.

Why do post here so often then

Because it's more productive to go to a sub where the beliefs are vastly different to mine rather than one where I know I agree with most of the points.

Counterproductive actually, these guys could give two shits about your opinion. Yet you persist, why?

Because some people here are worth talking to.

I think it’s because you’re a teenager, are bored, and have notheing better to do. Seriously, you should be out having fun, meeting guys, whatever. Women have so many opportunities in life.

Guys won't go out with me as long as they know/think they can do better, as for going out I do that every few days or so. I should be doing work but when it's late I dont wanna do stuff that stresses me out.

Women do live in a different reality...

How? What's happening in your life?

When you say men go out with you only if they think they can't do better, don't you think you refuse to see men who would be happy to go out with anybody, regardless of appearance?

I said guys won't go out with me as long as they can do better, in other words they don't go out with me. Anyway I wouldn't reject a guy just because he would date anyone however they look, that's a really weird thing to reject someone over.

I really doubt that there are no men who are attracted to you. Unless you live in a small village. Do you live in an urban or a rural area?

I live in a small city and if anyone is attracted to me they are not making it known. The only guy who called me attractive rejected my attempt at a relationship.

Yea, I can’t say anything about how you experience your life. In my experience, women can always find partners quickly if they’re young enough, regardless of looks. How many inhabitants does a small city mean to you? To me it means about 10k people, because I live in a small country.

Yeah that's not my experience, although I probably hang around a lot more women which would skew results. Anyway um I just googled the population of my city and we have about 300k people here. I guess it just seems small because if I go out to a random person on the street there is a high chance I either know them or they know someone I know.

Haha, that’s 1.5 times the amount of people living in the 2nd largest city of my county. The proportions always amaze me. And yea, sure, most men hang out mostly with men, and women mostly with women. It might be easier for everyone in a city where almost no one knows each other.

Well I mean it's not like I know everyone personally, but people just don't really seem into me.

You just explained a concept I had not thought of, but realized how true it is after I read your comment. I normally have a few days a week with 2-3 hours of time to kill at very odd hours. Part of my job when I'm on call. I don't have much interest in reading subs full of people who think the same way I do. I do post in them and join conversations but it becomes boring very quickly. There isn't much of a point to reading and/or conversing with people who share the same beliefs. Its just an echo chamber and that gets old fast. The political discussions in a couple of subs is always interesting because other users with opposing views join in. I also have to admit to a sort of horrified fascination with some concepts I didn't even know existed until about 6 weeks ago. I had never heard of Red Pill and I would not have guessed in my wildest dreams that such an idea as 'incel' would be a thing and have a large following. Anyway, I dont know if it is more productive but it is much more interesting to learn of beliefs that completely oppose my own. I have no interest in seeing my own views constantly fed right back to me. There is no benefit and it serves to discourage thought instead of prompting new ideas.

More like cringexchromosome

Cope. I find most of it very funny. It's because your low IQ male brain cannot understand or relate to high level humor.

No, I already know.

Don't forget "MFW my fuck buddy...MRW my friend with benefits..." It's seriously like they are forced to talk about two topics: their womanhood/femininity or men.

To be fair this sub only really talks about unattractiveness/virginity or women.

You mean "unattractiveness/virginity" of MEN.

You forgot the DUDE WINE LMAO

Yep. And I come here to find out how retarded and unfunny men are.

Giga-cope. Even normies laugh at our memes and spread them all over twitter.

Women are just not funny, period. The best they can do is try to imitate men to be funny, but they even fail at that. lmao

they even banned dick insults!?!


they really suck at being trolls. they'll end up banning everything remotely offensive and there will be nothing left they can troll with. lol. i don't understand their thought process on this ...

"trollXchromosomes" yet their spend most of their time being offended.

So much for the "Troll" part.

The "troll" is there for their appearance.

rape, muh vagina, rape, rape, rape, muh depression, i was slut shamed

that's about all women apparently care for

Subs for women. Just fucking lol

All they talk about relates to their gentials. Rape/pregnancy/slut shaming/abortion/their boyfriends/casual sex.

Are women on Reddit really that boring?

all you guys talk about is not having sex, not having girlfriends and being ugly and that is hilarious so simple is good sometimes

Nice grammar, I almost understood what you were saying.

"while you were out having sex, I corrected your low effort roast."


Do you speak English at all or do you just string random words together?



Women are RARELY funny.

RARELY introspective.

RARELY have any discernible depth.

They are 'containers'







And let's be honest...


Girls are always shooed away from here and u/Board_Gaming always getting shit explicitly for being one.

Because some people here are worth talking to.