Me too, me too

58  2018-03-23 by temevh


*womyn. Said no man never

If you have you have a passion in your hobbies then its possible to be happy without a femoid

MGTOW says hello

Red pilled af brooo

Sup playa? Stiff arming those roasties? Holla.

MGTOW: "I'm choosing not to have a gf."

Reality: "Literally no female wants you to begin with. That's like saying you are choosing not to be a trillionaire. You aren't choosing shit."

you must be stupid to think mgtow are incels. just because you are, doesn't mean everyone else is.

MGTOW consist mostly of divorce raped balding normies in their 30s or 40s. Their SMV is low and they cope by saying they are going their own way when in reality they are sent their own way.

no, they are not sent. besides, when me get older their smv become higher due to wealth and stability. some of them get approached bu women, but they reject them.

you are stupid to think women are everything in life. once you get a gf, then you will seek something else.


someone said this the other day and it needs to be repeated. the only thing that separates a relationship from any other companionship is sex. if we'd wanted a best friend, there's friendship, colleagueship, etc. men would find other men because they are more interesting and actually have personalities and wouldn't judge each other by looks, only common interests. but the fact that there's a biological need for the opposite sex just ruins this dynamic.

Normies say this is possible for all of us, but only a small minority of people are psychologically capable of being happy without romantic companionship. And those people are born with that ability.

It actually baffles me how they claim that it shouldn't be a big deal and/or that you should just accept it

Are they actually serious or do they just say it to dismiss us?

It's not difficult when you enjoy time by yourself.

you can enjoy time alone and still want a partner

It doesn't feel like being "forced" to be alone if you actually enjoy it, regardless of why.

And yeah, being without a partner isn't the same as not enjoying time by yourself, for sure. I just think it's connected. People can tell when you don't like yourself, and avoiding time alone is one of the symptoms of that.

I genuinely don't get why people are so obsessed with social contact. But then again I'm autistic, over sensitive to touch, and find the tactile requirements of socialising to be deeply uncomfortable on a good day.

I'd like to see where you got that info from. I used to be very prone to socialization as a form of distraction (thereby enabling my tendency to prolong self-defeating habits), and within a few months of me preferring to be alone, I ended up dating the guy I'm now married to. Being at ease with yourself is hard in this age, and almost no one actually has alone time anymore, since you've got your social contacts in your pocket.

and within a few months of me preferring to be alone, I ended up dating the guy I'm now married to


fuck me


it's called schizoid personality type, comfortably numb babaayyy

If you guys hate evil roastie AWALT femoids why do you even want one?

Sex drive. Men's greatest weakness.

MILLIONS of years of evolution is pretty hard to just say, "Nah I'm good." to.


*When the coping is too strong.

A woman should be the cherry on top of your life.

Your own life needs to be in check first. Always remember.

Young men who identify as Incels please chase your dreams and goals before saying "life is over".

There is no point in chasing your dreams when you know that you’ll be alone and you won’t have anybody to share the journey with. Men need motivation to strive.

Your dreams should be your own.

I mean you can continue spewing empty platitudes as long as it sounds good in your head, I’m just telling you that if I’m doomed to live my life in loneliness that I don’t see any point in it.

Couldn't I call your statements empty?

Im just asking you make your life about YOURSELF

there is rope, stupid

use it

it is there for a reason you know

Then kys. If you're really an incel then you are doomed, so just end it if life is so pointless.

I see this Cope line is always spouted by normies online trying to hide the fact that they are simply too ugly to date

ahh true though

Your dreams should be your own.