"Your personality is why you're incel"

91  2018-03-23 by rippedrichascended


Mogs me

/says OP with zero facial deformities

not understanding the post


I'm pretty sure he's admitted to having a deformity.

That's not the actual guy.


stop talking out of your ass

Mogs me

It's completely true though. You've just forgot that looks determine personality.

To an extent

new phone who dis

>“Success is more important than looks if you want to get the ladies.”

First off I wouldn't be getting ladies but single moms or 30+ years old Roasties. Secondly being a betabux isn't being in a true relationship. It is simply financing a Roastie's lifestyle that doesn't truly love you, like a cuck.

Brainlet wojack best wojack

he hasn't showered yet

That a picture of you OP? Would explain a lot.

It’s the fucking truth

come home for more truths

It entirely is. Look at Elliot Rodger. I have a girlfriend a happy family I eat well...and I'd kill to have his looks. The guy lived a Hollywood lifestyle drove a Bentley..and thought he needed to win the lottery to get a girlfriend. What he had was way more than enough. Only his personality fucking sucked.

He was literally autistic lmao

Which wasn't in the slightest helped by his situation at home

Saint Elliot lived in a small upscale town full of Stacies and Chads. He was also short and non-white.

If only he had a hobby.

Hobbies can totally sub for personality. The Stacie's will never notice. /s

Unironically mogs me.

It sure is.

It is when you unterstand that your looks are your personality.

Because thats so realistic