I even can't gymcel in peace!

32  2018-03-23 by freedomisdeath


That's not even impressive. She weights like 130 lb. Still...lucky guy I guess.

Well it is impressive. Not heavy, but impressive nonetheless...

BTFO chad.

He did a bunch of reps on a non sturdy weight.

"Look at what I can do!"-Chad.

When will the femoids stop attacking male spaces?


Oxymorons 101

that’s why you join a 24 hour gym and go at 3am with all the other manlets and incels

this man here knows how it's done

Midnight gymcel crew represent.

2:30-6:00 AM= best gym time

Buy a safety rack and work out in basement like everyone else.

omg who the fuck cares how someone else works out? don't like it? scroll on. don't look. do literally anything else.

Retard detected.

there's nothing that makes a retort/comeback worse than using the "r" word asshole. not that I had any respect for you anyway, but fucking grow a pair.


you know, if I was going to be triggered by anything, I'd be proud to be triggered by that buddy :)

Lmao. You normies are way too easy.

again, I'd rather be that than a neckbeard cringe factory who refuses to believe it's they who are too easy. have fun wallowing.

Ah yes I love that stereotype that doesn't describe any of our looks at all. The people you're talking about are where you're from, IT. Also most incels aren't fat let alone have neckbeards. We work out and have decent bodies. But continue to make a mockery out of yourself, normie. It's entertaining.

I'm having a great time with this broseidon, because just like you say that incels don't look like that, neckbeard is a similar term. I, as well as many others are fully aware that not all neckbeards have neck beards or are fat. It's a state of mind. A state of mind which you are fully and completely entrenched in :)


alrighty, I'll sum it up for you lol

TL;DR I'm doing just fine, you on the other hand are not.

So laughing at others misfortunes makes you a big tough person, huh? Keep showing how amazing you are normies.

I'm not saying I'm a big, tough person. What I'm saying is that you're free to wallow if you wish, but your insecurities become painfully more obvious when you just hate on anything anyone else does that could be misconstrued as something you don't have sexually. I'm also not saying I'm amazing, but you're not holier than thou just because you shit all over the rest of the world :)

Inevitable TL;DR: you're not fooling anyone

Here comes these retards again. "Insecurity". Well no fucking SHIT Sherlock. No fucking shit we have insecurities. Live one day in my shoes. ONE DAY. You won't live. I promise you that.

Guaranteed I would bro. You have no idea what my life is like on a daily basis. But you know what? I’m a fucking adult. I put my big boy pants on and I fucking handle it. Shit happens to everyone, you’re not fucking unique or special, and that’s what you fail to realize every time :)

"sHiT hApPeNs tO eVeRyOnE, yOu'RE nOt fUcKInG uNIQue oR sPecIAl"

Another bluepilled cuck who doesn't get it.

Lol like I’ve said multiple times if you’re perfectly happy to wallow no one will stop you. Especially if you’re insufferable to be around. That’s exactly the attitude that will keep you from everyone and everything ;)


K thnx 🙌🏻

Hurrrr it's just your attitude bro!!!

Meanwhile women claim to have depression and wallow in their self pity at times yet have no issues getting boyfriends. Cope more, dipshit.

Lol you have no idea what I’ve been through dude, but then again you don’t care and that’s your problem. Again, have fun wallowing in your self pity and sententious-ness ;)

I don't need nor give a flying fuck about what you've been through.

Lol clearly. But don’t try to come at people saying “hurrr but you have no idea” when your head is too far up your ass to consider that others have been through shit and are more well equipped to deal with it, mainly because their head isn’t so far up their ass they can hear thoughts ;)

TL;DR. Don't give a fuck what some brain dead normie cuck thinks.


Definitely triggered

rather be triggered at the 'r' word than at someone else's life I have no control over ;)

Sure whatever retard ;)

no problem brah ;) <3

JFL at this triggered retard

hi how are you? normal, non delusional individual here! ;)

on that note, good to confirm that you think you're above everyone else. you literally seek out conflict, your very existence is the epitome of triggered my friend.

omg who the fuck cares what people post in their own sub? don't like it? get out. don't come back. do literally anything else.

valid point. it would be even more valid if you weren't trying to elicit reactions from the rest of Reddit fam ;) this is exactly what you wanted and you're getting it

I think they’re using it as an example of looks mattering.

Just ask sluts if you can touch their ass

But that gets incels arrested

damn feminism in western countries

What a kiss ass

Homegymcel masterrace. There are no Stacies nor Chads to remind you of your despair when you lift in the basement.

Yeah I agree, i don’t see why any incel would go to a public gym just so they can feel even worse about themselves

Same reason they want to click s fuel links.

Shes a fucking hottie would smash.

Is anyone like super ripped in here? Like pull off the ugly face with a bodybuilder bod type of look I just started a bean and rice diet today

I would skip the rice if youre going for ripped, carbohydrates aint your friend

no I'm just ditching all foods in favor of 3bowls of rice and beans a day for like a month I'm not looking to get ripped, I'm just developing a dadbod is all

Just saying, rice and weight loss dont go together.

Depends on how much. I lost weight and body fat percentage while eating rice one meal a day.

Ripped but ecto, so it's over.

Put on mass.

"on" what? 3 inches clavicles?

Ectomorphs are just fellas that don't have much muscle mass.

They don't have much muscle mass because they are physiologically lean & compact. Wiry. Very difficult to gain muscle. High metabolism. It's not something you can just eat your way out of. Think of an olympic swimmer - it doesn't matter how much he eats and lifts weights (or even roids), he's never going to look like a power-lifter. Just different body types.

You can't make your frame and bones bigger. And honestly if you're wanting a body that attracts women it only has to be big. When women say they like muscular guys they like size, not definition.

I've been lifting forever. Very focused on diet. Made & making gains. But I put on a t-shirt and you'd never know. I don't look like "a man".

I have and am continuing to, but I'll always be a shadow of any meso.

Nice work.

take steroids

I don't want to break the law and endanger my health just to bring myself up to "normal". Anyway, steroids are just going to make me a super ripped ecto. It's not going to grow my bones or frame into "big gym guy", which is the only thing worth being as far as lifting to be more attractive goes.

this sort of shit is why it's impossible to focus on your hobbies and forget about inceldom, it's literally a physiological need and your constantly reminded of that fact every time you go outside

Just respect women and don't treat them as a literal object bro.

Here comes these retards again. "Insecurity". Well no fucking SHIT Sherlock. No fucking shit we have insecurities. Live one day in my shoes. ONE DAY. You won't live. I promise you that.

Guaranteed I would bro. You have no idea what my life is like on a daily basis. But you know what? I’m a fucking adult. I put my big boy pants on and I fucking handle it. Shit happens to everyone, you’re not fucking unique or special, and that’s what you fail to realize every time :)