I finally understand the obsession whiteknights and femoids have with us

41  2018-03-23 by CamoWoobie5

We are the embodiment of their revenge fantasy.

In their minds we are receiving our just deserts. Every man who thinks bad about women deserves the treatment we get. They forget that most of our behavior comes from the treatment that we have received, but they see us suffering and think "You deserve it. How dare you exist in opposition to our world view, You have brought this upon yourself and now you are suffering the consequences. Your suffering is a validation of how I perceive and wish the world to be."

All of it boiling down to betamales wishing that being kind to women and serving them will get them what they want, and women wishing that beta men will follow this train of thought in spite of the proof of the contrary so they can reap the benefits of beta males knowing their place in society, beneath and subservient to women.

They try their hardest to hide the fact that there are millions of men who exhibit misogyny: religious men, frat boy types, thug types etc , but they get away with it because of their attractiveness, in fact most women find being submissive the dominant alpha male the goal. But when they see our suffering it reaffirms in their mind that bad ugly men get their consequences in the form of karma.


Because the most absurd and disgusting stuff is posted here with no backlash

There's a ton of backlash, inceltears makes posts mocking us multiple times daily

We mean, like judicial action.

Almost none of the things posted warrant judicial action. I've never seen an incel post a true threat. It's perfectly legal to say something like you hope all femoids die or whatever you're referring to. Furthermore anythinf that is even promoting or glorifying violence gets removed pretty quickly

Clearly human trafficking isn’t violence I guess.

human trafficking

What the actual fuck are you on about?

What would you call trading livestock for women?

You mind answering the fucking question first?

I did.

I asked you what the fuck you were on about. As in, apparently this sub is also guilty of human trafficking now too. Fucking how.

Well. Not the sub. But some people.

I’m on about that post where Camo Woobie said he’s willing to trade livestock for a woman. As if that isn’t rapey at all?

It is. And?

What the fucking fuck is wrong with you? Are you sick in the head?

What the fucking fuck is wrong with you? Are you sick in the head?

Are you seriously inferring that I'm okay with rape? Because I've lost my ability to give a shit about stuff like that after a year of being here to the point where I just report it and move on?

Case in point from earlier, goddamn IT user. Go fuck yourself.

Well don’t act like it isn’t a big deal if it isn’t a big deal.

It's shitty and vile, but it's nothing new either in the context of this sub. Certainly not the worst I've seen from Camo.

You're from IT, at this point you should be aware of that fact.

I just joined IT like three hours ago.

And you're already acting in accordance with the circlejerk like the rest of em. Props.

Well, I’m not going to ignore the way they treat women here.

And so you'd rather feed the fire by flinging shit back instead of being the bigger person and walking away.

That's exactly the problem I have with IT. The problem you have could be adressed in a rational manner. Instead, it's pearl clutching, mockery and emotionally fueled arguments. And then people over there wonder why folks here are hostile.

Hilariously pointless toxic cycle of crap that both sides are complicit in.

A bride price in a country where it is legal isn't against the law obviously

It doesn’t matter if it’s against the law, psycho. It’s against their will.

If it's not against the law then judicial action won't be taken, duh

Okay. It’s kind of an in-joke within Incel-Tears that we should take this up to court. Though someone on there is apparently serious.

Take what up to court

All the damn hate.

still dwelling on that matter?

It's legal, innit ya git? So what's your problem?

You think being an incel is not against my will, too? If I can buy a bride and then treat her right, because buying her is the only way a woman will ever give me a chance, where's the problem? It's not like I would beat and rape a woman I bought, that's like beating a cow you bought. It's nonsensical.

If I bought a wife I would treat her well and love her

But she wouldn’t love you. She’d be scared. And she’d want to leave. She’d want to marry someone of her own will.

Too bad. If buying a bride is the way I go, it's because it's the only way I have left.

Oh for fucks sake.

I meant within the community

There is. There's normie "rebuttals" on most posts

Because none of you call out any heinous, awful shit. So we have to.

Because we understand people are just venting or being satirical

Yeah, bs.

Oh yeah, such satire. Such venting.

You know what I don't do when I'm venting? Advocate sexual slavery and spout racist nonsense. I don't create a detailed mythology with no basis in reality and then cherry pick scientific studies to support my bullshit and convince weak, lonely men to abandon all hope and encourage them to kill themselves.

You guys are painfully transparent. You want the freedom to he fucking awful, absolutely reprehensible humans...but you also demand to be treated like you're such great guys.

Different people deal with things in different ways.

Well, don't be surprised when people think you're a piece of shit if you act and talk like a piece of shit.

Well yeah but we mainly are pieces of shit and aware of it. Whats ur point dood..

Halo effect

The halo effect is a form of cognitive bias in which the brain allows specific positive traits to positively influence the overall evaluation of the person, idea, or object in the halo.

The halo effect can also be explained as the behavior (usually unconscious) of using evaluations based on things unrelated, to make judgments about something or someone. The halo effect specifically refers to when this behavior has a positive correlation, such as viewing someone who is attractive is more likely to be seen as successful and more popular. When this judgement has a negative connotation, such as someone unattractive being charged more firmly for a crime than someone attractive, it is referred to as the horn effect.

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Because you guys are whiny and perpetuate your circumstances. You literally joined a group to feed off of this mindset and to justify why you should get everything you want, and not better yourself in any way to get it. Relationships are give and take. Caring for a person and expecting nothing in return, and by not expecting or demanding anything the person you are in a relationship with will give you everything they have to offer without being asked, because they genuinely care about you in return. Most people can see through bullshit, and want to be with a good person. Not someone pretending to be.

no backlash

The downvote brigade, mods removing the realy vile shit and reasonable people here reporting/calling that shit out would beg to differ.

You're right. normies pushing stagetail over the edge was disgusting

Yep. The fucking normies, and board gaming ESPECIALLY, killed stagetail

I miss him every day.

I would K*** them all if I could

Time to get help

for waning to kiss them all? lol

Sounded like you were meaning kill but okay

you inceltears cunts always assume the worst. Speaks volumes about your mental state

Mental state? A lot of you on here sound way worse and are very mental and need help from what I saw and you wanna talk about IT? Lol

You wouldn't want to kiss me.

I would

It's an interesting theory, but I don't think it's quite right. My interest is mostly sympathy and frustration, because so many of you are sabotaging yourselves so needlessly. I can see a younger version of myself buying into this crap had Reddit had been around then, so it's sort of a "there but for the grace of god, go I" sort of deal.

Also, slightly afraid that one of you will wind up murdering my loved ones, so throw a little bit of that in there.

Wow you're soooooo brave and kind to venture into this subreddit!! Please tell me how to live my life and how to get a women bro


holy fuck this is such a good fuckinf post bro I never even thought of it like this but you’re so fucjing riht beta males love this shit exactly because they are like wow nice wonder they are incel!! Cuz they said the word roasty online!! Meanwhile I am a nice guy look at my nice fat girlfriend she lets me eat her out sometimes haha ya that’s because I am a redditor gentleman:)

You quickly became one of my favorite cels

I thought you were just some cunt from IT at first lol

Yeah I have a bunch of alt accounts, I agree it looks suspicious a new account posting on here

pm me your alt before this one?

I disagree. There's no deep or conscious conspiracy. It's just sadism directed at people that society considers acceptable targets.

The Normies envy our penises.

How can you be envious of something that, as far as anyone else knows, doesn't exist?

We are blasphemers in their eyes. And blasphemers were never tolerated.

They're obsessed with us because to them, it doesn't make sense to hate women.

Yup. It mostly satisfies my curiosity. How else am I going learn about someone else's mental processes that are so diametrically opposed to my own? It's the same reason I get lost in Wikipedia articles about serial killers and true crime. Then there's also the sympathy part of it--the handful of things that I see we have in common or that I can relate to, but incels run with in a totally different direction.

I only started actively replying to comments recently because it seems like you guys (many, at least) really like to talk about inceltears and engage with non-incels. So I see it as an opportunity to interact with people I probably wouldn't get a chance to converse with IRL.

Too many posts about those stupid fucks.

Incels make for good victims. Scared children with no friends that will have no one miss them. Usually the police just files a report and down it goes to archived cases. Good. The less incels in the world the better.

see your not completely wrong, I think theirs small grains of ugly truths in this sub, but your placing the same stupid generalizations on women and each other that you hate being placed on you. will taking showers and "being yourself" magically get most of you laid? No.Do you deserve the hostility you receive from most of society because of voicing your opinions in the only place that will listen? absolutely not. I can sympathize, but instead of being smarter than them, you just stoop to their level and pretend like every women out there wants to exclusively date 6'5 ex convicts who beat the shit out them. The truth is always somewhere inbetween, incels are every bit as ignorant and foolish as the chads and women they so despise, with the added bonus of being social outcasts. You loathe sympathy and so you take away their ability to sympathize with you by being every bit as irrational and condescending as they are. This sub takes flawed people with poor self confidence and turns them into hate filled time bombs by reinforcing their insecurities ten-fold.

the chads

Love it when cucktears copes by saying we think they're chads. Actual Chads don't post on reddit.

Do you know how hatred of sympathy is developed? When sympathy is used as a mocking device, perversed in essence but retaining same appearance on the surface, so you'll chastised for not wanting it.

The truth is always somewhere inbetween


Hegelian Dialectic comes to mind.

Lol holy shit you guys are pathetic as fuck.

^ this

Yeah you

k good story boi

I'm a female, all misogynists are terrible, same goes for misandrists

Yeah that's what you think on paper

Well I think the point is that yes we are obsessed with you. Not in the way you think. It's more like being obsessed with a TV show. You get good laughs off of it. It's fun to talk about and that's about it. Noone takes the incel community to anything more than that except for the incels themselves.

Noone takes the incel community to anything more than that except for the incels themselves.

So Inceltears massively blowing shit out of proportion never happens?

One look at the sub is enough for me to know that what you said is absolute bullshit.

Inceltears is the same thing as any TV show subreddit. Hell the "blowing shit out of proportion" you say is funny since a vast majority of topics they have are simply copied from here.

And then they blow those copied screencaps massively out of proportion and clutch their pearls about how horrible it is.

As everyone does on reddit. Big whoop, cry about it. Oh wait that's what braincels is. You know what I'll agree with you that that sometimes happens but you guys really are just a fun joke for the rest of us. We were really sad when r/incels got shut down but thank you all for being back!

you guys

Read the flair, cunt. Blocked.

Don't care about being blocked, have a nice day! I guess words do hurt some people.

no you bully to get a dopamine rush

Pretty small dopamine rush. It's looking watching crazy people on Jerry springer, everyone is so none of us really care that much.


I'm not obsessed per say, it's more that I find the incel's screwed world view comical. I always get a good laugh when I look over this sub

not obsessed

make alt for posting here

this is legit my only reddit account lmfao

Tbh I am seeing a shift in Reddit since incels became a household name. A while back it was generally believed that looks didn’t matter, and being confident and nice (not the weak Niceguys version mind you) would get you any girl you want.

Then you guys became popular on Reddit and I am seeing it switch from “looks don’t matter” to “looks matter but not as much”. Seriously go on /r/tinder, for a while there was this really creepy like going around, but the guy who made it and was successful was extremely attractive. Other users tried it, and low and behold it did not work for them. Even IT seems to be changing their mindset (albeit slower).

Women are idiots.

What the fucking fuck is wrong with you? Are you sick in the head?

Are you seriously inferring that I'm okay with rape? Because I've lost my ability to give a shit about stuff like that after a year of being here to the point where I just report it and move on?

Case in point from earlier, goddamn IT user. Go fuck yourself.

There is. There's normie "rebuttals" on most posts

Different people deal with things in different ways.