The Path of the Ascended Incel

77  2018-03-23 by throwaway12438748142


I would get into Shaolin martial arts but since I'm an adult already even if I managed to get fit my bones wouldn't be flexible enough. Feels bad.

It’s never too late....

Maybe you're right. I've always liked Wuxia so being a Kung-Fu master sounds like a dream

BJJ and Boxing

Maybe with enough cope one day ill become as big as blackops2cel.

Lol Raidencel

he became a space god?

True ascension. St Blackops2cel smiles on us.


So i mean if woman have forsaken you and free time is a plenty. Might as well master the blade.

This is lifefuel

Unfortunately, Buddhist monks are gay as hell. They love washing each other and giving handies and blowies.

That is what you call a Millenial Bromance.

tfw fantasies about becoming like your monk in Diablo 3 by moving to Tibet and becoming a hyperspiritual warrior of the Gods

hypersexual warrior of the Gods

That's reserved for Chad though


I know, right? Being a reject gave me a lot of extra time to get good at video games.

Dude, just play Killing Floor, get kill some fucked up looking zombie creatures.

How do u make these I want to join too


As if you disgusting pieces of shit could end up as more than pigshit and dirt-feeders. Hurry up and do what you must so some flora can feed on your remains, so your body can finally contribute to something purposeful.

Are you okay?

this doesn't work if you do more than three people

and each of their four accounts (so far) has been permabanned

Fuck you man :D

You know, that's a bit harsh.

Mortal Kombat is the shit

That editions Chad vs virgin mk edition

right.... ehm.....

As much as i love incels... Jesus christ who has the time to make this shit


literally what napoleon and stalin did

Honestly by the time you reach the highest level of Shaolin your mind will already be focused on other things than having sex or not having sex

Chad looks like he's in Right Said Fred LOL

I wonder if the concept of religious ascension, or theosis, to a divine inner state was all a cope by ugly people who had no choice but to become monks or religious ascetics. While it is often ironic today, the concept/joke of "ascending" because of virginity in an ascetic lifestyle crops up independently countless times.