Ear lobes and vaginal tissue are VERY different. Compare to dicks, for instance. A dick cannot be made larger by pulling and yanking on it. It stays the same size no matter what. Dicks and vaginas are made of very similar tissues. What happens to vaginas is that the muscles weaken (after having a baby for example), causing the feeling off looseness. Fortunately, kegel exercises fixes this issue of done consistently over time.
thats not how it works at all. dicks can be made larger by "pulling and yanking on it", its called jelking and has history dating back millennia. although i dont support that because it can cause issues.
well if you say that, then i can say for a fact pussys do get worn out and beat from overuse and large penises. your logic is all over the place. you cant have the cake and eat it too.
It’s not. My logic is accurate and on point. Dicks don’t get bigger from tugging, vaginas don’t get bigger from dicks. What CAN happen to vaginas is muscle over-stretching (childbirth) which, as I explained but you conveniently didn’t read, can cause the loose feeling (you wouldn’t know because you’re a virgin, but try to keep up). That looseness is easily corrected over time by kegel exercises.
this isnt for debate. male enhancement is a very real thing and jelking is one technique (i dont support that shit tho). so is vaginal cavity getting worn out and lose, that is actually a fetish some women have. im not joking. its physics 101, if you take something and repeatedly stretch and wear it out, what do you think it will stay the same? no lol, it will get permanently damaged.
The only thing right in your comment is that this is not for debate. There currently is NO such thing as male enhancement. You CANNOT enlarge the penis. Even if you were able to jelq it to 0.25cm longer, you will never add girth to it. If you have a tiny prick, you’re stuck with it.
I have more knowledge of this than you, clearly. Just because you don’t like what you’re reading doesn’t make it any less true. Sorry buddy, your dick is tiny for life.
Yes, it is logic, and accurate logic at that. I think all of you should try jelqing so your dicks will be tiny AND non-functioning, not that a tiny dick serves any purpose anyway
The penis requires the functioning of a delicate and unique internal vasculature system, and has all the important nerves along its surface. It is filled with countless sensors strongly discouraging a man from doing anything that could potentially damage said tissue.
A vagina is a muscle tube somewhat analogous to the gut, and is designed to shove an object 10x larger than a dick could ever be out over the course of up to 24 hours, and then go back to functioning as normal afterwards. The nerves involved in female sexual pleasure are largely located in the labia and surrounding tissues. There is little enervation of the vaginal walls themselves.
They are totally different structures. If a woman tried to jelq her clit (the closest remaining penis-analog) there would absolutely be consequences, but that's not what is done when someone just has a lot of sex.
She prolapsed. The muscles in the pelvic floor get weaker if you don't use them. If you don't keep up with kegal exercises, or so something to keep them busy (IE: Sex), this will happen.
First of all, beta males don't exist. That study was flawed, and based on animals in captivity rather than a natural herd or pack.
Second of all, I'm not an orbiter. I've only ever actually tried to shag one of my friends once, and that attempt did indeed work. I don't sit about waiting for a woman to shag me - I just ask. If they say no, I move onto the next person I meet who interests me. I can only think of one instance where I've asked twice - and that was a special circumstance (They moved away pretty quickly after I met them, and I asked before they were moving. When they came back, asked again, got my hole.).
that person literally used the word faggot to try to make someone feel bad. If I'm a normie because I think that's bullshit, then fuck, I guess I am lol
"tissue protruding from my vagina below my urethra"
did the person who wrote this have to consult an anatomy diagram to write a description of someone "discovering their new labia", because that's what I'm getting out of this. The urethra is totally hidden by the clit and its hood from the user's POV, and basically never exposed.
No man, the urethra is an itty bitty hole directly before the opening of the vagina. She is saying that the tissue that makes up the walls of her vagina is protruding. She could easily feel this or get a mirror to see it.
My point is why TF would she be using the itty bitty hole to locate something when the clit hood is much more obvious?
I think the post is a troll trying to establish credibility for the idea that labia are formed by vaginal prolapse. It doesn't read like someone with female anatomy describing something happening to their own body.
I think you could be right about them being a troll; However many people do not know the terminology for the different parts. For instance, I was not certain what part was a labia until a few years ago. Some people call the entire female crotch a vagina not knowing that the vaginal canal is it's own thing. If the post is real it might be a rare circumstance, because honestly I have never heard of this happening before.
When I banged my girl after we broke that pussy was so tight. New guy had a small cawk lol. That shit stays stretched for at least a day or two I think.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
well its kinda logical... just as if you gauge your ears with a huge size. you end up all lose and floppy.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
Ear lobes and vaginal tissue are VERY different. Compare to dicks, for instance. A dick cannot be made larger by pulling and yanking on it. It stays the same size no matter what. Dicks and vaginas are made of very similar tissues. What happens to vaginas is that the muscles weaken (after having a baby for example), causing the feeling off looseness. Fortunately, kegel exercises fixes this issue of done consistently over time.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
thats not how it works at all. dicks can be made larger by "pulling and yanking on it", its called jelking and has history dating back millennia. although i dont support that because it can cause issues.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
Jelqing doesn’t work and is dangerous. The guys on the smalldickproblems thread can tell you how ineffective jelqing is.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
well if you say that, then i can say for a fact pussys do get worn out and beat from overuse and large penises. your logic is all over the place. you cant have the cake and eat it too.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
It’s not. My logic is accurate and on point. Dicks don’t get bigger from tugging, vaginas don’t get bigger from dicks. What CAN happen to vaginas is muscle over-stretching (childbirth) which, as I explained but you conveniently didn’t read, can cause the loose feeling (you wouldn’t know because you’re a virgin, but try to keep up). That looseness is easily corrected over time by kegel exercises.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
this isnt for debate. male enhancement is a very real thing and jelking is one technique (i dont support that shit tho). so is vaginal cavity getting worn out and lose, that is actually a fetish some women have. im not joking. its physics 101, if you take something and repeatedly stretch and wear it out, what do you think it will stay the same? no lol, it will get permanently damaged.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
The only thing right in your comment is that this is not for debate. There currently is NO such thing as male enhancement. You CANNOT enlarge the penis. Even if you were able to jelq it to 0.25cm longer, you will never add girth to it. If you have a tiny prick, you’re stuck with it.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
why are you speaking on things you clearly have no knowledge about? stop being ignorant.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
I have more knowledge of this than you, clearly. Just because you don’t like what you’re reading doesn’t make it any less true. Sorry buddy, your dick is tiny for life.
1 NotASIMP 2018-03-22
wtf... k then.
1 TelegraphGreen 2018-03-22
Normie logic everyone
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
Yes, it is logic, and accurate logic at that. I think all of you should try jelqing so your dicks will be tiny AND non-functioning, not that a tiny dick serves any purpose anyway
1 TelegraphGreen 2018-03-22
t. Male feminist
1 Benevolentwanderer 2018-03-22
The penis requires the functioning of a delicate and unique internal vasculature system, and has all the important nerves along its surface. It is filled with countless sensors strongly discouraging a man from doing anything that could potentially damage said tissue.
A vagina is a muscle tube somewhat analogous to the gut, and is designed to shove an object 10x larger than a dick could ever be out over the course of up to 24 hours, and then go back to functioning as normal afterwards. The nerves involved in female sexual pleasure are largely located in the labia and surrounding tissues. There is little enervation of the vaginal walls themselves.
They are totally different structures. If a woman tried to jelq her clit (the closest remaining penis-analog) there would absolutely be consequences, but that's not what is done when someone just has a lot of sex.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
Her pussy literally fell out from chad pounding. reading this legit made me gag. reminds me of a certain someone u/Touchthefuckingfrog
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
I would say you are in for a world of disappointment when you finally lose your virginity but there is no danger of that happening.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
The woman I end up with won't be an old bitter craz like you, that's for damn sure :)
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
You won’t end up with anyone but your hand and damn do you live on this sub? Do you have any life?
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
Now now, you know that's not true. I am a young male in 2018. The future is mine.
Did you forget I'm an incel? This is where I come to socialize :)
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Awww cute you think you have hope...
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
ropecels are coping. there's always hope in life as long as you have time. i will absolutely find somebody who loves me and understand me
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Hahahahahahhahhahaha ....uh huh that is um very likely, keep the dream alive.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
Thanks. If even you managed to find someone I know for damn sure I will lol
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Nope, I have the vagina magic on my side.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
Oh no.. seeing someone admit their only worth is having a vagina is kind of too real for me.
i'm sorry i cornered you into saying that. i feel bad lol
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Do you not understand sarcasm? Oh dear you are in dire straits.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
uh, sure.. sarcasm! we'll go with that 😃
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-03-22
At least they're admitting it now
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Nope just me because my vagina is actually magic.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-03-22
Says every chick ever. Odds are, Chads just use you as an easy, generic lay.
1 Touchthefuckingfrog 2018-03-22
Ah no I haven’t been near a Chad in 12 years. That is kind of the point of the whole happily married thing.
1 insultin_crayon 2018-03-22
You won’t. You’re short, ugly, and have a shit personality to top it off. Knowing you will be alone forever puts a big smile on my face though!
1 wtfareyousayingm8 2018-03-22
Wow bully much
1 alec7491 2018-03-22
preach. Even if u have to drag ur piss covered corpse through the sewers, hopecel.
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-22
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
She prolapsed. The muscles in the pelvic floor get weaker if you don't use them. If you don't keep up with kegal exercises, or so something to keep them busy (IE: Sex), this will happen.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
nice try but in the comments she says she's had regular partners before this one. GTFO
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
Didn't specify how much. Regular to some people is once or twice a week. Regular to others is once or twice a day.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
delusional normie excuses lmao
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
I'm not a normie. I'm autistic, and believe it or not, a pretty active incel poster in another life. There's a reason I understand the slang mate.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
oh so you're a delusional beta orbiter making excuses for roasties when faced with hard facts. lmao
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
First of all, beta males don't exist. That study was flawed, and based on animals in captivity rather than a natural herd or pack.
Second of all, I'm not an orbiter. I've only ever actually tried to shag one of my friends once, and that attempt did indeed work. I don't sit about waiting for a woman to shag me - I just ask. If they say no, I move onto the next person I meet who interests me. I can only think of one instance where I've asked twice - and that was a special circumstance (They moved away pretty quickly after I met them, and I asked before they were moving. When they came back, asked again, got my hole.).
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
They don't. The poor bastard who wrote that study spent the rest of his life trying to discredit it, because he knew it was flawed. Look it up.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
how can beta orbiters not exist if i'm replying to one right now
check mate atheists
1 damnsong 2018-03-22
Yeah that’s cool but you’re still a faggot in our eyes.
1 kyasurina 2018-03-22
lol and this right here is why no one takes y'all seriously. using derogatory, homophobic insults. get bent.
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
1 kyasurina 2018-03-22
that person literally used the word faggot to try to make someone feel bad. If I'm a normie because I think that's bullshit, then fuck, I guess I am lol
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
that's not why i called you a normie.
you ignored the proof in the OP and just focused on this one incel to discard the rest of us.
so, normie pls..
1 iQ9k 2018-03-22
Lol @ still thinking that the word fair still has a connection to gay people. Maybe you're the homophobe
1 damnsong 2018-03-22
Opinion discarded.
1 kyasurina 2018-03-22
Oh god please don’t no 😂✌🏻
1 Salvador66 2018-03-22
1 fenagel 2018-03-22
Beef n cheddar
1 riPEEMYFARTBOX 2018-03-22
I would recommend electro-shock therapy
1 HuHuHaHaHa 2018-03-22
you'd need an entire power plant to get that roast beef back to speed
1 riPEEMYFARTBOX 2018-03-22
"1.21 Gigawatts, Marty"
1 Mest666 2018-03-22
link, motherfucker
1 apx24 2018-03-22
No. Let's not brigade other subs.
1 Mest666 2018-03-22
why, fuck that stupid rules, I can post wherever I want
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-03-22
Probably genetic or due to injury. Women's pussies can take a beating normally.
1 PeppyHydra 2018-03-22
This is at the peak of my disgust. This makes me want to vomit. Disgusting slag.
1 LoneHiker14 2018-03-22
God damn
1 TsarHarkinian 2018-03-22
just lol at not having a big dick in 2018
1 iQ9k 2018-03-22
1 Benevolentwanderer 2018-03-22
"tissue protruding from my vagina below my urethra"
did the person who wrote this have to consult an anatomy diagram to write a description of someone "discovering their new labia", because that's what I'm getting out of this. The urethra is totally hidden by the clit and its hood from the user's POV, and basically never exposed.
1 Crocodilesclimbtrees 2018-03-22
No man, the urethra is an itty bitty hole directly before the opening of the vagina. She is saying that the tissue that makes up the walls of her vagina is protruding. She could easily feel this or get a mirror to see it.
1 Benevolentwanderer 2018-03-22
My point is why TF would she be using the itty bitty hole to locate something when the clit hood is much more obvious?
I think the post is a troll trying to establish credibility for the idea that labia are formed by vaginal prolapse. It doesn't read like someone with female anatomy describing something happening to their own body.
1 Crocodilesclimbtrees 2018-03-22
I think you could be right about them being a troll; However many people do not know the terminology for the different parts. For instance, I was not certain what part was a labia until a few years ago. Some people call the entire female crotch a vagina not knowing that the vaginal canal is it's own thing. If the post is real it might be a rare circumstance, because honestly I have never heard of this happening before.
1 Benevolentwanderer 2018-03-22
YEah! That's what's getting me - if she can ID her urinary outlet, it really seems like she should know the names of the more familiar small parts.
1 IronMeltsinmyHands 2018-03-22
I laughed.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-22
When I banged my girl after we broke that pussy was so tight. New guy had a small cawk lol. That shit stays stretched for at least a day or two I think.
1 Cthulhu_sneeze 2018-03-22
All y'all need to take some anatomy classes because that's not how vaginas work.