Incels: a depressed men support group.

38  2018-03-22 by Involuntarily

This is a sub for depressed men who have (mostly) not lost their virginity. Our posts are meant to cheer each other up with politically incorrect humor and joking about suicide, because it is all on our minds.

They say the best comedians are the ones that feel the most pain. Our memes are the spiciest because we are so depressed. We are creative, have great personalities, a reality of no female interaction and a lack of goodwill from others. We have obsessed bullies; people who take time out of their own shitty lives to make ours shittier. We have a hate sub that is dedicated to laughing at us, nevermind the other subs where they actually hurt women.

Why? Because they're bullies. Internet bullies who probably were bullied themselves and have built a cult of personality upon the female sex, one that will at all costs defend the woman against internet virgins.

By terrorizing internet virgins, they feel much better about themselves, despite not having any improvement whatsoever in their own lives. In fact, if they spent the time they told incels to improve themselves or making fun of others, their lives might even increase in quality, maybe enough for their egos to stop bullying internet virgins. The advice given is meaningless because it is obvious. There is nothing to be gained from such low quality posts; they are so common that they are a laughingstock; they're a large factor of the memes posted.

If you don't like what is posted: don't visit. I don't go to places I don't like.


Subreddits with killing animals are accepted, but male support groups are not.

just look at the men's support groups on here. all of them get brigaders by feminists, and they let some of these invaders stay because a very small amount of them are trying to be helpful, while most are trolls. I'd name them, but its probably going to cause more feminist men to tell them they are wrong, 30 minute created LARPers and of course the ugly women who prey on such low status men.

Want to see some of the posters here? They're all new alts, or old alts that get banned, and then come back.

/u/Rubissrox was around trolling incels long before it came here, it is pathetic and still has no life. The posting style is exactly the same as a poster who made tons of alts, so it has no name. You can see it just keeps spamming and says things such as a sarcastic 'sorry your safe space was invaded' to a suicidal poster. Obviously another failure at life who can't stop making fun of male virgins.

Another type is /u/RIPMYPOOPCHUTE, an obvious troll that makes new accounts and posts on subs that make them feel better about how pathetic they are.

Hmmm I haven't been banned at all. I only have this Reddit account because I wanted something with a funny name and not already taken. I didn't know my life was pathetic. THE MORE YOU KNOW I hope you see the irony in calling others pathetic while you complain about not getting laid.

the people making fun of men for not getting laid are not pathetic.

This is your logic. Go look through any of my posts and find evidence of me complaining at all. There is zero.

My question is, why do you care so much about what a random person on the internet thinks of you anyways?

I'm not even directly "making fun" of someone either. But you believe whatever you want to.

For the sake of the community, it matters because of how they're suicidal. I can take it, I can dish it. But its up to you if you want to bully suicidal virgins.

Well why does it matter what anyone on the internet thinks anyways? I get some people may be suicidal on here, but they should be seeking help from mental health professionals. You can't even use that since people on here have been egged on by other incels to kill themselves.

Only WE can bully incels into suicide. Not you. It's like calling my mom a bitch

Feel free to bully suicidal male virgins.

How is it even bullying when they do it to each other?

That's enough logic for now.

Logic is expensive.

can't tell a joke from bullying

Lol oh lord. You think I'm someone's at. The paranoia is amazing. Holy victim complex.

We're not making fun of male virgins. We're making fun of bigots, who just happen to be male virgins. Don't write shit about other people if you don't want them to write shit about you.

Don't write shit about other people

I never did, but for some reason cunts from IT shat on me all the same. Explain that one.

I've not had a go at you. Go post something sexist, and then I'll have a go at you.

Hence “people like you“, i.e. non-IT cunts that act in the exact same fashion.

He's a violent Scot autist, who gets offended when it's pointed out. Watch out or else he'll show his retard strength and smash your face for m'lady!

Nah, I get offended at the slur. Not the fact that I'm autistic. You don't have the right to use that word, you don't know what it means.

I'm also really not that violent. I'm a technical pacifist. I end up scrapping so often because I live in an area with a lot of drug-related crime, and I have a lot of squishy friends. I myself, not so squishy, feel compelled to help them out when they're getting beaten into the dirt.

I do know what it means, sadly but in the spirit of the advice that is given to these people - deal with it, spaz.

No, you don't. You're not capable of understanding the meaning of that pejorative, you're not the subject of it. All you can do is comprehend what it does to other people - but you'll never live it for yourself.

But keep going. I'm really starting to wonder what kind of person you are in the real world. Keep this up, and I might just care enough to find out. And I'll show the whole world when I do.

The key word is might. I've been insulted many times because of something I can't control either but I was told to internalise it and man up.

Now I'm a functioning member of the society and I've learned the lesson oh so well. You will learn too. In the mean time - deal with it, pussy.

I don't really have to. Anybody stupid enough to call me a tard or a spazz in the gaff tends to be bounced out of that gaff by everybody else before I get a chance to do much about it.

Spooky scary autistic white knight. We get it bro, you're working in some posh vomithole. Keep up the good work defending m'ladies and keep your safe.

Nah, I live in a scheme. Most of my friends like me, funnily enough, and while I'm content to ignore their behaviour and just cut them off - they tend to get violent about it. Last time the offender got grounded and pounded before I could even stand up. Stupid bastard got thrown out the door in a right state - could barely stand up. I felt bad for him but its his own fucking fault.

I can't pry three rugby players off of a guy, even if I wanted to. And to be honest, if they've been insulting me - I'm not really inclined to.

I get that you're trying to connect but what makes you think that I actually give a rat's ass about it all?

I'm not trying to connect with you. I'm correcting your incorrect assumptions.

Corrections noted. You're still gonna be treated the same, vulgar way. Another time I'd say I feel guilty about insulting but if your profile is any indication, you're quite a vile person yourself.

Which will happen if you go by recent and not top, I've been a sub full of people conditioned to hate me all day. When I'm not in here, I tend to be over in the ASD network helping people. Usually one day off, one day on.

Because when they post about having trouble with women as an autistic bloke, they actually listen to the answers. Largely because they accept that I've been them, moved past it and come out the otherside. Everybody in here believes that because I've had sex before, I've never been an incel. I used to post in r/Incels, r/FA and the like all the time when I was a teenager - and i was just like these people. To the point where I ditched my 80k, several year old account out of embarrassment. So they call me a norman and tell me to fuck off.

Show me somebody in here who wants to get laid, and are willing to question the sexist bias they've been given here, and I'll gladly help them out. My income source is like, 60% downtime, I've got the time.

Hehehe, you're sneaky. The moment someone is going to offer themselves, you're gonna indignantly say "no, I'm not helping you, you're a dick".

No mate, virtue signal somewhere else for m'ladies. Your effort here will absolutely go unnoticed by them.

Depends. I'll put up with casual sexism because its so pervasive that it is unfair to expect people not to exhibit signs of it. I do from time to time. I'm still uncomfortable fighting in mixed tournaments despite the fact that a lot of the ladies there can and will leather me.

What I'm not inclined to tolerate, are the kind of people who graduate into genuine hatred.

By all means, show me somebody here A) Willing to listen and B) Not a blatant safety hazard to other women, and watch me get to work.


All the best.

Wow so obnoxious. You sure you're a normie?

Render unto Caeser, kid. Just giving an appraisal of your, frankly, limp attempt at baiting.

You're probably not old enough to call me a kid. Don't. It makes you look like a tool.

Your concern about my public image is cute, considering it comes from a person on spectrum. Shrinks were good for you, it seems.

See that - that right there - that was actually bigoted. You need to work on that.

Healer, heal thyself ;)

I'm not bigoted. You are. You hate.

Deal with it, kid. Most people hate and they won't be gentle with your feelings.

I do. But to be perfectly honest, if you're gonna keep acting like a dick, I'm just going to block you so I don't have to have this conversation again.

I don't know any other way for dealing with people who want me dead for something I can't control. Either I remove your destructive influence from my life by force or I suffer for it.

Do it and spare me the lecture. You're not getting any sympathy from someone who was taught the same lesson by vainglorious people like you. You're just another brick in the wall.

I'd rather not. I'd rather correct a bigot than condemn them. But you're not really giving me much of an option - you're trying to call me vain and I'm the furthest thing from. You're not even paying attention, I'm pretty sure you're just insulting me for fun.

Good luck in your crusade, kid.

I'm not on a crusade. I just like helping people.

TRPT? What's that?

The Red Pill Trog.

We're making fun of bigots,

go to r/twoxchromosomes / r/trollxchromosomes / r/feminism and start crusading there first.

go to all the 3 trillion political subs and start crusading about how bigoted they are

After you do that, you will have an ounce of integrity, and I'll address you. Until then, you're making fun of male virgins.

I do. I'm on my third or 4th alt around there. There's a small rad-fem subreddit kicking about that'll ban anything with a david gemmel reference in it these days.

So am I. But ask yourself, why? Is your life so shitty you want to come to such a place?

Because I used to be an incel. Some of you just need a little help in the social skills department, same as my autistic self. Some of you are just awful people who need to be taken down a peg or two.

So its something to do while I wait for glue to dry and diagnostics software to run.

What have you posted that you regard as helpful?

You'd have to go back a while. Been living outside a lot this month, and tbh the posts up recently don't give me much to work with. Its all chad-stacy-roastie bullshit and I don't really feel like giving out-and-out sexists tips on how to ensnare a woman.

So you haven't done anything helpful recently and I'd have to go far back to see anything good?

I get that Incels is a sort of community, alright, even if I dont agree with all of the shit that is said here, sometimes some good points are said.

But mostly I think that this place is pretty toxic as a whole, I see posts sometimes that is basically just sharing sadness. Literally. Like that one that said ’daily reminder that you missed out on teenage love’ or ’chad is literally unstoppable’, blabla, care what you care for, but this place really is not ’supportive’, and if it were, I would probably forgive it.

Le downboat bc IT cuck

Why are you here in a toxic community you disagree with?

Thats a good question. But even being around this place is a negative aura. Of all the things, this place is not supportive. Find a community that can be wholesome, that reminds you of the better parts of life, usually that doesnt talk about the subject of romance at all. Because this place really, really isnt helping with that. I’m sorry.

It isn't supportive because you say it isn't?

You don't understand it then.

Incels are targeted by the black pill which is a subset of the manosphere.

The manosphere is shill group meant to twist masculinity into something evil and call anything good cuck.

Eben their choice of insults is an accidental admission of the alt right roots. The term cuck holds power over the alt right because it implies cuck porn which is where ethnic men and women team up.

No, the black pill is real. I am not white. I am not alt right. I will use their terms because they are funny and good memes. Know what nazis were? National socialists. Does that mean anything national and socialist is bad?

I know where these terms come from. Does that mean that the blacks that use nigger or nigga are oppressing themselves? If you really think that having a black man have sex with your wife is teaming up against white supremacists, you have a twisted understanding of men in general.

If you don't think that there is a alt right core to the manosphere that promotes a blatant minstrel show with its ethnic recruits you will start to see it now and you might still try to dismissnit as a coincidence or something.

Here's the thing. There at personality Chads. How would that manifest? Obviously you're not going to do well in tinder or be swarmed by sight alone but there are even pseudo incels here who I don't know if I should mention but they'll admit that they have had women inexplicably fall for them. One of them is a 3 PSL and attributes it to how all the males in the family just have really attractive personalities.

A personality Chad will tend to become high status in some way and so then it's usually dismissed as that.

Here's whats happening.

The media glorifies certain male celebrities who look a way that appeals to both men and women. It's a combination of these

Which is what you see.

Media targeted toward men or women solely will represent masculinity completely differently whereas media that targets both uses an average of the two.

This creates a situation where it's similar to Christmas presents. The traits that women are attracted to are often packaged in a certain way.

You then have an observer watch as a gift recipient unwrap a bunch of boxes and finds them empty then she opens the one in the paper bag and finds the gift she was looking for

This is then sounds as if she was just a whore who loved empty packages and eventually settled go the gift.

There are also a lot of women who are desperate for validation. Those women are the ones who tend to be social media crazy and will chase Chad.

They will be seen a lot more than women who don't and so the manosphere targets them and then claims AWALT.

Different things have similarities. I know what the horseshoe theory is. You can say that about anything.

You're speaking of a 'personality chad' like its common, or that having women fall for ugly men with good personalities is common or equivalent to a real chad. I explained how the blackpill is the truth, and you have nothing to add that dismisses it. You posted a picture of he-man and Aladdin, implying Aladdin is ugly. Neither is.

I appreciate the gift analogy, but you haven't explained how the blackpill isn't real or how interracial sex is equivalent to cuckolding.

There are also a lot of women who are desperate for validation. Those women are the ones who tend to be social media crazy and will chase Chad.

Do not not see the irony of your posts? This is proof the blackpill is real.

Different things have similarities. I know what the horseshoe theory is. You can say that about anything.

You're speaking of a 'personality chad' like its common, or that having women fall for ugly men with good personalities is common or equivalent to a real chad. I explained how the blackpill is the truth, and you have nothing to add that dismisses it. You posted a picture of he-man and Aladdin, implying Aladdin is ugly. Neither is.

You guys are cherry picking things like tinder which clearly would only work for looks alone.

You know damn well that the bad majority of men are normies. And as much as you wanna accuse us all of being rich how realistic is that? And that factor objectively matters way less now than it ever has.

I'm fact women's lib freed up women allowing them to choose men like me. I'm no Chad in any conventional sense and I've always done fine.

The mansion eternal exploits how difficult it is to crack the virgin seal for a man and cons them into believing that that's how hard it'll always be but that's just not true at all. After your first relationship things completely change. The experience of being with a woman who digs you creates a feedback loop that tubes you into a more ideal romantic male.

The reason why babies drown is due to inexperience and panic not due to the water. There is no reason to suspect that babies will never learn to swim just because the 1st splash went wrong and was upsetting.

Check this out:

This was from a very out spoken incel who successful recovered.

He ended up dumping his first girl. He isn't some desperate beta male or beta bux and neither are the vast majority of us.

You really just have to work at cracking the seal and know that things will be easier.

These ideologies gain from your failure and they will doom you if you take it too seriously.

I appreciate the gift analogy, but you haven't explained how the blackpill isn't real or how interracial sex is equivalent to cuckolding.

The interracial thing is a taboo now because despite how it's represented the end of segregation only happened when our parents were of dating age.

There are still a lot of people who are against it and we are the push back generation.

That's why things like this:

The bbc theory thing is meant to slander women who are not racist by making the out to be whores while objectifying the man.

There are also a lot of women who are desperate for validation. Those women are the ones who tend to be social media crazy and will chase Chad.

Do not not see the irony of your posts? This is proof the blackpill is real.

That's a subset of women who do exist and no one has ever claimed they didn't. There are also a subset of men who buy poop online.

We tend to just avoid them.

They are the ones who live down to all your stereotypes and the manosphere sets men up for failure by deliberately targeting them with be an asshole and bait women with lms.

Clearly if you're an asshole and the only reason why a woman is with you is for lms, she's hypergamous to begin with and will cuck you in time for you to return and declare AWALT.

You guys are cherry picking things like tinder which clearly would only work for looks alone.

Cherry picking? Find the vast examples of ugly men who get attractive women. Find out how often the woman dates a more attractive man.

You accuse 'cherry picking' while you yourself cherry pick those images, as if the race of the man has anything to do with a cheating wife? Would it be OK if he was white or black as the stick figure?

This sub has 12k users, and if you combine whatever sub you got that from, Tinder has way more users than that. Add in bars and its over. You can even overkill it with college hookups and still your number would be vastly smaller than the blackpill. Add your example of :

That's a subset of women who do exist and no one has ever claimed they didn't. There are also a subset of men who buy poop online.

And you'd get an even larger number disproportionate to your examples.

In fact women's lib freed up women allowing them to choose men like me. I'm no Chad in any conventional sense and I've always done fine.

You think that men like you never had sex before feminism existed? Are you seriously thanking feminism for making women finding you attractive? Women used to marry army men, they'd come back and accept that they now had a child to preserve their marriage, way before feminism.

You talk about the manosphere as if it is a problem that men who did poorly with women are doing better, from not following feminist teachings, and as if it is equivalent to incels, who do not have sex and do not find solidarity with them, and equating it with racism. its completely ridiculous.

You guys are cherry picking things like tinder which clearly would only work for looks alone.

Cherry picking? Find the vast examples of ugly men who get attractive women. Find out how often the woman dates a more attractive man.

You guys are show pictures all the time and you have an bottomless bag of copes like beta bux. That's why that cope even exists.

You accuse 'cherry picking' while you yourself cherry pick those images, as if the race of the man has anything to do with a cheating wife? Would it be OK if he was white or black as the stick figure?

I showed you 3 examples. Beyond that incels constantly say the most racist shit. Last time one of the "curries" as you call it even tried to deny it and couldn't help but to confirm his racism, then he claimed to have just "embraced the sub humanity" lol.

I swear to God this shit is more racist than storm front. At least storm front doesn't play into sad self hating ethic men and try to convince them all that they are incel because of their ethnicity while at the same time making sure to rationalize the fact that the tides have been turning ever since the end of segregation.

This sub has 12k users, and if you combine whatever sub you got that from, Tinder has way more users than that. Add in bars and its over. You can even overkill it with college hookups and still your number would be vastly smaller than the blackpill. Add your example of :

Tinder is the sister site of ok cupid that is targeting the opposite demographic. It only has 10 million active users including bots world wide and 50 million registered in total which is barely anything for a free app that many try just out of curiosity.

You choose it because it's the most hypergamous market there is.

That's OK cupids sister site. Both are owned by iac which despite what the manosphere would have you believe is not a scientific organization. Tinder studies and ok cupid studies are SEO click bait. It will always try to be controversial like all click bait.

At the end of the day what matters is reality and again you know that the vats majority of men are neither incel nor Chad and we have recovering incels reporting back about how things aren't like you guys say.

That's a subset of women who do exist and no one has ever claimed they didn't. There are also a subset of men who buy poop online.

And you'd get an even larger number disproportionate to your examples.

No one ever denied that shallow people exist. Why's that even matter? It doesn't get in the vats majority of the way of men and women. It's something that has always existed.

In fact women's lib freed up women allowing them to choose men like me. I'm no Chad in any conventional sense and I've always done fine.

You think that men like you never had sex before feminism existed?

It would have been called sodomy which is why all of us had to pack our bags to Hawaii. And I'm of the lowest economic caste. The majority of the women I've been with would have never been able to afford to even entertain someone like me before.

My wife makes almost double of what I make.

Not too shabby.

Are you seriously thanking feminism for making women finding you attractive? Women used to marry army men, they'd come back and accept that they now had a child to preserve their marriage, way before feminism.

Yes. Feminism rose and countered against eugenics.


Notice something about the gender distribution?

This is the last 100 years of established public record.

You talk about the manosphere as if it is a problem that men who did poorly with women are doing better, from not following feminist teachings, and as if it is equivalent to incels, who do not have sex and do not find solidarity with them, and equating it with racism. its completely ridiculous.

You guys are an extension of the manosphere by virtue of the black pill. Why do you think it's called the black pill? Red pill?

You're saying as if sucide copes are a bad thing. Everyone loves our memes and OC.

Your segregation idea doesn't work here. You can't force someone to like someone, despite their race. Indians do the worst in dating, online and offline, followed by east asians. There is a lot of bias against them. Look at the stereotypes and tell me it isn't true. Why do you think places with these people congregate exist? Incels welcomes everyone, while places like /r/AsianMasculinity or /r/hapas will make your head spin. They have a lot of legitimate points too.

I don't know why you keep referring to manosphere like a hating feminist. Its reality. You haven't denied it at all. You keep saying its not scientific, as if you have studies that prove otherwise, plus I know successful men whose basis is their looks, and failed men, whose failure is also their looks. You call things names but you don't deny them, you try to discredit them, as if anything against your ideology is wrong because you disapprove of it.

No one ever denied that shallow people exist. Why's that even matter? It doesn't get in the vats majority of the way of men and women.

Got any evidence on that? You make these claims with no proof, while calling everything you disagree with false, not with proof, but with prejudice.

I linked you a shit ton of links and even a testimonial from an ex black pilled incel. I have countless others too. At this point you're just being willfully blind.

I gave you the historic break down of the stereotype game and how that has less impact than ever. I called it that you would pull the same thing that your side always pulls which is ignoring history and taking a data point from a trend ignoring the trend and pretending like it's just natural and not at all based on media manipulation which is public knowledge.

Women sure as hell didn't find Asians unattractive in the past. It took a ton of time every and resources to create the stereotypes you rely on.

A generation after slavery blacks had a tough time and you'd here there to claim that their struggling to catch up just mean they are naturally just like that.

So one ex incel and a few biased articles are scientific evidence?

Women sure as hell didn't find Asians unattractive in the past. It took a ton of time every and resources to create the stereotypes you rely on.

Let me guess, you are white.

So one ex incel and a few biased articles are scientific evidence?

Biased articles lol

And how about the fact that men are poorer than ever while the vast majority of us are neither Chad or more important NOT INCEL.

How would that even be possible? I thought your claim was that women were all chasing Chad until they were 30+ year old used up roasties?

Yet normies are all on average dating women who are younger than they are, and make about as much as we do?

Women sure as hell didn't find Asians unattractive in the past. It took a ton of time every and resources to create the stereotypes you rely on.

Let me guess, you are white. You posted an asian chad from the 1900s as if that was supposed to mean that chads don't exist.

It's clearly not about the picture, it's the fact that men were trying to make a minstrel out of him to turn people against Asians men and what happened? It literally led to the first world wide bad boy sex symbol. Then the next hundred years was all a multitude of attempts to correct course.

There is clearly nothing natural about that, they knew that, if they didn't why would they have gone through all that trouble?

I know everything about something I never had a problem with.

What a typical response. You cite one example. The first slaveowner that had a problem against his slave was black. Blacks never suffered oppression with that logic.

Yea and the typical white guy is a Chad. And if an unattractive ethnic man turned white he'd suddenly be a Chad.

Deny reality all you want. What's seen can't be unseen and people are awakening

two non incels are proof that there is no discrimination

East asians = Indians

We have the best brainlets don't we folks?

two non incels are proof that there is no discrimination

East asians = Indians

We have the best brainlets don't we folks?

It's the same scam. It'd be just as fair to cite the representation of blacks from the past to the present.

Deny reality

A reality you never had to experience. Acting like you understand something you have no fucking idea about. Go earn some money instead of leeching off a woman and posting here.

Hey I earn my share. And my lady believes in me.

I'm speaking from first hand experience as a non Chad normie. What else in the world would be more of a silver bullet?

Listen to me, someone with no experience in what I'm talking about and has no idea what problems other face

never had problems

deludes himself others don't either

ethnicity doesn't matter! I know because I posted a chad of the 1900s and 2 non incels say so

I can see why you make less than your wife.

Yea and what you are blind to is trends. I started off in the lowest demographic and I now make almost as much as her and she started out as a kid of a legacy family and we live out in SF.

She clearly believes in me regardless of how much I make now which is how personality works.

Yea and what you are blind to is trends.

Talk about lack of awareness.

Lack of awareness of bullshit makes you better off buddy

If I bought into your crap I'd be much worse off.

You're through to insult me for not being incel and dating up?

you're blind to trends

On a sub full of incels

Yea, because back in the 70s and 80s when people created a sub for incels there were none to be found....

Don't understand proportions?

You met the men that can't get girls, on an incel board. If you want to circlejerk normies o. How good Asians have it go elsewhere.

That's what you'd want so you can continue pushing internalized racism into your victims so they eliminate themselves as the rest of us rise.

I think you know deep down inside that this is all just racist white guys trying to stay on top.

I'm not for anyone being on top but the numbers becoming as close as they are is making them uncomfortable. And as they level out further your side will only get more desperate

I think you know deep down inside that this is all just racist white guys trying to stay on top.

No its not. Statistically white men do better in dating, and interracially they often marry an asian woman.

I don't deny my incel brothers because they are white. There is no such thing as a non incel race. It isn't intersectional feminism.

Here ya go.

Refresh the page a few times. No matter how much you guys want to down vote the truth what's seen can't be unseen.

Dayum bro your investigative chops are out of this world

You could write a column on Huffington Post I bet

Haha thanks.

Just doing my little exploration and decoding it all.

This really isn't a support group. When guys are having issues, the most common response is to tell the person to give up.

I do, however, think the posts with pets in them are good.

Then why are you here? You have endured nothing but degradation and scorn and answered in kind with your snarky, smug spite. Do you actually enjoy humiliation?

It's a rhetorical question, you're going to either give a complete non-answer or just brush it off.

I'm here because I'm a mod. I have a job to do.

Yep, as I expected. Just advertise yourself in the BDSM community. I'm sure a lot of people would be into domination and degradation.

I'm not into BDSM.

You sure like to be pissed on, it seems.

It's what other people like to do. Not me. I just ignore it.

No, you keep responding to things that you, at the very least, clearly disagree with.

What do you know about it? Can you tell a joke from a fact?

I'm not sure why you mod here. What your motivations are or why you choose to mod a board you disagree with.

I'm a mod here because I was asked to be a mod and I said yes.

That's “how“, not “why“.

This is one of the reasons why people here give you shit. You refuse to actually answer the question, instead you throw out a non-answer every time.

I thought it was because the community, for the most part, was just toxic towards women.

I don't really care what a mocking twat such as yourself thinks. Piss off.

I know you may lack the self-awareness to realize this but, you maybe, just maybe, have gotten a glimpse into how board_gaming feels about the vast majority of you incels.

you incels

Read the flair, arrogant cunt. Blocked.

Ignores the most important part. gg.

Once again, I really don't care what an arrogant cunt like you thinks. And I also don't give a crap about “the most important part“ because it has jackshit to do with board refusing to answer a simple question.

Now, blocked. Go fuck yourself.

This time don't pretend to block me for attention. Actually grow some balls do it.

She's a robot, She generates the same 6 word replies. I thought we all established this.

Why do you put up with most members hating you?

I don't care if they hate me.

Why? What is your motivation to mod a board that hates you?

She loves abuse so when Chad isn't slapping her during sex, she needs to fill the time somehow

Shut the fuck you worthless shitstain

Why must you shit on the sub reddit THAT YOU FUCKING MODERATE?

I said something positive in addition to something that seemed negative, but is the truth.

Needs more dogcel

Downvote? This is racist and speciesist! We are the lowest of subhuman life, JFL you volcels

I will just leave this from r/Incelswithouthate

Also with all the bullying, it’s not that you are an incel that they bully you(or not incelswithouthate would get lots of bullies there) but it’s because of the toxic misogynistic assholes here, when normies talk shit about incels, they are talking about how incels suck as a community which understandably could result in the non toxic incels to get caught in the crossfire and feel victimized to which I’m sorry for that but you need to know that the real problem comes from the community itself and not everyone else. Us vs the world mentalities are never a good idea.

That sub is lame, dead and has no memes or fun about it. I could go to /r/depression or /r/foreveralone and have the exact same conversation there.

I mean yeah this sub has memes and stuff, everyone would be ok if braincels is just a meme factory

But you have to admit that even though it’s not a real problem, the toxicity here definitely plays a part on top of normie bullying, this isn’t completely your fault but it isn’t completely everyone else as well

The sun you linked to is terrible though. Nothing sets it from the other subs besides its low user count.

Those are jokes btw.

I don’t think those are jokes, probably some of them are but it’s safe to say that the vents they do and assumptions they make about our society are not jokes

Inceltears also makes jokes about you but apparently that counts as bullying

Absolutely true, they are all bullies.

Dude this place is cucked.

Healer, heal thyself ;)

That's enough logic for now.

can't tell a joke from bullying

Don't understand proportions?

You met the men that can't get girls, on an incel board. If you want to circlejerk normies o. How good Asians have it go elsewhere.